
Your Health with Computer and Cellphone

As for the big fight against Israel radio and the cellphone companies, the whole 'army' fighting them is 2 people: A doctor in Jerusalem: Eli Richter MD, and a medical microbiologist, that is me Zamir Shalita Ph.D. We collaborate with each other and with the comittee for interior affairs & environment of the Israeli parliament, against those irradiating our citizens. I will update you soon about these fights. I collaborated in the past with my friend the late Prof. Neil Cherry in Japan, in lectures, measurements in a cancer cluster near a power line, and testified at a comittee of the Japanese parliament (May 13, 2002).

The attachment contains contents my manuscript:

Keep Healthy with Pollution Computer and Cellphone

The files contain the suffix "jap" for this manuscript was used for translation to Japanese. The book was published in Japan in May 2004. I will have to update some of them, for new information comes everyday.

Please be advised that I tried to combine the electromagnetic and chemical hazards, with some brief advice to the reader how to keep healthy, in one volume.

The details revealed in studies, that are in the text, are important to well inform the reader with best research available, in simple terms, against the wicked disinformation, the public is exposed to, such as "not revealed any damage" or "no research has been done so far" and such nonesense of this sort. The experimental proof is sometimes has to be combined like a puzzle, in order to get the message how electromagnetic radiations injure the body cells.

Dr. Zamir Shalita


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Dezember 2004

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