
Fighting 'Em Over There So We Can Spy On Us Over Here

Shhhh! They Could Be Listening In On This Column!

by Steve Young
Dec. 22, 2005
American Politics Journal

Dec. 22, 2005 -- HOLLYWOOD (apj.us) -- Is there anything richer or more important a lesson for our children than to learn from one's failures? And has there been a year more filled with opportunities for one man to learn from than the failures that have has befallen one man's legacy than President Bush's 2005? Katrina, FEMA and Michael Brown... continued war... administration-connected indictments... social security reform... Veterans Administration deficit... torture revelations... paying for positive columns in Iraqi papers... Terry Schiavo... Harriet Miers... 9/11 Commission "F"s... plummeting popularity... and so much more!

But, wowzers -- talk about blundering!

This past week is one for the history (of "How To Crush The Bill of Rights") books. Or was it that with time running out on '05, George Bush wanted to put a lock on TIME's Man-of- the-Year cover (and this should not be perceived as a reminiscence of Hitler's TIME cover boy days -- though you have every right to do so).

It seems that for the past few years, the President secretly authorized National Security Agency taps into the homes and businesses of American citizens without court-approved warrants. [...] Read the rest of this article at http://tinyurl.com/89yvc

© Virginia Metze


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Dezember 2005

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