Pure irony: "When wireless voice-data communication is as vital as the blood circulation"
Rohill hopes to be the company that features centre stage in the roll-out of TETRA into Europe, in a big way.
Given the research into the effects of EMR on the blood (if you haven't been there, start with some pointers at
http://www.tetrawatch.net/links/links.php?id=health&list=blood ) the corporate strap line is somewhat ironic:
"When wireless voice-data communication is as vital as the blood circulation".
From Mast Network
Given the research into the effects of EMR on the blood (if you haven't been there, start with some pointers at
http://www.tetrawatch.net/links/links.php?id=health&list=blood ) the corporate strap line is somewhat ironic:
"When wireless voice-data communication is as vital as the blood circulation".
From Mast Network
Starmail - 4. Dez, 18:20