
It's an outrage: Congress may strip horse slaughter ban

With your help, both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives overwhelmingly voted to ban horse slaughter in the United States. All of your great work was essential to these dual victories in Congress.

But that work is in danger of being undone!

We fear that the horse slaughter ban is going to be stripped during final passage of the Agriculture Appropriations bill. We cannot allow this outrageous action -- which would violate the overwhelming majorities in both the House and the Senate. If the horse slaughter ban is dropped, nearly 100,000 horses will be slaughtered for human consumption overseas next year.

We have only days left before this issue is decided.

Reach for your phone now and call your two U.S. Senators and Representative in Washington, D.C. and urge them to oppose the final Agriculture Appropriations conference report if it doesn't contain the horse slaughter ban.

Worried about making a phone call? It's simple! Your call will take no more than two minutes. You will speak to a staff assistant who will take your message and pass it along to your Representative or Senators. You can reach your members of Congress through the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. If you need to to find out who represents you, click here:


Not sure what to say? Here's a sample phone call script:

"Hello, I'm calling from [your town and state] to let you know I've heard that the ban on horse slaughter in the Agriculture Appropriations bill is being stripped by the conference committee. After landslide votes in both House and Senate, that is an outrage. I want [your Representative or Senators' names] to oppose any Agriculture Appropriations conference report that doesn't include the ban on horse slaughter. Thank you."

We need a massive outcry in the halls of Congress immediately if we hope to save our horses. Thank you for your fast action on this critical issue.


Wayne Pacelle
President & CEO
The Humane Society of the United States

Copyright © The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) | All Rights Reserved.

The Humane Society of the United States | 2100 L Street, NW | Washington, DC 20037, humanelines@hsus.org | 202-452-1100 | http://www.hsus.org


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