
Mobile Phone Masts

"The International EMF Seminar in China in October 2003 (sponsored by the World Health Organisation) revealed that in the last ten years, out of 154 studies on radiation similar to that emitted by the mobile phone industry, 88 (57%) of them have highlighted biological effects such as cancer, etc".

Barry Trower, Academic and Author of the Tetra report for the Police Federation is quoted in March 2004 saying: "This government, Industry and Government Scientists will be responsible for more deaths (of civilians) in peace time than all the terrorist organisations ever".

Original Message from http://www.mastsanity.org/

Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 7:52 PM

Spreading the word far and wide

Dear All

The article beneath has been published today by the Source Public Management Journal of which I am informed has a reader base of upto 173,000.

If any of you have any additional articles, I know that the editor Simon Wane would be willing to publish them! Follow the link

Mobile Phone Masts

Stephen Kearney

Stephen Kearney has taken up The Source’s long-standing offer to its readers, by contributing an article on the health dangers arising from the proliferation of mobile phone masts.

Do you remember the original denials about:

a.. Thalidomide,

b.. Asbestosis,

c.. Sheep Dip,

d.. Gulf War Syndrome,

e.. Lead in Petrol and

f.. BSE

Do you remember how the Government told us we had nothing to fear, when experience now shows us we had everything to fear and tax payers are still paying for the Government’s mistakes today?

Well, as a Film Producer would say - "Their back and bigger, more dangerous than ever and nothing can stop them!"

According to increasing numbers of scientists and researchers, the Government faces massive controversy over their handling of the siting of mobile phone masts.

There are already 35,000 erected in Great Britain and telecoms analysts Ovum estimate that an additional 100,000 are needed to service the new 3G networks.

That’s without including the many thousands more needed for (and the £2bn cost of) the Tetra/Airwave communication system, which has been "forced" upon our emergency services.

This system has already been described as ’out of date already’ and ’a white elephant’ by the Financial Mail, a ’risk to life’ in New York and a ’lemon’ in Australia and you will see the troubled waters that lie in the path of our Government.

Increasing numbers of scientific studies from across the world are recording adverse health effects from the pulsed microwave radiation emitted by mobile phones and mobile phone masts.

The International EMF Seminar in China in October 2003 (sponsored by the World Health Organisation) revealed that in the last ten years, out of 154 studies on radiation similar to that emitted by the mobile phone industry, 88 (57%) of them have highlighted biological effects such as cancer, etc.

Barry Trower, Academic and Author of the Tetra report for the Police Federation is quoted in March 2004 saying: "This government, Industry and Government Scientists will be responsible for more deaths (of civilians) in peace time than all the terrorist organisations ever".

The current situation is of such concern to many back bench MP’s including David Arness (Southend West) and Mr Richard Spring (Suffolk West), that the Government faces a back bench revolt.

Mr Richard Spring has stated: "The reality is that there are absolutely no controls on the siting of these masts. The whole thing is shambolic’".

Perhaps there is a small glimmer of light in the fight, as the government begins to look to appease the situation and ensure maximum votes at the forthcoming general election.

One example of this is the recent case when the ODPM (Office of the Deputy Prime Minister) issued an appeal against a high court decision to allow the erection of a 25 metre mast in close proximity to two Harrogate Primary Schools, saying that schools should have a veto over the erection of masts near their buildings.

These actions are reminiscent of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, with Mr Prescott only having himself to blame for his past keeness to encourage the new mobile technology and raise billions for the Treasury Coffers.

New Labour have often accused the Tories of "wasting" the oil revenues from the North Sea, but what, one asks, have they got to show for the £22.5 billion they raised from the sale of the new 3G licenses?

It was and is in the power of the government to issue Planning Guidance that permission to erect these masts could be refused on health grounds, but have they done so?

My question to the Government is: "If there is a price to pay for mobile phones and associated their masts, shouldn’t it be up to the people to have the final say, as to what level of risk to their health is acceptable?"

Further information

Ovum figures taken from The Guardian Weekend, April 10, 2004 by Rachel Shabi, Page 23.

Out of date & white elephant taken from the Financial Mail, Mail on Sunday June 20 2004, by Simon Fluendy and Peter Warren.

Tetra comments taken from Tetra Briefing, published by Tetrawatch.

EMFstudies taken from http://www.s-c-r-a-m.co.uk

Figures on revenue taken from Tetra Briefing, published by Tetrawatch.

Richard Springs quote taken from Daily Mail, June 24th, 2004 Page 6.

ODPM taken from Daily Mail, June 24th, 2004 Page 6.

The following is taken from BBC News:

In a statement, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister said: "The Secretary of State has decided to appeal the judgment in the case of T Mobile v First Secretary of State and Harrogate Borough Council.

"The judgment is inconsistent with case law authority, (and) previous judgments clearly recognise that both actual and perceived health concerns are relevant considerations."


Stephen Kearney - 06/08/2004

The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of The Source Publishing Company Limited or The Editors of The Source Public Management Journal.

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August 2004

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