
Sen. Boxer and John Dean: The here and now

by proudprogressiveCA
Sun Dec 18, 2005 at 07:31:00 PM PDT
Daily Kos

Barbara Boxer and John Dean sat down today in front of an audience of about three to four hundred in Los Angeles to discuss her book ' A Time to Run'. Although part of the discussion was about the book many more issues came up in the Q and A section. Sen. Boxer has always been an outspoken liberal from the Golden state and today was no exception.

Seeing these two great minds converse on the topic of the Bush Administration was truly an honor. John Dean has seen a lot in his life especially being so close to the demise of the Nixon Administration. I believe both lied to protect a false image, yet the difference in the price to the country is enormous.

proudprogressiveCA's diary :: ::

The hour long talk was hosted by Writers Bloc in Beverly Hills this afternoon and touched on a number of subjects but most importantly the issue of the secret wiretaps that is all over the news in the last few days.

John Dean remarked that Bush is the first President to ever willingly admit to an impeachable offense. Of course this got a huge rouse from the audience. He also made the assertion that using 9/11 as a defense for his actions is 'baloney'. Being Nixon's former counsel and one of the whistleblowers bringing the downfall of Tricky Dicky's Administration, his words are very appropriate when it comes to the Office of the President and if the President is fulfilling his oath to protect and defend the Constitution. Thankfully more and more people are realizing that the current resident has acted unconstitutionally (with regard to the FISA court only) over thirty separate times. [...] Read the rest at Daily Kos site: http://tinyurl.com/asocj

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