
Judge John Deed: Silent Killer

Just thought the episode below may be worth watching,

regards to all

Anne R.

Episode 4 - Silent Killer
Friday 27th January 2006, 8.30pm,

Gilly Bridges and her husband Jake both have severe health problems - breathing difficulties and cancer respectively. They are convinced that their illnesses have been caused by a mobile phone mast erected above their flats and they are suing the local council. Deed hears the case.

He's also asked by the wife of a former minister in the Iraqi government to help her sue the British government. She blames their use of depleted uranium for the deaths of her family.

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network


Emailing: gf_newman_interview

Below is a link to an interview with Gordon Frank Newman who is the writer of Judge John Deed.

In last week's episode there was a mention of how the mobile phone industry should reassess the security of phones so they could not be so easily stolen and how judges were limited to strict guidelines, subject to the power of the industry, concerning theft of phones and how they should deal with offenders.

It's quite an entertaining programme for it's controvertial subject matter,apart from which I like watching Martin Shaw !


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Since Sandi first heard a welcome comment on masts in an earlier programme, it seems that all of these new episodes to date have mentioned something honest and forthright. In the last one, Judge Deed said something like "it is a shame that the phone instrustry has the Home Office completely in its pocket". So, whoever the writer is, he seems extremely well clued up - would be good if he taps into MastSanity!

The episode was about a young offender linked to a mobile phone theft who was jailed in the wrong kind of jail - 'in error' on purpose - so hard on him that he committed suicide - it showed how cruel and ineffective compulsory jail sentence for all cases of mobile phone theft was.

Best wishes



Below is a link to a page where we can all write a review of last night's episode of JUDGE JOHN DEED written by Gordon Frank Newman.

Please let's all click on the link and thank him for writing this important story.

Mr. Newman should be blessed for his alarmingly accurate and brilliantly researched tale of a couple who both have severe health problems - breathing difficulties and cancer respectively. They are convinced that their illnesses have been caused by a Tetra mast erected above their flats and they are suing the local council.

The episode covers the rise of Motor Neurone Disease and Cancer Clusters. The report of calcium disruption in the body, problems with cell changes and the resulting breaking through of the blood /brain barrier and various other side affects from cellular phones and base stations was heard.

The Judge saw several expert witnesses for and against. The Home office and mobile phone company tried hard to stop the case as they had invested so much money in the Tetra system.

One expert witness complained that the Tetra system has been rolled out despite warnings by Oxford professors of the possible dangers of using that frequency. Another expert witness was found to be on the advisory committee representing the phone companies. Another, an eminent neurologist, seemed very non-committal about the whole issue, thus reflecting the attitude of many in the health service.

Gerard Hyland's work was quoted and was thus given the platform it deserves on prime time TV reaching and educating the public. The out of date Stewart Report was also mentioned and that not enough epidemiological studies had been piloted. Barry Trower's report to the police federation was reported almost word for word and came across very powerfully.

In fact in summing up the Judge noted that there had been hardly any research done into Tetra, it was simply given the go ahead without any understanding of the effect it would have on people's health.

Those who played the victims of the mast were brave and spoke out strongly despite their failing health.

Martin Shaw's charisma brought an added sense of conviction to the argument because of his engaging manner and the fact that he spoke out about the injustice done to the victims. It was also pointed out that the case would go to appeal and that the defence should try living near a mast and see how they like it !

If only there was a Judge in existence like Judge John Deed.



Yes the programme was excellent but on just how many people will its messages be totally lost because they just think it's a complete work of fiction - like Dr Who?

How much difference would a message before and after the programme have made to say that all the info quoted from the reports is factual, but the names of the characters and organistations changed etc?




I have never tried to reply to one of these emails...I will try today. Because the subject of masts is so totally uninteresting to your average Sun reading Brit...I have been feeling the best way to inform the general public of the risks they pose is for the soaps to tie the problems caused by masts into one of their story lines. I was therefore thrilled and chilled to see the Judge John Deed programme...I am sure tons of people who would not take notice of articles in news papers would remember what they saw and take a more active interest in finding out more. Does anyone know anything more about the writers of the programme? the whole perspective was so supportive and especially clued up on the Home Office's role in the whole debacle and the various dirty tricks resorted to to keep the case from the courts...and any "scientific experts" being in the pocket of the mobile companies. The science angle could have done with some screening...but the message came over that people are getting sick and the safety of these things has not been established, and that Tetra masts are even more aggressive.

The last words of John Deed that anyone who would defend this technology should be invited to go and live under the base stations was perfect.

It was a brave start...and it was BBC1.

Perhaps whoever was involved with getting this on air could advise what to do next!

Ruth Gibbs


From Karen Barratt

If you go to the Judge John Deed website you can read more about G. Newman the writer. As I said in earlier messages this is not the first time the prog has shown the telecom ops / Govt as the bad guys. Newman is completely 'on message' but I don't know who's feeding him the info. I've talked to hundreds of people in the course of doing Mast Sanity (and Byron Ave) press. It's good when some of it gets through.


Eileen O'Connor
Date: Sat, 28 Jan 2006 13:50:55 -0000
Subject: [Mast Network] JUDGE JOHN DEED

Did anyone record it?


Below is a link to a page where we can all write a review of last night's episode of JUDGE JOHN DEED written by Gordon Frank Newman.


Please let's all click on the link and thank him for writing this important story.

Mr. Newman should be blessed for his alarmingly accurate and brilliantly researched tale of a couple who both have severe health problems - breathing difficulties and cancer respectively. They are convinced that their illnesses have been caused by a Tetra mast erected above their flats and they are suing the local council.

The episode covers the rise of Motor Neurone Disease and Cancer Clusters. The report of calcium disruption in the body, problems with cell changes and the resulting breaking through of the blood /brain barrier and various other side affects from cellular phones and base stations was heard.

The Judge saw several expert witnesses for and against. The Home office and mobile phone company tried hard to stop the case as they had invested so much money in the Tetra system.

One expert witness complained that the Tetra system has been rolled out despite warnings by Oxford professors of the possible dangers of using that frequency. Another expert witness was found to be on the advisory committee representing the phone companies. Another, an eminent neurologist, seemed very non-committal about the whole issue, thus reflecting the attitude of many in the health service.

Gerard Hyland's work was quoted and was thus given the platform it deserves on prime time TV reaching and educating the public. The out of date Stewart Report was also mentioned and that not enough epidemiological studies had been piloted. Barry Trower's report to the police federation was reported almost word for word and came across very powerfully.

In fact in summing up the Judge noted that there had been hardly any research done into Tetra, it was simply given the go ahead without any understanding of the effect it would have on people's health.

Those who played the victims of the mast were brave and spoke out strongly despite their failing health.

Martin Shaw's charisma brought an added sense of conviction to the argument because of his engaging manner and the fact that he spoke out about the injustice done to the victims. It was also pointed out that the case would go to appeal and that the defence should try living near a mast and see how they like it !

If only there was a Judge in existence like Judge John Deed.


Please see enclosed the message I have sent to the BBC.

Thank you so much for showing last night's episode on phone masts on Judge John Deed.

It was spot on and extremely accurate, your researchers have done an excellent job.

I have been fighting for justice since developing breast cancer at the age of 38, after living 100 metres from a 22.5 metre T-mobile mast. I now live in a cancer cluster which is one of many throughout the world around phone masts.

It was good to hear the powerful words of ex-Government Military Scientist, Barry Trower spoken in the court drama. Barry was commissioned to write the report for the police federation on Tetra. He said "This Government, Some of the Government Scientists and this Industry will be held responsible for more deaths in peace time than any terrorist group in the world ever".

I was also so pleased to hear Dr Gerard Hyland's name at the end as he deserves all the credit in the world for standing up to the Industry. These are some of the men who will be remembered in History.

I cried at the end when Judge John Deed read the verdict, it brought back memories of one of our neighbours who sadly lost his battle and died age 51 from Motor Neurone disease. Let's hope we see that day of justice in the British courts.

Eileen O'Connor

Trustee - EM Radiation Research Trust

Founder - SCRAM www.scram.uk.com


And not only that they picked a witness who sort of looked a bit like Barrie and certainly had his way of speaking... they'd def talked to him

It was a bit WAH!

I was presuming they were going to chuck al the fantastic evidence out but totally amazed when it won... blimey... its only a story BUT these things can have a big impact... the writer MUST be a mobile phone mast campaigner And all the anti govt stuff... cracking :>)




Same for mastsanity..... Over double our daily rate on Friday!! And the majoritiy of our visitors are new every day!!




It wasnt exactly Barry Trower word for word...cos they kept saying our brains pulse at 16 MEGA herz and the Tetra emission pulses at 17.6 MEGAherz whereas the two should be 16 and 17.6 herz....they seemed to think they were discussing microwaves whereas the aggressiveness of Tetra is due to its microwave radiation being "kinda"pulsed at an extremely low frequency (ELF) of 17.6 Hz...it is a shame Barry didnt proof read the script! These details were of no real importance...they would only repel some scientists, and people who work in the field of telecommunications, who already know the risks anyway.


Well I am still in shock after seeing this brilliant programme. The corrupt, seedy, underhand phone operators and home office, the brilliant expert witness, the excellent summing up by Deed. They even quoted Hyland! All the way through the episode I was waiting for the compliance with ICNIRP guidelines "get out" but it never came. Amazing. This has to be the single best ever piece of publicity for our cause. It would be interesting to find out how many people watched this episode.

John Elliott


Just been on the BBC "Points of View" Message board. There is a thread (probably from a phone operator) that needs a response from one of our experts. The message is as follows:

"I can't believe what I just seen on Judge John Deed. Normally I try and leave the room before it starts but this time I was a bit slow and heard the reference to the new Police secure comms. It seemed almost inevitable that a reference to base stations 'pulsing' would follow although I had a faint hope the BBC's research might be a little more thorough. But no, 'pulsing base stations' was the story. Tetra base stations DO NOT PULSE, even the most basic bit of serious research would have shown this was true and having the BBC encourage the scaremongers (generally with something to sell to protect against this 'pulsing') is VERY disappointing. As an area where I do have a little knowledge, to have the BBC get it completely wrong reinforces the feeling that the BBC is no longer a reliable source of information on anything. Also it is difficult enough to get sites for base stations without this unnecessary fear being induced. I'll say it again, Tetra base stations DO NOT pulse. If your researcher could advise where they picked up the information that they do pulse I would very much like to hear it".

There are a couple of supporting messages there as well. Can someone oblige with a suitable response?

John Elliott


Semantics! Airwave admits that Tetra base station emissions have an amplitude modulated component. Human brain waves are unable to discern the difference between 'pulsing' and 'amplitude modulation'. The effect is the same!

David Baron


From: Eileen O'Connor
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 09:39:57 -0000
Subject: Operators complaining on BBC about Judge John Deed

Below is a link to a page where we can all write a review of Friday's episode of JUDGE JOHN DEED written by Gordon Frank Newman.

Please send in your reviews as the operators are complaining on to the BBC, we need to respond, see one of the messages below. I have written to the programme, but my comments haven't appeared on the list.



Would everyone like to add their comments to the general BBC message board under Judge john Deed and pulsing TETRA. I don't think the actual prog will take any more!

Sarah P



From: Eileen O'Connor
Date: Tue, 31 Jan 2006 14:39:53 -0000
To: Sarah Purdy
Subject: Judge John Deed - BAFTA?

Dear Sarah

We should all try get to get the Judge John Deed series 'silent killer' nominated for a BAFTA, which would give lots of airing to the arguments. Although I'm not sure how to do this, any ideas?

Don't forget to look at the book Brave New World of Zero Risk which is freely downloadable from


I would be grateful if all campaign websites could advertise this excellent book.

It has been published as a free download with the intention of starting a debate about the politicisation of science.



From: Candice Temple
Date: Wed, 1 Feb 2006 10:39:36 -0000
To: Mike Purdy
Subject: RE: Judge John Deed - BAFTA?

Hi Sarah,

Well I spoke to BAFTA. Apparently for a TV production it has to be nominated by the producer or director. And it costs ?200. So the only route would be to lobby producer or director with the suggestion.

Chillingly the first thing I saw on the BAFTA web-site was this, all about the "Orange British Academy Film Awards".


As you know, they're everywhere, like a bad smell!




Judge John Deed: Exacting Justice BBC 1 Thu Feb 02 8:30 PM
(90 min., 2001, United Kingdom, Movie/Drama) The message is ready to be sent with the following file or link attachments: Shortcut to: http://tinyurl.com/bppse

Deed presides over a case brought by a victim of motor neurone disease, who claims that her terrible illness was caused by the installation of a mobile phone mast on top of her apartment block.


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Januar 2006

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