
Sports club left on hold over telephone mast plans

By Jane Bruccoleri

Confusion has arisen in South Croydon as plans to erect a mobile telephone mast on the roof of a local sports club have been put on hold.

Concerned residents contacted the Croydon Guardian claiming that Vodafone was set to install a mast at South Croydon Sports Club in Beech Copse.

Stephen Harris, who lives only 50 metres from the club in Spencer Road, said that he would be prepared to stage a protest should it go ahead but had been told the plan had now been scrapped.

Mr Harris, who has been a member of the club for nine years, added: "I've got really mixed feelings because this is going to bring in a lot of money for the club.

"However, as a member I was disappointed not to have been informed and as a resident I was massively concerned about the possible health impact.

"Some people did want the mast, so there may be some antagonism about the decision but everyone wants the best for the club."

Club chairman Rob Stodart explained that the club did discuss the proposal but would have to get the approval of the site's landlord if it was to go ahead.

However, he said that they would not rule out a mast at some point as "the club has to think about it's future."

He added: "The management committee of the club would be failing the members if they didn't consider ways of making money for them.

"If we don't put it on our roof then someone else will."

Vodafone confirmed that the mobile phone mast plan has not been discarded by the club, and if it goes ahead, they will discuss the plans with people living in the area.

Jane Frapwell, electro-magnetic fields adviser for Vodafone, said the company was willing to take on board constructive suggestions in regards to design and would also consider any suggested alternative sites.

"If we can change things we will," she said: "Vodafone will be inviting feedback from nearby residents and schools and no work will start until this has been done."

Speaking about the impact on people's health, she added: "This is a technology that has been in use for decades and is used for television, radios, ambulance services and no adverse health effects have been found. We take our lead from the experts."

Omega this is not true. See under:

11:28am today



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