Language of the heart
The Nation
by Cindy Sheehan
I have been in Europe for two weeks now. I have been toasted by the Mayor of London, Ken Livingston, and greeted by foreign ministers, a vice president and members of the various parliaments. Those stories are for another article. My highest honor both here in the States and in Europe now is meeting with the families of children murdered in George Bush's War of Terror against the world. No matter if we all speak differently accented English, Spanish, or the heavy Glaswegian accent of my Scottish sister in sorrow, Rose Gentle -- whose gentle-giant son, Gordon, was killed by Blair and Bush in Iraq in July of 2004 -- our hearts all speak the same idiom of pain, and we sing the same lament of futile loss... [First published at, 12/23/05]
Informant: Thomas L. Knapp
Cindy Sheehan
Starmail - 30. Dez, 16:58