
SWEEP news 13

This is the 13th installment of the Canadian SWEEP Initiative e-bulletin (Safe Wireless, Electric and Electromagnetic Policy). This newsletter serves as a roundup of what has been occurring on the EMF/EMR awareness and advocacy front in Canada. Please send me Canadian links and stories.

SWEEP is assisted by the Breast Cancer Research and Education Fund of Niagara: we couldn't do this without your foresight and generous support. I’ll be working through a backlog of excellent material from the holidays over the next few weeks. Thanks for your patience.


First: Condolences to Gerry Higgins who lost his wife to cancer before the New Year. We're all thinking of you Gerry.

1.LAKEHEAD UNIVERSITY DECIDES NOT TO HAVE UNIVERSAL WIRELESS COVERAGE. On the CBC noon show this week, Lakehead president Fred Gilbert explained how the university administration has no seen evidence that wireless technology is harmless to human health, therefore they will not be providing universal coverage.

2.MAGDA HAVAS INTERVIEW Magda will be speaking on Wisconsin public radio this coming Friday at 6pm Eastern time. The show can be accessed at www.wpr.org. More news soon about a television interview with Magda, a physician and some electromagnetically injured Canadians on a major Canadian TV network.

3. DAVE STETZER IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO. Dave Stetzer, a specialist in ‘dirty electricity’ and electromagnetic pollution will be giving a training session (just east of Toronto) on Mon Feb 13 for anyone interested in doing measurements. He will give a public lecture in Peterborough on Tuesday Feb 14 from 7 to 9 and another one on Tuesday Feb 21 from 7 to 9 in Toronto. More specific information to follow. See more about Dave at http://www.stetzerelectric.com

4.YORK REGION. From Richard Johnson York Region Report on the Environment:
See point 32 on the fact sheet re: EMFs

5.WEATHERALL RECEIVES RESPONSE FROM WHO. From Martin Weatherall I have recently received a reply letter from Dr. M. Repacholi, Coordinator, Radiation and Environmental Health, World Health Organization. This was in response to the letter of complaint that I sent dated November 10, 2005.

The letter stated - Dear Sir

Your letter to the Director-General of WHO has been passed on to me for reply.

WHO does not make any decisions on its own; this is done through the formation of expert groups on the topics under discussion, and they conduct a thorough review of scientific literature to reach their conclusions and recommendations.

This was the process used to reach conclusions about EMF hypersensitivity. The results of the workshop held in Prague in October 2004 are now reflected in the enclosed WHO Fact Sheet.

Yours sincerely

Dr Mike H. Repacholi

From Martin: The only good part of the document that I can find is the part under 'Physicians', where it states; This requires - an assessment of the workplace and home for factors that might contribute to the presented symptoms. This seems to be quite a change from the working document and it may be worth finding out the reason for that change. Of course we all know that physicians are highly unlikely to ever assess the home or the workplace of a EHS sufferer. Doctors are simply to busy and do not have the knowledge and equipment to search for the true cause of electro hypersensitivity. This change would have been more appropriate if it had appeared under 'Governments' and if they then provided realistic electromagnetic dangers to search for, and details of the equipment and knowledge required for that search..

It is obvious from the document that the WHO are 'barking up the wrong tree'. With the exception of Prof Olle Johansson, it seems that the 'experts' either do not realize what is really harming EHS sufferers, or they are deliberately protecting the financial interests of the telecommunications industry, the wireless industry and the electrical industry. They are failing to look for the real reasons why people are getting sick and developing cancer near to cell phone towers, near to transformers, near to transmission lines, from defective wireless equipment and from the effects of electricity polluted by high frequencies. In short, the World Health Organization is failing in its duties to the world population.

6.MORE ON CBC. From EMF Canada CBC News: Cell Phone Antennae Worry North York Neighbours .. TORONTO - The Leslie water tower is wearing a set of antennae... ... The aerials are for cell phone service and there are more planned. ...


CBC Toronto - Cell phone towers worry residents Cell phone towers worry residents. ... Dale Sutton is worried about the health risks of living close to a cellular phone transmission tower. ...


CBC News: Technology could extend cell phone coverage .. The ARS should help prevent a common source of frustration for cell phone users: calls ... Chunming Qiao said the ARS acts like a cell tower, but on a much smaller ...




Dear All,

Yet two papers have now been published:

Hallberg Ö, Johansson O, "Alzheimer mortality - why does it increase so fast in sparsely populated areas?", Europ Biol Bioelectromag 2005; 1: 225-246

To access go to http://www.ebab.eu.com/, click on "Volume 1 Issue 3", click on the title of the paper, write "olle.johansson@ki.se" as e-mail address and "ollejo" as password.

9. NEW SITE. Submittes by Magda Havas I just found an amzaing site. They have verylittle information about EMFs and they are looking for other sites to add to their's. You have to add STOP, SWEEP and electricalpollution to this website. Articles are exceptionally well written. Check it out.



10.CHILDREN’S HEALTH AND EMF: Sue Fusco asked to have this communicated to anyone who is interested in developing a national child emf health policy.

Dear Dr. McKeown,

As the Toronto Medical Officer of Health, I thank you for dedicating your September /05 advisory to the report on Environmental Threats to children at:

I have had the opportunity to read Dr. Havas' comments below as well as your Sept /05 report and agree with Dr. Havas that the environmental exposures need to include EMF also. I wanted to know if you would be willing to review the concerns detailed in Dr. Havas' correspondence? I to would like to meet with you to discuss pursuing the best Preventative Measures for our children. I strongly encourage you to meet with Dr. Havas as she may further elaborate on the elements of the electrical pollution spectrum and how it applies and is present in a variety of different settings.

I have been committed to raising awareness of the concerns of electrical pollution to the public during the past 18 months through the work of our community group S.T.O.P. Stop Transmission Lines Over People was involved in a power line upgrade proposal with Hydro One. We lobbied all government levels for alternative methods of delivering power and more environmentally principles in power planning. More information can be found at www.stop-emf.ca . Our case includes an elementary school adjacent to the corridor and an existing residential community on the opposite side. The potential for long term exposure at home and school for children is an alarming and increasing trend which could have serious repercussions for the future.

I have continued to raise the current EMF concerns of our school site and schools in general with the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health toxicologists for the Province, York Catholic School Board, York Region Health Services and the Ministry of Labour. Needless to say the issues I have raised as a Health and Safety concern on behalf of students and staff have been neglectfully disregarded. The School Board has been the worst offender and is failing to take into account the health and welfare of those involved in a responsible or timely fashion. Our group is still awaiting replies from the various Health Officials for recommendations.

I am a parent of this school (St. Monica CS) and have been an advocate for the children at this school; but without demanding attention to this matter and seeking intervention from outside health authorities I have little faith that these concerns will be given high regard promptly and effectively based on the responses to date by our Board.

The YCDSB declines to provide access for an independent EMF survey to be conducted. They took one EMF reading of the portable cables strung over the school yard and communicated it to the school community. There is a discrepancy with this reading . It is underestimated. I asked for board Representatives to join me in verifying it with similar instrumentation in my presence. My request continues to be dismissed . I have to question the credibility of the readings analyed of the hydro corridor also.

As a parent I feel my child's rights are being abandoned. All school Boards have a responsibility to provide a safe school environment and to fully disclose what readings have been taken and collected. This involves agreeing to a comprehensive, detailed EMF survey of indoor and outdoor locations. Including a lateral profile of the lines adjacent to the school which have been identified through the Ontario Power Authority consultation process to be incorrectly configured for typical Distribution voltage resulting in a much larger EMF field than normally expected/present because of the horizontal line placement. No one has taken responsibility in correcting this. There has been no accountability in rectifying this problem. We are attempting to meet with Town and Utility staff to rectify this.

I agree that the vulnerability of children is greater than adults to contaminants and EMF is a carcinogen that is emitted in schools and the environment and remains uncontrolled. School boards need to be ordered not to open schools in close proximity to lines or substations. By not developing a National policy such as the California Children's Electromagnetic Field Risk Reduction Act (1993) the quality of children's health will be continually compromised. This is totally unacceptable. Until prudent policies are developed and enforced by Health Canada the health effects you quoted such as asthma, leukemia, tumours, learning problems will continue to increase.The evidence Dr. Havas provided will lend a good understanding of the association being made and linked to these exposures and these diseases. We are a community with evidence of these conditions presenting themselves in our children. How many more cases around the country do we need to attribute to this before we take notice?

Premier McGuinty and Health Canada have been deficient in answering the public's appeals to assist also.

The Canadian Standards for EMF exposure are currently set at 833 mG. They should be reduced to the most protective level that being 2 mG to protect the public . Exposures in public settings should be strictly enforced so that the unassuming public is not placed at further increased risk. I agree our legislation is inadequate and there is a significant void in leadership in this respect.

Dr. Havas has clearly outlined the extent of the concerns to various facets of electrical pollution and how they relate to children's exposure. While we procrastinate we are doing irreversible harm on the immune systems of children & the public. There is great value in acting with precaution for our children's well being. I would love to hear of your interest in collaborating with York Region Health Services or other elected officials so that our City does come up with effective and appropriate measures that serves the public health well. We require more individuals such as yourself to initiate and follow through on the position you have proposed. I acknowledge Dr. Basrur, Dr. Havas and Dr. Helena Jaczek's attempts and efforts to raise the issue locally and with other officials.

I would be glad to assist by linking you with other citizens committed in acting as liasons to further distribute the much needed information to schools and establishing policies in schools that reflect an investment in protecting our children's future and health.

I would appreciate to hear any new news you may have. Citizens of Toronto, York Region and municpalites across the country have demonstrated that more protective action must be taken than what W.H.O. & Health Canada is providing. A more distinct position has to be taken that benefits the public rather than the Industry Culprits responsible for preventable exposure.

The lack of a National EMF Policy should be a prime public interest issue in this Federal election with all candidates regardless of Party name. These concerns were repeatedly raised by community and scientific representatives across Canada and Internationally. Other countries such as Sweden, Italy, UK, Spain, Australia, Germany, Austria, France,Finland, Holland, Latvia, Lithuania, Switzerland and certain U.S. states have risen to the occassion by addressing these concerns with updated legislation, ordinances or policies. I can provide you with a listing of notable International Precedents .

Canada hangs its hat on finding inconclusive proof and allowing the industry offenders to gain further momentum in practicing negligence. The existing research has been enough for other countries to heed and recognize the implications involved. Instead our government is not sharing this information through education programs. The information of the hazards is being suppresssed and directed by a politically induced uncertainty. EMF affects all Canadians at home, school, and work. Some more than others. Our children need and deserve this consideration.

Would you be committed to reviewing current research that Dr. Havas has conducted? Would you review the research by Dr. Draper, Dr. Anthony Miller, and Don Maisch and countless others that have lended their expert testimony on the subject? Dr. Havas can connect you with the experts in the field of EMF and has travelled the world to consult with other governments. It is scandalous that our government locally, provincially and Federally has not tapped into an important and knowledgeable resource.

I hope you do respond and look forward to your reply. I extend my assistance in sharing the wealth of references gained over the past year and a half of my experience to date.


Sue Fusco Director,
S.T.O.P. Committee

-- Dr. David Fancy
Department of Dramatic Arts
Brock University St. Catharines,
Canada L2S 3A1
tel: 905-688-5550 ext 3584
fax: 905-984-4861


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Januar 2006

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