
Local Schools of Harrogate Community are under Phone Mast Threat

From Karen Barratt -this week's local press release which I've also sent to national press

Press release from Winchester phone mast protesters. 7 December 2004

While discussions about further legal action in the Byron Avenue phone mast battle take place, campaigners have not been idle. They have been busy giving their support to the Harrogate community whose local schools are under a similar phone mast threat.

The complexities of the planning system were brought to nationwide public attention with the Winchester and Harrogate appeals four weeks ago. Both appeals were lost but both cases have the potential for a further hearing by the House of Lords. For Winchester mothers Caroline St. Leger Davey and Diane Harrison the issue is whether the planning inspector was WRONG to disregard Orange’s failure to use all its powers to acquire an alternative site. In the Harrogate case it is for John Prescott to prove that a different planning inspector was RIGHT to dismiss a telecom application by reason of community health concerns.

“ The message coming out from these two dreadful appeal decisions,” says campaigner Karen Barratt, “ Is that planning inspectors are only right when they hand the victory to the telecom operators. Both these cases should be challenged.”

Unlike the Byron Avenue case, the Harrogate appeal decision was issued immediately which means the deadline for application to the House of Lords is the end of this week. As a result campaigners from all over the country are bombarding John Prescott with letters urging him to continue the fight on behalf of a planning inspector who got it right. They say that if the Harrogate appeal judgement is allowed to stand, health concerns will be disregarded in future telecom applications with disastrous consequences for the public especially children.

The Office of the Deputy Prime Minister is responsible for the planning policy which campaigners say puts pressure on local authorities and planning inspectors to dismiss health concerns in favour of telecom operators. “John Prescott must fight the Harrogate decision,” says Karen Barratt. “Otherwise it will look as though he doesn’t really want to win.”


Karen Barratt tel: 01962 864388
Caroline St.Leger Davey tel: 01962 865716

For further info see http://www.mastsanity.org


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Dezember 2004

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