
Helena Bonham Carter and Emma Thompson carries out a particular war

Just received article below from Spain!

Colette O'Connell

Helena Bonham Carter and Emma Thompson carries out a particular war and not in the great screen. The actresses have won one first battle against the post installation of movable telephony of third generation in the proximities of three London schools and famous recording studios. Both have been united to the families who were against to the positioning of a post of that type in the tile roof of the Air Studios, of the musical producer George Martin, where they have recorded the Beatles, Robbie Williams and U2, among others.

The stars convinced the legendary producer so that it did not give permission to install them in the studies since, according to their critical, those posts for the reception of the signal of the satellite elevate the incidence of the cases of cancer, they disturb the dream and they can cause other problems of health. "Estoy in agreement with those who protests against those posts. Nobody knows for sure what negative effects have on the health of gente", Bonham commented Carter, of 38 year in the newspaper The Standard Evening the parents of the students of the three affected schools of the district of Hampstead, in the north of the capital, were satisfied by the gained victory thanks to the support with those famous ones.


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