
We are the majority and we are everywhere

Make your voice heard now...Been up all night sending the last press release "Open Letter To O'Reilly" to all the media in Washington

I'm not finished but I wanted to get all of you to follow suit with an email blitz

I'm pasting the last press release here for those who misssed it

What ever you say please demand truth behind 911 and the fact Iraq had no connections what so ever to the demolition of the Twin Towers...

War for lies and we are the enemy...Demand safety for the war protesters...Let them know you count and hold them accountable.

I know O'Reilly will be the talk of his peers in media as well as all media in Washington.

I'm positive that we're all going to be the talk, too...Especially in Washington.

Use the following signature so everyone sees we are everywhere and put it to them...Use your own words and not my press release...They all have it or will and need hear from you too>>>

"We The People United Movement"

We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand"

Our day has come!

Shoot them with bullets of truth coming from all directions at the same time...Ask everyone you know to join in the blitz.

That other site for media and elected officials I sent you did not work for me...It always had before but this time they wanted a code and it kept saying I entered wrong numbers and to try again...over and over again.

This one will work better anyway>>>

Click here: WASHINGTON NewsConnect - Washington state daily newspapers and televison news stations

> http://tinyurl.com/cdqr3

This is a little...no...it's very time consuming because each paper has so many on staff.

You need paste your message in each persons email to make this work...and there's a lot.

This will insure that all will have "US" and O'Reilly on their minds and tongues...Big Time!

Here's our introduction and demands to the media...I added a preface that wasn't on the original press release sent to you as you will see...So if you read it already...Be sure to see the added note.

Here it is>>>

We would like to align with you...We want you to know we exist...We are 300 groups that network throughout cyberspace...We have no idea how many groups, organizations or individuals we actually pyramid out to...We average 200,000 as total members combined before networking out to where we can't track.

A multitude of VIP's are standing with "US" that are separate from the groups...Radio Hosts, Legal Eagles and every issue important to the people is represented.

Very Important Patriots and Very Important People are among our activists...We are willing to show you, we are many...

Will you will join forces and efforts with "US"?...This last press release is being sent for your review and hopefully use.

Marsha McClelland
Cuyahoga falls, Ohio


Date: 10/27/2005 1:42:17 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mofmars3
To: postman@truthout.org

Dear Group Owners and Activists...No matter what cause you represent now is the time to come together.

It's time to shake the very foundations of earth with the loud voice and strength "We The People" now realize we have.

This is a press release I'm sending as an open letter to Bill O'Reilly and the challenge he asked for and said he would not back down from.

Thank those of you who are joining in these blitzes because he mentioned tonight how people are sending to other networks just to smear and embarrass him.

So let's all help and encourage our members to join in this one, please?

We all will return the favor for your specific cause or issue in due time, if you will join forces with "US" now.

Let's all shoot bullets of truth at them big time this time...Forward to all you know and add your own comments.

I will not detail every word and the mistakes Bill made this time...No time to bloviate more than necessary.

Tonight Bill O'Reilly interviewed Tim Graham from the Media Research Center<<<so called far right...and he also brought my attention to Media Matters<<<so called left, which I suggest you google them both and possibly add them to your own media lists.

You have to email them from their sites.

For you diehards>>>Click here: all media, newspaper and magazines

> http://tinyurl.com/9lbt

Don't forget>>> Click here: News Hounds: We watch FOX so you don't have to. http://www.newshounds.us/

"We The People United Movement"

We are many Political and Patriot Groups joining together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand".

Subj: ***Open Letter To Bill O'Reilly***
Date: 10/27/2005 12:24:24 AM Eastern Standard Time
From: Mofmars3
To: Oreilly@foxnews.com
CC: dowd@nytimes.com, Frank Rich frrich@nytimes.com, action.news@organizerweb.com, 19tips@woio.com, bfinnell@raycommedia.com, pkrugman@Princeton.EDU, akingaction@abcactionnews.com, Today@NBC.com, WT@nbc.com, viewerservices@msnbc.com, warstories@foxnews.com, abramsreport@msnbc.com, 19Latest@daily.misleader.org, pjnyden@wvgazette.com, ellengoodman@globe.com, shadowland@newsweek.com, news@reedbusiness.com, REvans@mercurynews.com, JHubner@Mercurynews.com, Malibunews@malibutimes.com, Margolis@foreigncorrespondent.com, jim.mills@foxnews.com, latenight@nbc.com, tdp@nt.net, letters@nypost.com, Moneyline@CNN.com, cushman@nytimes.com, evening@cbsnews.com, weekends@cbsnews.com, tonightshow@nbc.com, Questions@MSNBC.com, Joe@msnbc.com, Question@msnbc.com, MTP@NBC.com, Crossfire@cnn.com, Wolf@CNN.com, CapReport@cnbc.com, Reliable@cnn.com, newsroom@bergen.com, Jeff.newsstand@cnn.com, Rwallace@herald.com, Arobinson@herald.com, babingtonc@washpost.com, newhnews@ncia.net, Letters@prospect.org, letters@cmonitor.com, inquirer.letters@phillynews.com, letters@detnews.com, dheidt@citynet.net, DYJackson@tribune.com, SKuczka@tribune.com, pbriant@globeandmail.ca, ddefenoyl@globeandmail.ca, op-weblog@guardianunlimited.co.uk, features@independent.co.uk, valley@latimes.com, business@latimes.com, ventura@latimes.com, metrodesk@latimes.com, news-tips@nytimes. com, the-arts@nytimes.com, bizday@nytimes.com, metro@nytimes.com, national@nytimes.com, washington@nytimes.com, online.editor@thetimes.co.uk, rcribb@thestar.ca, foreign.news@thetimes.co.uk, dbrazao@thestar.ca, ldiebel@thestar.ca, 2020@abc.com, thisweek@abc.com, mike@mikemalloy.com, rrhodes@airamericaradio.com, info@alternativeradio.org, info@alternet.org, talk2us@americasblackforum.com, feedback@ap.org, newsonline@bbc.co.uk, BTBTALK@aol.com, anita@mindgallery.com, jfetzer@d.umn.edu, hprzybyla@bloomberg.net, hrosenkrantz@bloomberg.net, ombud@globe.com, kcooper@globe.com, oliphant@globe.com, brelis@globe.com, lettersbwol@businessweek.com, richard_dunham@businessweek.com, buzzflash@buzzflash.com, query@cambridgeforum.org, 48hours@cbsnews.com, 60m@cbsnews.com, bpc@cbsnews.com, ftn@cbsnews.com, sundays@cbsnews.com, grain@cbsnews.com, David@TheDavidAllenShow.com, GaynorMike@aol.com, greta@foxnews.com, Rush@EIBNet.com, info@fox16.com, nytimesreporter@nytimes.com, buchananandpress@msnbc.com, chronfeedback@sfchronicle.com, CNN@cnn.com, comments@foxnews.com, contact@altermedia.info, countdown@msnbc.com, dan.abrams@msnbc.com, Dateline@nbc.com, ed@latimes.com, editor@globe.com, editor@nytimes.com, editor.reuters@reuters.com, editor@usatoday.com, feedback@nytimes.com, frontline@pbs.org, gazette.emailsrv@wvgazette.com, general@hbo.com, greg@gregpalast.com, hardball@msnbc.com, headliners@msnbc.com, imc-news@lists.indymedia.org, letters@latimes.com, letters@MSNBC.com, letters@nytimes.com, letters@newsweek.com, Imus@msnbc.com, media@gregpalast.com, moveon-help@list.moveon.org, MSNBC_BreakingNews_NewsMail@MSNBC.COM, msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com, msnbcreports@msnbc.com, nachman@msnbc.com, news@globe.com, newswatch@foxnews.com, newshour@pbs.org, newsroom@herald-coaster.com, news@worldnetdaily.com, newsroom@4bypass.com, news-tips@nytimes.com, Nightly@NBC.com, niteline@abc.com, oliver@gregpalast.com, Press@moveon.org, rsanders@journal-spectator.com, speakout@foxnews.com, Special@foxnews.com, staff@nytimes.com, starnews@fortbendstar.com, Studiob@foxnews.com, TheNews@msnbc.com, webnews@washingtonpost.com, World@MSNBC.com, world@washingtonpost.com, Hannity@foxnews.com, Viewerservices@foxnews.com, Comments@foxnews.com, Foxnewsonline@foxnews.com, Afterhours@foxnews.com, Foxreport@foxnews.com, Atlarge@foxnews.com, Bullsandbears@foxnews.com, Colmes@foxnews.com, Cash@foxnews.com, Heartland@foxnews.com, Cavuto@foxnews.com, Ontherecord@foxnews.com, Dayside@foxnews.com, Forbes@foxnews.com, Friends@foxnews.com, Beltway@foxnews.com, Foxmagazine@foxnews.com, Myword@foxnews.com, Feedback@foxnews.com, FNS@foxnews.com, Newswatch@foxnews.com

No Bill, you don't lie...You're the spin master and master of deception....That's why "We The People" focus on you...You're just too good at what you do and that worries and angers "US".

This is because we recognize truth from spin, you help so well to hide from some people.

You can't be that good and ignorant, too, so we figure, you a bad guy...We don't hound you to make you look stupid as you stated tonight and we are not dishonest as you stated.

You're dangerous!

It's because we know "you" know better and you're the meanest man on the news, we know.

The spin starts with you and that's truth.

Get off the left and right political terms, and tell all your buddies, too...We are interested only in 'Truth" and right and wrong.

We don't care about fair and balanced views or opinions from both sides...the far left or right.

We are the voice of the correct and moral side of this war, we are all in and up against, together.

The racial stuff you spin is the same nonsense...All these labels mean nothing...They just misdirect the people in their thinking, as is their intent to divide.

All people are either basically good or bad...If the bad guys want to kill, that's plain evil and wrong...not something to be blamed on a whole race...the blacks, whites, Muslims, Mexicans, etc.

This trick to spin and divide "US" will no longer work...The thinkers have been educating the non thinkers and/or the deceived, for years.

We are now the majority and we are everywhere...We are now the majority compared to all the corrupt in control and those that follow them, like you, Bill.

As far as the unknowing, the ignorant, only because they are void of facts, those being fooled...they are the pawns we don't count yet.

They will be choosing their sides wisely and carefully, we're sure.

Be very afraid being on the wrong side...We are on the move and we demand Truth, Peace, Liberty and Justice for All.

Local news stations are covering the peace vigils and movement in Washington but not a word from main stream media...Now that's even worse than the spin the lying media is scripted and hostage to.

There was ruckus at Kent State University today, in Ohio...It was reported locally.

Remember Kent State and Vietnam?...The police shooting and killing the students?...They "are" getting riled again (students and our young everywhere) because they are getting weary and impatient...

The soldiers are still dying and 2000 is not believed to be even close to the actual number.

I believe they said the recruiters were thrown off campus...Heard it second hand so don't quote me.

What "We The People" are saying right now...For your sake and all the others who could be helping "US" but choose to keep their heads in the sand.


You don't dare touch the truth behind 911 either now, do you?...When the rest of our people learn...and they are learning and waking by the masses, Bill...when they learn the demolition of the Twin Towers had absolutely nothing to do with Iraq...It will be very bad for those on the wrong side of this horrid war...You can be assured.

The "good" hearts are about to lie down in the street to represent a fallen soldier in Washington...Some won't be getting up.

Cindy Sheehan won't be getting up and they will go for her first...

Hers is the noble cause, Bill, so come to think of it, I have met your challenge to point out a time when you lied...And this is a biggy, too.

Right there you are caught in a lie...and you said it couldn't be done?

When you used the words "Noble cause" and defined the lying meaning...It was just like when you used "We The People" it sounded vile coming from you.

You do not have our permission to use "We The People".

Our activists subscribe to Click here: News Hounds: We watch FOX so you don't have to. http://www.newshounds.us/

We don't want you to help the network with the ratings...You are so good that we worry about that...Anyway, we're way too busy to watch everyone.

Therefore because of you, Fox has been bocotted, along with the many other deserving forces that will soon feel the impact.

We are angry, awake and alert...When you are ready one of our representatives will gladly stop your spin in it's tracks, as should be.

Your ridiculous item was ridiculous, tonight...The millions of allies you claimed with you, naming one organization, then showing a partial list of, you said, one hundred thousand people who appreciated you?

Allow "US" to show you our lists, sometime, huh, Bill?

You said a lot about not letting this go unchallenged tonight...You can't back down now...You hereby are counter challenged.

Very Sincerely,

Marsha McClelland...representee of the "We The People United Movement"
Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

We are many Political and Patriot Groups joined together, to help right the wrongs in America..."United We Will Stand".


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