
Weyerhaeuser logs in endangered forests regions

Wake up Weyerhaeuser Campaign News, Updates, Action!
Greetings Old Growth friends!

1) Trader Joe's update

Saturday, June 19th was our second in a series of days of action focused on getting Trader Joe's to sever business ties with Weyerhaeuser for paper bags. Weyerhaeuser logs in endangered forests regions in order to supply its customers like Trader Joe's with pulp and paper.

Dozens of events were held in 8 states, in cities stretching from San Francisco to Boston. Many events were at Trader Joe's locations; many others were educational events in communities throughout America to raise awareness about Weyerhaeuser and its customers, and to gather petition signatures.

More than 1,100 emails were sent to CEO Dan Bane, and hundreds of calls poured in during the week of the day of action to Trader Joe's headquarters in Monrovia. In fact, the Trader Joe's office has assigned a customer service representative to address individuals concerns on this issue!

Trader Joe's still hasn't cancelled its Weyerhaeuser contract. We're ready to turn up the heat. Our next step is taking this message straight to the company headquarters, in Monrovia, California (a suburb just 30 minutes away from Los Angeles). If you'd like to help us plan an event there, email us today at grassroots@ran.org.

2) Give Trader Joe's a piece of your mind

If you haven't already done so, take a few minutes today to make a call or send an email to Trader Joe's. Tell them to sever business ties with Weyerhaeuser. Click here to send your email letter:

If you want to make a phone call, here's the 411: Trader Joe's headquarters: 781-433-0234

A short message should suffice: "I shop at Trader Joe's and I am upset that my grocery store buys its paper bags from Weyerhaeuser - the #1 destroyer of old growth forests in North America. Please cancel your paper bag contract with Weyerhaeuser."

You can also help by coordinating an action at your local Trader Joe's. Pick a local store, and have a chat with the manager! Or distribute flyers to customers. Or paint some placards and organize a demonstration. Whatever you do, have fun, and be sure that the manager of the branch knows that the public demands strong environmental standards and will not tolerate more procrastination from Trader Joe's! Request an action toolkit at grassroots@ran.org

3) New Online Calendar at ran.org

RAN is committed to giving activists the tools they need to organize, agitate, and have fun while bringing about radical social change. One tool we're excited about is a new online calendar that allows members, activists, and people like YOU to spread the word about events you're coordinating in your local community.

By posting your events online, you can give others the opportunity to get involved in efforts to transform the global economy, curb climate chaos, and protect endangered forests around the world.

Click here to check out the calendar today! Our event calendar is located at: http://action.ran.org/ctt.asp?u=2844473&l=44283

4) Stop the Biscuit Timber Sale in Oregon

In Oregon, the fight to protect the Siskiyou Mountains from logging has begun. The Forest Service is currently proposing to log 372 million board feet of timber from this post-fire landscape in the Siskiyou Mountains, one of the most diverse temperate forests in the world, which makes this timber sale one of the largest in the modern times. About 25,948-acres, or over 30 square miles, would be clearcut (the entire city of Medford is 20 square miles).

Environmental organizations, including RAN, and activists from around Oregon and beyond, are working to protect these forests from the bite of chainsaws. If you would like to get involved in the on-the-ground forest defense campaign please contact http://www.kswild.org, and Lesley Adams at lesley@kswild.org, 541.488.5789.

For the Earth and for Justice!
Sharon and Jess


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