
Something Wicked This Way Comes

by Anthony Wade


October 15, 2005

Beware America, there is something brewing on the horizon. The storm clouds are gathering. For anyone who has closely followed this administration and the way that they try to cow the masses to avoid bad publicity, the upcoming weeks are fraught with danger. As the Plamegate case starts to wind up, rest assured the storm of grand distraction is heading straight for us.

For the unaware, those who rely on mainstream/corporate media for their "news", Plamegate is a two year investigation into the leaking of a covert CIA operative's identity to the press. The prosecutor, Patrick Fitzgerald, has been doggedly trying to unravel so much corruption that all the talking heads can do is wonder who is going to be indicted. The fact remains though that the indictments have to be coming within the next two weeks. The term for the special prosecutor expires at the end of this month and we can be sure that Bush will not renew this investigation.

The story goes like this. In the run-up to the Iraq War the Bush administration was trying desperately to scare the nation about the WMD capability of Iraq. We heard tales of nefarious chemical weapons, terrifying biological weapons and the potential for Iraq to possess nuclear weapons. It is the nuclear potential that saw the development of Plamegate. There was a report that Iraq was trying to purchase uranium from the Niger and at the behest of the Vice President's office, Joseph Wilson was sent to investigate. He came back and informed the government that the story was completely untrue and as it turned out, the documents involved were crude forgeries. Despite the truth, the president bravely marched on and stated the Niger story as fact in his next state of the union address. Eventually, Wilson wrote an op-ed piece in the New York Times refuting the White House claims. Instead of owning up to their "error", the Bush attack machine went into overdrive and the identity of Wilson's wife as an undercover CIA operative was anonymously leaked to the press.

If that does not sound like a big deal, try and remember that it is treasonous and a felony. Considering this was the party that rammed the "rule of law" down our throats with the partisan Clinton impeachment, it would seem quite germane. Considering Bush himself promised to restore integrity to the White House, the implications are extremely significant. What is lurking beneath the surface however is far more potentially damaging to this entire administration. The elephant in the room that people are not talking about is why there were forged documents to begin with and the overall publicity campaign waged by the administration to push us into war. With the benefit of hindsight and the lack of any WMD, it becomes quite clear that the reason we were sold this war on were not accurate. When you factor in the Downing Street Memos it becomes clearer still that those "inaccuracies" were known in advance and that the administration willfully and purposefully lied this country into war. When you then factor in that one reporter, Judy Miller, was willing to rot in jail for 85 days for a story she never even wrote, the corruption trail ends up at the top of the food chain.

Make no mistake about it; this story can take down the most corrupt administration in modern history. The obvious names being thrown around for indictments are Karl Rove and Scooter Libby but the fact is this sordid business has no less than 21 administration officials tied up in it, including Bush and Cheney. That being said, it is when this administration faces its harshest criticism that inevitably something happens to distract the American people. Usually that something is in the form of a terrorist attack, chatter, or something to panic the American people into submission and bury the story they do not want covered. This is when you will hear about a high profile arrest, usually the number three guy in al Qaeda. Or maybe we will here about "credible" intelligence about impending attacks on the New York City subway system. Eventually the intelligence will be debunked as years old, or unreliable. Eventually it will be discovered that it was not really the number three guy in al Qaeda, but rather their clerk. Those corrections will come days later and be buried by the corporate media so most people will never connect the reason for the initial subterfuge. So do not be deceived, it is coming America. Five years ago we were lectured day in and out by the republican machine that the rule of law was too vital to our democracy to allow it to be sullied. I only seek consistency.

So be vigilant America. Within the next two weeks indictments will be handed down against some major players in this administration. These indictments will point to far more egregious occurrences than just the charges at hand. They will expose the big lie that has been festering in this country for years now. That is the fact that 2,000 American soldiers have died for willful and purposeful lies told by this president and his administration. Their blood still cries out from the desert sands of Iraq, waiting for the truth to vindicate their sacrifice.

Anthony Wade, a contributing writer to opednews.com, is dedicated to educating the populace to the lies and abuses of the government. He is a 37-year-old independent writer from New York with political commentary articles seen on multiple websites. A Christian progressive and professional Rehabilitation Counselor working with the poor and disabled, Mr. Wade believes that you can have faith and hold elected officials accountable for lies and excess. Anthony Wade's

Archive: http://www.opednews.com/archiveswadeanthony.htm Email Anthony: takebacktheus@yahoo.com

Informant: Mofmars3


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Oktober 2005

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