
Leeds Yorkshire Amateur Football Club Appeal, decision & update on Leicester

For those who remember, this club, with about 8 masts already on the site, agreed to allow Airwave to add 6 TETRA antennas to the original 3 antennas, as well, if planning permission was granted. With Mast Sanity's advice and support, Jill Harland roused the locals and the council turned down the planning application. In June 05 Airwave appealed.

Jill and Mast Sanity gave it their best shot against all odds....................the appeal was REFUSED!

Appeal Decision

Appeal reference:app/N4720/A/05/1185025

Existing Airwave tower, Yorkshire AFC, Roxholme Road, Leeds LS8 4DZ

The appeal is made by Airwave/02 (UK) Ltd against the decision of the Leeds City council. The application Ref 34/107/05/FU, dated 8th March 05 was refused by notice dated 3rd May 05

The development proposed is the replacement of existing 17.5m monopole with a 25m lattice tower to accommodate existing Airwave antennas, six 02 antennas and one 0.3m transmission dish with associated radio cabinet housing and ancillary development at ground level.


15. Notwithstanding my conclusion on the third issue, I conclude that the proposal is unacceptable by reason of its visual impact. My inclusion is strengthened by my view that the evidence regarding consideration of alternative sites is unsatisfactory. For the reasons given above and having regard to all other matters raised, I conclude that the appeal should be dismissed.

Formal Decision

16. I do dismiss the appeal.

This was the big fish that didn't get away with it!

News on Leicester's Elizabeth House. For those who missed details of this there are at least 14 masts on the roof this block plus several large cabinets, and at least two TETRA masts nearby. There is ill health from the 15th (top ) floor right down to the 3rd floor.

The council refused an application for a 6 antenna 02 mast but 02 appealed.

So far no appeal decision is forthcoming. You wonder if there is a huge backlog. However, Orange and T-Mobile have both upgraded to add 3G to existing masts while the council insisted that no planning permission was required. The end result is that Phil Hendy is now extremely ill and his doctor has written a letter stating that he should be moved from the block because his health is being seriously affected. The housing association who own the block are refusing to move him and Phil is unable to walk or do much to help himself. The local MP is supposedly helping him. I have not heard of any progress.

Phil has not been able to make contact to say whether others are worse in the block, or not, so I cannot update you on them.

This is just one tragedy playing out. How many more are there?



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Dezember 2005

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