
Joy as battling mums see off new mast plan

Oct 25 2005

By Nick Capehorn

SIX months after successfully fighting plans for an 11.7m phone mast near their Forest Park homes, two mothers have once again helped keep the unwanted aerial at bay.

Jo Gosling, 29, and Claire Bradbury, 33, fought off the last T-Mobile application for a mast on the Savernake roundabout by organising a 241-signature petition to be handed to Bracknell Forest Borough Council.

And they once again joined forces to alert neighbours to the plans and managed to get 201 objectors to sign up which, along with opposition through on the borough council's website, was enough to see the plans thrown out.

Mrs Gosling, of Upavon Gardens, said: "We are absolutely thrilled to see this rejected. The mast is huge and until we know the health and safety risks we can't believe they put the plans in again.

"When we found out the plans had been resubmitted both mine and Claire's phones were engaged - we were ringing each other!"

Mrs Bradbury added: "I think it is ridiculous that they are allowed to apply again but it is fantastic news for everyone who campaigned to see it rejected.

"It was hard work but all worthwhile. We have just got to keep an eye out."

Despite the victory, both campaigners found the second time round had new challenges - thanks to the fact their children are now much older and Mrs Gosling is back at Cable and Wireless part-time.

She said: "The main problems were that I am back to work part-time after maternity leave and both our children are 10-months. They didn't take too kindly to being wheeled round the streets, but they were well behaved."

T-Mobile spokeswoman Sophia Parviez said on Monday that the company was reviewing its position and considering what options are available. She would not say whether that meant it would make another application.



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Oktober 2005

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