
Six Counties to Start Recount on December 13th

The Cobb-LaMarche Campaign
Working to Make Every Vote Count!

Hello everyone!

Yesterday was a very busy day; most of the Boards of Elections were finally answering the questions of our Regional and County Coordinators.

Eighty-eight counties and it feels like 50 different start times. For example, we have at least six counties starting on Monday the 13th- at 7am, 9am, 9:30 am, 2 @ 10am, 1pm, 3pm....not like they could
make it easy, right?

We have dozens of trainings taking place this weekend, and we expect supporters from Oregon, California, Michigan, Minnesota, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut, Kentucky, West Virginia to start.

Monday, December 13th also brings lots of activity to Columbus, Ohio. Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones along with Judiciary Committee Ranking Member John Conyers, Reps. Maxine Waters and Ted Strickland, and the Rev. Jesse Jackson will hold a forum addressing Voting Irregularities in Ohio to take place at Columbus City Hall, Columbus City Council Chambers, 90 West Broad Street, Columbus.

Meanwhile, outside the State Capitol, protesters will be gathering from 11am - 1pm to demonstrate their outrage that Ohio's electors will cast their votes on the day the recount finally begins. David Cobb will address the crowd around 12:15.

Tuesday, December 14th is the big day for DRE (Direct Recording Electronic) voting machines with Franklin County (515, 472 votes) and Mahoning County (131, 938 votes) as well as Pickaway and Ross Counties starting recounts of ....what exactly?

DREs have no voter-verified paper trail.

For more information on DRE voting machines, please visit

Please visit our website daily at
http://www.votecobb.org for new and updated information.

Thank you for your support,
Lynne Serpe
Campaign Manager
Cobb/LaMarche Ohio Recount

Informant: Diana Davies


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Dezember 2004

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