
'86 Alito Memo Argues Against Foreigners' Rights

In an opinion that offers insight into the Supreme Court nominee's view of an area of law that has gained new significance with the Bush administration's policies to combat terrorism, Alito gave his approval to an FBI effort in the 1980s to collect from Canadian authorities fingerprint cards of Iranian and Afghan refugees living in that country.


National Security Whistleblowers Boycott Upcoming Hearing

Groups representing national security whistleblowers are urging a boycott of an upcoming congressional hearing, saying their concerns and experiences will not be adequately represented by the witnesses who are scheduled to testify. The House Government Reform Subcommittee on National Security, Emerging Threats and International Relations plans to hold a hearing December 6 to examine whether agencies are unjustly revoking or suspending security clearances in retaliation against employees who speak out against wrongdoing.


Treffen bei der EU Kommission zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit




Volker Hartenstein, MdL a.D.


Im Anhang finden Sie eine Presseerklärung zu einem Treffen bei der EU Kommission zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit sowie 2 Statements für das Treffen. Dass es zustande kam, ist v.a. dem unermüdlichen Einsatz von Frau Dr. Birgit Stöcker, 1. Vorsitzende vom Bundesverband Elektrosmog, zu verdanken. Vielen Dank!!! Für mich ist es aber auch ein Ausdruck unserer gewachsenen Kraft. Ein Grund zur Freude! Es ist aber auch völlig klar, dass nichts von der EU oder anderen Stellen zu erwarten ist, wenn nicht immer mehr Bürgerinnen und Bürger aktiv werden.

Wolf Bergmann /Mitinitiator des Freiburger Appells

"Minimierung elektromagnetischer Felder." Die EU lädt Mobilfunkkritiker ein.

Auf Einladung der Europäischen Kommission - Generaldirektion Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz - fand am 25.11.2005 ein Treffen im Gebäude der Kommission in Luxemburg statt.

Im Einladungsschreiben von John F. Ryan, Referatsleiter der Kommission, an Frau Dr. Stöcker, Vorsitzende des Bundesverbandes Elektrosmog e.V. heißt es : "Die Europäische Kommission hat den Inhalt Ihrer Eingabe und des dazu eingereichten, von 36 990 Bürgern unterzeichneten "Freiburger Appells" zur Kenntnis genommen ...schlage ich Ihnen vor,...dass Sie die anstehende Problematik persönlich darlegen können."

Bei diesem Treffen legte Frau Henschel vom Bundesverband Elektrosmog insbesondere die Situation elektrosensibler Menschen dar und überreichte den Freiburger Appell mit allen Unterschriften.(auf CD).

Frau Dr. med. Waldmann-Selsam, Initiatorin des Bamberger Appells und des Bamberger Mobilfunksymposions, berichtete von ihren Untersuchungen und Messungen bei gesundheitlich durch Mobilfunk schwer geschädigten Menschen und forderte u.a. den sofortigen Stop von UMTS, die bisher völlig versäumten Untersuchungen von Betroffenen aus öffentlichen Mitteln und die Möglichkeit, Funkmasten (wie u.a. in Spanien geschehen) abzuschalten, wenn in der Umgebung ungewöhnliche Krankheitshäufungen auftreten.

Herr Dr. med. Bergmann, Mitinitiator des Freiburger Appells, machte auf die dramatische Verschlechterung der Situation seit Verabschiedung des Freiburger Appells vor 3 Jahren aufmerksam und überreichte ein Statement sowie eine Zusammenfassung der dringendsten Forderungen aus den mobilfunkkritischen Appellen. (s. Anlage.)

Mr. Ryan wies darauf hin, dass die EU Kommission für das kommende Jahr eine Neubewertung des Gesundheitsrisikos durch Mobilfunk vorbereite. Wegen der Gefährlichkeit der DECT-Schnurlostelefone nannte er auf die Möglichkeit, die Kommission für Produktsicherheit in Brüssel einzuschalten. Zu der Notwendigkeit, sofort Untersuchungen bei Betroffenen durchzuführen, forderte er auf, Forschungsprojekte einzureichen. Angenommene Projekte würden mit 60% der Kosten gefördert.

Freiburg, d. 27.11.2005. Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann. Freiburg. Tel. 0761/78615 oder 55 61141. E-mail wolf.bergmann@tele2.de

Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin Homöopathie
Reichsgrafenstr. 28
79102 Freiburg
Tel. 0761 - 55 611 41
Fax 0761 - 50 36 78 17

Freiburg, den 28.11.2005

Sehr geehrte Anwesende,

ich danke Ihnen sehr herzlich, dass Sie uns eingeladen haben, um Ihnen unsere wirklich schweren Sorgen und Anliegen zum Thema Mobilfunk und Gesundheit vorzutragen und dass sie uns über die von der Europäischen Kommission verfolgte Gesundheitspolitik informieren wollen.

Als einer der Mitinitiatoren des Freiburger Appells freue ich mich, Ihnen bei Bedarf den Appell zu erläutern und die darin aufgestellten Forderungen an eine verantwortliche Gesundheitspolitik zu übermitteln.

In der kurzen Zeit seit der Verabschiedung des Freiburger Appells bis heute hat sich die Situation auf dramatische Weise verschlechtert:

Die beobachtbaren Beschwerden und Erkrankungen im Zusammenhang mit Mobilfunk nehmen erschreckend zu. Die aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen von unabhängigen Wissenschaftlern bestätigen immer aufs Neue, dass die künstlichen Frequenzen des Mobilfunks tiefgreifende Störungen der biologischen Steuerungsvorgänge lebendiger Organismen verursachen und die Gesundheit stören und zerstören. Trotzdem überrollt uns eine wahre Flut von zusätzlichen neuerlichen, noch belastenderen Mobilfunkfrequenzen (UMTS, Wlan, Bluetooth, WiMax usw.) mit gepulsten Breitbandfrequenzen, die unsere Regelkreise noch mehr stören und einen gesunden = ungestörten Informationsfluss im Organismus zum Erhalt der Homöostase verunmöglichen.

Besonders in Deutschland wird diese Entwicklung durch die Industrie und die Politik mit ungeheurer Geschwindigkeit vorangetrieben, ohne auch nur im Ansatz die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse über die nicht-thermischen Wirkungen der Mobilfunkfrequenzen zu berücksichtigen. Dabei ist der Dreh- und Angelpunkt in der politischen wie wissenschaftlichen Auseinandersetzung die Behauptung, dass es keinen Nachweis von Gesundheitsschäden bei Einhaltung der extrem hohen deutschen Grenzwerte gebe. Da sich auch die deutschen Gerichte diesem Standpunkt angeschlossen haben, ist die Bevölkerung in Deutschland vollkommen schutzlos einer chronischen und ständig zunehmenden Gesundheitsschädigung ausgesetzt.

In dieser menschlich, gesundheitlich und politisch dramatischen Situation bitten wir Sie sehr dringlich um Ihre kompetente und solidarische und ausdauernde Unterstützung beim Verbraucher- und Gesundheitsschutz.

Dafür im Voraus sehr herzlichen Dank

Dr. med. Wolf Bergmann Facharzt für Allgemeinmedizin Homöopathie
Reichsgrafenstr. 28
79102 Freiburg
Tel. 0761 - 55 611 41
Fax 0761 - 50 36 78 17

Freiburg, den 28.11.2005

Mobilfunk - Gesundheit - Wissenschaft - Politik.

Anhaltspunkte für die Besprechung mit der Europäischen Kommission, Generaldirektion Gesundheit und Verbraucherschutz, am 25.11.2005.

1.) Die gesundheitsschädigende nicht-thermische Wirkung von elektromagnetischen Feldern des Mobilfunks bei geringen Feldstärken, wie sie im Normalbetrieb des Mobilfunks auftreten, ist wissenschaftlich seit langem und aktuell seit dem massenhaften Ausbau des Mobilfunks erwiesen - in Grundlagenforschung, experimentell bei Tier und Mensch, in epidemiologischen Studien und in der Feldbeobachtung. Dies alles bereits vor Einführung von UMTS. Die Beobachtungen und die wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisse sind so gravierend, dass sofortige Schutzmaßnahmen zwingend erforderlich sind.

2.) Mit dem flächendeckenden Ausbau von UMTS wird diese schon bedrohliche Situation sprunghaft zu einer hochgefährlichen Situation potenziert.

3.) Grenzwertfestlegungen, die nur die thermische Wirkung je einer einzelnen Mobilfunkfrequenz berücksichtigen und einen Gesundheitsschutz bei Einhaltung solcher Grenzwerte behaupten, sind unwissenschaftlich und unverantwortlich. Sie lassen die Forschungsergebnisse von 6 Jahrzehnten außer acht. Es handelt sich um die wohl größte und gefährlichste Verbraucherschutzlüge seit dem Krieg.

4.) Eine Politik, eine Wissenschaft, eine Rechtsprechung, die sich auf diese Grenzwerte berufen, geben die Bevölkerung einer schweren und sprunghaft zunehmenden Gesundheitsgefährdung völlig schutzlos preis. Eine solche Politik ist ungesetzlich, da sie das Prinzip der Vorsorge und des Gesundheitsschutzes, das in den europäischen Verfassungen zwingend festgeschrieben ist, verletzt.

5.) Eine Politik, die entsprechend den Gesetzen und bei Kenntnis des Sachstandes Gesundheitsschutz und Vorsorge berücksichtigt, muss sofortige Konsequenzen ziehen.

Dringend notwendige sofortige Konsequenzen:

- sofortiger Stop des Ausbaus von UMTS - am aller dringlichsten!
- Absenkung der Grenzwerte mindestens auf die derzeit niedrigsten in Europa.
- Verbot des DECT-Standards und der Pulsung.
- Umfassende Aufklärung der Bevölkerung durch unabhängige Einrichtungen.
- Verbot der Handynutzung in öffentlichen Einrichtungen, v.a. in Kindergärten, Schulen, Krankenhäusern, Seniorenheimen usw. und in öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln.
- Werbeverbot und Warnhinweise (ähnlich wie bei Tabak.)
- Entscheidungsrecht der Kommunen über die Aufstellung von Mobilfunkmasten.
- Untersuchung von Betroffenen in besonders belasteten Gebieten durch unabhängige Wissenschaftler.
- Haftpflicht der Betreiber und Behörden für Gesundheitsschäden.
- Beweislastumkehr.
- Förderung gesundheitsverträglicher Kommunikationsmittel.

Es besteht die große Gefahr, dass die Lobby der Mobilfunkindustrie und die deutsche Regierung alle Machtmittel einsetzen, um in der EU die Grenzwerte der Mobilfunkindustrie, die in Deutschland Gesetz sind, als Standard durchzusetzen. Wir appellieren an die zuständigen EU-Gremien und an alle Abgeordneten des EU -Parlaments, sich diesem Druck nicht zu beugen und ihrem Gesetzesauftrag entsprechend dringend notwendige Maßnahmen für Gesundheits- und Verbraucherschutz hinsichtlich Mobilfunk und aktuell UMTS zu beschließen.


Ärzte und Mobilfunk

Ärzteappelle gegen Mobilfunk

Ärztekammern und Mobilfunk


Evidence of Death Squads Mount in Iraq

Hundreds of accounts of killings and abductions have emerged in recent weeks, most of them brought forward by Sunni civilians, who claim that their relatives have been taken away by Iraqi men in uniform without warrant or explanation.



Is the U.S. Training Iraqi Death Squads to Fight the Insurgency? :

Investigative journalist Arun Gupta was one of the first to report on the presence of death squads in Iraq back in April of this year. We interviewed him at the time, he joins us again in our firehouse studios.


From Information Clearing House



Informant: NHNE

Brief- und Flugblattaktion: mobilfunkfreie Busse und Zonen in S-Bahn

Mit der Bitte um weitere Verbreitung:

Anbei das Flugblatt, das am kommenden Freitag und Samstag (9. und 10.12.) am S-Bahnhof in WOR verteilt wird.


Zusätzlich beigelegt sind zwei Briefentwürfe mit der Forderung nach mobilfunkfreien Bussen und mobilfunkfreien Zonen in der S-Bahn. Bitte diese Aktion unterstützen und, wenn möglich, eigene Texte wegschicken.


Hans Schmidt
1. Vorsitzender Bürgerinitiative Wolfratshausen zum Schutz vor Elektrosmog

051129 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051128 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Griff nach dem irakischen Erdöl

Ein Gespräch mit Greg Muttit, Autor eines Berichts über die geplante Privatisierung des irakischen Erdöls, die den Irakern teuer zu stehen und den Ölkonzernen zugute kommt.


The Abramoff Affair: Snapshots From An Empire Of Corruption


Informant: Friends

A Growing Wariness about Money in Politics

About 40 investigators and prosecutors are looking into the activities of several lawmakers, including Senator Conrad Burns (R-Mont.), Congressman John T. Doolittle (R-Calif.) and former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Tex.), who is currently facing unrelated campaign finance charges in his home state of Texas.


Is Total Privatization of Public Lands Coming Down the Pike?

Bill Berkowitz writes that the Bush administration is winning the battle to institute public/private partnerships on America's cash-strapped public lands. Is total privatization coming down the pike?


Abramoff Sought Bush Officials' Aid in Indian Tribe Fee Dispute

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff sought the help of US Interior Department officials to save the job of an Indian leader under fire for $37 million in fees his tribe paid Abramoff and a partner, sources say.


Maine Abstains

Something to be thankful for this week: States refusing to cave to Bush's ineffective sex ed policies.


Set a deadline that lets Iraqis prove what they want

Christian Science Monitor
by Philip Gold


There is a process in American political life by which the unthinkable becomes the inevitable and the inevitable becomes, inevitably, a big mess. Central to this process is a peculiarly American inability to ask, let alone answer, the vital questions of any endeavor: an inability empowered by that peculiarly American attitude, 'We don't have to understand the world, we only need to know about us.' This is how we got into Vietnam. This is how we left. This is how we got into Iraq. It would be tragic, were we to leave the same way. In the spring of 2002, a year before the event, I became one of America's first conservatives to oppose the Iraq war. I did so for so many hard military, political, and economic reasons that they amounted to a moral reason...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gitmo detainees and the courts

Washington Times
by Nat Hentoff


The self-styled 'world's greatest deliberative body,' the U.S. Senate, voted 84 to 14 on Nov. 15 on an 'improved' Sen. Lindsey Graham amendment to the Defense Department authorization bill that prevents prisoners at Guantanamo from filing habeas corpus petitions to our federal courts regarding their conditions of confinement. This includes complaints of abuses and alleged torture from 'enhanced' interrogations. In its present form, this Graham amendment was co-sponsored by Carl Levin, Michigan Democrat, and Jon Kyl, Arizona Republican. Yet, the Supreme Court ruled in Rasul et al v. Bush (2004) that Guantanamo detainees do have due process rights to challenge, under habeas corpus, the legality of their imprisonment. That decision led to lawyers going to Guantanamo Bay, telling us what's going on and then filing habeas corpus petitions in federal district courts in Washington. The Graham-Levin-Kyl amendment cuts off that judicial route except in a very limited form that does not include the actual conditions under which the prisoners are being held...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The end of the war

The American Prospect
by Robert B. Reich


The War in Iraq may end sooner rather than later – not because prominent congressmen or military experts say we should get out, and not because the American public is losing patience. It will end relatively soon because we can't afford the price tag of recruiting enough soldiers to fight it. Our soldiers comprise what's called an 'all-volunteer' army. But the job of soldiering is 'voluntary' the same way any paid job is voluntary. You're not forced to do it. You're paid to do it. Since Richard Nixon ended the draft in 1973, most of the people who join the military do so because it's the most attractive job available to them. Some are motivated by patriotism, of course, but let's not kid ourselves. People facing a choice between a job in the private sector that's near home and safe, and one in the military that's thousands of miles away and may not be safe, will choose to remain civilians -- unless the military job pays more. And for any given age and level of education, it does...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Murtha moment

The Nation
by staff


"History may well record that the beginning of the end of the American nightmare in Iraq came on November 17, when an old warrior said it was time for the troops to come home. But that will happen only if Congressional Democrats seize the opportunity that Representative John Murtha has offered them to become the tribune of popular sentiment against the war. Like many Americans, Murtha, a Korean and Vietnam war veteran who for three decades has been the pre-eminent Democratic hawk in the House, did not come quickly to the conclusion that the fight in Iraq will not be won by sacrificing more American lives. A backer of the 2002 resolution authorizing George W. Bush to use force, Murtha remained a defender of the misadventure long after many Democrats, and even some Republicans, began to question it. But when Murtha moved, he moved all the way. Describing the war as the result of 'a flawed policy wrapped in illusion,' he told Congress. 'Our military is suffering. The future of the country is at risk. ... Our military has done everything that has been asked of them. ... It is time to bring them home'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Torturers 'R' Us

In These Times
by Kristian Williams


The national debate on torture reached a new level in October when the Senate voted 90 to nine to restrict Defense Department interrogation techniques and prohibit the 'cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment' of anyone in U.S. custody. The vote came as a major rebuke to President George Bush, who threatened to veto the military spending bill if the proposals were included. Bush responded to the vote by publicly defending the United States’ existing practices. During his Latin American tour in early November, he said, 'We are gathering information about where the terrorists may be hiding. We are trying to disrupt their plots and plans. Anything we do … in this effort, any activity we conduct is within the law. We do not torture.' Yet earlier that very week, Vice President Dick Cheney pleaded with Republican senators in a closed door meeting to exempt the CIA from the cruelty ban. The administration clearly does not like having its bluff called...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ever expanding powers

by Mike Whitney


All of these changes in the law have taken place below the radar of public attention and all of them correspond to a 'nutcase' conspiracy by the CFR to transform Canada, Mexico and the US into one, integrated 'free trade' nation in 5 years time. (I'm not making this up) See: Trilateral Task Force Recommendations,) The only thing that makes this bizarre specter of a 'capitalist police state' seem believable is that Bush has already carried out most of the basic recommendations of that other wacky conspiracy theory; The Project for the New American Century. The US has extended its military presence throughout Central Asia and the Middle East, curtailed civil liberties at home, greatly enhanced the power of the president, militarized space, passed legislation for Missile Defense 'Star Wars,' and reinvigorated the bio-chemical weapons industry. All of these were outlined in the PNAC. Sometimes 'conspiracy theories' come to fruition despite our unwillingness to give them credence...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ten reasons why I'm no longer proud to be an American

Common Dreams
by Gary Alan Scott


I am an ex-patriot living and working in Belgium. I have traveled widely over the last 30 years and have lived in three countries besides my native America. I am presently the Director of an International Residence House. One of my students asked me the other day whether I consider myself 'proud' to be an American. I responded by saying that I love my country's founding values, its natural beauty and so, so many people in it, but that I can no longer say that I am proud to be an American. Here are ten reasons why...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The FBI plays Big Brother

Toledo Blade
by staff


The FBI is behaving like Big Brother again, conducting surveillance on U.S. citizens without regard to the guidelines it is supposed to follow to keep its operations above board. What's worse is that once these breaches were pointed out, the agency brushed them off as if they were no big deal. Newly released classified documents reveal that the FBI has secretly shadowed citizens for as long as 18 months, and that it did so without the proper legal permission or oversight. It also kept tabs on another target for five years, but didn't bother to tell the Justice Department the person had moved from New York to Detroit. That is a clear violation of rules, and also ominously evokes the bad old days when J. Edgar Hoover presided over an agency that too often ran amok...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Corruption threatens GOP control of Congress

Human Events
by Bruce Bartlett


I believe that the root of the current wave of scandal involving Republicans is that the party's governing element in Washington has completely lost sight of the reason they were elected in the first place. Grass-roots Republicans support the party because it is the party of small government. Those who like big government, who always want Washington to do more and take on more responsibility, vote Democratic. So when Republicans begin to ape the Democrats by proposing endless pork-barrel projects and lavish new drug benefits for the elderly, while not even pretending to care about the budget deficit, it makes rank-and-file Republicans wonder why they should remain in a party that has little meaningful difference from the Democrats. Many are going to stay home on Election Day next year, I predict...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Time for Iraq Plan Z

The American Spectator
by Jay D. Homnick


"If you ask Republicans why our forces are still on the ground in Iraq, they will explain: 'Because of our great success in defeating Saddam, we need to midwife the emergence of a historic new democracy. Because of our great success in luring the terrorists out of their hidey-holes, we now get a chance to mow them down far from our home turf.' Ask a Democrat that question, he will aver: 'Because of our great failure in mistaking a tinpot kvetch for a fearsome tyrant, we're stuck babysitting the various corrupt and violent elements of a provincial society. Because of our great failure in waking a sleeping giant, we have spawned a new generation of terrorists that would not otherwise have existed.' Whether this originated in sincere ideology or partisan one-upmanship, the fact is that we are witnessing a radical divergence of worldviews; to be honest, the chasm between the two positions looks to be unbridgeable. And yet, startlingly enough, neither side is comfortable mentioning the name of Zarqawi...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Ex-Powell aide criticizes detainee effort

Cincinnati Enquirer


A top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Monday that wrongheaded ideas for the handling of foreign detainees arose from White House and Pentagon officials who argued that 'the president of the United States is all-powerful' and the Geneva Conventions irrelevant. In an Associated Press interview, former Powell chief of staff Lawrence Wilkerson also said President Bush was 'too aloof, too distant from the details' of postwar planning. Underlings exploited Bush's detachment and made poor decisions, Wilkerson said...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Congressman admits taking bribes

Indianapolis Star


Rep. Randy 'Duke' Cunningham, an eight-term congressman and hotshot Vietnam War fighter jock, pleaded guilty to graft and tearfully resigned Monday, admitting he took $2.4 million in bribes mostly from defense contractors in exchange for government business and other favors. 'The truth is I broke the law, concealed my conduct, and disgraced my office,' the 63-year-old Republican said at a news conference. 'I know that I will forfeit my freedom, my reputation, my worldly possessions, most importantly, the trust of my friends and family'...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

'Duke' Cunningham case opens window on military-industrial-Congressional complex


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Wilkerson Continues Assault on Bush, Cheney

A top aide to former Secretary of State Colin Powell said Monday that wrongheaded ideas for the handling of foreign detainees arose from White House and Pentagon officials who argued that "the President of the United States is all-powerful" and the Geneva Conventions irrelevant.


Help me to put a stop to mast bid


29 November 2005 12:18

Families are being urged to back a campaign against a mobile phone mast earmarked for installation just metres from homes.

Phone giant 3G is consulting people in Lakenham about putting a mobile phone mast on top of St John's Church in Howard Road. The proposed mast would be about 100 metres from the back garden of mother-of-two Naomi Leeder, 27.

She has started a petition against the plans and has collected about 150 signatures.

Mrs Leeder, of Osbert Close, said: "If it goes up, I will be moving. My eldest, six-year-old Rose, has only got one kidney and my three-year-old, Charlotte, has chronic asthma and eczema, so I don't want any more health risks on my doorstep."

Mrs Leeder, who lives with her husband Jamie, also 27, a taxi driver, added: "I've got a mobile phone and I'm not totally against it. I just don't want it so near my house," she said. "There are already about four other masts in the area, so I cannot see why they need another one." She has trawled the internet for more information about the health risks of living near mobile phone masts, which has increased her anxieties. "The main risk is cancer, which it says on the internet you are 10 times more likely to get, for women and children, and four times for men, if you live close to the masts," she said.

Mike Davies, community affairs manager at Hutchison 3G, said: "Our network has limitations and this site is designed to cover an area where some of those limitations are. All the science and evidence is plain that there are no health risks from this technology.

Omega this is not true. See under:

"Using a church has an advantage as it gives a revenue stream which can benefit the community."

The Evening News has campaigned against the installation of mobile phone masts near homes and schools until it is proved they are safe.

Dr Ian Gibson, Norwich North MP, and long-time supporter of our campaign, said: "Do they never learn? They are making themselves so unpopular with the public. Hopefully, this time, as they have asked for consultations with the people in the area, the people will put a stop to it."

If you would like to sign the petition, contact Mrs Leeder on (01603) 616248.

Are you fighting a mobile phone mast application?
Call David Bale on 01603 772427 or e-mail david.bale2@archant.co.uk


Indivisible Law

Was there a Guantánamo-style prison in Kosovo after 2001? If so, has it since been closed? Have the Americans used KFOR - that is, NATO - installations to create a penal establishment that eludes the norms of international law? These are all questions that have aroused the scruples of Alvaro Gil Robles, Human Rights Commissioner for the Council of Europe, who visited an American prison installation in Kosovo in 2002.


Adrift and No Substantive Debate

James J. Zogby: We're adrift in Iraq and the public knows it. They feel lost between the false choices they are offered: "staying the course," which they know isn't working, and "leaving," which they fear as an equally dangerous option. The mainstream Democratic alternative - which is to find a middle ground and call for a phased withdrawal with or without timetables - is not a responsible alternative. And so, the war continues, on its present and dangerous course.


Daschle: Timing Entwined War Vote, Election

Daschle, who as Senate majority leader controlled the chamber's schedule, recalled recently that he asked Bush to delay the war vote on Iraq until after the impending midterm election. Daschle's account highlights a crucial factor that has drawn little attention amid rising controversy over the congressional vote that authorized the war in Iraq: the debate may have been shaped as much by when Congress voted as by what it knew.


FEMA'S Contracting Disaster

A little-noticed internal report reveals that over a year ago, the Department of Homeland Security knew FEMA contracting was a scandal.


Cunningham pleads guilty, resigns from Congress


Informant: Gomez

While We Were Sleeping


Informant: William K. Dobbs

Bitte helft uns, Kenia ist der Wilde Westen der Kommunikations-Industrie

Wir benötigen etwas "Entwicklungshilfe" für zwei Schreiben. Wäre es Euch möglich jemanden (einen Eurer Profis) da anzusetzen und uns einen 1-2-seitigen kritischen Kommentar zu zwei Statements in englischer Sprache mit entsprechenden Referenzen zukommen zu lassen?

Wichtig ist zu wissen, dass "man" hier sich immer noch auf die WHO Richtlinien aus dem Jahr 2000 bezieht.

Wir können keine Experten für die Stellungnahme im Hinblick auf Grenzwerte und deren nationalen und internationalen Festschreibungen bezahlen, aber wenn sie/er mal nach Kenia kommt, dann würde unsere Gastfreundschaft das schon aufwiegen.

Bitte helft uns, Kenia ist bereits der Wilde Westen der Kommunikations-Industrie.

Herzliche Grüße nach D

Barbara Schachenmann
ECOTERRA Intl. Nairobi Node

Kampf gegen Privatisierung im Gesundheitswesen

Sind Sie Millionär? Dann geht das Folgende Sie nichts an!

Für alle anderen aber ist wichtig zu wissen: Auf die Beschäftigten in den Hamburger Krankenhäusern kommen folgende Verschlechterungen zu:

a) Kürzung der Gehälter bis zu mehreren 100 EUR monatlich,
b) Streichung des Urlaubs- und Weihnachtsgeldes (»Jahressonderzahlung«),
c) Weitgehender Wegfall von Schicht- und Überstundenzuschlägen, d) Verlängerung der Arbeitszeit von 38,5 auf 42 Stunden pro Woche e) Verkürzung des Urlaubs um 3 Tage (4 Tage für 30 – 40 Jährige),
f) Streichung des Zusatzurlaubs für Wechselschichtarbeitende (bisher bis zu 4 Werktagen),
g) Grundsätzlich nur noch befristete Arbeitsverträge,
h) Verkürzung der Kündigungsfristen
i) Und außerdem: Streichung von weiteren 1000 Arbeitsplätzen!

Informieren Sie sich über den Protest und die Streiks der Beschäftigten in den Hamburger Krankenhäuser.Es geht um deren Arbeitsplätze und um Ihre Gesundheit! Deshalb der Aufruf zur Demonstration am Mittwoch, 30.11.05 ab 8.00 Uhr vom Rödingsmarkt. Alle weiteren Infos auf dem Flugblatt von ver.di-Hamburg vom 28.11.2005. (pdf)


Empörung, Angst, Widerstand

Interview von Stephan Kimmerle mit Axel Hopfmann über die Gegenwehr an Hamburger Kliniken bezüglich der Folgen der Privatisierung. „Am 30. November sind etwa 17.000 Beschäftigte verschiedener Hamburger Krankenhäuser zum gemeinsamen Warnstreik aufgerufen. Du bist aktives ver.di-Mitglied im LBK, Landesbetrieb Krankenhäuser in Hamburg. Wogegen richtet sich Euer Protest? …“ Interview von Stephan Kimmerle mit Axel Hopfmann auf sozialismus.info vom 22.11.2005


Kampf gegen Privatisierung im Gesundheitswesen

»Die Patientenversorgung leidet«

Volksbegehren gegen Privatisierung hessischer Uniklinik gestartet. Interview von Herbert Wulff mit Tobias Paul, Vorsitzender der Gesamtjugend- und Auszubildendenvertretung am Universitätsklinikum Gießen/Marburg und im Sprecherrat der Initiative »Rettet die Klinika« in junge Welt vom 29.11.2005


Vorstand sucht Eskalation

„An der Berliner Charité streiken die Ärzte. Auch Pflegekräfte und Arbeiter wehren sich gegen geplante Kündigungen und Lohnkürzungen. Seit Montag streiken die Ärzte am Berliner Uniklinikum Charité. Doch auch bei den rund 13000 Arbeitern und Angestellten regt sich weiterhin Protest gegen drohende Entlassungen und Lohnkürzungen. Für Freitag ruft die Gewerkschaft ver.di um »fünf vor zwölf« zum Warnstreik auf. Der Aufsichtsrat will an diesem Tag u. a. über betriebsbedingte Kündigungen entscheiden…“ Artikel von Daniel Behruzi in junge Welt vom 29.11.2005 http://www.jungewelt.de/2005/11-29/015.php
Ver.di: Liebe Mitbürgerinnen und Mitbürger! Die Beschäftigten des Universitätsklinikums Charité wenden sich an Sie mit der Bitte um Verständnis und Unterstützung.

„Seit fast einem Jahr versuchen der Vorstand der Charité und der Berliner Senat als deren Eigentümer die Beschäftigten der Charité zu einem Absenkungstarifvertrag zu erpressen, indem sie ansonsten mit 1500 betriebsbedingten Kündigungen drohen! (…) Wir haben unsere Aktion so organisiert, dass eine sichere und ausreichende Patientinnen- und Patientenversorgung sichergestellt ist. Wir hoffen auf Ihr Verständnis und Ihre Unterstützung- schließlich geht es um unsere Arbeitsplätze und um unsere Arbeitsbedingungen. Nur wenn diese gesichert sind, können wir auf Dauer eine gute Patientinnen- und Patientenversorgung gewährleisten. Kein Personalabbau! Keine betriebsbedingten Kündigungen! Schluss mit der Tarifflucht, für einen Flächentarifvertrag! Keine Privatisierung! Mit meiner Unterschrift unterstütze ich die Forderung der Beschäftigten der Charité!“ Unterschriftenliste des Aktionsbündnisses „Gesunde Charité“ von ver.di vom 28.11.2005. (pdf)


Ver.di: Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen, liebe Freundinnen und Freunde! Wir bitten euch hiermit, uns in unserem Kampf gegen betriebsbedingte Kündigungen, Tarifflucht, Lohndumping und Privatisierung aktiv zu unterstützen!

„Wir möchten durch die Gründung eines Aktionsbündnisses „Gesunde Charité“ eine breitere Unterstützung in der Öffentlichkeit für die Interessen der Beschäftigten und einer, aus unserer Sicht unverzichtbaren, öffentlichen Gesundheitsversorgung erreichen. Wir sehen die Angriffe gegen uns an der Charité nicht isoliert, sondern als Teil der neoliberalen Politik in Deutschland, ja in Europa, um öffentliche Dienstleistungen privaten Profitinteressen zur Verfügung zu stellen. (…) Wir laden euch daher zur Gründung unseres Aktionsbündnisses „Gesunde Charité“ Mittwoch, den
07.12.2005 am Campus Charité Mitte im kleinen Saal des Versorgungszentrums um 16.30 Uhr ein…“ Die gesamte Einladung mit weiteren Informationen und Hintergründen zur Situation von ver.di vom 28.11.2005 (pdf)


Marburger Bund ruft zu Warnstreiks an Universitätskliniken auf

Die Ärztegewerkschaft Marburger Bund (mb) hat für kommenden Freitag (02.12.05) die Ärzte an den Universitätskliniken zu Warnstreiks aufgerufen. Anlass sind die nach Meinung der Ärztegewerkschaft ins Stocken geratenen Tarifverhandlungen mit der Tarifgemeinschaft deutscher Länder (TdL). „Wir haben den Eindruck, dass die Arbeitgeber bewusst auf Zeit spielen“, erklärte der 1. Vorsitzende des mb, Dr. Frank Ulrich Montgomery. Offensichtlich unterschätze man die anhaltende Streikbereitschaft der 22.000 Universitätsärzte. (…)Am 13. Dezember sollen zudem Ärzte-Streiks an kommunalen Krankenhäusern stattfinden. Hintergrund ist die Weigerung der Vereinigung kommunaler Arbeitgeberverbände (VKA), mit dem Marburger Bund Tarifverhandlungen aufzunehmen.“ Pressemitteilung des Marburger Bundes vom 29.11.2005


Aus: LabourNet, 29. November 2005

ImpeachPAC Announces First Congressional Endorsement

ImpeachPAC, a political action committee launched earlier this month to support candidates in next year's congressional election who favor impeachment of George Bush and Dick Cheney, today announced its first endorsement.


From Information Clearing House


It's Time To Dump The Dems, Support The Green Insurgency

Can anyone still take the Democrats seriously as an opposition party after leaders like Senators Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), Hillary Clinton (D-NY), and John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-Ill.) firmly distanced themselves from Rep. John Murtha's (D-Penn.) call on November 17 for an immediate withdrawal from Iraq?


From Information Clearing House

As we lecture other nations on freedom

US blocked experts from attending Cuba conference: As recently as March 2004, John Bolton, then-undersecretary of state for arms control and international security, told the US Congress in written testimony that Cuba "remains a terrorist and (biological weapons) threat to the United States."


From Information Clearing House

Professor of military history says " Bush deserves to be impeached"

For misleading the American people, and launching the most foolish war since Emperor Augustus in 9 B.C sent his legions into Germany and lost them, Bush deserves to be impeached and, once he has been removed from office, put on trial along with the rest of the president's men. If convicted, they'll have plenty of time to mull over their sins.


He Dared to Challenge Power and the Official Consensus:

“I have learned from first hand experience that war is the destroyer of all that is good in the world. It turns our young into soulless killers and we tell them they are “heroes” when they master the art of killing.” Conscientious Objector and Prisoner of Conscience, Sgt Kevin Benderman


From Information Clearing House


Diving Into falluja: To Hell and Back

with Documentary-Maker Mark Manning

Audio: Dahr Jamail Interviews Mark Manning:

In this rare interview, Dahr talks with Mark about Fallujah and recounts the circumstances that journalists face today when reporting on events the US government does not want its citizens to know about.


Neocons Floated Idea of Bombing Al Jazeera Before

Sure enough, a search for “bomb al Jazeera” led me to this article, written in September 2003 by Frank Gaffney, in which he recommends “taking out” al Jazeera “one way or another.”


From Information Clearing House

The illusion of phased withdrawal

Whether euphemized as "redeployment" or described frankly as withdrawal, the new strategy has moved into the mainstream. In this new context, the positions still being defended by Vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld are beginning to look increasingly marginalized.


A Journey That Ended in Anguish:

Col. Ted Westhusing, a military ethicist who volunteered to go to Iraq, was upset by what he saw. His apparent suicide raises questions.


Watch The Video:

Trophy' video exposes private security contractors shooting up Iraqi drivers.


The ties that tangle Iraq and Iran:

What stands out is that Washington resorted to grandstanding in order to cover up the accelerating collapse of its regional policy in Iraq, which surely casts a shadow on the US capacity to force its will on the Iran nuclear issue.


From Information Clearing House

US may use planes as substitute for troops in Iraq

The plan is causing consternation among commanders in US air force, who say it could lead to increased civilian casualties and lead to airstrikes being used as means of settling old scores.


Syrian witness says Hariri's son forced him to lie

By Reuters

A man has appeared on Syrian state television saying Lebanese officials, including the son of Rafik al-Hariri, had forced him to testify falsely to a U.N. inquiry into the former Lebanese prime minister's assassination.


America's War

By Scott Ritter

This is America's war. This is Bill Clinton's war. This is the Congress of the United States' war. This is an indifferent American public's war. This is our war. We're to blame. We're responsible. We're the ones that facilitated this mad rush to insanity that has occurred in Iraq today.

MP3 and transcript.

Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’

By Nic Fleming,
Medical Correspondent


A teddy bear-shaped mobile phone aimed at children as young as four was launched yesterday.

Article supplied by Sylvie

The new Teddyfone ‘is a response to clear demand in the market’

The manufacturers of the Teddyfone claimed it would help parents keep track of their children while minimising potential health hazards posed by radio frequency emissions.

With no screen and only four buttons that can be pre-programmed by parents, the device prevents users from being targeted by text message bullying, calls from strangers or inappropriate adult material.

The makers of the Teddyfone claim that the rate at which the body absorbs energy from the handset, known as its peak specific absorption rate, is 0.16w/kg - close to the lowest available. Most mobiles have SAR values of 0.4 to 0.7w/kg.

Sir William Stewart, the chairman of the Health Protection Agency, advised parents earlier this year to discourage use of mobile phones by children under eight as a precaution against potential health risks.

Yesterday the agency was joined in its criticism of the Teddyfone by even the industry body that represents mobile phone operators.

A spokesman for the Mobile Operators Association said: “The companies we represent don’t market their products to under-16s, as recommended by Sir William Stewart. We believe that is a responsible policy and is in line with the advice on health.”

Paul Liesching, the managing director of Teddyfone Ltd, who said the device was aimed at four- to 10-year-olds, pointed to research showing that a quarter of seven- to 10-year-olds owned mobiles. He said parents should be able to buy low-emission handsets that also protected children from other potential dangers.

“This is a basic parental decision. If you see the utility and benefits of your child having a mobile phone are greater than any potential risks, give your child a mobile phone. If you don’t, then don’t.

“One million children under 10 already have mobile phones which potentially put them at risk from text-bullying, excessive charges and inappropriate material. Teddy-fone is a response to clear demand in the market.”

The new handset has an SOS button that allows children who feel under threat to connect automatically to a parent’s mobile.

A child monitor option allows concerned parents to listen in to what is happening around their child and an optional child locator service sends parents a map of where their son or daughter is, on request, for 50p.

The handsets and two years’ line rental are free. Calls are charged at standard rates.

Sir William, the Government’s leading adviser on radiation, said in January that children under nine should not use mobiles and that those aged nine to 14 should make only short, essential calls.

He said: “When it comes to suggesting that mobile phones should be available to three- to eight-year-olds, I can’t believe for a moment that can be justified.

“My advice is that they should not have them because children’s skulls are not fully thickened, their nervous systems are not fully developed and the radiation penetrates further into their brains.”

Published research suggests that a child’s brain absorbs 50-70 per cent more of the emissions from a mobile phone than an adult’s.

Alasdair Philips, of consumer group Powerwatch, said yesterday: “Marketing a product at children when there is increasing evidence that it may be causing them both short-term and long-term harm is at the very least highly irresponsible.” Dr Michael Clarke, of the Health Protection Agency, said: “It’s up to any company to justify its product in light of our advice that children should be discouraged from excessive use of mobiles.”

Communi8, a British company, lost about £500,000 after launching Mymo, a mobile for under-eights, last year. It withdrew the product following Sir William’s comments.

A survey of 1,232 parents of children under 16 carried out on behalf of Teddyfone found that 35 per cent of respondents were concerned about the potential health hazards for children under 10 with mobiles. Nearly a quarter were worried about their child’s phone being stolen.

Publishers wishing to reproduce photographs on this page should phone 44 (0) 207 538 7505 or e-mail syndication@telegraph.co.uk

12 September 2005: Mobile phone fears for owners, aged five

14 August 2005: Mobiles aimed at under-8s set for return to high street

12 January 2005: Don’t allow under-9s to use a mobile

Source: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=334

See also:


NRPB non-response re concerns over mobile phones for under-5s

You may be interested in the email below that I sent to Dr Mike Clark of the HPA-RPD (formerly the NRPB) two weeks ago. As you'll see, this is in response to his reply to an email from a member of the public in which they expressed concern about the marketing of mobile phones to children as young as 4 years old.

You may also be interested - as I am - that Dr Clark hasn't replied to my email in those two weeks - in marked contrast to his practice of responding to other queries I've seen within 2-3 days (I haven't emailed him myself before). It's very surprising that such an emotive and contentious issue hasn't produced a reply from the spokesman for the body that supposedly PROTECTS our nation's (and our children's) HEALTH.

You'll see I've raised a number of pertinent issues closely related to this matter. I believe ALL of these issues demand a response from the Radiation PROTECTION Division of the HEALTH PROTECTION Agency. If you feel, as I do, that a deafening silence on these issues is not good enough, then you might like to email Dr Clark as well - you'll find his email address below.

You may also consider various of the apparent contradictions that I've highlighted in my email below useful in objecting to 'inappropriate developments' of various types.

I shall be posting this text, and the email below, on my website http://www.starweave.com . As I know that the HPA-RPD (AKA NRPB) is in the Top 10 visitors to that site, this may encourage the response that has so far been lacking. I'm not including Dr Clark's email, as I feel that would be discourteous without his agreement. I will, though, say that he seems to take the view that his labelling of this issue as "political" puts it outside his remit - somewhat bizarre, for the body whose advice informs government policy on this subject.

Happy Christmas to all.


----- Original Message -----
From: Dr Grahame Blackwell
To: Mike.Clark@hpa-rp.org.uk
Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 12:41 PM
Subject: Teddyfone

Dear Dr Clark

I have recently been forwarded a copy of your reply (below) to S**** W**** on the subject of the 'Teddyfone'.

I would agree wholeheartedly with your view that the matter is political in nature. The sole reason that a company is able to market such a product to young children in this country is because a political decision has been made that permits this. That political decision has been made on the basis of advice from the body that you represent. If the advice from your organisation had been materially different then that political decision would most probably also have been materially different. However much you may wish to dissociate yourself from this commercial activity, it's only happening because your organisation has, in effect, given the go-ahead to such activities.

In your email you state "I suspect the company will argue that the product is an aid to child security." In fact, of course, the company doesn't have to argue any such thing. The company doesn't have to argue anything at all. It simply has to conform with ICNIRP guidelines - the 'Precautionary Approach' advocated in various documents published by your organisation. Perhaps you could explain to me exactly HOW this constitutes a 'Precautionary Approach' when the very reason for advocating such an approach, as documented in the Stewart Report and your follow-up Report 'Mobile Phones and Health 2004' (Documents of the NRPB) was that (I quote):

“There is now scientific evidence, however, which suggests that there may be biological effects occurring at exposures below these [i,e, ICNIRP] guidelines.

"We conclude therefore that it is not possible at present to say that exposure to RF radiation, even at levels below national guidelines, is totally without potential adverse health effects, and that the gaps in knowledge are sufficient to justify a precautionary approach. "

In other words, the reason that this product can be legally marketed to children of infant-school age is precisely because your organisation has seen fit to advocate, as a 'Precautionary Approach', those very guidelines whose perceived inadequacy has made such an Approach necessary. I know I'm not the only person who would be most interested to know the scientific rationale behind such an apparent 'do-nothing' policy.

It's also interesting to note that the Teddyfone itself is provided free and there is no line rental charge for 2 years. The manufacturers will be making their money solely from charges for calls made. I'd be interested to hear any business-minded supplier try to justify such a pricing policy on the basis that this is primarily an 'emergency-use--only' product, indeed I'm most surprised that you can even offer that as a plausible argument. The fact is, of course, that the commercial viability of this product depends solely on high call volume - from children of infant school age - and the manufacturers are well aware of that. Let's not kid ourselves - or try to kid anyone else.

Still on the safety angle, It's not clear to me what sort of situation an under-5 might find themselves in that necessitates such a facility. It's not the norm for children of that age to be set loose roaming the streets unsupervised. Is the Teddyfone in fact intended to reduce parental/carer responsibility for supervising infants, on the basis that "It's ok, they'll call us on the Teddyfone if there's a problem"? If so I'd suggest that this is a move towards less, not greater, safety and security for children.

I'm advised that, on a Canadian TV programme last Sunday (20th Nov) Sir William Stewart referred to the marketing of cellphones to under-8s as "grotesque" - a fairly explicit condemnation. Clearly he was on that programme purely by virtue of his position as Head of the HPA-RPD. I'd ask whether you, as spokesman for that same body, disagree with the views of your superior in this matter. If so, what are the public to think if the government's advisory body is divided within itself over the risk to young lives? If not, why is the HPA-RPD not sending out a very clear message to government on the inadvisability of permitting such profiteering at a potentially massive health cost to our children?

I was interested to note, too, your comment in the Daily Telegraph yesterday that "It's up to any company to justify its product" - and Sir William's observation in the same article "I can't believe for a moment that can be justified" (both relating to availability of mobile phones to small children). I've heard you say that yours is an advisory, not a regulatory body and so is not able to determine policy. I'd suggest that a watchdog with no teeth is of very limited value. If in addition it's hesitant about barking too loud, apparently for fear of upsetting those it's supposed to be warning about, then it's worse than useless - it gives the illusion of protection whilst in fact offering none. Even worse than that, by giving 'advice' that encourages government to implement a policy of virtually unrestrained commercial exploitation, that 'watchdog' is effectively holding open the door for all and sundry whilst tying the hands of any poor citizen who wants to protect his or her family (even the Mobile Operators' Association has expressed reservations about the Teddyfone - but it's still legal, thanks largely to your advice to government).

Dr Clark, you cannot have it both ways. You can't appear week after week in the media as the voice of official scientific opinion in the UK - and at the same time claim to have no part in the political process that permits an outrage like the Teddyfone (I use the term 'outrage' advisedly, it seems in keeping with the comments from Sir William Stewart and the Mobile Operators' Association). Whether or not it’s your intention there is no doubt that your position as evidenced in the Telegraph article is the very reason why “It’s up to [the] company” – central government hasn’t been given any good reason by its advisers to decree otherwise. Those little tots clutching Teddyfones this Christmas will be relying for their safety, not on the social conscience of a commercial operator, but on the ‘Protection’ that is central to your professional role. That 'Protection' is quite literally central - not just once, but twice - in the title of your organisation.

I’d be glad if you’d couch any response to this letter in terms that you’d be agreeable to being disseminated more widely; I know that there are very many people who would be interested in that response. If you make it clear in your reply that you would not wish such action, then of course I would honour that. You may also wish to know that the contents of this email are not at this time being displayed or circulated elsewhere.

Yours very sincerely

Grahame Blackwell


What a cuddly signal

Children and mobile phones

Tracking by tagging our children

EMF and childhood cancer

Childhood leukemia and EMF

Hot on Parkinson's Trail

Scientists have amassed a growing body of evidence that long-term exposure to toxic compounds, particularly pesticides, can destroy neurons and trigger Parkinson's disease. They have implicated several pesticides that cause Parkinson's symptoms in animals but hundreds of agricultural and industrial chemicals may play a role.


Pay Up to Save the Rainforests

A bloc of developing countries plans to make a radical proposal this week at the United Nations summit on climate change in Montreal: pay us, and we will preserve our rainforests. The Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea said timber was one of the few natural resources available and their only current option for economic growth involved the destruction of the forests.


US to Battle Allies on Post-2012 Global Warming

Washington will battle with its allies over how to slow climate change beyond 2012 at United Nations talks in Canada this week. Up to 10,000 delegates from 189 nations meet in Montreal from November 28 through December 9 for the first annual climate talks since the UN's Kyoto Protocol on curbing heat-trapping gases entered into force in February.


Moyers Has His Say

Former NOW host speaks out on media bias and his feud with former CPB Chairman Ken Tomlinson.


The accelerating decline of health in America


Informant: Scott Munson

Fascism Then, Fascism Now?


The Woodward Scandal Should Not Blow Over


The Challenge and the Fear of Becoming Enlightened


Politicians' Silence on Iraq Speaks Volumes


Running Scared


Use of Chemical in Iraq Ignites Debate


Timing Entwined War Vote, Election


Republicans: A Culture of Corruption


CONTACT: Brendan Daly/Jennifer Crider

Pelosi Statement on Resignation of Congressman Cunningham

Washington, D.C. – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi released the following statement today in response to announcement this afternoon by Congressman Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-CA) that he would resign from the House of Representatives after pleading guilty to conspiracy and tax charges:

“Mr. Cunningham accepted a bribe to perform an official act – an egregious action that strikes at the very heart of our democracy and dishonors the people he has been elected to represent; it is only proper that he resign.

“This offense is just the latest example of the culture of corruption that pervades the Republican-controlled Congress, which ignores the needs of the American people to serve wealthy special interests and their cronies. The Republican Congress has the wrong priorities; it is time to restore a high ethical standard to the Congress.”


Rep. Cunningham Enters Guilty Plea, Resigns
by Chris Cillizza,
Washington Post

Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham (R-Calif.) pleaded guilty today to fraud, conspiracy to commit bribery and tax evasion. Shortly after entering his plea, Cunningham announced that he is immediately resigning his seat, though he had already announced that he would not seek reelection next year.


Informant: John Calvert

Mast threat to get worse

By Pete Henshaw

This is Local London

CAMPAIGNERS fighting against T-Mobile's plans to erect a mobile phone mast just 200 yards from Aldersbrook Primary School in Wanstead are today facing proposals for a further three masts Up to 14 new phone masts could go up in Wanstead and Woodford, including nine in the Wanstead area, according to new plans tabled by mobile giants T-Mobile, O2, Orange, Vodafone and H3G.

The annual roll-out plan is a list of existing sites, sites where masts have been granted permission but not yet built and proposed new sites.

It shows that at the moment, Wanstead and Snaresbrook have 15 masts. Another two have been granted permission and nine more are proposed.

Among the masts granted approval is the T-Mobile site in Aldersbrook Road, just 200 yards from Aldersbrook Primary School, which campaigner Elizabeth Canavan and her supporters have been fighting against.

The new list deals Mrs Canavan's campaign a blow as Vodafone, O2 and Orange are all proposing news masts in Aldersbrook Road.

Mrs Canavan said she was dismayed but determined to continue the fight after hearing the news.

She said: "I did not know about the Vodafone or O2 proposals, so now there are potentially four masts on that stretch."

Mrs Canavan said the decision by the Planning Inspectorate to allow the T-Mobile mast - against Redbridge Council's wishes - has set a precedent and encouraged the other companies.

She said: "We really want to open a dialogue with the council and the Corporation of London (which owns Wanstead Flats).

"We want to speak to these companies and get a proper solution.

"What we're calling for is a sensible precautionary approach.

"We're not accepting this risk to our children and community. This is not precautionary, they're flying in the face of precaution."

Elsewhere, Woodford Green has ten masts with another five sites which have been granted permission and no new proposals, while in South Woodford there are nine masts with one site having been given permission and no new proposals.

Mrs Canavan said that if a proliferation of masts was allowed then more and more campaign groups would spring up around the area.

Proposed mast sites included in the list are: l T-Mobile Meadow Walk, Snaresbrook; Saxonby House, High Street, Wanstead; l Vodafone Next to Bowling Green Aldersbrook Road, Wanstead; Gordon Road, Snaresbrook l Orange Blake Hall Road, Wanstead; Aldersbrook Road, Wanstead; Wanstead Tube station l O2 Bowls Club, Aldersbrook Road, Wanstead; Courtney Hotel, Aldersbrook Road, Wanstead l HG3 no new proposed sites in Wanstead or Woodford The full list of all Redbridge sites is available on the Redbridge Council website, where the introduction states: "These sites will still have to be submitted for consideration by the council, either as prior approval sites or as a planning application."

The website address is
http://www.redbridge.gov.uk/planning/telcom2005.cfm phenshaw@london.newsquest.co.uk

11:00am Sunday 27th November 2005

Pharma's Poisoned Generation


Informant: Milo

Indictment of a System


Informant: Milo

The American Empire and BIG Business


Activist Oregon Judge Betrays Million Votes, Stabs Property Owners


The Iraq war and Nuremberg precedent


Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Real Meaning of 'Freedom of the Press'

You are free to promote the presidential war machine

Informant: Lew Rockwell

The Coming Storm: Jack Abramoff’s Bipartisan Sleaze


The Argument From Morality


The Abuse of 'Democracy': Democracy and Presidential War Propaganda


The US government runs the mainstream media in almost Soviet fashion

None Dare Call It Censorship

The Mother We All Long For


Cindy Sheehan

More of the Same at the Federal Reserve



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November 2005

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