
LLRC and CERRIE - we get handbagged again

Environmentalist repeats lies about LLRC - and says I have to keep on reminding myself I'm campaigning against nuclear power and not against Richard Bramhall and Chris Busby.

The November 2004 ENDS Report article "Gagging row overshadows radioactivity report ( http://www.endsreport.com ) is an account of the final stages of CERRIE.

It quotes Committee member Pete Roche (described as a "Greenpeace consultant") as saying that LLRC's Minority Report:-

...was not included [in the CERRIE final report] because it was not factually correct.

This is untrue. The Committee voted twice to include our material. The first vote was on March 31 2004, after members had seen the general nature of what we were saying. This was unanimous. The second vote was on May 19, after we had redrafted and after members had seen exactly what we were saying. The vote was 10:1 in favour of including our material. Only the BNFL rep. voted against.

Pete Roche was at both of these meetings. We know he had read our dissenting statement. Neither he nor anyone else identified any errors in it, and it has now been published as the CERRIE Minority Report.

We invite Mr. Roche to say what he thinks was factually incorrect.

We have put up with an awful lot of abuse like this but we have not responded on that level - it's the science that's important.

We now invite Mr. Roche to say what his position is on infant leukaemia after Chernobyl, which we presented to CERRIE as hard evidence that the risks of radioactive pollution are massively underestimated.

If Mr. Roche responds to these invitations we undertake to publish the correspondence on this site.

This note is on our web site with links to other relevant pages (in particular the infant leukaemia) To see it click on the pale green handbag at top left of the home page http://www.llrc.org .

Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign
The Knoll, Montpellier Park
Llandrindod Wells,
Powys LD1 5LW U.K.
+44(0)1597 824771
07887 942043


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Dezember 2004

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