
Documentary Film

-----Original Message-----
From: Russell Hunter russell2712@hotmail.com
Sent: 21 October 2005 12:56
To: eileen@smokestack.ltd.uk
Subject: Documentary Film

Hello my name's Russell Hunter and I'm currently undertaking the pre production stages of making a documentary film for my final third year degree project at University College for the Creative Arts at Farnham about mobile phones.

In the film I intend to show confecting sides to the mobile phone, one being the glossy sexy advertised image of the mobile looking into the mobile phone as a symbol of culture and fashion and the continuing development and creation of new mobiles. Taking the opinions of the people from the streets on how they see the present and future of mobile phones. I will then try to cross reference this with reports and studies into Mobile Phone Masts and the dangers that they may cause. Along with looking into the rise in users to a point where in 2007 studies have concluded that 99% of the population of the UK will own a mobile phone and how many masts will have to be erected to deal with the rise. I plan to also investigate the TETRA system that is being implemented into the police force and how this is affecting both the workforce themselves and also the radioactivity of the masts.

If you could help me at all with any contacts or anybody that would be able to talk on or off camera about any of the subjects that would be a great help to me as I would like to create a balanced and unbiased film.

Thanks if you can help at all

Russell Hunter


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Oktober 2005

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