
The Forgotten Anthrax Attacks

This reminds me that Law Professor Francis Boyle said he wrote a letter to the government telling them that the particular kind of anthrax had come from a government lab in this country. This was when the government was trying to believe it came from Iraq or Iran or somewhere. Much, much later, it was indicated that yes, the anthrax had come from a federal lab. But to my knowledge there has not been an arrest. Professor Boyle does not seem inclined to mince words much; he says that the University of Chicago is a moral cesspool, for example.

Tomgram: The Forgotten Anthrax Attacks of 2001
Tom Engelhardt
posted December 18, 2005 at 1:25 pm

[...] skipping introductory paragraph
It Should Have Been Unforgettable
The Anthrax Attacks and the Costs of 9/11
By Tom Engelhardt

Imagine, for a moment, that someone had a finger on a pause button just after the attacks of September 11, 2001. That's not such a crazy thought. After all, most Americans watched the attacks and their aftermath on television; and, as coups de théâtre, they were clearly meant to be viewed on screen. Of course, the technology for pausing reality didn't quite exist then. But if someone in that pre-TiVo age had somehow hit pause soon after the Twin Towers came down, while the Pentagon was still smoking, when Air Force One was carrying a panicky George Bush in the wrong direction rather than towards Washington and New York to become the resolute war president of his dreams, if someone had paused everything and given us all a chance to catch our breath, what might we have noticed about the actual damage to our world? [...] fast forward over much good stuff to nearly the end:

The saddest story is this: If tomorrow, George Bush, Dick Cheney and their cohorts were somehow tossed out on their ears -- call it indictment, impeachment, or something else -- what they, not Osama bin Laden or the anthrax terrorists will have cost us, in life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness will still be incalculable. Among the greatest costs will be the way administration officials used the 9/11 attacks (and buried the anthrax ones) in order to breach so many levees of our world. [...]

And yet transit workers striking in an effort to just get better wages, are fined $1 million a day. How about figuring out a fine for all of these Neoconservatives of something like $1 trillion a day. That would at least help .... Read this long but interesting TomDispatch at http://tinyurl.com/84ol4

© Virginia Metze


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