
New Exciting Initiatives To Make Our Votes Count

--Please Forward--

Make Your Vote Count with These Urgent Actions--some are brand new, exciting initiatives!

For specific instructions on how to help pass legislation to make sure all our votes count--on both the local and federal level-- as well as what you can do personally before and during the election to protect voting integrity, please click on this link, look it all over and do some actions now and make this page a favorite to do more ASAP!


--Please Forward and Link To The Site Listed Below or To Ensurevote.com On Your Website!--

Please click on this updated blog (last updated 9/14) which has a pretty complete list of all that you can do to MAKE SURE ALL OUT VOTES COUNT.

Make this page a "favorite", do some actions now and come back to do more ASAP

--This site is national, but if you are a NYer,check out the end of this email for some NY-specific info--

This site has a link to a sample letter to get national verified voting (a paper trail for the new electronic voting machine)-- and other initiatives to make all our votes count-- out of committee--where you can send to all your representatives with one click (action item #1)

Then further down are links to local legislation and other great initiatives like giving "myth breakers" to your local election officials; prewritten letters to decision makers on different aspects of making sure all our votes count; a "Tech Watch" if you are a technology professional concerning the electronic voting machines integrity; Common Cause and Bev Harris both have their own "Election Watch" that you can be part of which includes pressuring election officials in different states to use a paper trail and other security measures for these machines ;and an "Election Protection" coalition which is more concerned about minority harrassment, also an urgent issue.

For NYers:

NY'ers can call (202) 225-5265 or fax (202) 225-5910 Representative Thomas M. Reynolds who is on the House Administrations Committee where HR2239 and HR4250 are currently bottled up and urge him to bring this legislation for a vote. You can also ask your own Congressperson to co-sponsor this legislation and for them to lobby Reynolds and Chairman Ney to bring this legislation to a vote.

Also Schumer is on the Rules Committee in the Senate where the Senate verified voting bills are. He should be pressured to get those bills out of committee, which would then put pressure on the House side. You can get complete contact info (including direct links to their emails) for Senators Schumer and Clinton, as well as your Congressperson and more info on what to say to them in Action Item Number One in http://www.democracyforamerica.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=3200#3200

If you have any questions or to get low frequency updates on this issue contact cguttman@yahoo.com

Informant: Cheryl Guttman


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