
Residents issue mast warning

Oct 3 2005

By Anna Jeys, Evening Mail

A GROUP of Solihull residents who successfully fought plans for a mobile phone mast near their homes are warning other families that their street could be targeted next.

Mr Greg Shakeshaft, 46, of Streetsbrook Road, Solihull, set up a residents task force to fight an application for a TMobile mast opposite his home.

They mounted a petition and managed to collect 730 signatures as well as 600 residents sending in letters of objection to the authority.

Local families were worried about the health issues surrounding mobile masts as well as the impact it would have on the appearance on the leafy street.

The group celebrated a victory for people power when planning chiefs turned the proposal down on September 14.

But Greg, a former building society manager, who has lived in the road for 46 years, said other residents should be on their guard against mobile giants plotting to set up masts near them.

He said: "We are all very relieved that members of the planning committee recognised the damage this would have done to the local area.

"Solihull residents need to be on their guard. 3G mobile phone masts could be springing up like mushrooms.

"We told the planning committee of out fears for the future of Solihull if this relentless attack on our neighbourhood is not stopped.

"We really pulled out the stops and managed to collect over 700 signatures."

Councillor Les Kyles, chairman of Solihull Council's planning committee, said: "The application was turned down because of the overbearing impact of the proposed mast would have on nearby properties and the damage it would potentially cause to surrounding trees."


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