
Victory in Pemberton, on to Haida Gwaii

Earlier this year, over 1,500 RAN supporters sent letters to Weyerhaeuser demanding that the company cancel plans to log a scenic watershed in Pemberton, B.C. within two weeks of hearing from RAN supporters Weyerhaeuser reversed their decision to log.

Just a few hundred miles North of Pemberton, another controversy is brewing on the islands of Haida Gwaii where members of the Haida Nation are fighting for their cultural heritage.

The Haida want access to detailed information Weyerhaeuser holds about the old growth cedar trees that have been a central part of Haida culture for generations. Weyerhaeuser wants to log more old growth.

Click the link below to send a letter to Weyerhaeuser CEO Steve Rogel demanding that the company protect endangered forests and turn over information about Haida Gwaii's last remaining old growth cedars to the Haida people to make better management decisions over these forests.


In a landmark ruling, the Supreme Court of Canada decided in late November on a case that the Haida Nation launched to protect the ancient old-growth forests of Haida Gwaii. The Court held in favor of the Haida, holding that the Province has a legal duty to consult with the Haida about timber harvesting in Weyerhaeuser's Tree Farm.

In the Haida case, the Supreme Court ruled that the Government of British Columbia must consult with the Haida Nation and accommodate their interests when renewing the tree farm license issued in an area claimed by them as aboriginal title lands. For further information about this case, visit EAGLE at http://action.ran.org/ctt.asp?u=2844473&l=70868.

The Court affirmed that, "In all its dealings with Aboriginal peoples, from the assertion of sovereignty to the resolution of claims and the implementation of treaties, the Crown must act honourably." "The Court has held that the Crown has a duty of honour, and now it will be our duty to hold them to that obligation," says Guujaaw. "This is the best chance for the well-being and sustainability of the land."

Rather than see the writing on the wall, Weyerhaeuser is withholding mapping information about old growth cedar requested by the Haida for analysis and planning to ensure that the ecological and cultural benefits of cedar are sustained for present and future generations.

Please click the link below to demand that Weyerhaeuser respect the cultural needs of the Haida Nation.


Very sincerely,

--Jess, Sharon and Brant
The RAN Old Growth Team
July 29th, 2004

P.S. Grassroots market pressure can change the way corporations do business. After receiving nearly 1,500 emails from RAN supporters in August, grocery chain Trader Joe's decided to stop buying paper bags from Weyerhaeuser, the number one destroyer of old growth forests in America.


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Dezember 2004

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