
"Ohne Handy ist es langweilig"


The New American Slavery


Informant: billder



Informant: V

Lobby spending leaps, group says

U.S. corporations, unions and interest groups spent $2.4 billion to lobby Congress and the executive branch in 2003, a 50 percent increase from six years earlier.


From Information Clearing House

Cameraman with CBS credentials detained in Iraq:

The military said the cameraman was detained because there was probable cause to believe he posed "an imperative threat to coalition forces.''


From Information Clearing House

Is This Media manipulation on a grand scale?

The photographs tell the story:

Is American foreign policy dominated by the idea of military supremacy?

Why We Fight

A Must Watch Documentary

What are the forces that shape and propel American militarism? This award-winning film provides an inside look at the anatomy of the American war machine. Has the military become too important in American life?

Click here to watch it now! Real Video.

Exposure to pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields affects regional cerebral blood flow

European Journal of Neuroscience
Volume 21 Issue 4 Page 1000 - February 2005

Exposure to pulse-modulated radio frequency electromagnetic fields affects regional cerebral blood flow

R. Huber, V. Treyer, J. Schuderer, T. Berthold, A. Buck, N. Kuster, H. P. Landolt and P. Achermann


We investigated the effects of radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF EMF) similar to those emitted by mobile phones on waking regional cerebral blood flow (rCBF) in 12 healthy young men. Two types of RF EMF exposure were applied: a 'base-station-like' and a 'handset-like' signal. Positron emission tomography scans were taken after 30 min unilateral head exposure to pulse-modulated 900 MHz RF EMF (10 g tissue-averaged spatial peak-specific absorption rate of 1 W/kg for both conditions) and sham control. We observed an increase in relative rCBF in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex on the side of exposure. The effect depended on the spectral power in the amplitude modulation of the RF carrier such that only 'handset-like' RF EMF exposure with its stronger low-frequency components but not the 'base-station-like' RF EMF exposure affected rCBF. This finding supports our previous observation that pulse modulation of RF EMF is necessary to induce changes in the waking and sleep EEG, and substantiates the notion that pulse modulation is crucial for RF EMF-induced alterations in brain physiology.


From FGF-Infoline 7. April. 2005

Demokratisierung des Mittleren Ostens?

Bislang gibt es wenig Erfolge im Sinne einer westlichen Demokratie und kaum etwas zu feiern.


Tory adds voice to campaign for mast law


09 April 2005 13:57

Concerns about mobile phone masts and how close they are to homes and schools has emerged as a key election issue as the battle for the Norwich North seat hots up.

Dr Ian Gibson, who is seeking re-election as the Norwich North MP, has been an outspoken supporter of the Evening News's Put Masts On Hold campaign since it was launched in 2000.

But Dr Gibson, who helped bring world mast expert Sir William Stewart to the city for a debate on masts, has a pretender to his mast campaigning throne in the shape of Tory Parliamentary candidate James Tumbridge.

"Because people are concerned about where masts go, we're going to request that all masts require planning permission and that means we all have a say about where masts go," said Mr Tumbridge.

The Tories' five-point plan also states that local authorities should be able to take health concerns into account and requires phone operators to show the development does not result in "unacceptable damage to visual amenity" or harm environmentally sensitive areas.

Under Conservative policy, councils would also be required to draw up their own supplementary planning guidance to ensure consistency as part of the policy, which also calls for a single process for deciding masts.

"As a patent lawyer, I have spent a great deal of time looking at mobile telecommunication technology in the past year," said Mr Tumbridge, who also pledged to look at effects of handsets on health.

"Following recent talks with Dr Richard Gitlin, a US expert in mobile phone technology, I know that handsets rather than masts are the greatest concern. I will therefore press for research into both masts and handsets if I am elected.

"The Evening News is right to keep this issue in the news — I hope the people of Norwich have the chance to know who is really offering a policy for our benefit."

The Evening News is campaigning against the installation of masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Dr Gibson, who has helped hundreds of campaigners fight mast applications near to homes and schools, said he was unperturbed by Mr Tumbridge's Tory challenge.

"His opportunism knows no bounds, poor desperate chap," said Dr Gibson. "Jumping on the bandwagon is one thing, but working over a long period trying to change Government policy is another."

Dr Gibson said it was only now that the campaign against mobile phone masts was starting to have an effect that the "opportunistic semi-politician" had shown an interest. "My advice to him would be don't give up the day job," said Dr Gibson.

Are you fighting plans to put up a mast near your home? Call Alasdair McGregor at the Evening News on (01603) 772443 or e-mail al.mcgregor@archant.co.uk

Lobby sends 'no' signal over masts

Apr 8 2005

By Clare Casey

PROTESTERS took to the streets over plans for a third phone mast in a conservation area.

They were armed with "Are you listening Lambeth?" banners and a 500-strong petition calling for two O2 masts in Nevena Court, Brixton, to be removed and proposals for a third to be quashed.

Clare Macdonald, of Appach Road, 40, said: "Not only are they a complete eyesore that loom over our homes but they are a grave health risk.

"They don't even have planning permission for one of them."

Phone giant O2 put up the 3m masts on a three-storey block of private flats at the corner of Effra Road and Brixton Water Lane more than a year ago - but it only had permission for one. T-Mobile now wants to share the site and add a third, which has sparked fresh fury among residents.

Henrietta Mayhew, 40, of Appach Road, said: "I have a 20-month-old and a baby and every time I look up at the masts I worry about what they are doing to their health."

Councillor Toren Smith has joined the fight.

He said: "These masts are tall and extremely bulky with 'branches' coming off them - they are a terrible intrusion."

A Lambeth council spokeswoman confirmed one of the masts had been erected without permission.

She added: "We have spoken to O2 about this and they will co-operate by applying for retrospective planning permission.

"As with every application, the council will then consider public opinion before a decision is made."

A spokesman for O2 said he was unaware the company did not have permission for both of them.

He said: "I doubt whether the masts will be removed but I would be happy to meet with residents to allay their fears.

"We use plastic casing that can be made to look like a chimney and that could be an option here."

A spokesman for T-Mobile confirmed it had recently submitted a plan to the council for the shared site.

He said: "We sympathise with residents but, based on 40 years of research, we strongly believe the masts present no health risks."



12:00 - 08 April 2005

A leading MP has praised an Express & Echo campaign as he received a petition against a phone mast planned for the heart of a residential part of Exeter. Plans by Vodafone for the transmitter in Heavitree Road prompted over 700 city residents to sign the petition, which was set up by the Echo.

The antenna would be near several schools and a nursery, and directly outside the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital's maternity unit.

The Echo is campaigning to find a more suitable site and to address health fears over mast emissions.

Richard Spring, the vice-chairman of the All-Party Group on Mobile Communications, has praised the campaign.

He was behind a Private Members' Bill to bring in new controls on masts.

The West Suffolk MP will pass the petition to the five other committee members. He said it was time the Government gave more control on phone mast bids to local communities and councils.

"This is a matter of people power," he said. "The Government will have to listen to what people are saying.

"I absolutely applaud the Echo for what it is doing because there are more and more of these campaigns and anti-mast groups, and clearly in the Commons now there is very real concern."

Mr Spring's Bill would have allowed councils to consider the health implications of mobile phone masts before passing applications, while making all masts subject to planning control.

At present those under 15 metres high do not require permission.

But the Bill ran out of Parliamentary time last year.

A copy of the petition was last month presented to officials at Vodafone's head office.

The firm insists the Heavitree site is the only one suitable for the mast.

It says that all emissions from its mobile phone masts fall within strict Government guidelines

Omega-News Collection 9. April 2005

Apocalypse now?

Human Damage to Earth Worsening Fast


Global warming: Shutdown of Atlantic current would ravage food stocks

How to prepare a planet for global warming

Dark side of the wood

Burning wood for fuel could kill 10 million Africans

New Kp Index Spike; Will Earthquake/Volcano Follow?

L.A.-Area Tsunami Could Cause Massive Damage


Killing Grizzlies for Fun

Quarter of Primates Nearly Extinct

Slanted Coverage of the Seal "Hunt"

Korean plans for whale meat factory exposed

Take Action to stop Smallpox Genetic Engineering

Controversy over Gene Therapy ‘Breakthrough’

Food and ad industry warned to stop targeting children

Advocate General recommends in favour of the ANH landmark case

Vote USA 2004

Iraq War

Is Iran next?



EMF-Omega-News 9. April 2005

EMF-Omega-News 9. April 2005

Cancer strikes 12 female staffers

Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma

Is my cancer linked to forest of phone masts?

AIDS and the Man: Electromagnetism and the Immune System

Leukemia in children will continue growing

Cyprus: "Alarm Bells of Radiation Threat"

Mobile mast health fears

Tetra Forum - Gillingham (2nd part)

Close calls for the cellar rats


A better monitoring of the construction of the turns of cellular telephony

Study to assess mobile mast risks

IAFF Seeks Study on Health Hazards of Cell Phone Tower Radiation

Fight the Masts with Tactical Voting

Bank of America sells flagpoles as cellular masts


Letter to local MP

Prescott buries bad news on phone mast blight


Protestors halt mobile phone mast

The antenna-relays want to pass unperceived

Face recognition, coming to a cell phone or PDA near you

Mobile Phone Mast: The Petition of the St. Albans residents

Council not to blame over masts


Mast plan discussed

New fight over latest mast plan

Magenta News from Mast Network



US Oil Drillers' Strategy: Today ANWR, Tomorrow the Coastlines?


Burkhard Lenniger: Ein mehrfach prämierter Tierfilmer kämpft gegen seine Existenzvernichtung


Berlin, Samstag, 09.04.2005

Beachten Sie bitte die angeblich bedauerlichen Einzelfälle, die aber schon längst keine Einzelfälle mehr sind:

In der historischen Altstadt von Einbeck treibt das örtliche Sozialamt einen kleinen selbstständigen Wollhändler in die extreme Verzweiflungstat und will es anschließend nicht gewesen sein.

Das Sozialamt wollte von dem kleinen Einzelhändler mit dem historischen Wollgeschäft aus der Einbecker Altstadt Unterhaltsleistungen für die pflegebedürftige Mutter.

Obwohl das Recht und die höchstrichterliche Rechtssprechung zugunsten des gewerblichen Geringverdieners keine Auflösng des Hausbesitzes verlangen, kümmerte es das Sozialamt der Stadt Einbeck nicht und trieb den kleinen Kaufmann bis in die Zwangsversteigerung des historischen Geschäftes, das seit 200 Jahren im Familienbesitz war.

Leider ist dieser Anlaß für die schreckliche Verzweiflungstat kein bedauerlicher Einzelfall.

Über die Jahre hinweg gab es in der Nachbarschaft von Einbeck bereits ähnlich verursachte Existenzvernichtungen.

Exemplarisch dafür sei das Schicksal des Schloßbesitzers Artur Frauenholz von der Erichsburg erwähnt.

In gleicher Weise wurde der Eigentümer des alten Forsthauses vom Kloster Amelunxborn in den Konkurs getrieben.

Länger zurück datiert der Fall mit dem Sollingschloß Nienover. Dort gab es ebenfalls behördliche Erpressungen, die den letzen privaten Eigentümer Herrn G. Beyer in die Verzweiflung und bis in Wutreaktionen trieben.

In Gronau an der Leine erwischte behördliche Gängelung den einst beliebtesten Konditor der Stadt und hatte auch den wirtschaftlichen Konkurs mit dem Verlust von Ehre, Vemögen und Einkommen zur Folge.

Wer nun glaubt, daß es sich nur um seltene Fälle der Begehrlichkeit an historischen Gebäuden handelt, der irrt gewaltig.

In diesen Tagen berichtete die Finanzial Times Deutschland von einem gerade aktuell geschehenden Vernichtungsfall einer privaten gewerblichen Existenz in Niedersachsen: Der mehrfach prämierte Tierfilmer Burkhard Lenniger wird mit unzulässigen Steuerforderungen rechtswidrig und systematisch in den Konkurs getrieben.


In Deutschland gibt es keinen Schutz für das Vermögen redlicher Menschen mehr.

Knut W. Schlanert
fon +49 30 78714123
fax +49 30 78716378
email: knut@schlanert.de

Ein mehrfach prämierter Tierfilmer kämpft weiter gegen seine Existenzvernichtung (Teil 2)

Protecting Whales around the World


Collapse Of The U.S. Dollar: Too Close Or Too Far?


Prensa Latina

March 30, 2005

Collapse Of The U.S. Dollar: Too Close Or Too Far?

By Elsy Fors

Havana -

Most U.S. citizens, and many millions of others around the world, have about as much idea of what a collapse in the value of the U.S. dollar might really mean, as they have about how the dangers of global warming might affect human life.

Maybe they have noticed the price of fuel has gone through the roof, or that favorite imported products cost more than they used to, but there is nothing to throw them into panic - yet.

Nevertheless, international accounts indicate the US dollar has lost 38 percent of its value compared to the euro since February 2002, 25 percent in relation to the Canadian dollar, and 23 percent facing the Japanese yen.

These are but three examples.

Twenty years ago, the main US allies signed the so-called Plaza Agreement with Washington in the New York Plaza Hotel, to reduce the value of the US dollar, in order to enable the local market to balance its high commercial deficit.

But the US consumer buys more imported goods and services than locally produced ones, so the rise in exports generated by a cheaper dollar diluted the additional income with growing imports, leading to increasingly higher prices.

The other "twin", the budget deficit, was likewise inflated by tax reductions approved by George W. Bush that gave most benefit to the highest income bracket, ie the rich, so less contributions to the Treasury were made.

Experts quoted by The Financial Times, The New York Times and other media are in agreement in their predictions of a crisis in the world economy, and consequently, an ever-growing debt for the US, now the greatest debtor in history owing in all between 70 and 100 trillion dollars.

Awareness of the coming catastrophe has not entered the minds of most US citizens, fed only a diet of commercial radio and television trash controlled by five or six corporate media outlets. Truth is a delicacy alien to the palate of 99 percent of US citizens, especially economic truth.

For instance, if the US dollar falls 40 percent, and you had a million dollars before the fall, your million dollars will only be able to buy goods and services valued at 600,000 US dollars. This means that you will have lost 400,000 dollars of your total buying power.

The US dollar is the main international trade currency. Most of the world monetary reserves are expressed in US dollars.

Entire countries and their monetary reserves are tied to the fate of the US dollar, so it is easy to predict a generalized crisis, because of the wide interrelation joining the US economy with the rest of the world. Those who stand to lose most, and who pay for the financial forecasts, have already moved their money towards purchases of gold and silver, which have been a shelter against the vagaries of currency for 5,000 years.

Warren Buffet, the richest US citizen according to Forbes magazine, owns 20 percent of all the silver in existence, and has stated he no longer trusts his own country"s currency.

Bill Gates, President of Microsoft, is the owner of between 10 to 20 percent of the Pan American Silver Mine, and multi-millionaire George Soros also has abundant shares in gold and silver.

Now, under the government of George W. Bush, the budget deficit has reached 500 billion dollars, and the balance of trade another 500 billion, giving a joint deficit of more than a trillion dollars.

So why is the crisis not here? Because countries in the US dollar's sphere of influence, and mega economy investors, have been financing a good part of US debts. Another important amount comes from cutting domestic social programs and pensions, and allocations to education and environmental protection.

Renowned international economist Barry Eichengreen assured that according to the current exchange rate, the US account deficit is on an explosive course, and will increase from the current level of between 5 and 6 percent of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to 8 percent by 2008, and up to 12 percent in 2010.

Eichengreen predicts that a strong fall of the US dollar would increase pressure on interest rates, and lead to a significant depression in US consumption and investments, followed by a recession.

Although markets do not yet anticipate a recession, foreigners who consider the current deficit and balance of payments unsustainable will continue to sell their dollars until interest rates go up again.

Sung Won Sohn, Head Economist of the Wells Fargo Bank, said that depreciation of the US dollar will not be enough to reduce the US balance of payments deficit, and that the main problems are the budget deficit and the low domestic saving rate.

Lehman Brothers senior economist Ethan Harris warned there is a limit to what foreign investors can do to keep on financing the US deficit, and said it is an unsustainable way to run any economy.

Economic commentator Kart Richebacher stated the origin of the commercial deficit was not devaluation of the US dollar, but the low domestic savings rate and low investment, and that in the 1989-1993 period, when the balance of trade deficit dropped, US total credit grew by 819 billion dollars a year.

However, in the four last years, ending in 2004, it grew three times faster, 2.4 trillion a year. This was the result of the expansionist policy of the US Federal Reserve, which reduced interest rates 13 times between January 2001 and June 2003.

In conclusion, many analysts consider that as a consequence of the trade imbalance restoration of the US economy is impossible, given its vulnerability to a sudden downturn.

Informant: Friends

Sign The One Declaration

“WE BELIEVE that in the best American tradition of helping others help themselves, now is the time to join with other countries in a historic pact for compassion and justice to help the poorest people of the world overcome AIDS and extreme poverty. WE RECOGNIZE that a pact including such measures as fair trade, debt relief, fighting corruption and directing additional resources for basic needs – education, health, clean water, food, and care for orphans – would transform the futures and hopes of an entire generation in the poorest countries, at a cost equal to just one percent more of the US budget. WE COMMIT ourselves - one person, one voice, one vote at a time - to make a better, safer world for all.”


Check out http://www.one.org/Partners.aspx for organizations partnering in the effort. They include Save the Children, Oxfam, and Care.

Also, this Sunday at 8:59 pm Eastern and Pacific time on all the MTV Networks channels, including MTV: Music Television, MTV2, mtvU, VH1, Comedy Central, CMT, Spike, TV Land, Nick at Nite, MTV Espanol; and BET, and between 8 and 9 p.m. on ABC, the ONE.ORG one minute spot will have its world television premiere. It will feature, among others, Bono, Brad Pitt, Jack Valenti, the former top lobbyist for the film industry, Tom Hanks, Al Pacino, evangelist Pat Robertson, and the Rev. Frank Griswold, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church in the United States. Hulluva lot of talent to pack into a one minute spot, don't you think?

Suppose we'll have to watch Comedy Central from 8:59 to 9:00 before switching over to Channel 9 to watch Mystery!


Rudolph Giuliani Got Warning WTC Towers Were Going To Collapse

Prison Planet | April 9 2005

We first reported this 15 months ago but we have now received the video where then Mayor of New York Rudolph Giuliani admits to Peter Jennings that he got a warning that the South Tower was about to collapse.

Why is this important?

No steel framed building had ever collapsed from fire damage before in history. The event was unprecedented. To know the building was about to collapse would require inside knowledge of 'the 9/11 script' and how it was supposed to unfold on that fateful day.

Remember, right before the building collapsed, firefighters reported minimal fires which they could quickly and easily extinguish.

Why didn't the brave firemen and rescue workers who were rushing into the building get the same warning? Even if the warning was only only communicated minutes before the collapse, countless lives could have been saved.

Consider the amount of people on the lower floors, in the lobby and immediately outside that could have rushed to safety in those few minutes.

Giuliani was operating out of Building 7 which he evacuated before that too was 'pulled' by means of demolition as Larry Silverstein admitted in a September 2002 PBS documentary. http://www.prisonplanet.com/011904wtc7.html

Click here to view the ABC News clip. There is a slight blip where the word 'collapse' cuts off, but the full quote is as follows...

""We were operating out of there when we were told that the World Trade Center was gonna collapse."

ARCHIVE: Bombs in the Buildings

Informant: Andy

New fight over latest mast plan

by Heather Slater

Apr 8, 2005, 08:34

Campaigners against mobile phone masts are preparing for a new battle after it was revealed that yet another could be on its way to Lichfield.

They are already fighting plans for a 24-metre high Vodafone mast in Eastern Avenue - and now Hutchinson 3G UK Ltd is considering installing one at a nearby business park.

Hutchinson 3G has notified Lichfield District Council of its intention but has not yet submitted a formal planning application.

The 20-metre mast would be on the Walter Tipper site in Britannia Enterprise Park, Europa Way.

Campaigners from Stowe Concerned Residents Against Masts are still waiting to find out if a mast proposed for Eastern Avenue, close to Charnwood Primary School, is given the go-ahead.

They fear too many masts are springing up in Lichfield and fear they are a potential health hazard, particularly to children.

Chairman David Brain said he had not seen the latest plans by Hutchinson 3G but he is concerned about them.

"Why is there a need for so many of these masts. Why are they being foisted upon us?" he said.

"There is good mobile phone coverage in Lichfield for all services, the vast majority of people don't want the things.

"The key thing next is whether or not the Vodafone mast in Eastern Avenue goes to the planning committee. I am hoping they will knock it on the head and decide they are wasting their time."

Alan Begley, from the Boley Park Action Group, successfully fought plans for a mast near Darnford Park in north Lichfield earlier this year.

He was also concerned by the news of the latest mast. "We seem to be getting a hell of a lot of proposals at the moment for masts which is quite worrying," he said.

Prospective independent county councillor John Walker said: "The mobile phone companies seem to be grouping the masts all together in this area but the people won't put up with this, it is not something we want on our back doorstep."

Mast plan discussed

THE fourth planning application for a telecommunications mast and base station on land at Belvedere and Caldervale Sports Club at Holden Road, Reedley, is up for discussion by Pendle Council's Brierfield and Reedley Committee on Tuesday.

The application is for a 17.5m monopole mast with six antennae, three cabinets, associated equipment and a compound to be sited between the two rugby pitches.

The telecom company, O2 (UK) Ltd, plans to replace two of the existing three floodlight columns, which stand on a banking between the sports pitches, and utilise the monopole to take the floodlights at their current height, 15m.

The application, the third by O2, has met with a storm of protests, despite the company having submitted a "certificate of compliance with accepted standards of safety in respect of radio frequency emissions" with its application.

More than 80 letters of protest have been received by Pendle's planning department together with a petition containing 201 signatures.

Between them they list 38 different points of objection, including reference to the Stewart report stating children should not be exposed to mobile phone microwaves, other health issues, the high visibility of the mast, closeness to homes, possibility of vandalism, intrusion into the landscape, and the fact that mobile phone masts should not be put on sports fields used by children.

Planning officer Kathryn Hewertson has recommended refusal on planning grounds that "the proposed mast by virtue of its size, appearance and bulk would represent an alien, intrusive and incongruous feature in the landscape close to a number of public vantage points and residential properties to the detriment of visual and residential amenity".

The telecom company says there is a need for better telecommunications coverage in the Reedley/North Burnley area.

08 April 2005

Burnley express

Weise kritisiert organisatorische Defizite bei Hartz-Reform

Der Chef der Bundesagentur Weise erkennt tatsächlich, dass der Umbau der ehemaligen Arbeitsämter "kein genialer Wurf" ist. Zur Dokumentation und um hier nochmals festzustellen, wer wirklich von der Reform betroffen ist, ein Artikel von Thomas Maron in der Frankfurter Rundschau vom 8.4.05.

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 6

Förderung des zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements als Alternative zu 1- Euro-Arbeitsgelegenheiten

Positionspapier des Bielefelder Arbeitskreis "1-Euro-Jobs und gemeinnützigen Organisationen" vom Januar 2005 (pdf)

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 6

Zeit für Gegenwehr: Ein-Euro-Jobber fordern Abschaffung des Arbeitszwangs

Betroffenenversammlung in Berlin. Widerstand soll gebündelt werden.

"Bundesweit wurden bisher an die 114000 Ein-Euro-Jobs geschaffen. Das erklärte die Arbeitslosenaktivistin Angelika Wernike am Mittwoch auf einer vom Berliner Sozialforum und der Berliner "Kampagne gegen Hartz IV" organisierten Betroffenenversammlung von Ein-Euro-Jobbern in Berlin…." Bericht von Thomas Konicz in junge Welt vom 08.04.2005

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 6

Für einen Euro in die Grauzone

"Wohlfahrtsverbände nutzen Hartz IV, um Personalnot zu lindern: Allein bei den Samaritern sollen 50 Arbeitslose Zivi-Lücke schließen und Pfleger entlasten. Doch der Grad zwischen Beschäftigungstherapie und Arbeitsplatzverdrängung ist schmal…". Artikel von Eva Weikert in der taz-Hamburg vom 7.April 2005.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 6

Club-Komfort vom Jobcenter

"Am Falckensteiner Strand soll in diesem Sommer eine Art Club-Atmosphäre den Aufenthalt noch angenehmer machen. Kein Reiseveranstalter, sondern das Kieler Jobcenter hat sich das preisgünstige Angebot mit Kinderbetreuung, Beachvolleyball oder Sonnenschirmverleih ausgedacht. Hinter dem Projekt "Strand-Gut" verbirgt sich der Plan, Ein-Euro-Jobbern eine sinnvolle Beschäftigung zu geben, von der auch Strandbesucher etwas haben." Für alle, die mal "so richtig Baden gehen wollen", gerne mit Förmchen spielen, glauben, dass 1-€-Jobs zusätzlich sind, nähere Informationen in einem Artikel von Jürgen Küppers in den Kieler Nachrichten vom 6.April 2005.


Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 6

Proteste gegen Ein-Euro-Jobs

Interessenvertretung für Ein-Euro-Jobber. Bundes-Arbeitsrichter hält Arbeitskämpfe "arbeitnehmerähnlich Beschäftigter" für rechtlich möglich

"Gewerkschaften lehnen Ein-Euro-Jobs arbeitsmarktpolitisch zumeist ab. In Hamburg könnte sich ver.di trotzdem bald dazu durchringen, eine Interessenvertretung für die "Arbeitsgelegenheiten" zu gründen. Nach wochenlangen Beratungen hat der Hamburger Erwerbslosenrat der Gewerkschaft ver.di am Mittwochabend die Bildung einer Interessenvertretung für Hamburgs Ein-Euro-Jobber beschlossen. Gleichzeitig beschloss das Gremium, dem Vertreter verschiedener Arbeitslosengruppen angehören, einen Antrag an den ver.di-Landesbezirksvorstand, Tarifverhandlungen für die Ein-Euro-Jobber aufzunehmen…" Artikel von Andreas Grünwald in ND 08.04.05 http://www.nd-online.de/artikel.asp?AID=70076&IDC=42

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 6



Zeitung zur Ein-Euro-Job Kampagne (pdf), die ab 15. April gedruckt
vorliegt http://www.labournet.de/diskussion/arbeit/aktionen/agenturzeitung.pdf

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 6

Anonyme Umfrage zu Ein-Euro-Jobs

Wie angekündigt, liegt nun die pdf-Ausgabe des Fragebogens (zum Ausdrucken und Kopieren) in einer straffer und hübscher layouteten Version vor http://www.labournet.de/agenturschluss/fragebogen.pdf

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 6

The casualties of war go far beyond the battlefields

Reverend Daniel J. Webster, an associate priest at All Saints Episcopal Church, Salt Lake City, Utah, gives us an essay to think about.



FURIOUS families are protesting against plans to site a second mobile phone mast near their homes.

More than 100 people in the York Avenue and Dene Terrace areas of Jarrow have signed a petition objecting to the controversial proposal.

They were still reeling from being told mobile phone company Orange has been given permission to put up a mast when they heard rival firm Vodafone is planning another. Now the residents have redoubled their efforts to stop the second mast going ahead.

"I'm really disappointed with the whole situation," said Michael Fay, of Dene Terrace. "People living around here really are horrified. "These things are an eyesore and it makes me angry that the decision has been made by the Secretary of State, who has no interest in the area and has probably never even visited it. "We have received lots of support not only from local residents, but also from people who use the area every day and who are totally opposed to plans to put up another mast."

Neighbour Mary Harrison, 71, added: "I think it's appalling. They only put one up a couple of weeks ago, and now there's going to be another one. "Not only are they unsightly, but it's also suspected they can cause damage to people's health. It's disgusting this is happening again."

South Tyneside Council confirmed the reason that two masts are to be sited so close together is because both Orange and Vodafone want to serve the surrounding area. "The preference is to put masts in industrial areas," said a spokesman. "However, because of the location of industrial areas, they're not always certain to get coverage. "Therefore mobile phone companies often need to put their masts in non-industrial or residential areas, where they use slimmer masts.

"The council has to make a judgement on the siting and appearance of mobile phone masts, and consider the visual impact on surrounding areas. "In terms of health concerns, Government guidance states that if a proposed mast meets the international health safety guidelines, local authorities in processing applications should not consider the health effects further." Current laws state that planning officials cannot block applications on the grounds of health and safety alone.

National campaign group Mast Sanity gave advice to those protesting to object plans as soon as possible. It also urged nearby schools and nurseries to get involved, which can lend more weight to an argument.

People can contact Mast Sanity by calling (08704) 322 377 between 1pm and 8pm from Tuesday to Friday. You can also log on to the website http://www.mastsanity.org


08 April 2005

South Tyneside (Shields Gazette)

Council not to blame over masts

Bromley Council has recently been on the receiving end of some criticism both directly and in the local press about the way we have been dealing with mobile phone masts.

I, together with all my colleagues, fully appreciate the impact such masts can have on the amenity and feelings of local people. The planning rules and guidance issued by central government are however extremely complicated and undoubtedly confusing; in short they are a mess and I will do my best to explain.

"There are three categories of procedure: "

1. Those that require planning permission; these are dealt with on their planning merits, local residents are consulted and their views taken into account. Only if amenity is not harmed and they are within government safety guidelines do the council contemplate granting them. All too often the council, having refused them, are overruled by government inspectors on appeal.

2. Those that are ‘permitted development’ but require ‘prior approval’ over siting and design. Again local residents are consulted and the above comments apply.

3. Those that are of an allegedly ‘minor nature’ and these do not require council permission. Consultation is not undertaken by the council but this is left to the telecommunications operator.

The recent local controversy concerning two masts with six antennae being erected on the shops/flats in Westmoreland Place falls into the latter category. Unfortunately, the message seems to have been widely circulated in the areas that in some way the council is at fault or is to blame.

For this type of mast, the facts are clear. No application has to be submitted to the council, the council is therefore not in a position to notify local residents, no council consent is required and there is no right of appeal.

The council can only withdraw the ‘permitted development’ entitlement in specified exceptional circumstances which rarely apply.

I do sympathise with local residents but the problem does not lie at the council's door; it is about time the government and telecommunications operators got their act together and started engaging the public.

For my part I will be pressing the government to alter the legislation to bring all such matters under planning control so that the public can be properly consulted.

Councillor George Taylor, Portfolio Holder for the Environment (Bromley Council)

10:06am Friday 8th April 2005

Bamberg-Ost macht Menschenkette

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren von der Presse, liebe BIs, liebe Interessierte, liebe Betroffene

Mobilfunk geht uns alle an!

Demonstration gegen sieben Antennen in unserer Nachbarschaft, auf den Dächern der Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg, Feldkirchenstraße 21, am Freitag, den 15. April 2005, Beginn: 10.30 Uhr

Bilden einer Menschenkette um das Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium


Die Deutsche Funkturm GmbH hat bei der Universität Bamberg wegen dem Dach der Feldkirchenstraße 21 angefragt. Sie will einen Basisstation mit sieben Antennen installieren. Der Rektor, Prof. Dr. Rupert, nannte kürzlich öffentlich seine Entscheidungskriterien unter denen er bereit sein wird, den Verrag zu unterzeichnen. Ein Kriterium ist das, dass der Stadtrat nun entscheiden soll, ob das Gebiet drumrum zu den sog. "Sensiblen Bereichen" gehört. In nur kurzem Abstand von ca. 40 Metern befinden sich der Kindergarten St. Franziskus (2 Gruppen), Kindergarten Jean-Paul (3 Gruppen), die Heidelsteiggrundschule mit demnächst rund 300 Schülern und das Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium mit 1500 Schülern und 100 Lehrern. Im Bereich über 100 Meter befinden sich noch weitere Einrichtungen wie Kindergärten, Sozialstation und Pflegestation und ein Wohnheim für Behinderte.

Die Menschenkette soll der Öffentlichkeit - dem Stadtrat - nochmals signalisieren, dass es sich hier um ein sensibles Gebiet handelt. Die Aktion wird unterstützt von der Heidelsteigschule und der Bürgerinitiative Mobilfunk-STOPP, Bamberg-Ost. Kontaktadressen sie unten.

Ich bitte um Mobilisierung in Ihrem Bekanntenkreis, Eurer BI, der Nachbarschaft, etc. Die Dauer wird rund eine Stunde sein - ich finde, 60 Minuten sollten uns die vielen Betroffenen und vor allem Kinder wert sein. Kommen Sie dazu, bringen Sie gerne Transparente und Photoapparate mit, sprechen Sie Redakteure der Presse, Film und Photographen an, sofern Sie Kontakt haben. Es ist für die Motivation der Schülerinnen und Schüler auch wichtig, wenn sie Mitmacher und Zuschauer bekommen. Wir hoffen auf viele Menschen und Presse.

PS: am 20. April findet ab 14.30 Uhr im Rathaus Maxplatz eine öffentliche Stadtratssitzung statt, die vielleicht eine wichtige Entscheidungshürde bezüglich "Umgang mit Mobilfunk in Bamberg" ist. Es kommen 2-3 externe Referenten, die über Baurecht und Netzplanung vor dem Stadtrat referieren. Die Sitzung ist, wie alle Stadtratssitzungen, öffentlich, man kann einfach reingehen und auch rausgehen, wenn man weg muss.

Dientzenhofer-Gymnasium: Herr Fuchs, Herr Wagner, Frau Krug, Tel: 93239-0
Heidelsteigschule: Herr Conrad, Frau Weber, Tel 93542-0
Bürgerinitiative, Karin Zieg Tel: 9230388

Vielen Dank und ein sonniges Wochenende.

Karin Zieg
BI Mobilfunk-STOPP

Nachricht von Bernd Schreiner

Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom

Doug Henwood's Wall Street: How It Works and for Whom [Verso, 1997] is now available for free download. It's an excellent book, a must-read for activists under late capitalism, who need to understand the power of finance capital over the fate of workers of the world. -- FULL TEXT:


-- Yoshie

From ufpj-news

A Partial History of Aerosol and Weather Related Technologies

Lines In The Sky Mean Years Off Your Life


* Bill Gallagher

* 08 Apr 2005

It IS Patently Obvious--review well...this is about energy technology that Bush do not DARE talk about because it is highly damaging...probable that this tech responsible for 30% of malpractice suits in the last ten years, and you can expect 25% off your life because of this tech being tested by a foreign power on America...

The wanton Human Experimentation that has happened since Bush locked in his hold over America, and though there are many nay sayers, it is assured, by reviewing the list below that the nay sayers are simply ignorant. Do not fret though, ignorance does not exempt them from the deletrious effects of this macro energy experimentation--the nay sayers can expect 25%+ off their lives too, and this is just the beginning. This list below is only the latter half of the list entire, followed by a selection from the eastlund patent of haarp:


A Partial History of Aerosol and Weather Related Technologies

July 30, 2003

Lorie Kramer

3131131 - April 28, 1964 - Electrostatic Mixing in Microbial Conversions

3174150 - March 16, 1965 - Self-Focusing Antenna System

3234357 - February 8, 1966 - Electrically Heated Smoke Producing Device

3274035 - September 20, 1966 - Metallic Composition For Production of Hydroscopic Smoke

3300721 - January 24, 1967 - Means For Communication Through a Layer of Ionized Gases

3313487 - April 11, 1967 - Cloud Seeding Apparatus

3338476 - August 29, 1967 - Heating Device For Use With Aerosol Containers - Referenced in 3990987

3410489 - November 12, 1968 - Automatically Adjustable Airfoil Spray System With Pump

3429507 - February 25, 1969 - Rainmaker

3432208 - November 7, 1967 - Fluidized Particle Dispenser

3441214 - April 29, 1969 - Method And Apparatus For Seeding Clouds

3445844 - May 20, 1969 - Trapped Electromagnetic Radiation Communications System

3456880 - July 22, 1969 - Method Of Producing Precipitation From The Atmosphere

3518670 June 30, 1970 - Artificial Ion Cloud

3534906 - October 20, 1970 - Control of Atmospheric Particles

3545677 - December 8, 1970 - Method of Cloud Seeding

3564253 - February 16, 1971 - System And Method For Irradiation Of Planet Surface Areas

3587966 - June 28, 1971 - Freezing Nucleation

3601312 - August 24, 1971 - Methods of Increasing The Likelihood of Precipatation By The Artificial Introduction Of Sea Water Vapor Into The Atmosphere Winward Of An Air Lift Region

3608810 - September 28, 1971 - Methods of Treating Atmospheric Conditions

3608820 - September 20, 1971 - Treatment of Atmospheric Conditions by Intermittent Dispensing of Materials Therein

3613992 - October 19, 1971 - Weather Modification Method

3630950 - December 28, 1971 - Combustible Compositions For Generating Aerosols, Particularly Suitable For Cloud Modification And Weather Control And Aerosolization Process

USRE29142 - This patent is a reissue of patent US3630950 - Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

3659785 - December 8, 1971 - Weather Modification Utilizing Microencapsulated Material

3666176 - March 3, 1972 - Solar Temperature Inversion Device

3677840 - July 18, 1972 - Pyrotechnics Comprising Oxide of Silver For Weather Modification Use

3722183 - March 27, 1973 - Device For Clearing Impurities From The Atmosphere

3769107 - October 30, 1973 - Pyrotechnic Composition For Generating Lead Based Smoke

3784099 - January 8, 1974 - Air Pollution Control Method

3785557 - January 15, 1974 - Cloud Seeding System

3795626 - March 5, 1974 - Weather Modification Process

3808595 - April 30, 1974 - Chaff Dispensing System

3813875 - June 4, 1974 - Rocket Having Barium Release System to Create Ion Clouds In The Upper Atmopsphere

3835059 - September 10, 1974 - Methods of Generating Ice Nuclei Smoke Particles For Weather Modification And Apparatus Therefore

3835293 - September 10, 1974 - Electrical Heating Aparatus For Generating Super Heated Vapors - Referenced in 3990987

3877642 - April 15, 1975 - Freezing Nucleant

3882393 - May 6, 1975 - Communications System Utilizing Modulation of The Characteristic Polarization of The Ionosphere

3896993 - July 29, 1975 - Process For Local Modification of Fog And Clouds For Triggering Their Precipitation And For Hindering The Development of Hail Producing Clouds

3899129 - August 12, 1975 - Apparatus for generating ice nuclei smoke particles for weather modification

3899144 - August 12, 1975 - Powder contrail generation

3940059 - February 24, 1976 - Method For Fog Dispersion

3940060 - February 24, 1976 - Vortex Ring Generator

3990987 - November 9, 1976 - Smoke generator

3992628 - November 16, 1976 - Countermeasure system for laser radiation

3994437 - November 30, 1976 - Broadcast dissemination of trace quantities of biologically active chemicals

4042196 - August 16, 1977 - Method and apparatus for triggering a substantial change in earth characteristics and measuring earth changes

RE29,142 - February 22, 1977 - Reissue of: 03630950 - Combustible compositions for generating aerosols, particularly suitable for cloud modification and weather control and aerosolization process

4035726 - July 12, 1977 - Method of controlling and/or improving high-latitude and other communications or radio wave surveillance systems by partial control of radio wave et al

4096005 - June 20, 1978 - Pyrotechnic Cloud Seeding Composition

4129252 - December 12, 1978 - Method and apparatus for production of seeding materials

4141274 - February 27, 1979 - Weather modification automatic cartridge dispenser

4167008 - September 4, 1979 - Fluid bed chaff dispenser

4347284 - August 31, 1982 - White cover sheet material capable of reflecting ultraviolet rays

4362271 - December 7, 1982 - Procedure for the artificial modification of atmospheric precipitation as well as compounds with a dimethyl sulfoxide base for use in carrying out said procedure

4402480 - September 6, 1983 - Atmosphere modification satellite

4412654 - November 1, 1983 - Laminar microjet atomizer and method of aerial spraying of liquids

4415265 - November 15, 1983 - Method and apparatus for aerosol particle absorption spectroscopy

4470544 - September 11, 1984 - Method of and Means for weather modification

4475927 - October 9, 1984 - Bipolar Fog Abatement System

4600147 - July 15, 1986 - Liquid propane generator for cloud seeding apparatus

4633714 - January 6, 1987 - Aerosol particle charge and size analyzer

4643355 - February 17, 1987 - Method and apparatus for modification of climatic conditions

4653690 - March 31, 1987 - Method of producing cumulus clouds

4684063 - August 4, 1987 - Particulates generation and removal

4686605 - August 11, 1987 - Method and apparatus for altering a region in the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere

4704942 - November 10, 1987 - Charged Aerosol

4712155 - December 8, 1987 - Method and apparatus for creating an artificial electron cyclotron heating region of plasma

4744919 - May 17, 1988 - Method of dispersing particulate aerosol tracer

4766725 - August 30, 1988 - Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

4829838 - May 16, 1989 - Method and apparatus for the measurement of the size of particles entrained in a gas

4836086 - June 6, 1989 - Apparatus and method for the mixing and diffusion of warm and cold air for dissolving fog

4873928 - October 17, 1989 - Nuclear-sized explosions without radiation

4948257 - August 14, 1990 - Laser optical measuring device and method for stabilizing fringe pattern spacing

4948050 - August 14, 1990 - Liquid atomizing apparatus for aerial spraying

4999637 - March 12, 1991 - Creation of artificial ionization clouds above the earth

5003186 - March 26, 1991 - Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming

5005355 - April 9, 1991 - Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

5038664 - August 13, 1991 - Method for producing a shell of relativistic particles at an altitude above the earths surface

5041760 - August 20, 1991 - Method and apparatus for generating and utilizing a compound plasma configuration

5041834 - August 20, 1991 - Artificial ionospheric mirror composed of a plasma layer which can be tilted

5056357 - October 15, 1991- Acoustic method for measuring properties of a mobile medium

5059909 - October 22, 1991 - Determination of particle size and electrical charge

5104069 - April 14, 1992 - Apparatus and method for ejecting matter from an aircraft

5110502 - May 5, 1992 - Method of suppressing formation of contrails and solution therefor

5156802 - October 20, 1992 - Inspection of fuel particles with acoustics

5174498 - December 29, 1992 - Cloud Seeding

5148173 - September 15, 1992 - Millimeter wave screening cloud and method

5245290 - September 14, 1993 - Device for determining the size and charge of colloidal particles by measuring electroacoustic effect

5286979 - February 15, 1994 - Process for absorbing ultraviolet radiation using dispersed melanin

5296910 - March 22, 1994 - Method and apparatus for particle analysis

5327222 - July 5, 1994 - Displacement information detecting apparatus

5357865 - October 25, 1994 - Method of cloud seeding

5360162 - November 1, 1994 - Method and composition for precipitation of atmospheric water

5383024 - January 17, 1995 - Optical wet steam monitor

5425413 - June 20, 1995 - Method to hinder the formation and to break-up overhead atmospheric inversions, enhance ground level air circulation and improve urban air quality

5434667 - July 18, 1995 - Characterization of particles by modulated dynamic light scattering

5441200 - August 15, 1995 - Tropical cyclone disruption

5486900 - January 23, 1996 - Measuring device for amount of charge of toner and image forming apparatus having the measuring device

5556029 - September 17, 1996 - Method of hydrometeor dissipation (clouds)

5628455 - May 13, 1997 - Method and apparatus for modification of supercooled fog

5631414 - May 20, 1997 - Method and device for remote diagnostics of ocean-atmosphere system state

5639441 - June 17, 1997 - Methods for fine particle formation

5762298 - June 9, 1998 - Use of artificial satellites in earth orbits adaptively to modify the effect that solar radiation would otherwise have on earth's weather

5912396 - June 15, 1999 - System and method for remediation of selected atmospheric conditions

5922976 - July 13, 1999 - Method of measuring aerosol particles using automated mobility-classified aerosol detector

5949001 - September 7, 1999 - Method for aerodynamic particle size analysis

5984239 - November 16, 1999 - Weather modification by artificial satellite

6025402 - February 15, 2000 - Chemical composition for effectuating a reduction of visibility obscuration, and a detoxifixation of fumes and chemical fogs in spaces of fire origin

6030506 - February 29, 2000 - Preparation of independently generated highly reactive chemical species

6034073 - March 7, 2000 - Solvent detergent emulsions having antiviral activity

6045089 - April 4, 2000 - Solar-powered airplane

6056203 - May 2, 2000 - Method and apparatus for modifying supercooled clouds

6110590 - August 29, 2000 - Synthetically spun silk nanofibers and a process for making the same

6263744 - July 24, 2001 - Automated mobility-classified-aerosol detector

6281972 - August 28, 2001 - Method and apparatus for measuring particle-size distribution

6315213 - November 13, 2001 - Method of modifying weather

6382526 - May 7, 2002 - Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

6408704 - June 25, 2002 - Aerodynamic particle size analysis method and apparatus

6412416 - July 2, 2002 - Propellant-based aerosol generation devices and method

6520425 - February 18, 2003 - Process and apparatus for the production of nanofibers

Bernard Eastlund, Inventor of HAARP (High Frequency Active AURORAL Research program), from his Patent # 4,686,605...This invention relates to a method and apparatus for altering at least one selected region normally existing above the Earths surface...by initially transmitting electromagnetic radiation from the Earth's surface... ...By altering solar absorption...weather modification is possible... for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device...A moving plume could also serve as a means for focusing a vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the Earth...HIGH INTENSITY, WELL CONTROLLED ELECTRICAL FIELDS CAN BE PROVIDED IN SELECTED LOCATIONS FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES...(caps ours, ed.)



Toxic plume threatens project

Illustrates the challenges facing those who wish to reclaim land damaged by the United States military (the US military is the world's biggest polluter). -Shiela

From: Lenny Siegel <lsiegel@cpeo.org>
Subject: [CPEO-MEF] "New" Ft. Ord (CA) plume
To: Military Environmental Forum <military@list.cpeo.org>

[This significance of the discovery of a new TCE plume at Ft. Ord goes well beyond the impact on the proposed development and the potential risks to public health. It points out, once again, either how difficult it is to characterize fully contamination at major military bases or how poorly current characterization practices are. The same thing happened at Moffett Field. After years of facility-wide investigations, a new plume of volatile organic compounds was found. This bodes ill for armed service plans to shift cleanup responsibility to private entities, particularly for the upcoming round of base closures. Private parties and their insurance companies will be unwilling to accept property where new toxic plumes might be discovered, or they will make more financial demands to protect against the risk. - LS]

Toxic plume threatens project

-- Lenny Siegel Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight c/o PSC, 278-A Hope St., Mountain View, CA 94041 Voice: 650/961-8918 or 650/969-1545 Fax: 650/961-8918 lsiegel@cpeo.org http://www.cpeo.org

US punished Japanese war criminals for same acts it commits today


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

From Insider about Clinton & Bush 1&2 Administrations

STUNNING DISCLOSURES from ranking insider about Clinton & Bush 1&2 Administrations

I subscribe to Republican & Democratic Internet Groups where I constantly read posts which tend to "attack" their opposites. Yes, some, if not most, can be justifiable.

But, it has not been until I heard the disclosures being presented below, that I have come to realize the degree to which "the powers that be", ON BOTH SIDES of the political spectrum, want to keep constituents fighting among each other.

This time, YOU MUST make the time to learn what has been really going on so that we ALL can realize - Republicans & Democrats (and third parties) - that we are not each other's enemy...and not even most in our constitutional government.

Finally, I have come across a genuine bipartisan report that could be be the catalyst for reversing the polarization that has gripped the citizens of our nation.


Black Budgets & Money Trails
Catherine Austin Fitts http://www.solari.com/

1. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=165139&f=SSCPYU&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)
2. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=165141&f=TFDIAD&ps=13&p=1 (10 min)
3. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=165144&f=CKPIPM&ps=13&p=1 (8 min)
4. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=165149&f=YBBOTE&ps=13&p=1 (9 min)
5. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=165150&f=XRXNAI&ps=13&p=1 (2 min)
6. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=165154&f=IORKFN&ps=13&p=1 (5 min)
7. http://PlayAudio-123.com/play.asp?m=165156&f=HBULOE&ps=13&p=1 (5 min)

Note: Even though there are a lot of audio links above, note that most are short in duration.

I took a 4 hour interview and condensed the highlights down to about 45 minutes. The full interview can be heard at: http://www.coasttocoastam.com/guests/951.html starting an hour into the radio show.

Jack Topel

Hohe Bußgelder für Handy am Steuer in Europa


Sadistic Sealing Captain Whines about Harassment


Click through Sea Shepherd Captain Paul Watson's chronological moblog from present backwards...


Sadistic Sealing Captain Whines about Harassment

Captain Paul Watson received a call from CBC in Newfoundland today asking for his reaction to allegations by sealing captain Rendell Genge that he is receiving death threats by phone.

Rendell Genge is the sealing captain who is shown in pictures and in video violently attacking Farley Mowat crewmembers on the ice floes in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The crewmembers who were assaulted have requested that criminal charges be laid against Captain Genge and his crew.

Captain Watson's response was, "Any phone calls received by Captain Genge are of no concern or business of mine. None of us have made any threats towards him or his crew nor have we, nor would we advocate that such threats be made. If indeed threats have been made, this is a matter for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to investigate. They can determine if a crime has been committed or not. Captain Genge's problems are his business. My only business with Captain Genge is the fact that he is a barbaric baby seal slaughtering sadist and he violently assaulted members of my crew with a deadly weapon. I think the man is simply attempting to distract from his own criminal behavior by making accusations against people concerned for protecting the seals."

Captain Watson has added, "You know when you engage in criminal activity, when you are filmed assaulting people and inflicting pain and death on defenseless animals, you are going to make many people angry. Serial killers get threatening phone calls and child molesters get threatening phone calls so I don't think it is unusual that baby seal serial killers get threatening phone calls."


Report from the Farley Mowat

March 31st, 2005

0930 Hours AST 0530 PST

Position: 46 Degrees 47 Minutes 59 Seconds North
61 Degrees 44 Minutes 29 Seconds West
25 Miles South of the Magdalens
30 Miles Northwest of Cape Breton Island , Nova Scotia

A Truly Wonderful Perfect Storm

It is the last day of March and the wind is roaring like a lion, the ice pressure continues to build, visibility is severely limited, the temperature continues to drop and the crew of the Farley Mowat are very contented.

We love this storm and the havoc it is causing to the sealing fleet. The entire armada of sealing vessels, a fleet that numbered close to one hundred on Monday is now scattered, shattered, and scurrying to the closest port.

"It's not worth it b'ye, these seals ain't worth this!," one sealer was overheard saying to another on the radio.

The Canadian Coast Guard has been working through the night rescuing one sealing vessel after another.

The crew of the Farley Mowat are sitting in the middle of this panic circus, enjoying every minute of this storm.

"This is the perfect storm," said First Cook Jonny Vasic. "This is the second day made safe for the seals from the barbarians on those vessels. The seals seem happy and I'm happy for them."

It is of course incredible that these vessels were allowed to come out into these elements. The boats used by the sealers are all within the fifty to seventy foot range and their hulls were not built to withstand such ice pressure. The Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans, in their lust to have the seals killed, have placed these vessels and their crew in dire peril. It appears that anyone with a boat was given a license and permission to go out and slaughter seals.

"This is the same government that wanted us to cross every ‘t’ and dot every ‘i’ on every certificate and accused us of not having a proper ship and crew to go to the ice," said Captain Paul Watson .
"Yet here we are safe and seaworthy as the entire sealing fleet lies in disarray around us. If they were really concerned about safety and not so much about harassing us, the bureaucrats would have been more careful about what types of vessels they authorized to go to this free-for-all-slaughter on the ice."

As the sealers scramble to return to port, the crew of the Farley Mowat are filming seals and sending dive crews under the ice to film the seals beneath the surface.

"I love this place," said Laura Dakin from Bermuda , "the seals are beautiful, this storm is incredibly welcome because it put a stop to the cruelty and the killing. I'm so glad we are here. I'm enjoying this immensely."

The wind and moving ice is pushing the Farley Mowat and many of the sealers away from the Magdalens towards the coast of Cape Breton Island .

Not many seals will die today.
Posted on 3/31/2005 9:44:59 AM

Informant: sash

Campus Military Recruitment


Coop Radio: Gail Davidson & Leuren Moret: Are Bush & Co. War Criminals?


From ICIS-Institute for Cooperation in Space

State water official halts logging plan


Informant: STRIDER

Schwenkt die Swisscom um?

Elektrosmog: Die schlagzeilenträchtige Sendeanlage am Hirschberg soll mittels Biogeometrie entstört werden

Folgt auf das «Wunder von Hemberg» dasjenige vom Hirschberg? Der Ägypter Ibrahim Karim hat auch hier elektrosensiblen Menschen seine Hilfe zugesagt. Noch offen ist, ob sich die Swisscom an den Kosten einer wissenschaftlichen Begleitstudie beteiligen wird.


Die «kosmische Formensprache» des Ägypters Ibrahim Karim polarisiert: Der Geschäftsführer der Vereinigung Elektrosmog-Betroffener Gigaherz.ch, Hans-Ulrich Jakob, beispielsweise nennt die «Biogeometrie» Humbug und Zauberei. Für eine Gruppe von elektrosensiblen Menschen in Hemberg war die Methode des diplomierten ETH-Architekten und Doktors der Wissenschaften aber Heilmittel im Kampf gegen die Umweltverstrahlung.

Karim half vor zwei Jahren in der Hügelsiedlung einer Gruppe von Betroffenen, die über gesundheitliche Beschwerden geklagt hatte, nachdem die Swisscom im Herbst 2002 im katholischen Kirchturm eine Mobilfunkantenne in Betrieb genommen hatte. Die geplagten Anwohner gelangten an die Ombudsstelle Mobilkommunikation. Und die wiederum machte der Swisscom Karims Hilfsangebot schmackhaft. Wichtig zu wissen: Die Swisscom ist zusammen mit den Mobilfunkanbietern Orange und Sunrise Stiftungsgründerin der Ombudsstelle.

Gratisarbeit in Hemberg

In Hemberg hatte Karim noch Gratisarbeit geleistet, einen Aufwand, den der Ägypter gegenüber der Zeitschrift «Facts» mit 100 000 Franken und drei Monaten Zeit bezifferte. Er setzte von ihm entwickelte biogeometrische Figuren aus Holz und Plexiglas ein, welche von der Form her an gedrechselte Stuhlbeine erinnern. Damit will Karim zwölf verschiedene Störquellen außerhalb Hembergs und sieben im Kirchturm in positive Energie umgewandelt haben. Tatsächlich erklärten viele Betroffene danach, dass sie sich nun deutlich besser fühlten. Etwa Rosmarie Keller, deren Haus rund 100 Meter vom Kirchturm entfernt liegt und die unter massiven gesundheitlichen Störungen gelitten hatte. «Wir haben eigentlich erwartet, dass sich die Ombudsstelle Mobilkommunikation zum Vorreiter für die Biogeometrie macht, nachdem Swisscom allein im letzten Jahr geschätzte rund 60 Millionen Franken für Einsprachen aufwenden musste», sagt der grüne Flawiler Kantonsrat und Baubiologe Bosco Büeler. Doch der Telecom-Anbieter habe sich nach sieben Monaten aus dem Projekt verabschiedet, als Ibrahim Karim für seinen Aufwand entschädigt werden wollte, falls er Elektrosmog-Geplagte aus der ganzen Schweiz behandle.

Ohrensausen und Herzflattern

Zumindest einen zweiten Biogeometrie-Feldversuch wird es in der Ostschweiz geben. «Karim muss auch uns helfen», hatte Josef Mazenauer vom Hirschberg in Appenzell im Juni 2004 gefordert. Der pensionierte Schreinermeister und andere Anwohner leiden unter Symptomen wie Kopfweh, Ohrensausen, Zahnschmerzen und Herzflattern, die sie dem 150 Meter entfernten 79 Meter hohen Swisscom-Sendemast zuschreiben. Hier sind acht Mobilfunkantennen, vier Fernseh- und vier Radioantennen sowie eine Telepage-Antenne montiert. Karim hat Josef Mazenauer seine Hilfe fest zugesagt. Eine schulmedizinisch ausgelegte Begleitstudie über die Wirksamkeit der Biogeometrie, wie von Ibrahim Karim gewünscht, werde es auch am Hirschberg nicht geben, «weil derzeit mehrere juristische Verfahren laufen», teilte Claude Georges, Leiter Mobilkommunikation und Umwelt bei Swisscom, vor kurzem auf Anfrage mit.

Carlo Schmid will eine Lösung

Inzwischen ist offenbar dennoch Bewegung in die Sache gekommen. Der Innerrhoder Landammann Carlo Schmid nimmt die Probleme der Antennenanwohner ernst. So ernst, dass er Druck macht: Rund um die schlagzeilenträchtige Antenne soll endlich Ruhe einkehren. Schmid, der Geschäftsführer der Ombudsstelle Mobilkommunikation, Rolf Lüthi, und Swisscom-Vertreter Claude Georges treffen sich jetzt in Bern, um auszuhandeln, wie und unter welchen Bedingungen doch eine wissenschaftliche Begleitung des Biogeometrie-Einsatzes am Hirschberg möglich wird. Billig wird die Studie nicht: So sollen sich nebst den drei bis vier betroffenen Familien auch Vergleichspersonen in einem weiteren Umkreis sowie Landwirtschaftsexperten, Mediziner und Fachleute beteiligen, die die Strahlungswerte der Antenne messen - das vor und nach der Anwendung der Biogeometrie sowie bei abgeschalteter Antenne. Wer sich nach Details erkundigt, wird vertröstet: Man wolle die Verhandlungen nicht gefährden.

Broschüre zur Biogeometrie

Das «Wunder von Hemberg» ist inzwischen in einer 48-seitigen Broschüre beschrieben. Die Interessengemeinschaft für einen gesundheitsverträglichen Mobilfunkeinsatz (IGGMF), vertreten durch Bosco Büeler, dokumentiert darin die «Harmonisierung mit Biogeometrie». Die Ärztin Yvonne Gilli hat die körperlichen und psychischen Beschwerden bei rund einem Dutzend Betroffener bewertet. Herausgeber der Schrift ist Ibrahim Karim selbst, der auch die 40 000 Franken Druckkosten für die 2000 Exemplar starke Auflage trägt. «Die Broschüre ist als Fingerzeig zu verstehen, dass in Hemberg tatsächlich etwas geschehen ist», sagt Büeler. Aber eben: Dafür fehlt der wissenschaftliche Beweis.


Die Ombudsstelle Mobilkommunikation und Umwelt sieht sich mit gehäuften Anfragen aus der Ostschweiz konfrontiert. Sie gab letzte Woche die Lancierung einer unentgeltlichen ärztlichen Sprechstunde bekannt. Diese Untersuchung und Beratung elektrosensibler Menschen ist der Beratungsstelle des Instituts für Umweltmedizin am Kantonsspital Luzern angegliedert. (cz)

Copyright © St.Galler Tagblatt



Für ä tüüfä, gsundä Schlaaf

Holz und Plexiglas: Biogeometrie.

Kampf gegen Elektrosmog: Die Swisscom unterstützt ein umstrittenes Projekt.

Andreas Schmid

Ibrahim Karim steht auf dem Dorfplatz von Hemberg SG und stellt sorgfältig Holzkeulen und Glaskörper auf. Damit, sagt der ägyptische Naturwissenschaftler und diplomierte ETHArchitekt, harmonisiere er die Strahlung der nahen Mobilfunkantenne, damit die von Elektrosmog geplagten Anwohner wieder ruhig schlafen könnten.

Dass die Wirkung der so genannten Biogeometrie heftig umstritten ist, verwundert nicht. Umso mehr, dass die Swisscom unter Führung der Ombudsstelle Mobilkommunikation und Umwelt (OMK) und zusammen mit dem Kanton Appenzell einen Versuch mit Karims Methode lanciert.

Sein Erfolg in Hemberg SG, wo Karim in Gratisarbeit die störenden Strahlen umleitete (FACTS, 29/2004), hat die Verantwortlichen überzeugt. «Das gute Echo bei Anwohnern ist eine Tatsache», sagt OMK-Geschäftsführer Rolf Lüthi. Er möchte daher weiter mit Biogeometrie arbeiten. Begleitet von Ärzten, Physikern und Geologen soll Karim am Hirschberg die hohe Strahlenbelastung beseitigen, verursacht durch Mobilfunkantennen, den Sender Säntis und andere Radio- und TV-Antennen. «Ich will mit dem Projekt die Grundlage für eine gesamtschweizerische Lösung schaffen», sagt Karim.

Seit 2002 wehrt sich die Bevölkerung am Hirschberg gegen die Antennen. Doch niemand unternahm etwas. Die OMK rieb sich auf an Verhandlungen mit Verursachern und Betroffenen, die Telefongesellschaften wiesen die Verantwortung von sich: Man wolle nicht für Beeinträchtigungen aufkommen, die nicht der Mobilfunk verursache, argumentierte die Swisscom. Von dieser Haltung ist sie inzwischen abgerückt und beteiligt sich finanziell am Versuch in Hirschberg. Ob weitere Anbieter dem Beispiel folgen, ist zurzeit offen. Wie so vieles, denn Kosten, Dauer, Beginn und wissenschaftliche Begleitung sind noch nicht definiert.


Resist: Two things you can do right now to take action against the Bush Administration


Imperial Reach



Cyprus: "Alarm Bells of Radiation Threat"

I'm sending along this article which has been forwarded to me.

Best, Imelda, Cork.

CYPRUS MAIL Friday, April 8, 2005

Alarm bells of radiation threat

by Jean Christou

A PHYSICS professor at the University of Cyprus has warned that safety limits for electromagnetic radiation may be too high, following a two and a half year study of electrical emissions around the island.

Dr Panos Razis, who presented his findings at a lecture on Wednesday night in Nicosia, told the Cyprus Mail yesterday that although most emissions in Cyprus were within set safety limits, other countries were reducing their limits as studies into the long-term effects were starting to emerge.

Razis said the Cyprus study honed on what the team had called 'problems areas' such as Polemidhia and Lakatamia, where people have reported cancer clusters, particularly in childhood leukaemia. He said in both areas the readings were within the set limits but this did not mean the emissions were not responsible.

"The safety limits that have been adopted are under constant modification in several countries and are becoming lower and lower!," Razis said.

He said the reason was because initial studies had been looking at the short-term effects only, such as muscular phenomena.

"But how it influences biological molecules like DNA and RNA... research is not advanced in that area. So if one considers what might happen on a long-term basis one has to be cautious not to have houses and schools very close to such infrastructure because science at the moment cannot say it is currently 100 per cent harmless. We cannot say that. It still needs a lot of investigation. Decades ago they could not tell that smoking causes cancer," Razis said.

Razis said international studies had shown that children exposed to over 0.4 microtesla of electromagnetic radiation had double the risk of getting leukaemia. "The safety limit is at 100 microtesla," said Razis. "This was a real worry factor because if there are problems at 0.4 microtesla or even if there is an indication of problems but no proof, it is still worrying. ! It seems this was not a statistical fluctuation."

Razis said the study team had found children's bedrooms in some places in Latsia were only three metres away from outside pylons and electrical wires.

"We were getting relatively high readings but not higher than the safety levels set by the EU. But we also know that many countries are reducing these safety levels," he said.

Razis said there were also apartment buildings in Nicosia where residents were exposed to electromagnetic radiation the equivalent of watching television close-up for 24 hours non-stop.

"Again the levels were lower than safety limits but as a scientist one has to be relatively careful," he said, adding that electromagnetic radiation did not affect everyone in the same way, and some people not at all. "It's a matter of resistance of our molecules to such things," he said. "What the scientific community is trying to establish is whether humans have a certain threshold, because electromagnetic radiation has a cumulative effect. It's different for every person but children may be more susceptible. Their findings are different from the adults because their immunological system is not fully developed."

Another areas of concern Razis established from the study was the fact that people were allowed to build so close to pylons without anyone stopping them. "This should not be allowed right underneath high voltage cables," said Razis. "There is practical rule of thumb that one shouldn't be allowed to build inside a certain distance of about 30 metres from pylons."

He was also concerned about electricity and telecommunications workers on the island, saying they were in many instances exposed much more than the general population, as readings at electricity substations had been quite high.

"Because they are paid more, should they be allowed to be exposed to a higher level of radiation? I don't find this a very logical argument," he said, adding that the state should take responsibility for their protection.

"People who are exposed to higher than normal levels but which are still inside safety limits should be aware that research is still going on. Most in the scientific community don't believe in the current limits because they don't cover the long term effects," Razis said.

Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2005

Cancer Clusters in Vicinity to Cell-Phone Transmitter Stations

Kurswechsel im Welthandel überfällig: "Aktionswoche für globale Gerechtigkeit"

Kurswechsel im Welthandel überfällig: "Aktionswoche für globale Gerechtigkeit" beginnt in Bonn (08.04.05)

Einen Kurswechsel in der internationalen Handelspolitik forderten Vertreter der Zivilgesellschaft aus Nord und Süd zum Auftakt der Aktionswoche für globale Gerechtigkeit in Bonn. Wenige Monate vor der nächsten Ministerkonferenz der Welt-handelsorganisation (WTO) in Hongkong steht deren Missachtung von Interessen der Entwicklungsländer im Mittelpunkt der Kritik. Bei der WTO-Konferenz in Doha war das Gegenteil zugesagt worden. Die Aktionswoche wird in Deutschland von der Welthandelskampagne "Gerechtigkeit jetzt!" getragen, einem Zusammenschluss von 36 Organisationen aus dem entwicklungs- und umweltpolitischen, kirchlichen und menschenrechtlichen sowie gewerkschaftlichen Bereich. Sie findet parallel in 70 Ländern statt.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Fight the Masts with Tactical Voting

We all do a lot of moaning about mast siting, the poor planning legislation and bias that the Government shows towards mobile operators, but rarely do we get an opportunity to tell politicians that their policies stink by actually voting them out of office. In the UK we get this chance on May 5th 2005! If you have complained about TETRA or 3G masts in your area being put up with scant regard to your views, how can you in all good conscience go and vote for Blair or his supporters - or any other pro-mast politician, when you have the chance to vote against them? You can't!

Also it is no good voting for the candidate who came third last time, since you are wasting your vote! If you want to make a difference VOTE TACTICALLY against the Labour MP (or other pro-mast politician), by voting for the candidate who was runner-up last time. For those whose best bet to beat one of Tony's Cronies is a Tory you'll have to swallow hard since the Tories have promised to tighten up mast planning regulations and Labour haven't, so be brave and vote Tory this time or shut up about the mast that Vodafone or O2 just put up after the 56 day limit expired! The Lib-Dems have said that they will also tighten up legislation, given the opportunity! For your constituency and the best candidate to vote for, see the web address below.

As for John "Two Jags" Prescott, the man behind the ineffectual "ODPM" who don't allow Health concerns to be taken into account in mast planning, he is the man who deserves to be out of his job as Deputy PM and as an MP! If you have any friends or relatives in the east of Hull, please, please, persuade them to vote Lib Dem to make him lose his seat! He deserves it for the suffering he has allowed to continue.

For further information on Tactical Voting, please go to our friend's website at http://tacticalvoting.net - that is Tactical Voting dot Net! You could even download a poster to print and put up in your car or house window.

Don't take things lying down - fight back! And please, please ask your friends to vote tactically too, if it will put more anti-mast MPs into Parliament!

HAM / No Masts


We are sickened by Hull East's John Prescott's hopelessness in tackling the complex issues around Telephone Mast Planning. He as Deputy Prime Minister has allowed masts to be put up near our schools and by our homes, and when it came to upholding our Human Rights against the Telephone Operators he withdrew his case in the High Court. He also buried any tightening of legislation as the General Election was announced.

We are encouraging people to tactically vote against him in the General Election. See the campaign site at http://tacticalvoting.net

This is normal people speaking out against a useless individual who has done nothing to counter the power of the Telecoms companies.

We encourage everyone to display our "2 Jags - No Clue" poster around Hull and encourage anyone they know in his constituency to vote Lib Dem to get rid of him. This is because, in Hull East, the Lib Dems are in the best position to beat Prescott out of all the other candidates from the 2001 results. We note that at least one Hull person brands him a useless MP, so we would be doing the people of East Hull a BIG FAVOUR.

We further encourage people in other constituencies to Tactically Vote Against Blair's Cronies. See who they recommend at http://tacticalvoting.net .

Help Put Mast Planning on the Election Map

No Masts

Hunger-Based Lines Lengthen at the Faith-Based Soup Kitchens

The sight of masses of Americans gratefully chowing down on free food is indeed a show, an amazingly discreet one that is classified not as outright hunger but as "food insecurity" by government specialists who are busy measuring the growing lines at soup kitchens and food pantries across the nation.


World Bank Warns U.S. to Cut Deficits

Accumulation of dollar reserves by some Asian countries could spark a systemic foreign exchange crisis, the chief economist of the World Bank said in an interview to be published on Thursday


Oil for dollars, and dollars for US deficit

The United States is extracting tribute on oil from the world. If the world wants Middle Eastern oil, it can pay for it through the Saudi branch of the US Treasury.


From Information Clearing House

'The new aristocracy'

Behind the smokescreen of a glorious "patriotic war," fear of terrorism, and pumped-up religious fervor lies a home-front war against the middle and blue-collar classes: a conservative counter-revolution, which aims at a colossal redistribution of wealth upward, to the New Aristocracy -- supported by a self-serving rewriting of the law based not on legal principle but on "free-market" theory.


The Pentagon is closing military bases at home and opening new ones abroad


US lawmakers regret voting for Iraq war

US Representative Walter Jones, a conservative Republican, does not hide his anger when he says bad information led him to vote for the Iraq war.


From Information Clearing House

Who Forged the Niger Documents?

A former counterterrorism chief claims that the now discredited documents that showed Iraq trying to purchase uranium were fabricated right here in the United States.


From Information Clearing House

Big Lies, Blind Spies, and Vanity Fair

Quick Lessons From the WMD Report

From Information Clearing House

Thirty years ago, President Bush was my student at Harvard Business School

by Yoshi Tsurumi

Thirty years ago, President Bush was my student at Harvard Business School. In my class, he called former president Franklin D. Roosevelt, Class of 1904, a “socialist” and spoke against Social Security, unemployment insurance, the Securities and Exchange Commission, and other New Deal innovations. He refused to understand that capitalism becomes corrupt without democratic civic values and ethical restraints.


The Covert Biotech War


George Monbiot,

The Guardian, Tuesday 19 Nov, 2002

The battle to put a corporate GM padlock on our foodchain is being fought on the net

Six months ago, this column revealed that a fake citizen called Mary Murphy had been bombarding internet listservers with messages denouncing the scientists and environmentalists who were critical of GM crops. The computer from which some of these messages were sent belongs to a public relations company called Bivings, which works for Monsanto. The boss of Bivings wrote to the Guardian, fiercely denying that his company had been running covert campaigns. His head of online PR, however, admitted to the BBC's Newsnight that one of the messages came from someone "working for Bivings" or "clients using our services". But Bivings denies any knowledge of the use of its computer for such a campaign.

This admission prompted the researcher Jonathan Matthews, who first uncovered the story, to take another look at some of the emails which had attracted his attention. He had become particularly interested in a series of vituperative messages sent to the most prominent biotech listservers on the net, by someone called Andura Smetacek. Smetacek first began writing in 2000. She or he repeatedly accused the critics of GM of terrorism. When one of her letters, asserting that Greenpeace was deliberately spreading unfounded fears about GM foods in order to further its own financial interests, was reprinted in the Glasgow Herald, Greenpeace successfully sued the paper for libel.

Smetacek claimed, in different messages, first to live in London, then in New York. Jonathan Matthews [with hte help of the investigative journalist, Andy Rowell] checked every available public record and found that no person of that name appeared to exist in either city. But last month his techie friends discovered something interesting. Three of these messages, including the first one Smetacek sent, arrived with the internet protocol address This is the address assigned to the server gatekeeper2.monsanto.com. It belongs to the Monsanto corporation.

In 1999, after the company nearly collapsed as a result of its disastrous attempt to thrust GM food into the European market, Monsanto's communications director, Philip Angell, explained to the Wall Street Journal: "Maybe we weren't aggressive enough... When you fight a forest fire, sometimes you have to light another fire." The company identified the internet as the medium which had helped protest to "mushroom".

At the end of last year, Jay Byrne, formerly the company's director of internet outreach, explained to a number of other firms the tactics he had used at Monsanto. He showed how, before he got to work, the top GM sites listed by an internet search engine were all critical of the technology. Following his intervention, the top sites were all supportive ones (four of them established by Monsanto's PR firm Bivings). He told them to "think of the internet as a weapon on the table. Either you pick it up or your competitor does, but somebody is going to get killed".

While he was working for Monsanto, Byrne told the internet newsletter Wow that he "spends his time and effort participating" in web discussions about biotech. He singled out the site AgBioWorld, where he "ensures his company gets proper play". AgBioWorld is the site on which Smetacek launched her campaign.

Corporate Phantoms

by George Monbiot

The Guardian, Wednesday May 29, 2002

Two weeks ago, this column showed how the Bivings Group, a PR company contracted to Monsanto, had invented fake citizens to post messages on internet listservers. These phantoms had launched a campaign to force Nature magazine to retract a paper it had published, alleging that native corn in Mexico had been contaminated with GM pollen. But this, it now seems, is just one of hundreds of critical interventions with which PR companies hired by big business have secretly guided the biotech debate over the past few years.

While I was writing the last piece, Bivings sent me an email fiercely denying that it had anything to do with the fake correspondents "Mary Murphy" and "Andura Smetacek", who started the smear campaign against the Nature paper. Last week I checked the email's technical properties. They contained the identity tag "bw6.bivwood.com". The message came from the same computer terminal that "Mary Murphy" has used. New research coordinated by the campaigner Jonathan Matthews appears to have unmasked the fake persuaders: "Mary Murphy" is being posted by a Bivings web designer, writing from both the office and his home computer in Hyattsville, Maryland; while "Andura Smetacek" appears to be the company's chief internet marketer [the e-mail front was later tracked right back to Monsanto itself - see Geoerge Monbiot’s follow up article below]

...Bivings is the secret author of several of the websites and bogus citizens' movements which have been coordinating campaigns against environmentalists. One is a fake scientific institute called the "Centre for Food and Agricultural Research". Bivings has also set up the "Alliance for Environmental Technology", a chlorine industry lobby group. Most importantly, Bivings appears to be connected with AgBioWorld, the genuine website run by CS Prakash, a plant geneticist at Tuskegee University, Alabama.

AgBioWorld is perhaps the most influential biotech site on the web. Every day it carries new postings about how GM crops will feed the world, new denunciations of the science which casts doubt on them and new attacks on environmentalists. It was here that the fake persuaders invented by Bivings launched their assault on the Nature paper. AgBioWorld then drew up a petition to have the paper retracted.

Prakash claims to have no links with Bivings but, as the previous article showed, an error message on his site suggests that it is or was using the main server of the Bivings Group. Jonathan Matthews, who found the message, commissioned a full technical audit of AgBioWorld. His web expert has now found 11 distinctive technical fingerprints shared by AgBioWorld and Bivings' Alliance for Environmental Technology site. The sites appear, he concludes, to have been created by the same programmer.

Though he lives and works in the United States, CS Prakash claims to represent the people of the third world. He set up AgBioWorld with Greg Conko of the Competitive Enterprise Institute, the far-right libertarian lobby group funded by such companies as Philip Morris, Pfizer and Dow Chemical [and Monsanto]. Conko has collaborated with Matthew Metz, one of the authors of the scientific letters to Nature seeking to demolish the maize paper, to produce a highly partisan guide to biotechnology on the AgBioWorld site.

The Competitive Enterprise Institute boasts that it "played a key role in the creation" of a petition of scientists supporting biotech (ostensibly to feed the third world) launched by Prakash. Unaware that it had been devised by a corporate lobby group, 3,000 scientists, three Nobel laureates among them, signed up.

Bivings is just one of several public relations agencies secretly building a parallel world on the web. Another US company, Berman & Co, runs a fake public interest site called ActivistCash.com, which seeks to persuade the foundations giving money to campaigners to desist. Berman also runs the "Centre for Consumer Freedom", which looks like a citizens' group but lobbies against smoking bans, alcohol restrictions and health warnings on behalf of tobacco, drinks and fast food companies. The marketing firm Nichols Dezenhall set up a site called StopEcoViolence, another "citizens' initiative", demonising activists. In March, Nichols Dezenhall linked up with Prakash's collaborator, the Competitive Enterprise Institute, to sponsor a conference for journalists and corporate executives on "eco-extremism".

What is fascinating about these websites, fake groups and phantom citizens is that they have either smelted or honed all the key weapons currently used by the world's biotech enthusiasts: the conflation of activists with terrorists, the attempts to undermine hostile research, the ever more nuanced claims that those who resist GM crops are anti-science and opposed to the interests of the poor. The hatred directed at activists over the past few years is, in other words, nothing of the kind. In truth, we have been confronted by the crafted response of an industry without emotional attachment.

Protestors halt mobile phone mast


Permanent Oil Shock

Remember what happens when supply cannot match demand?

Wal-Mart attempting to silence their critics

Learn the facts about the largest company in the world: visit my Wal-Mart Fact Checker homepage.
Ivonne's Wal-Mart Fact Checker homepage:

Visit my Wal-Mart Fact Checker homepage. My goal is to get enough folks signed up with Wal-Mart Fact Checker to get insurance for one Wal-Mart worker.

The Wal-Mart Fact Checker, brought to you by PurpleOcean.org:

Informant: Ivonne Rovira


Election Reform & ANWR Boycott


Chemtrails – nur zur Wetterkontrolle, oder auch zur Überwachung?


Life, Death and Environmentalism

For many of us, thinking about the spiritual nature of Earth can seem remote from our everyday lives. We're busy with work and family, so we don't have much time to think about esoteric topics like the nature of religion or the religion of nature. But I was so moved this week by the passionate discussion on the NRDC Action Fund's blog http://blog.nrdcactionfund.org that I wanted to write and let you know.

Noted author T.A. Barron has joined the NRDC Action Fund Blog for two weeks, and his writings are thought-provoking and powerful. Responses by our activists on the blog http://blog.nrdcactionfund.org have spawned some wonderful discussions of nature, life, death and spirituality.

Here's an excerpt from T. A. Barron's first blog entry on April 4th:

"Today, though, I'd like to propose a new meaning for the term 'pro-life.' Even before the Terry Schiavo case, the term had become more politically charged than Tom Delay's cell phone. But the word 'life' is far too big, complex and wondrous a term to be reduced to political shorthand. Life on our lonely planet is truly a miracle, whose diversity and beauty is simply stunning to behold. Whether or not life exists elsewhere in the universe, all we know now is that here on Earth, life is both utterly amazing -- and utterly endangered. That is why I believe that nobody is really more pro-life than an environmentalist."

To read this entry, go to

And here's a bit from his second:

"One primary quality of both nature and religion is the gift of making us feel both very small and very large, at once. To be in the presence of God, however you choose to define God, is to feel both humbled (very good for us human beings) and enlarged. That's also just the way I feel when standing under the night sky up at our mountain cabin on the western slope of Colorado. When I look up at those stars, so bright that I almost need to squint my eyes, I feel both truly insignificant -- and greatly magnified. For nature, like religion, enables us to understand our tininess and transience, while connecting us to all the rest of creation. We may sing alone, and only briefly, but we still have a part in the grand and glorious song of the stars."

To read this entry, go to

So, if you haven't been to the NRDC Action Fund Blog yet, I invite you to drop in, read the entries, and note the inspired comments from your fellow activists. A blog is an interactive, online diary, and ours serves as a gathering place for everyone who wants to stop the current assaults on our environment. Visit now and get involved:



Frances Beinecke
NRDC Action Fund

We have lost our way


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Die AOK wirbt für Mobilfunk-Verträge

Dass die AOK ganz ungeniert für Mobilfunk wirbt, hat mich schon häufiger empört. Mit der Post habe ich nun ein Werbeangebot von meiner Krankenkasse geschickt bekommen, das aus meiner Sicht eine Eskalation der Schamlosigkeit darstellt:


Das Angebot richtet sich speziell an AOK-Mitglieder. Wenn sie einen Vertrag zur Teilnahme am Mobilfunkverkehr im T-Mobile D1-, Vodafone D2 oder E-Plus-Netz abschließen, erhalten sie als Beigabe ein Foto-Handy und einen DVD-Player geschenkt.

Der „Gesundheitskasse“ kann es nicht entgangen sein, dass Mobilfunkstrahlung im Ruf steht, gesundheitsschädigend zu sein. Wenn sie sich also trotzdem an einer solchen Werbekampagne beteiligt, dann bestimmt nicht, weil sich das kostensenkend auf ihre Ausgaben auswirkt. Auf welcher Interessenkonkordanz mag die Geschäftspartnerschaft zwischen AOK und Mobilfunkbetreibern sonst beruhen?

Die Telekommunikationsunternehmen holen sich m. E. auf diesem Weg das trügerische Image, Mobilfunk sei gesundheitlich unbedenklich. Die AOK hofft vielleicht darauf, damit jugendliche Mitglieder werben zu können. Oder hat sie noch mehr davon? Bloß – was?

Wenn ich nicht noch ein sozialgerichtliches Verfahren gegen die AOK laufen hätte, hätte ich schon lange die Krankenkasse gewechselt!

Ruth Gill

What You Didn't Know About Vaccines & Human Animal Husbandry


Informant: Scott Munson

Iraq WMD evidence came from a drunken liar


American neoconservatives sabotage the UN


American schools teach that God created the universe in 8,000 BC


US mercenaries in Iraq told to shoot for fun


American abuse of Iraqis is widespread


Saints or subservives?

by Steve Weissman



When Lt. Gen. William G. 'Jerry' Boykin boasted that his God was bigger than Islam's, many people demanded his scalp. But, as angry as his critics were, they dismissed what he said as little more than military machismo, political insensitivity, and bone-headed public relations. How could we possibly win Muslim hearts and minds when this highly decorated Crusader so callously belittled Allah? Few critics asked the tougher question: What did Gen. Boykin's remarks mean for the U.S. Constitution, which he had sworn to support and defend, and which -- in the very first words of the First Amendment -- forbids any 'establishment of religion?'" [Editor's note: This ispart 1 of a 5-part series - MLS]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

ACLU comments on electronic passports

by staff



The American Civil Liberties Union hereby comments on and formally opposes the Department of State's proposed rule creating 'electronic passports' by including radio frequency identification chips (RFIDs) in US passports. The proposed rule is outlined at 70 Fed. Reg. 8305-8309, 'Electronic Passports,' RIN 1400-A893. These chips compromise Americans' privacy, expose them to danger from terrorists and criminals and provide a limited security benefit. Instead, US passports standards should employ a contact chip -- one that can only be read through contact between a reader and chip. This solution would mitigate many of the concerns raised below and better serve the privacy and security interests of US passport holders...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Creeping censorship

by Tibor R. Machan

Tibor's Place on the Web


This is how it goes: First the principles of individual liberty are abrogated in the name of having to manage the public sphere. That sphere, of course, keeps getting bigger and bigger -- all the public education facilities, for example, are included, which means that one of the most vital sources of intellectual debate and exploration operates under government management, resulting, for example, in the travesty of official political correctness policies across the country. Next, once the idea of individual rights has been gradually eroded this way, it no longer needs to be a public sphere for it to come under government supervision. Thus we see the push for the ugly creeping censorship that now faces us...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Drafted for the inflation battle

by Robert Reich

Tom Paine


Just 110,000 jobs were added in March -- not nearly enough even to keep up with population growth. Meanwhile, the wages and benefits of non-supervisory workers -- about 80 percent of the American workforce -- continue to drop, in real terms. This is unusual for this stage of a so-called recovery. What's going on? Blame higher interest rates.

... The Fed continues to raise them in order to prevent an outbreak of inflation. But the Fed is fighting a ghost. Inflation is in no danger of getting out of control. Greenspan worries that the huge federal budget deficit will bring on inflation. That may be something to worry about over the long term. But right now, ... the Fed's war against inflation is a pre-emptive one. [They want] to tackle inflation before inflation becomes a problem to be tackled. That might be okay, except that this pre-emptive war is imposing a huge toll -- especially on the nation's poor...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

How to end judicial treason

by Devvy Kidd



Tom DeLay's solution to out-of-control federal judges -- which he seems to have just discovered is a problem in this country -- is just more stalling tactics, i.e., asking his fellow bureaucrats who have also sat back and remained silent for decades while these federal judges have destroyed this republic with their unconstitutional rulings, to conduct some vague review. While some committee sits around and decides which action to take that will cost the least politically, this country is being ruined by federal judges and the U.S. Supreme Court. While Congress fiddles, our nation is being ripped apart...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A breaking point?

by Butler Shaffer



I have long thought that the oppressive and destructive American political system will eventually reach a breaking point where the addition of one more intrusion upon the lives of people will produce a nonlinear reaction (i.e., a consequence out of all proportion to that singular factor). Like the Boston 'tea party' or the dismantling of the Berlin Wall, some will mistake this single event for what may prove to be the 'cause' of the collapse of the American nation-state. Something which, standing by itself, would seem to have little significance -- like a woman refusing to move to the back of a bus -- may become the focal point for the release of long-suppressed emotions and resentments...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Alternative Marktmacht wider den Marktterror der Neoliberalen?

Ein Pamphlet von Dieter Ackermann-Girschik

Es handelt sich um eine Antwort auf "Streik und Boykott. Kunden und Beschäftigte - Gemeinsam erreichen wir mehr!" Ein Aufruf zur Diskussion von Anton Kobel, erschienen im express, Zeitschrift für sozialistische Betriebs- und Gewerkschaftsarbeit, 2/05

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 5

Wie kann das funktionieren: Lohnverzicht für Beschäftigungssicherung und gleichzeitig Stärkung der Massenkaufkraft?

Wie kriegt die IG Metall Lohnverzicht für "Beschäftigungssicherung" und Stärkung der "Massenkaufkraft" unter einen Hut? Die Analyse des GegenStandpunkt-Verlags in Radio Lora München vom 28. Februar 2005 http://www.gegenstandpunkt.de/radio/2005/ga050228.htm

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 5

Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung

Die Arbeitsgemeinschaft für gewerkschaftliche Fragen (AgF) Marburg hat eine Broschüre veröffentlich mit dem Titel "Angriff ist die beste Verteidigung - Gewerkschaften vor neuen Herausforderungen"

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 5

Gewerkschaftsbewegung ohne Gewerkschaft

Artikel von Mag Wompel, erschienen in Graswurzelrevolution 298 vom April 2005 http://www.graswurzel.net/298/hartz.shtml

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 5

Mitbestimmung - Erfolgs- und Exportschlager?

Unzitat des Tages:

"Die Mitbestimmung muss dazu beitragen, dass die Unternehmen sich richtig verhalten, also Wachstum in Europa schaffen."

Dietmar Hexel, DGB, im Interview "DGB warnt vor "Managerfeudalismus". In der Regierungskommission wollen Gewerkschaften die Weiterentwicklung der Mitbestimmung erreichen". Interview von Markus Sievers in Frankfurter Rundschau vom 7.4.05 http://www.fr-aktuell.de/fr_home/startseite/?cnt=657538

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 5

Aktionstag gegen Festung Europa

In 50 Städten in Europa wurde rund um den 2. April protestiert, gegen Lager für Bewegungsfreiheit und Bleiberecht, gegen die Internierung von MigrantInnen in verschiedenen Formen von Lagern und gegen Grenzen. Auch an der Grenze zwischen San Diego/Tijuana (USA/Mexiko) fanden Proteste statt…. Siehe Bericht mit weiterführenden Links von "alles für alle" vom 02.04.2005 bei indymedia http://de.indymedia.org/index.shtml

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 5

Hartz-Gegner lassen nicht locker

Neue Aktionen von Initiativen - auch im Netz. Artikel von Peter Nowak in ND vom 2.4.05 http://www.nd-online.de/artikel.asp?AID=69787&IDC=3

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 5

Bundesweite Ein-Euro-Job Aktion - LidlSchluss

Erinnerung an das Treffen zur abschliessenden Vorbereitung der bundesweiten Ein-Euro-Job Aktion + Diskussion um "LIDL-Schluss" am Samstag, den 9.4.2005 von 12.00 - 16.30 Uhr im Gewerkschaftshaus in Göttingen, Obere Masch 10 (3 Min. vom Hauptbahnhof)

- Das Plakat zur Mobilisierung für den bundesweiten Aktionstag am 20.Mai gibt es am Samstag auf dem Treffen

- Ab 15.April gibt es 20.000 Zeitungen zur Kampagne

- Für die Diskussion zum Lidl-Schluss siehe "LidlSchluss". Prekäre Beschäftigung bei Lidl, Schlecker und Aldi ruft nach weiteren Initiativen. Zusammenstellung von Informationen und Ideen von "Einzelpersonen" vom 19.01.2005 bei indymedia

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 5

Mobilfunksender strahlen permanent

Warnt vor biologischen Langzeiteffekten durch Handy-Strahlung: Medizinphysiker Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing. Foto Rohde

Schinkel – Man kann sie weder sehen noch spüren. Dennoch haben Mobilfunkstrahlen Auswirkungen auf den Menschen. Zu den Gefahren der "biologischen Effekte" nahm Mittwochabend der Lübecker Medizinphysiker Dr. Lebrecht von Klitzing in der "Schinkler Möhl" Stellung. Hintergrund: Auf dem Dach des Gebäudes möchte der Mobilfunkanbieter O{-2} eine Antenne installieren. Während die Betreiber immer wieder auf die eingehaltenen Grenzwerte für die hochfrequente Strahlung verweisen, stellte Klitzing gerade deren Höhe in Frage. "Die Grenzwerte sind an einem Phantom im Labor entwickelt worden", beklagte der Wissenschaftler. Doch technische Systeme seien nicht auf das Biosystem Mensch übertragbar. "Daran krankt das Ganze."

Bei Mobilfunkstrahlen handelt es sich um gepulste Wellen, die mit einem schnellen Takt von 217 Pulsen pro Sekunde auch auf den Körper einwirken. Ähnlich funktioniert das schnurlose Telefon des DECT-Standards, das rund um die Uhr Strahlung abgibt. Schlaflosigkeit, Kopfschmerzen und Konzentrationsstörungen können bei empfindlichen Menschen die Folge sein. "Vor allem Kinder reagieren sehr sensibel", warnte Klitzing.

Während Schnurlos-Telefonierer noch auf den harmloseren CT1plus-Standard (sendet ungepulst und nur beim Telefonieren) ausweichen können, bestrahlen Mobilfunksender permanent ihre nähere Umgebung, um die Kommunikation via Handy zu ermöglichen. Die Grenzwerte, so der Referent, richten sich nach dem Mittelwert. Die Spitzen der einzelnen Pulse liegen jedoch um ein Vielfaches höher. Beispiel: eine Glühlampe gibt gleichmäßig 20 Watt ab, eine Stroboskop-Lampe von 20 Watt erreicht jedoch eine Pulsleistung von 20000 Watt und kann bei Veranlagung epileptische Anfälle auslösen.

Während der Grenzwert etwa im D-Netz auf 4600 Milliwatt pro Quadratmeter fixiert wurde, können im Labor schon bei nur einem Milliwatt Veränderungen der Gehirnströme gemessen werden, klinische Erfahrungswerte für Langzeiteinwirkungen bewegen sich noch deutlich darunter. Mit dem Handy am Kopf, gab der Wissenschaftler zu bedenken, komme man bei schlechtem Verbindungsaufbau schon ins Limit hinein.

Die Grenzwerte gelten zudem nur für sechs Minuten Strahlung. "Eine Vorsorge für Langzeiteinwirkungen unterhalb dieser Werte ist nicht berücksichtigt", kritisierte der Medizinphysiker. Doch gerade das ist das Problem bei den dauerhaft strahlenden Mobilfunksendern. Laut Klitzing erhöhen Langzeiteffekte von über fünf Jahren das Risiko für Hirntumore, Leukämie und Krebs – in Abhängigkeit von Entfernung und Stärke des Senders. Auch Einflüsse auf das genetische Material und die Blut-Hirn-Schranke durch elektromagnetische Wellen sind bekannt.

Die Kommunen, schloss Klitzing, sollten Wohngebiete nach Möglichkeit von Mobilfunkanlagen frei halten. Und er forderte eine systematische Forschung von unabhängigen Institutionen zu den biologischen Auswirkungen der Strahlung. Die Gemeinde Schinkel will jetzt vor einer Entscheidung zunächst ein Meinungsbild der Einwohner abfragen. "Kurzfristig wird nichts passieren. Den Tagesordnungspunkt Mietvertrag mit O{-2} haben wir erst einmal abgesetzt", erklärte Bürgermeister Hans-Georg Güttler.

Der Bau- und Umweltausschuss-Vorsitzende Meinolf Asshoff, der gemeinsam mit der "Ökologischen Interessengemeinschaft Schinkel" zum Info-Abend eingeladen hatte, hinterfragte, ob für die Mieteinnahmen das Risiko einer Strahlungsquelle auf der Mühle lohne. "Es gibt in Schinkel genügend Möglichkeiten, außerhalb von Wohngebieten einen Sender aufzustellen", sagte er.

Von Christoph Rohde

Dazu unser Kommentar:

Wie viel verträgt der Mensch?

Handys sind zum alltäglichen Kommunikationsmittel geworden. Über die Strahlung machen sich die wenigsten Nutzer noch Gedanken. Umso wichtiger ist der Vorsorge-Gedanke für eine Technologie, die sich ohne ausreichende Untersuchungen im raschen Tempo ausbreitet. Handys kann man ausschalten, Mobilfunksender nicht. Hier stehen Politik und Kommunen in einer besonderen Verantwortung. Liegt auch nur der Verdacht von Gefahren für die Gesundheit vor – und viele wissenschaftlichen Studien stützen dies – ist eine Minimierung der Strahlungsbelastung geboten. Denn neue Quellen stehen mit UMTS und der Computer-Funkverbindung Wireless Lan bereits ins Haus. Wie viel davon das biologische System Mensch verträgt, ist kaum erforscht. Nur eines scheint sicher: die bisherigen Grenzwerte sind ein schlechtes Instrument, das große Freiland-Experiment Mobilfunk in den sicheren Griff zu bekommen.

Christoph Rohde

nordClick/Kieler Nachrichten vom 08.04.2005 01:00

http://www.kn-online.de/news/archiv/?id=1621199 (Auszug)

Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Gebetsmühlenartig wird überall betont, daß die Grenzwerte eingehalten werden. Zweifellos. Es gibt keine einzige Anlage in Europa, die die von den Mobilfunkbetreibern diktierten extrem hohen Grenzwerte überschreitet. Nur nützt das leider nichts. Bei der Schule Antonio Garcia Quintana in Valladolid wurden Strahlungswerte gemessen, die die geltenden Grenzwerte um das Tausendfache unterschreiten. Bisherige Bilanz um die Anlage herum: 18 Leukämiefälle bei Kindern.

Die Annahme, daß jeder ein Handy hat und keiner einen Mast will, ist nicht ganz von der Hand zu weisen. Ursache hierfür ist Informationsmangel. Kaum jemand weiß, daß ein Handy etwa 1000-10000 mal so stark strahlt, als wenn man sich der Exposition einer Basisstation aussetzt (falsche Assoziation: kleines Handy - kleine Strahlung - das Gegenteil ist der Fall).

Herr Stefan Ulrich von T-Mobil Nürnberg hat in einem Telefongespräch selbst zugegeben, daß bei einem Handy "die Grenzwerte gerade so eingehalten werden". Berücksichtigt werden muß aber auch, daß eine Basisstation rund um die Uhr strahlt und sich die Anwohner dieser Strahlungsbelastung nicht freiwillig aussetzen. Die Dauerbelastung über Monate und Jahre ist dabei nicht besser als die Kurzzeitbelastung durch Handys mit hoher Strahlenbelastung. Das Handy kann man ausschalten, wegwerfen, nicht benutzen. Die Basisstation steht strahlend vor der Haustür.




Omega auf die Frage, was schädlicher sei, ein Handy oder eine Antenne, antwortete der Mediziner Marco F. Paya, Mitglied der Akademie der Wissenschaften New York und Experte für elektromagnetische Felder: "Wenn die Antenne nicht weit von Ihrem Haus weg ist, zweifellos die Antenne. Aber wenn die Antenne weiter weg ist und das Handy mehr als 6 Minuten pro Tag benutzt wird, schädigt es langsam das Gehirn." Siehe weiter unter: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/293807/.

Handys kann man ausschalten, Mobilfunksender nicht. Sender in der Nähe von Wohngebäuden sind äußerst bedenklich, die Belastung nimmt nämlich mit der Nähe zur Antenne im Quadrat zu, deshalb haben dann insgesamt gesehen die Menschen höhere Belastungen. Es ist auch ein Unterschied, ob ich das Handy freiwillig nutze und damit das damit verbundene Risiko bewusst eingehe oder ob ich zwangsweise als nicht Handy nutzender Anwohner einer Gefahr ausgesetzt bin, für die ich nicht verantwortlich bin und die ich nicht eingehen möchte (Beispiel Aktiv- und Passivrauchen, mit dem Unterschied, dass heute Passivraucher durch die Einrichtung von Schutzzonen vor den Gefahren des Tabakkonsums geschützt werden sollen, was beim Mobilfunk aber nicht der Fall ist).


Zwangsbestrahlung durch Mobilfunk

Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk

Stop the Abuse of Power

Senate Republicans are going for the ultimate power grab. They're planning to give themselves absolute power, silencing Senate Democrats (and the millions of Americans they represent) by changing the rules and traditions of the Senate and eliminating the filibuster, a two-century Senate tradition that has preserved the voice of the minority. [...] Read more at the Democratic Party website, http://www.democrats.org/specialreports/nuclear_option/index.html

© Virginia Metze

Zu viel ESMOG ?

... da sind wenige hundert Einwohner, 4 seltsame und schnelle Todesfälle...Krebs, Hirnblutung...alles im Umkreis eines Senders...

... da ist an Sendestandort in jedem Anwohnerhaushalt zumindest ein Krebsfall / oder Tod und auf der anderen Talseite, genau in Hauptstrahlrichtung genau die selbe Häufung...

Ja, die haben Angst vor den "Grauen Kästen" hört man, Psychomacke...

Da sind Kühe im Stall, krank, Nachwuchs fehlgebildet, kein Einzelfall, hier im Umkreis von 16 km sind mir diverse Betriebe bekannt...

Und es liegt an allem, von Feinstaub bis allgemeiner Umweltbelastung.

Nur an Elektrosmog liegts, bzw. darfs nie liegen!

Sagen die Politiker, Amtsmitarbeiter, Techniker, Unileute.... und jeder von denen kennt nicht, oder ignoriert nicht nur die aktuellen Forschungsergebnisse sondern ebenso die jahrealten Einschätzungen der Fachleute (1991 Strahlenschutzkommission):

"Die Membraneffekte wurden vielfach bestätigt, so daß ihre Existenz heute als gesichert gilt. Hervorzuheben ist, daß die SAR-Werte hierbei teilweise kleiner als 0,01 W/kg sind und damit erheblich unterhalb thermisch relevanter Intensitäten liegen."

Obwohl zumindest seit 50 Jahren die Schädlichkeit von Mikrowellen
bekannt ist, insbesondere bei vorhandenen niederfrequenten Puls...

Wartet mal ab, habe Grafiken, die zeigen dass Krebsmeldungen seit wenigen Jahren (ca. 4) sich vervierfacht ( +400% !!!) haben.

Und wenn dann irgendwer in 10 Jahren meint, den wahren Grund gefunden zu haben, wären linear interpoliert ca. 5% der Einwohner, wahrscheinlich 20% der Anwohner verstorben.

Toll, bin eigentlich kein Pessimist, eher Realist...

Und die Relation zu den Sendestandorten ist ja nun nichts Neues, so wenig wie die Leukämiefälle um die AKWs, die es bis heute dort auch nicht geben darf, obwohl sie Realität sind!

Und was ist denn so eine neue wesentliche Belastung, dass auf einmal sehr viele Personen von 35 - 55 Jahren so schnell und plötzlich versterben?

Was gibt es an Faktoren, die sich in den letzten 5- 10 Jahren so massiv ausgebreitet haben?

Da kommt weder Feinstaub, noch Allergene in Frage, selbst viele Baustoffe, Kleber, Farben sind deutlich besser geworden, die Luft oft viel sauberer und das Wasser auch.

Nachricht von Bernd Schreiner

Krebs und Krankheit um Mobilfunksender

Quarter of Primates Nearly Extinct


Reality Bush's '1984' NWO media is covering up Reality B




Republicans should fire Tom DeLay as Majority Leader because of repeated and flagrant ethical misconduct


Informant: Laurel

Candidate Bush and Crusader Bush


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran


British Soldier Cleared of Murdering Iraqi


The Invisible Hand (of the U.S. Government) in Financial Markets

The U.S. government is manipulating all major U.S. financial markets—stocks, treasuries, currencies. This article shows how it is possible and how it is done, why it is done, who specifically is doing it, when they do it, and where they get the money to do it.


From Information Clearing House

Craig Murray, the doorstep diplomat

Former British ambassador to Uzbekistan, "I left the foreign office over the issue of MI6 allowing the use of intelligence obtained during torture. They take torture intelligence coming out of Uzbekistan and pass it on to the CIA."


From Information Clearing House

As a student you have the right to request that your private information is not released to military recruiters and others

Opt Out:

As a student you have the right to request that your private information is not released to military recruiters and others. Complete this Opt-Out form and give it to your Principal or School Administrator.


From Information Clearing House

Blix says war motivated by oil

"They wanted to secure oil in case competition on the world market becomes too hard."


From Information Clearing House


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