
You did it again: Senate blocks Arctic drilling

Millions of Americans spoke and the U.S. Senate listened.

This afternoon the Senate rejected an outrageous attempt by the Republican leadership to attach Arctic Refuge drilling to a "must-pass" defense spending bill. The pro-drilling forces needed 60 votes to break a filibuster of the bill, but they could only muster 56.

You are the true heroes. I want to thank every single one of you who took the time to call your Senators since we first alerted you to this very dangerous bill on Friday. Thousands of you lit up the Capitol Hill switchboard. There's no doubt you helped sway the votes of key Senators who were wavering over these last critical days.

To see how your Senators voted, click here:


If your Senator(s) voted to save the Arctic, please click on their name(s) on our webpage to send them a message of gratitude.

Today's showdown was a stinging defeat for those pro-drilling Senators who attempted to hijack the defense bill -- and funding for our troops during wartime -- in order to force their special agenda through Congress.

The Bush White House and its allies in Congress know full well that they can NEVER win a vote by the rules on sacrificing the Arctic Refuge. That's why they've resorted, with increasing desperation, to backdoor maneuvers and abuse of the legislative process like today's shameless ploy to co-opt the defense bill.

As you read this, Senate and House leaders are removing the Arctic drilling provision from the defense bill, and are promising to pass that bill, along with funding for hurricane victims, before the holidays.

Make no mistake: they will come after the Arctic Refuge again next year. But, thanks to you, we will stand stronger than ever in its defense.

Last December, President Bush and Congressional leaders said Big Oil would finally get its way in 2005. But, instead, the tide has turned. A solid majority of Americans now reject the President's drill-it-all mentality and is demanding a new energy policy that will save, not destroy, our natural heritage.

Thanks to your efforts, that solid majority was heard loud and clear on the floor of the U.S. Senate this afternoon. Thank you for speaking out when it mattered most to America's greatest sanctuary for Arctic wildlife. And may you have a wonderful and peaceful holiday season.


John H. Adams
NRDC Action Fund


A message from Robert Redford

I couldn't let the opportunity pass without thanking you for the huge victory on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, which we won yesterday in the United States Senate. Since Friday, you pulled out all the stops and moved mountains. You continue to be the true heroes of this ongoing fight to save one of the last great places on earth.

Right now, Senate and House leaders are advancing a defense bill -- without the Arctic drilling provision. As well, they will act on funding for hurricane victims -- all before the holidays.

Every time I write asking for your help in turning back these cynical attempts to destroy the Arctic wilderness, you continue to respond in one clear, loud voice. In this latest showdown, you swayed key Senate votes that resulted in a resounding defeat of pro-drilling forces.

I wish I could say it will be the last time you'll hear from me on the battle to save the Arctic, but sadly, I am sure I will be writing to you again. But I come to you today with admiration and gratitude for a job well done.

Happy Holidays and Peace on Earth.


Robert Redford
Board of Trustees
Natural Resources Defense Council


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Dezember 2005

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