
Defend Our Endangered National Forests from the Bush Administration

To: All Activists
From: American Lands Alliance
Date: August 19, 2004

Now or Never for National Forests!!!

Weeks of Action - Mid September - October to Defend Our Endangered National Forests from the Bush Administration

This is it. In the next few months the fate of millions of acres of the National Forests may be decided. We are witnessing the worst environmental Presidency ever, most recently eliminating the roadless rule, while opening the door to private control of public lands, and approving the largest logging project in modern history. This will be our last opportunity before November to organize a critical mass that can send a clear message to decision-makers that our endangered national forests are not for sale.

Join forest activists around the nation as we send our strongest message ever to the Bush Administration. During the weeks of action, we will let the Bush Administration and other decision-makers know that the public wants to see our National Forests preserved and protected for future generations.


September 14 NATIONAL: End of Roadless Rule Comment Period Actions: Events are being organized in DC and around the country on or just before the Roadless Rule comment deadline to call attention to Bush Administration's plan to log our remaining roadless lands and to deliver public comments now being collected. Groups are encouraged to plan a press event or rally to demonstrate broad public support for roadless area protection, calling attention to your states' contribution to the goal of 1 million comments.

To get involved contact Seth Horstmeyer, shorstmeyer@net.org, 202-887-8800.

September 24 PORTLAND, OR: Concert for the forests. Remember that unforgettable concert in 1995 around the NW Forest Plan? Well, hold on, because it's happening again. For more information contact Jasmine Minbashian, jasmine@nwoldgrowth.org, (360) 319-3111

October 4 SOUTHERN OREGON: Bring it on: The biggest protest in Oregon. If there were anytime for forest activist to gather in mass and make one last stand before November, this is it. Join us in one of the biggest forest protest in the history of Oregon. For more information contact Jeanette Russell, nfpa@forestadvocate.org, (406)-542-7565

October 4 NATIONAL: National Call in Day. Details to follow.

October 24 VIRGINIA: Join community activists working to preserve the beauty of Southern Appalachia and protect their families from logging-induced landslides. Activities will range from grassroots protests, to the Forest Rescue Station and other colorful demonstrations by Greenpeace, and even a major public rally and benefit concert with the Blue Highways bluegrass band to oppose logging on High Knob, where USFS approved logging has contributed to massive flooding and 27 landslides which swept away homes and killed a man. For more information contact Andrew George, Andrew@forestadvocate.org, (919)-933-3073

An up to date list of events will be posted at http://www.endangeredforests.org .
A Now or Never for National Forests organizing toolkit will be sent out in early September.

ARE YOU IN? We invite activists everywhere to consider taking action during this time to alert the public to the danger our forests face. Activists in every region holding town hall meetings, protests, presentations, forest tours, issuing reports and news releases, criticizing the Bush Administration's plans to pillage our forests can create a strong drumbeat for change. Please join in this effort by participating in these events, or by planning one of your own.

SEE YOU IN THE WOODS: Remember, the best arguments against the Bush Administration's logging plans are the timber sales themselves. During Now and Never for National Forests - Weeks of Action to Defend our Endangered National Forests , one of the strongest actions you can take is bringing citizens and media out into the very threatened forests the Bush Administration is targeting. Seeing is Believing!

For more information please contact: Andrew George, National Forest Protection Alliance, 919/933-3973, andrew@forestadvocate.org , Anne Martin, American Lands Alliance, 509/624-5657, annem@americanlands.org, or Steve Holmer, Unified Forest Defense Campaign, 202/429-2647, steve_holmer@tws.org

American Lands Alliance http://americanlands.org

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Peace! *STRIDER*


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August 2004

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