
Protect the Walbran Valley

2,400 emails from the grassroots!

In October, in just one week after the Tree of Life Celebration, more than 2,400 of you took action to protect the Walbran Valley! We flooded Weyerhaeuser and the provincial government with emails asking to set aside this ecological gem.

Yet, Weyerhaeuser continues to log in the Walbran and in other endangered forests.

Weyerhaeuser will not change its destructive business practices until it begins to lose customers. We need to tell Weyerhaeuser's biggest customers that we don't want them to support Weyerhaeuser.

Wild Oats, an environmentally-minded grocery store with about 100 store locations in North America, uses Weyerhaeuser paper bags in some of its stores. Wild Oats should not be affiliated with a company that is notorious for logging national and old growth forests, destroying the habitat of endangered species, such as the northern spotted owl and woodland caribou, and converting native forests into tree plantations.

Email Wild Oats today

Please send a message to the CEO of Wild Oats today - Mr. Perry Odak, asking him to cancel the company's business with Weyerhaeuser, by simply hitting reply to this email. When you hit "send", a short email will go to Mr. Perry Odak, as well as the Director of Operations for Wild Oats, Mr. Jim Middleton, asking them to make sure none of the Wild Oats stores continues to carry Weyerhaeuser.

December: 20 actions at Wild Oats

It's time for Wild Oats to receive some encouragement from the people it values most -- its customers and the public at large. Please coordinate an event some time this December at your local Wild Oats - and help us reach our goal of 20 actions nationwide and collecting 1,000 postcards to deliver to the CEO.

Find your local Wild Oats at http://action.ran.org/ctt.asp?u=2844473&l=68139

If there's no Wild Oats in your town, find another grocery store that uses Weyerhaeuser paper bags - or set up an informational table on your campus or in your community square, and encourage people to call and write Wild Oats. Use it as an opportunity to educate your community about Weyerhaeuser's predatory logging practices.

Call Wild Oats today

Register your disappointment with Wild Oats purchasing by making a 60-second call now to the CEO of Wild Oats, Mr. Perry Odak. Ask the CEO to "stop putting organic, fair trade and other socially responsible groceries into disposable paper bags made by Weyerhaeuser - a company that is known for clear cutting North America's last ancient forests. "

Here's the phone number: 720-562-4725! Let us know you've made the call by emailing grassroots@ran.org.

For the Forests,

RAN's Old Growth Team - Sharon, Brant, and Jessica

You can help us convince Wild Oats to sever business ties with Weyerhaeuser in two other ways.

First of all, make a quick call to the CEO of Wild Oats, Mr. Perry Odak, at 720-562-4725.

A quick message helps, such as "Mr. Odak, please stop putting organic, fair trade and other socially responsible groceries into disposable paper bags made by Weyerhaeuser - a company that is known for clear cutting North America's last ancient forests."

Second, consider coordinating an event at Wild Oats this December. Our goal is 20 actions around the nation, allowing us to gather 1,000 postcards to deliver to Wild Oats, and have conversations with thousands of employees and customers of the company.

Find out more by emailing grassroots@ran.org.

For the Forests,

Jess, Sharon and Brant
Rainforest Action Network's Old Growth Team


Making progress on Wild Oats - more help needed!

Your calls and emails are making a difference!

Wild Oats has begun to take notice of the public sentiment against Weyerhaeuser. Just this week, as a result of your work - 700 emails and dozens of phone calls to the CEO of Wild Oats - the company begun to research Weyerhaeuser's logging practices. That's the good news.

The bad news is that Wild Oats doesn't see any problem with doing business with the #1 destroyer of old growth forests in North America.

For example, Wild Oats applauds Weyerhaeuser's "comprehensive re-plantation policy." It's our job to tell Wild Oats that a one or two-species plantation is not the same as a diverse, thriving forest ecosystem and that Wild Oats cannot continue to give financial support to a company that will not make a commitment to stay out of endangered forests around the world.

We still need your help.

Plan an action at your local Wild Oats

We've got actions planned from Long Beach to Miami; from Reno to Austin, Texas, and more. But it's not enough. We need more actions, more postcards collected, more conversations with customers!

Can you take the step needed to help Wild Oats kick the Weyerhaeuser habit?

Please coordinate an event some time this month at your local Wild Oats - and help us reach our goal of 20 actions nationwide and collecting 1,000 postcards to deliver to the CEO. Find out more and sign up today at:

Call Wild Oats today

Wild Oats claims in their email responses to the public that the company has met with RAN. Not only have we not been offered the opportunity to meet, but since August, repeated phone calls, emails, and letters to the Wild Oats corporate headquarters have been met with a complete lack of response.

Call today and ask the CEO of Wild Oats, Mr. Perry Odak, to return RAN's calls and to meet with us. Also ask the CEO to "stop putting organic, fair trade and other socially responsible groceries into disposable paper bags made by Weyerhaeuser - a company that is known for clear cutting North America's last ancient forests."

Here's the phone number: 720-562-4725! Let us know you've made the call by emailing grassroots@ran.org.

We can do this! For the forests,

Jess, Sharon, and Brant
RAN's Old Growth Team

Yesterday, a new study was released that showed Weyerhaeuser as being the 15th worst corporate air polluter in the United States, with 21.1 millions of pounds of toxic air releases. You can find out more at http://action.ran.org/ctt.asp?u=2844473&l=70468


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Dezember 2004

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