
DeLay's Decision Won't End GOP Troubles


Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill

Here is attached the New Telecommunications Bill (proposal) which is due to get a second hearing in the British Parliament on the 24th of February 2006: http://tinyurl.com/co3cw

Please publish and distribute.

Best regards.




Telecoms Bill: the next stage



Informant: NHNE

Computer chips get under skin of enthusiasts


Abgefangenes Fax bestätigt die Existenz von CIA-Gefängnissen in Osteuropa

Dem SonntagsBlick wurde eine Kopie des Schweizer Geheimdienstberichts über das brisante Fax des ägyptischen Außenministers zugespielt.


Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on the use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003

Int J Oncol. 2006 Feb;28(2):509-18.

Hardell L, Carlberg M, Hansson Mild K.

Department of Oncology, University Hospital, SE-701 85 Orebro, Sweden. lennart.hardell@orebroll.se.

The use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk of brain tumours is of concern since the brain is a high exposure area. We present the results of a pooled analysis of two case-control studies on benign brain tumours diagnosed during 1997-2003 including answers from 1,254 (88%) cases and 2,162 (89%) controls aged 20-80 years. For acoustic neuroma, the use of analogue cellular phones gave an odds ratio (OR) of 2.9 and a 95% confidence interval (CI) of 2.0-4.3; for digital cellular phones, OR=1.5; 95% CI=1.1-2.1; and for cordless telephones, OR=1.5, 95% CI=1.04-2.0. The highest OR was found for analogue phones with a latency period of >15 years; OR=3.8, 95% CI=1.4-10. Regarding meningioma, the results were as follows: for analogue phones, OR=1.3, 95% CI=0.99-1.7; for digital phones, OR=1.1, 95% CI=0.9-1.3; and for cordless phones, OR=1.1, 95% CI=0.9-1.4. In the multivariate analysis, a significantly increased risk of acoustic neuroma was found with the use of analogue phones.

PMID: 16391807 [PubMed - in process]

Informant: Iris Atzmon

Dishes put up on mast say residents

Runcorn and Widnes Weekly News

A GROUP of Farnworth residents are determined to kick up a stink after claiming contractors installed three dishes on a mobile phone mast while nobody was looking.

The residents, whose houses back on to Moon Meadow, claim the work went ahead without prior notice.

They say they were told the mast could not be expanded once it was built in 2001 and are angry the Government is allowing the mobile phone companies to bypass the normal planning procedures and fear the three new dishes, bringing the total to four, on a 70ft-plus monopole is just the start.

Don Lyons, of Derby Road, said: 'We're upset and angry that the companies have the authority to add dishes without consulting anyone. It's not morally right.

'The jury's still out on whether these things are safe and there are a lot of families with children here.

'Is the council now going to allow unlimited expansion?'

Dennis and Wendy Malone, who live next to the mast, are up in arms. Mr Malone said: 'It's really slimy the way this has slid through. It is the way it has been done that caused the most upset. You at least expect a letter through the door to be given time to object.

'We woke up at 7.30am and saw a fella up the mast, welding. One neighbour says they've been at it a fortnight. If we don't make a fuss it will escalate.'

Mrs Malone said: 'Because it is camouflaged to an extent by trees, unless you were in the immediate vicinity you probably wouldn't see it.

'We can't even get a normal TV signal in our house and have to use digital. One house along the road had to drop the price. And their safety is simply not proven beyond doubt.'

Phone mast trials are a success in Bourne Woods


Edward M. Kennedy: Alito's Credibility Problem

As Judge Samuel Alito approaches his confirmation hearings next week, Congressman Edward M. Kennedy learns more about him by generating questions concerning the credibility of his assurances.


Erfahrungen mit Chemtrails

Gerade habe ich Einträge über Chemtrails angeschaut und will kurz meine Erfahrungen von Eichstätt im Sommer 2003 berichten. Als ich im Juni nach Eichstätt kam, hatte ich das Gefühl, dass in der ganzen Stadt ein Schadstoff war, der Grippe-ähnliche Symptome hervorrief. Ein Kräuterhändler und Heilpraktiker erzählte mir, dass viele Menschen die gleichen Probleme hatten und dass über Eichstätt Chemtrails gesehen wurden. Er gab mir eine Seiten Informationen, aus dem Internet heruntergeladen. Ich hatte vorher noch nie etwas davon gehört. Mein Gesundheitszustand verschlechterte sich, so dass ich meinen Arzt in Geltendorf aufsuchte. Als der bei mir eine Belastung mit Bariumsulfat feststellte habe ich einen gehörigen Schrecken bekommen, denn bis dahin hatte ich die Sache mit den Chemtrails nicht recht glauben wollen.

dorothee_krien @ hotmail.com

Orange’s mobile mast bid leaves bitter taste

Hampstead and Highgate Express
06 January 2006
Matt Eley

HEALTH conscious residents in West Hampstead have launched a campaign against a major mobile phone company.

Orange has submitted plans to Camden Council for a mobile phone mast and base station at the junction of Iverson Road and West End Lane.

But neighbours near the spot have complained that the mast will only be 10 metres away from their bedrooms. They fear it will be noisy, out of keeping with the area and a health risk.

Candice Temple, who lives in the Redcroft flats in Iverson Road, has already collected 150 names on a petition against the plans.

The freelance writer and producer said: "It is going to be so close to people's bedrooms and it will bring the area down as it will be the first thing people see when they get off the train at the Thameslink train station.

"It will also be bad for business being located so close to the shopping area.

"And people are concerned about health risks.

"There was a Vodafone mast put in down the road last year so it feels like an invasion."

Anti-mobile mast campaigners believe radiation from the structures can cause cancer. But the Department of Health and the Mobile Operators Association insist British masts meet international safety standards.

Councillor John Bryant, for West Hampstead, is supporting the campaign against the application.

He said: "It will look pretty awful and it seems that they are carving up the area.

"If the aim is to get them as far away from residential properties as is possible they should be putting it on the railway lands next to the site.

"It seems daft to put it in the busy intersection of West End Lane and Iverson Road."

Camden Council is due to consider the application in the next few weeks.

A spokesman for Orange said: "We understand that there has been a high level of objection to this application, but it is increasingly difficult to find suitable locations for masts, especially in residential areas where the services are needed.

"People should not worry about living or working near this 10 metre mast which will resemble other street furniture in the area; they are safe by design as Orange fully complies with stringent guidelines for public exposure that have been set by government."

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

Triumph in mast fight

By Faye Casey
Midlands Express and Star, Birmimngham

Jan 6, 2006

Campaigners in Lichfield are celebrating after controversial plans to install a mobile phone mast in their community were thrown out.

More than 1,600 people had signed a petition objecting to the proposals by the company T-Mobile to install a 14.7 metre high mast on land at Ryknild Street, at the junction with Tamworth Road.

And their fight to stop the mast from being installed ended in victory when Lichfield District Council turned down the scheme because it would be an intrusive feature next to the Green Belt and would harm the views of residents.

The campaign was organised by the Boley Park Action Group, which was formed last year to fight plans by Orange for a mast in Darnford Lane.

The group attracted a wealth of support from the community, and handed over a 1,500 name petition to the council. The Orange mast plan was turned down in February 2005.

Alan Begley, action group spokesman, said everyone was absolutely delighted to hear the T-Mobile mast had also been turned down.

The phone giant claimed the mast was needed to improve mobile phone coverage in the area, but the proposal caused outrage.

The action group had expressed grave concern about the safety of children in the area - at King Edward VI High School and at the playgroup at Boley Park Community Centre- saying they would be at risk from radiation.

"We are delighted and very happy to learn the mast has been turned down," said Mr Begley. "This will protect the park as a utility, the residents of Boley Park and a Grade II listed building within the vicinity.

"Common sense has prevailed.

"Undoubtedly, it is people's letters and the petition that has won the day on this.

"And we got more names on the petition this time - which shows concern against masts is rising."

Signal failure to inform the church

By Ben Quérée

Jersey Evening Post 05.01.06

CABLE & Wireless are in hot water over an application to place a mobile signal mast on top of St Saviour's Church - without asking the rector.

The Rev Anthony Swindell said the company, who were recently given a licence to launch a mobile phone network in Jersey, had applied to put a mast on top of the church without consulting him or the churchwardens.

An application has been made to remove a flagpole on top of the church tower and replace it with another one that has an antenna inside it.

The first Mr Swindell knew about it was when he received a letter from Planning this morning, which he said made it look as though he had made the application himself.

'They should have consulted us first,' he said. 'They have not got permission from us.'

Firm is sorry for mast mistake

By Ben Quérée Jersey Evening Post 08.01.06

CABLE and Wireless have apologised for applying to install a phone mast on St Saviour's Church without permission and have withdrawn the application.

On Thursday, the Rector of St Saviour, the Rev Anthony Swindell, complained that the firm - recently given a licence to operate a mobile telephone system - had applied to put a mast on the church without consulting him first.

He says the company phoned him to apologise, adding that they would withdraw the application and consult him and the churchwardens before making it again.

Cable and Wireless want to replace an existing flagpole on top of the church tower with another flagpole that has an antenna inside it.


Derbyshire Evening Telegraph

Law firm Freeth Cartwright believes times are changing for mobile phone operators and contractors in the East Midlands - and getting tougher for them to put up masts, nodes and other equipment.

A draft Bill for proposed legislation has been published by the House of Commons called the Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill which Freeth Cartwright says is of real importance for those with telecoms apparatus on their land or those who have been approached by an operator who wants to place equipment on their land.

It will also be of interest to parties who wish to object to the siting of apparatus in their vicinity, or to landowners who may be considering ways of trying to remove apparatus.

"The Bill is in its early stages and the second reading in the House of Commons is not expected until the end of February," explained Freeth Cartwright associate, Baxter Horton.

"If the Bill becomes law, telecoms operators who apply for planning permission to install apparatus such as a mast or operational ancillary apparatus must supply the planning authority with a 'statement' which is essentially a health warning if it is applicable.

"They must also include a 'certificate' identifying the beam where the greatest exposure to the radio frequency radiation signal is located, and the distance and range of the beam from the apparatus.

"Local planning authorities must make the health warning available for public inspection and indicate how the public may make representations. The planners must then weigh up the health warning and any public representations before deciding whether to grant or refuse planning permission.

"If the beam of greatest intensity falls on land used as an educational or medical facility or any residential property, then the planners must also take into account the 'certificate' information and any public representations before granting or refusing planning permission."

Baxter says this will have a significant impact on operators. "Clearly if the Bill becomes law, operators will need to be much more open and frank in providing information about their sites, and any potential health implications and technical details about the radio frequency signals.

"They will need to obtain fresh planning permission if they wish to replace unserviceable apparatus with equipment of a different type and capacity on an existing site.

"More radical proposals under the Bill may allow owners of educational, nursery or medical facilities to force telecoms operators to give back land compulsorily purchased for use as a telecoms site, or to remove apparatus without having to pay the operator any compensation.

"The legislation may require such establishments to serve 28 days notice to recover their land or remove equipment, and then apply for a county court order.

"If an order is granted, the operator must stop using the equipment and remove it within three months. No details are available as yet on rights of appeal.

"Whilst there is no specific proof that telecoms masts and apparatus are dangerous to health, the Bill is likely to raise the profile of health issues.

Omega there is specific proof that telecoms masts and apparatus are dangerous to health. See under:

It would also provide that premises used for medical, health-related or educational purposes have a statutory right to seek removal or decommissioning of equipment on their property, even if there is no contractual right in the operator's lease or agreement.

"Potentially this could be an invaluable weapon where bodies such as schools, universities and hospitals are worried about the public perception of radio emissions and radiation and wish to opt out of pre-existing legal agreements."

Telecoms Bill: the next stage

It is now time to raise awareness of the Telecoms Bill being presented by David Curry MP and due to be given its second reading on 24th February. Be aware that Chris Maile drafted the first Bill taken forward by Richard Spring which was re-presented last year by Andrew Stunell.

As Chris says below, it is imperative to give this second reading the highest possible profile. Please play your part for all our sakes.

A copy of the letter going to all Local Planning Authorities will shortly be posted on this net for info.

David Baron

The Telecom (Curry) Bill info is now ready for distribution, I shall sending out a standard letter to all MPs in the next week as well as sending out the next media release. Mast Sanity has agreed to send out a letter to all LPAs. Copies of all the various docs (please download from the WEB site, they can all be revamped to suit local circumstances) are now on the WEB site which has also been revamped with info on the Council Motions in support of the Bill and the Welsh Assembly motion (similar to the Curry Bill) being taken forward by Plaid AM Janet Davis.


Please recirculate this note to all others on your various lists, what we need is for pressure on MPs to be there on the 24th Feb, as well as pressure on local authorities to pass motions/resolutions of support. And revamped media releases from a local perspective to local and regional media (newspapers/radio/tv). It is intended to start increasing the pressure as we get nearer the date, this is intended as a make it or break it approach, this is the third attempt at the same Bill so let us see that it is third time lucky irrespective of the local campaign it is in everyones interests to change the law.

Chris Maile


Telecommunications Masts (Planning Control) Bill

The lie detector you'll never know is there

THE US Department of Defense has revealed plans to develop a lie detector that can be used without the subject knowing they are being assessed.


From Information Clearing House

Orwell could have a case against Bush

Lawyers for the estate of George Orwell have announced their intention to sue President Bush for plagiarism.


From Information Clearing House

NSA chief not concerned by congressional inquiries

A 1978 law, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, forbids domestic spying on U.S. citizens without the approval of a special court. In the wake of the September 11 attacks, Bush secretly authorized the NSA to intercept communications without court approval.


From Information Clearing House

Bush using a little-noticed strategy to alter the balance of power

President Bush agreed with great fanfare last month to accept a ban on torture, but he later quietly reserved the right to ignore it, even as he signed it into law.


From Information Clearing House

On Another Planet

Back in October 2003, after seeing what Bush and Blair did to Iraq on the pretext of destroying Iraq's non-existent nuke programs, Iran began negotiations with France, Germany and the United Kingdom (EU/E3) with the explicit expectation of obtaining – at a minimum – assurances from the Europeans that Bush and Blair would not do unto them what they had just done unto Iraq.


From Information Clearing House

Number of badly wounded soldiers on rise in Iraq

Military medical advances are keeping more soldiers alive in the Iraq War but also creating a growing pool of badly wounded veterans who will need expensive, long-term medical care, the U.S. secretary of Veteran Affairs said on Friday.


From Information Clearing House

US general gloomy on future for Iraq

Sectarian rivalries and inefficient Iraqi ministries could turn the Iraqi security forces into 'militias or armed gangs,' Lt. General John Vines, the senior US operational commander in Iraq, told The New York Times.


From Information Clearing House

Iraq's dark realities

While the insurgents were motivated to play the political game and stay on their best behavior, violence around Iraq abated somewhat. However, once they had concluded that they were going to be given nothing worthwhile by the new Shiite masters of the country and their Kurdish allies, they felt free to unleash all their undiminished capabilities again.


He-Said, He-Said, and a 2006 Prediction

The destruction of a sovereign Iraq was the primary objective of this war - and that mission has in fact been accomplished. Bush was and remains correct from the moment he famously landed on an aircraft carrier and announced, "Mission Accomplished."


From Information Clearing House

US generals disagree on Iraq violence

"The country's on the verge of a civil war," General Sanchez told soldiers preparing to deploy to Iraq during a ceremony held in Heidelberg, Germany.


From Information Clearing House

Civilian Killed

One civilian was killed and another wounded when U.S. soldiers opened fire on their car as it approached a checkpoint on a main road in Baiji.


From Information Clearing House

US air strike kills Iraqi women and children

Video report

"I absolutely confirm there were no terrorists in this house," police chief Colonel Sufyan Mustafa told Reuters.


Demand Censure for Bush-Cheney Misconduct, Investigate Impeachable Offenses


John Conyers, Jr.
40 Years Of Jobs, Justice And Peace

Stand with Congressman Conyers

Demand Censure for Bush-Cheney Misconduct Investigate Impeachable Offenses

I am taking steps against the Bush Administration’s handling of the Iraq War and its collection of intelligence. I am going to need you to stand with me in fighting for accountability.

Join me to demand censure for Bush and Cheney in addition to the creation of a Special Committee to investigate impeaching the Bush Administration for its widespread abuses of power.

I have sought answers from the administration to questions arising from the Downing Street Minutes, the Valerie Plame leak, and scores of other abominable abuses of power that pervade the activities of this White House. 121 Members of Congress and many citizens like you have joined me in asking these questions of the President.

I have just completed a thorough review of this administration’s misconduct and have produced a 250-page report that provides evidence suggesting further steps to be taken. [A copy of the report may be found at Raw Story.com and also at CensureBush.org where additional action items may be found.]

It is time to take bolder measures in our pursuit of justice. This White House has responded to questions about its conduct with misleading statements, obfuscation, and vicious attacks against their critics. We must take the next step towards restoring accountability in our federal government. To this end I have:

• Introduced a resolution of censure for both President Bush and Vice-President Cheney, and;

• I am calling upon Congress to create a select committee similar to the Ervin Committee, which investigated President Nixon’s Watergate crimes. This select committee should investigate those offenses which appear to rise to the level of impeachment.

This administration must be held accountable for its misdeeds. We have considerable work to do and I am going to need your help to make this effort successful. Join me in sending a message to the President, the media, and the American people that we are not going to stand for an imperial presidency any longer.


John Conyers

Informant: root


Energiedebatte ja - Atomkraft nein


Der Gas-Krieg zwischen der Ukraine und Russland ist zwar beigelegt, aber das Problem der Abhängigkeit bleibt – auch für Westeuropa. Können uns Atomkraftwerke retten wie einige Unionspolitiker meinen?


Wir führen einen Weltkrieg gegen die Natur

Der Gas-Krieg wird weiter gehen - auch wenn der aktuelle Streit zwischen Russland und der Ukraine beigelegt scheint. Und George W. Bushs Krieg um Öl im Irak wird nicht der letzte Ressourcenkrieg gewesen sein. Denn die von der ganzen Welt heißbegehrten Erdgas- und Erdölvorräte gehen in den nächsten Jahrzehnten ebenso zu Ende wie Uran zum Betreiben von Atomkraftwerken und die Kohle.


Waves of Energy are Washing Across this Planet


Informant: Milo

Mobile mast 'spreading cancer'


Know your Repacholi


THE CAUSES OF CANCER (Parkinson Cancer Theory)



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Januar 2006

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