
Grandma's fury at mast site bid

An angry grandma has blasted plans to build a phone mast just 300 yards away from a nursery school.

Delia Smith, one of more than 70 objectors, is furious that phone giant Hutchison 3G wants to put up a 12.5 metre mast on Stubley Lane, Dronfield.

Mrs Smith (56), of Croft Lea, Dronfield Woodhouse claims there are three schools in the area, including Gosforth Pre-School just 300 yards from the proposed site.

She said: "It's just ridiculous how Hutchison 3G has been able to put in again and again for this mast. We just don't want it in our community.


"If the Government can give us a 100 per cent assurance it is safe, then great, but where there is a doubt they shouldn't be able to erect them near schools and communities."

Dronfield Town Council unanimously voted against the proposal to site the mast on the road verge next to the Talbot Arms pub, on Monday.

Councillors voiced fears about the height of the mast and unknown dangers to health.

However, the bid has been recommended for approval when it goes before planners at NE Derbyshire District Council on Tuesday.

A NEDDC spokeswoman said there was no previous history of an application on the site. However, there had been three other applications over the last few years by Hutchison in the Barnes Farm area, Barnes Lane, Dronfield, all of which had been turned down by the council.

A spokesman for Hutchison 3G said: "The mobile base station will be a 12.5 metre slimline column. Its design will blend in with the surrounding street scene and the proposal will not have a negative impact on the visual amenity of the area.

"I understand that some people may have concerns about the mobile phone health issue but it is important to look at the scientific evidence surrounding it.

"The most recent expert review of the science in the UK by the Independent Advisory Group on Non Ionising Radiation (January 2004) had a very positive message for the public: 'Exposure levels from living near mobile phone base stations are extremely low, and the overall evidence indicates that they are unlikely to pose a risk to human health.' In fact, radiowave exposure for a base station is about 1,000 times less than from a mobile phone.

Omega see under:

"There is a need for suburban 3G coverage in Dronfield and requirement, by the public, for its services to give access to video messaging and many more mobile video applications such as news, sport and music."

06 October 2005



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