
Audio and Video of Bush Crimes Commission

Audio and Video of first session of the International Commission of Inquiry on Crimes Against Humanity Committed by the Bush Administration is now available at the Commission web site http://www.bushcommission.org !

For the first time brought together, four categories of indictable crimes:

1) Wars of Aggression, with particular reference to the invasions and occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan.

2) Torture and Indefinite Detention, with particular reference to the abandonment of international standards concerning the treatment of prisoners of war and the use of torture.

3) Destruction of the Global Environment, with particular reference to systematic policies contributing to the catastrophic effects of global warming.

4) Attacks on Global Public Health and Reproductive Rights, with particular reference to the genocidal effects of forcing international agencies to promote "abstinence only" in the midst of a global AIDS epidemic.

Included in this remarkable first session are keynote speakers Marcus Raskin, Howard Zinn, and Michael Ratner, followed by searing testimony from such witnesses as Barbara Olshansky (coordinator of Guantanamo defense attorneys), Denis Halliday (former head of UN Humanitarian Mission In Iraq), Camilo E. Mejia (U.S. Army retired!), Ted Glick (Climate Crisis Coalition), and suvivors from New Orleans of the Bush policies before, during and after Hurricane Katrina.

To contact the Commission write to: commission@nion.us.


Informant: C. Clark Kissinger

From ufpj-news

Frist worried about leak, not prisons

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist says he is more concerned about the leak of information regarding secret CIA detention centers than activity in the prisons themselves.


From Information Clearing House

Do Not Serve in this War

The regime of torture continues because the military provides a shield that keeps the public from intervening. The military is the facilitator of torture; the "enabler" of torture. Without its support the system would fall apart.


Rumsfeld can override Pentagon policy barring torture:

A little-noticed loophole in the directive gives the Defence Secretary or his deputy authority to override the policy.


U.N. Blasts Practice of Outsourcing Torture: Six countries -- the United States, Britain, Canada, France, Sweden and Kyrgyzstan -- have been singled out for violating international human rights conventions by deporting terrorist suspects to countries such as Egypt, Syria, Algeria and Uzbekistan, where they may have been tortured.


U.S. Journalist Reports On Use Of White Phosphorous In Fallujah

Bogert is a mortar team leader who directed his men to fire round after round of high explosives and white phosphorus charges into the city Friday and Saturday, never knowing what the targets were or what damage the resulting explosions caused.


Military Report Confirms White Phosphorous Used In Fallujah:

"WP proved to be an effective and versatile munition. We used it for screening missions at two breeches and, later in the fight, as a potent psychological weapon against the insurgents in trench lines and spider holes when we could not get effects on them with HE. We fired 'shake and bake' missions at the insurgents, using WP to flush them out and HE to take them out."


From Information Clearing House

A name that lives in infamy:

The destruction of Falluja was an act of barbarism that ranks alongside My Lai, Guernica and Halabja.


Volkssolidarität kritisiert Rente als Basissicherung auf Sozialhilfeniveau

Höhere Mehrwertsteuer: Volkssolidarität kritisiert Rente als Basissicherung auf Sozialhilfeniveau (10.11.05)

Die künftige große Koalition plant nach Überzeugung des Sozialverbandes Volkssolidarität einen "Raubzug gegen Rentner". Verbandspräsident Gunnar Winkler sagte am Donnerstag in Berlin, die "komplexe Wirkung der geplanten Maßnahmen" übertreffe die schlimmsten Befürchtungen seiner Organisation. Die reduzierten Rentenleistungen führten dazu, dass die gesetzliche Rente für einen wachsenden Teil der Senioren künftig "zu einer Basissicherung auf Sozialhilfeniveau degradiert" werde.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Umwelthilfe warnt vor Länder-Wettbewerb um den niedrigsten Umweltschutz

Föderalismusreform: Umwelthilfe warnt vor Länder-Wettbewerb um den niedrigsten Umweltschutz (10.11.05)

Die von Union und SPD geplante Föderalismusreform stellt nach Ansicht der Deutschen Umwelthilfe (DUH) die erreichten Standards im deutschen Umwelt- und Naturschutz massiv in Frage. "Die Bundesländer treten in einen Wettbewerb um den schlanksten Schutz der Natur", warnte die Organisation am Donnerstag. Das "eigentlich vernünftige Projekt" eines einheitlichen Umweltgesetzbuches drohe sich in sein Gegenteil zu verkehren, wenn die Länder von seinen Regelungen abweichen dürften. Schließlich drohten die geplanten Übergangsvorschriften im Naturschutzbereich statt Bürokratieabbau eine regelrechte Gesetzesflut zu provozieren.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Rumsfeld Can Authorize Torture under New Directive

US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld can authorize exceptions to a new Defense Department policy on military interrogations that bars torture and calls for "humane" treatment of detainees, a spokesman said Wednesday.


Handymasten auf Kirchturm: Kritik an Kirche

10.11.2005 05:10

Die Aufrüstung des Liezener Kirchturms mit Handymasten wird von Bewohnern kritisch beobachtet. Ein Ausstieg wäre frühestens 2008 möglich.


Die Diskussion über einen geplanten UMTS-Sender auf dem Dach des Roten Kreuzes hat auch die Kirche ins Kreuzfeuer der Kritik gebracht. Im Liezener Kirchturm gibt es seit Jahren Sendeanlagen von T-Mobile und Telering. Wir haben mit Pfarrer Josef Schmidt über das Spannungsfeld Kirche und Mobilfunk gesprochen.

Herr Pfarrer, es geht das Gerücht um, dass in der Kirche noch ein zusätzlicher Sender installiert werden soll.

JOSEF SCHMIDT: Nein, das stimmt nicht, es kommt kein neuer Sender. Im Kirchturm wurde der erste Sender 1998 installiert, ein zweiter ist im Lauf der Zeit dazugekommen. Die Aufrüstung auf UMTS ist bereits geschehen.

Eine Kritik lautet, dass die Anrainer nicht informiert werden und nicht wissen, welche Anlagen sich im Kirchturm befinden.

SCHMIDT: Wir haben nie ein Geheimnis daraus gemacht. Bevor die erste Anlage errichtet wurde, haben wir im Pfarrbrief darüber informiert. Mich hat damals niemand darauf angesprochen.

Wie viel verdient die Pfarre an den Sendern?

SCHMIDT: Auf den Euro genau kann ich es nicht sagen, aber es sind rund 5000 Euro im Jahr.

Können Sie die Bedenken bezüglich möglicher Gesundheitsgefährdungen nachvollziehen?

SCHMIDT: Die Diskussionen in der letzten Zeit habe ich natürlich auch mitgekriegt. Ich kann mich aber nur auf die Angaben der Betreiber verlassen.

Denen glauben Sie uneingeschränkt?

SCHMIDT: In den abgeschlossenen Verträgen ist festgehalten, dass die Anlagen bei nachweislich gesundheitlicher Gefährdung sofort abgebaut werden müssen.

Das könnte aber auch bedeuten, dass erst dann reagiert wird, wenn bereits jemand zu Schaden gekommen ist. Wie ist Ihr persönlicher Standpunkt zur Mobilfunktechnologie?

SCHMIDT: Ich persönlich kann das nicht überprüfen. Beide Betreiber haben sich verpflichtet, die Anlagen nach dem technischen Höchststand zu betreiben. Natürlich will ich keinesfalls, dass jemand zu Schaden kommt. Aber die Aussagen, die ich dazu kenne, sind sehr widersprüchlich.

Es gibt zwar keine gesetzlichen Grenzwerte, aber Empfehlungen. Ist Ihnen bekannt, ob Messungen der Strahlenbelastung durchgeführt werden oder hat die Pfarre jemals selbst solche in Auftrag gegeben?

SCHMIDT: Die Pfarre hat keine Messungen durchführen lassen. Ob die Betreiber Messungen durchführen, kann ich nicht sagen.

Auch innerhalb der Kirche wächst der Widerstand, die Diözese Linz verbietet Mobilfunkanlagen auf Kircheneigentum - ist Ihnen das bekannt?

SCHMIDT: Ich kenne diese Überlegungen.

Auf wie lange Zeit sind die Verträge abgeschlossen, wann hätte die Pfarre eine Möglichkeit, auszusteigen?

SCHMIDT: Die Verträge sind jeweils auf zehn Jahre abgeschlossen, also könnten wir den Vertrag mit dem ersten Betreiber, der sich eingemietet hat, frühestens 2008 lösen, den zweiten rund zwei Jahre später.

Wird über einen Ausstieg nachgedacht und wird über das Thema Mobilfunk intern, etwa im Pfarrgemeinderat, gesprochen?

SCHMIDT: Das wird sicher ein Punkt sein, der für Diskussionen sorgt.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim


Kirche und Mobilfunk

Beihilfe zum Missbrauch sozialer Leistungen?

Rainer Roth, Mitherausgeber des Leitfadens Alg II/Sozialhilfe zu den Vorwürfen aus dem Wirtschaftsministerium.




Bush Flies South and Goes from the Frying Pan into the Fire

Max J. Castro writes that Bush, more disliked by Latin Americans than any US president in history, was met not just by one revolt but by two, one by the masses and the other by some of the region’s biggest countries, including Brazil and Argentina. On the streets of this celebrated resort town, as many as 25,000 people joined a peaceful protest against Bush led by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez and Argentinean soccer star Diego Maradona.


An Army Ready to Snap

More than 15,000 have been wounded in action. Bob Herbert writes that the problems of the military go far beyond the casualty figures coming out of the war zone. The Army, for example, has been stretched so taut since the September 11 attacks, especially by the fiasco in Iraq, that it's become like a rubber band that may snap at any moment.


Abramoff Sought $9 Million to Set Bush Meeting

Lobbyist Jack Abramoff asked for $9 million in 2003 from the president of a West African nation to arrange a meeting with President Bush, and then directed his fees to a Maryland company now under federal scrutiny, according to newly disclosed documents.


Winnebagos of Death

William Rivers Pitt writes that despite the fact that Powell publicly distanced himself from his now-humiliating UN display, and despite several reports in the British press describing in detail what these mobile facilities were actually used for, you can still hear Bush defenders talk about them in the American press to defend the invasion.


The White House Ethics Lesson


by Tom Englehardt, TomDispatch.com

Don't misunderestimate this president. This week showed that George W. Bush learns from his mistakes.


Chalabi And AEI: The Sequel

by Robert Dreyfuss, TomPaine.com

The folks who brought you the invasion of Iraq have a new target to pre-empt: progress toward peace.


Probe into the heart of the cabal

Phase II: Loaded For Bear
by John Prados, TomPaine.com

As the Senate panel investigating the administration's use of intelligence begins work, its mandate must be to probe into the heart of the cabal.


Pathologies, Perjuries, & Policies of the War Party


Informant: NHNE

Data Retention: Kuhhandel in Sicht

/depesche 2005-11-10T18:26:08

Data Retention: Kuhhandel in Sicht

Der Rat will das, worüber er sich nicht einigen kann, die Kommission will jenes, was sie nicht artikulieren will. Der schwarz/rote Block im Parlament zieht letztlich durch in Lite/version, was durchge/knallte Etatisten auf beiden Seiten des Ärmelkanals angeleiert haben.

Über die umstrittene EU-Richtlinie zur verpflichtenden Speicherung von Telefon- und Internet-Daten wird seit Donnerstag wieder verhandelt. Im Rat ist man weiter zerstritten, während sich im Parlament eine gemeinsame Linie abzeichnet.

Am Donnerstag und Freitag trifft die britische EU-Präsidentschaft mit Vertretern des EU-Parlaments zu einem "ersten informellen Trialog" zum Thema Datenspeicherpflicht [Data Retention] zusammen.

Zweck dieses EU-Verfahrens ist es, einen Kompromiss zwischen den festgefahrenen Positionen von Präsidentschaft, Rat und Parlament zu finden, deren Vorstellungen freilich weit auseinander gehen.

Bei der letzten Referententagung des Rats am 7. November zeigte sich, dass man dort von Einstimmigkeit weit entfernt ist, wenngleich die technisch umstrittensten Passagen des Forderungskatalogs etwas entschärft wurden.

[...] So beharrt Finnland darauf, eine Passage in das Ratspapier aufzunehmen, die Internet-Provider dezidiert von der Verpflichtung ausnimmt, Dienste wie etwa Webmail und IP-Telefonie zu überwachen, sofern sie diese Dienste nicht selbst betreiben.

Mehr dazu

Heise über den Kuhhandel

relayed by Harkank

Believe What We Say, Not What We Do


The Rise of America's New Enemy

by John Pilger

I was dropped at Paradiso, the last middle-class area before barrio La Vega, which spills into a ravine as if by the force of gravity. Storms were forecast, and people were anxious, remembering the mudslides that took 20,000 lives. “Why are you here?” asked the man sitting opposite me in the packed jeep-bus that chugged up the hill. Like so many in Latin America, he appeared old, but wasn't. Without waiting for my answer, he listed why he supported President Chavez: schools, clinics, affordable food, “our constitution, our democracy” and “for the first time, the oil money is going to us.” I asked him if he belonged to the MRV, Chavez's party, “No, I've never been in a political party; I can only tell you how my life has been changed, as I never dreamt.” It is raw witness like this, which I have heard over and over again in Venezuela, that smashes the one-way mirror between the west and a continent that is rising. By rising, I mean the phenomenon of millions of people stirring once again, “like lions after slumber/In unvanquishable number,” wrote the poet Shelley in “The Mask of Anarchy.” This is not romantic; an epic is unfolding in Latin America that demands our attention beyond the stereotypes and clichés that diminish whole societies to their degree of exploitation and expendability...


Vulnerable Venezuela
by Bill Berkowitz

Since Hugo Chavez became President of Venezuela, Team Bush has done much to destabilize and isolate the Chavez government, as well as to demonize Chavez: A U.S.-backed coup in April 2002 failed to remove him, and a recall election -- during which the opposition received U.S. support, particularly from the National Endowment for Democracy -- was unsuccessful. (Since he came to power, Chavez has held eight elections, referendums and plebiscites.) Late last month, Israel acceded to U.S. demands that it put on hold, or cancel, a large arms deal it had brewing with Venezuela. In mid-September, President Bush issued “Presidential Determination No. 2005-36,” which branded Venezuela (and Burma) outlaw countries in the drug wars. Dan Feder, writing for The Narcosphere,


a project of the Narco News Bulletin, characterized the president's decision as another component of the “Cubanization of Venezuela.”...


Bush's fowl play

Ludwig von Mises Institute
by Jeffrey Tucker


In a classic case of News of the Weird, President Bush gave a press conference the other day to announce yet another central plan to deal with yet another disaster -- this time an impending disaster, or so he claimed. It seems that some birds are catching a flu called Avian Influenza or, more commonly, the bird flu. It causes ruffled feathers and a drop in egg production. It can kill a chicken in two days flat. Scary. The Chicken Littles at the White House got wind of this and decided to hatch a plan for dealing with the eventuality that it will wipe out whole cities inhabited by people. That's people, not birds...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

America without the myths

Unknown News
by Herb Ruhs


Granted, it is pretty unnerving to watch the buzzards circling lower and lower over our country. I certainly understand the reluctance of many to notice this fact. Scares the shit out of me too. I try to understand the super patriot zealotry of many of us. Circling the wagons in a situation like this is a natural response. I even try to commiserate with the religiously deranged. With the four horsemen thundering up on us, I can understand the urge of some to hope for Divine salvation. On the other hand, if there is to be any real hope for us, and probably for most of life on Earth, we can not continue to support the utility of denying facts...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Searches without warrants

Fort Wayne Journal Gazette
by staff


The American people should be plenty worried when a federal agency has the power to secretly creep about in the electronic lives of ordinary citizens without warrants or even reasonable suspicion they broke a law. It's because of the anti-liberty USA Patriot Act, and even people who have nothing to hide should fear the Patriot Act's tentacles. Congress should drastically rein in this beast...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The wisdom to know the difference

Independent Country
by James Leroy Wilson


If there's an iron law in the universe, it is that you can not get the changes you want through force. You may get some encouraging immediate results, but in the long run the reaction to the use of force will never satisfy you. Prohibition, after all, did cut alcohol consumption, but that doesn't mean it was a success. When you persuade, people will willingly change; when you use force, people will do as little as possible to avoid harsh treatment, and then direct their energies as far away from you as they can. Even when they comply with the new laws, people do not behave the way those who forced the change intended. The people find loopholes, or are driven to even worse behaviors then the ones that were banned. The Law of Unintended Consequences can also be called the Law of Forced Change. All life reacts badly to force, to threats, to fear...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Taking a leak but being picky

by Jack Shafer


Republican leaders Sen. William Frist and Speaker Dennis Hastert are demanding a congressional investigation into Washington Post reporter Dana Priest's Nov. 2 Page One revelation about 'black sites' -- the secret prisons where the CIA stashes and interrogates some of its 'most important al Qaeda' suspects. ... But the duo doesn't want Congress to get to the bottom of the establishment of a terrorist prison system. They're not concerned with the administration's concealment of the system from nearly all members of Congress charged with oversight of the CIA's covert operations. They don't want to be bothered to scrutinize the legality of a network of jails that holds terrorists and terrorist suspects in perpetuity and in secret. And they don't seem to care that the administration may have encouraged foreign nations to violate the international human rights treaty, which the United States has signed and which prohibits such jails. No, Frist and Hastert want the leakers unmasked...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Wrong about rights

by Michael Ratner, with Sara Miles


Once the abuse scandals broke, and the reality of what was being done to prisoners emerged, officials began to talk about lack of clarity in the opinions, or a 'failure of supervision' that led to 'excesses.' But this administration is now openly and baldly saying that it claims the right to torture, at its discretion. All the fictions that sustained the war on terror -- that abuses were one-time mistakes by low-level grunts; that the rules about human rights weren't clear; that soldiers didn't understand the parameters when they beat and humiliated and tortured prisoners -- have been replaced by a clear declaration: The United States is going to torture people as it sees fit, to subject them to cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment wherever and whenever it decides to... [subscription or ad view required]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Rape claim fuels anti-US protests

Seattle Times


Angered over the alleged rape of a 22-year-old Filipina as she rode in a van with six Marines, demonstrators railed Monday against the presence of U.S. troops in the Philippines. No charges have been filed in Wednesday's incident at the former Subic Bay naval base, but six Marines are being held by the U.S. Embassy in an undisclosed location. U.S. and Philippine officials are conducting separate investigations into allegations that the woman was raped and left by the roadside. Lurid details of the incident have been widely published in the Philippine media. One senator called the Marines 'sex terrorists.' Some critics said the case, like the mistreatment of detainees at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison, was part of a pattern of abuse by U.S. forces abroad...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

051110 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


051109 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


EON steigert Gewinn um 61%

(FTD) Um 61% konnte EON seinen Gewinn steigern. Damit präsentiert sich die Etablierung des Energiemonopols des Abzockerkonzerns mithilfe der rot-grünen Bundesregierung als voller Erfolg. Die massive Steigerung der Ölpreise und das Plündern der Verbraucher über die bevorstehenden horrenden Heizkostenabrechnungen des kommenden Winters lassen auch für die Zukunft exorbitante Profite erwarten.

G.Wendebourg / metainfo hamburg

Link zum Beitrag / Hintergrundinfo oder Pressehinweis:

Infopool / metainfo hamburg www.hh-online.com

Victim Preparing Suit against US

A German man who says he was kidnapped by US agents and held for months in an Afghan prison is close to filing a civil suit in a US court to claim compensation. He was the innocent victim of a "rendition" - a practice used by the United States to transfer suspected militants in secret from one country to another for interrogation.


Niger Forgeries: The Italian Connection

Samuel Loewenberg welcomes readers to Italy's latest scandal: a dizzying tale that catapults the government of Silvio Berlusconi into the unfolding controversy over the Bush administration's trumped-up evidence for weapons of mass destruction.


Conyers Wants to Talk to Chalabi

Today, Congressman John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, Congressman Maurice Hinchey and other Members will send the attached letter to Mr. Ahmed Chalabi asking for a meeting to discuss his role in manipulating the intelligence that led to war with Iraq.


Council of Europe to Probe Alleged CIA Jails

The Council of Europe has opened an investigation into reports of secret CIA detention centers in Romania and Poland, a European Commission spokesman said on Tuesday.


Top scientific group warns of growing natural disasters


Older article but I thought it was worth sharing.


Tirols Jugendliche und die Handy-Sucht


San Francisco Bans Military Recruiters In High Schools

San Francisco voters have also approved a measure to oust military recruiters from high school campuses in the city.


From Information Clearing House

Libby Establishes a Fund to Help Pay Legal Bills

Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff, is establishing a fund to help pay for his legal defense in the C.I.A. leak case, and associates of Mr. Libby have begun soliciting money from his friends and Republican donors.


Cheney wants to give free rein to prison interrogators

In a critical test of his influence, Mr Cheney is pitting himself against the Senate and leading officials in the departments of State and Defence in his attempt to allow interrogators a free rein in questioning suspects.


Sleepwalking to Fascism:

Detention and interrogation for six months without the right to see a lawyer or your family and without judicial oversight except for secret courts. The military patrol the streets and arrest citizens, camps are set up for the detained, journalists are forced to give details of their sources under threat of imprisonment. Hitler’s Germany? Stalin’s Russia? Certainly, that is what happened then. Now try Australia in 2006.


Inquiries into 'secret CIA detention centres':

The Council of Europe, the continent's human rights watchdog, has opened an inquiry into reports of secret CIA detention centres in Romania and Poland, the European commission said yesterday.


David Airhart on the killing civilians in Iraq

The abuse of detainees, his transformation to an antiwar activist, and his nonviolent protest at Kent State


From Information Clearing House

White House defends fight against torture ban

The White House on Tuesday defended its efforts to head off new restrictions on the U.S. treatment of war prisoners as the issue headed toward a showdown in Congress that has attracted worldwide interest.


The Sleeping Giant Stirs

Something remarkable is taking place. At long last, however belatedly, the public is beginning to appreciate the shallowness and incompetence of George Bush and the unparalleled mendacity and corruption of his administration.


Neglecting Intelligence, Ignoring Warnings

A chronology of how the Bush Administration repeatedly and deliberately refused to listen to intelligence agencies that said its case for war was weak.


Organic Standards Must Be Protected

Ever since 2002, when the Department of Agriculture began its program of national organic certification, there has been a steady lobbying effort to weaken standards in a way that makes it easier for the giant food companies, which often use synthetic substances in processing, to enter the organic market.


British Patriot Act Rejected: the moment Tony Blair lost his authority

In a political blow to Prime Minister Tony Blair, British lawmakers on Wednesday rejected tough anti-terrorism legislation that would have allowed suspects to be detained for 90 days without charge.


House of Commons, 4:56pm: The moment Tony Blair lost his authority:

Tony Blair's personal authority was badly dented last night when he suffered a humiliating defeat over his plan to allow the police to detain suspected terrorists for up to 90 days without charge.


Foreign policy 'spurs Muslim extremism':

The group of Muslim advisers hand-picked by the government in the wake of the July 7 bombings has attacked Tony Blair's anti-terrorism plan, just hours after the 90-day detention rule was defeated in parliament.


From Information Clearing House

Blair Suffers Major Defeat on Terror Bill

Informant: ECOTERRA Intl.

Big Oil Benefiting from $14 Billion in Taxpayer Handouts Despite Making Record Profits


Reviving Faith in Role of Government


Chalabi Faces Protests as he Resurfaces in Washington


Remember Fallujah, One Year Later

A comprehensive report on Fallujah:

Informant: Amy Hendrickson

From ufpj-news

Fallujah - the hidden massacre Photo gallery

- Warning - Images depict the reality and horror of war.

More on this topic

From Information Clearing House

“Falluja-The day After”:

"Falluja-The day After" shows the total devastation of the Iraqi town, the corpses of the victims, the mass graves, the exhumation of many corpses by local rescue teams in order to try to recognize some of the victims. The last corpse shown in this video belongs to a 14 year old girl.


Chalabi welcomed again in Washington by Bush administration


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news



This evening the House rules committee announced it was DROPPING the planned invasion of the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve from their version of the budget bill. You generated 12,000 submissions on that one issue alone, which may well have turned the tide.

Now we have to do at least that well in challenging the immoral plan of the right-wing tax cut maniacs to recoup SOME of the money for even further unconscionable gifts to their most wealthy cronies. With supporters of the president's greed agenda dropping like flies in last Tuesday's election, there is a REAL opportunity for major policy change if we speak out now, especially with all members of the House up for re-election in just one year.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.millionphonemarch.com/no_cruelty.htm (Save our social services)

It is scandalous that a regime that claims to draw its mandate from followers of Jesus Christ would propose to take food from the hungry, steal medicine from the sick, and rob clothing intended for those who are already naked. It is time that our policy decisions represented the true values of the people of faith they like so much to take for granted, while this administration's actions reflect the exact opposite. Indeed, people of all faiths stand for social compassion. It is time to END the national nightmare of train wreck budget deficits, and again require the most fortunate to pay their fair and rightful share.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.millionphonemarch.com/no_cruelty.htm (Save our social services)

With the proven power of your activism we can restore fiscal sanity, pull our economy out of the ditch of supply side hucksterism, and get it back on the road to sound and prudent social justice. The United States of America will not be a dictated by the culture of CRUELTY. Won't you take this opportunity to send your personal message to all your members of Congress, and you can make it a Letter to the Editor of your nearest daily newspaper at the same time, all with one click.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

Powered by The People's Email Network
Copyright 2005, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Fortschritt heute: Länger arbeiten und weniger verdienen

"Nur wenn deutsche Löhne mit polnischen, indischen und chinesischen konkurrenzfähig sind, können wir Arbeitsplätze in Deutschland halten." - Worauf die Erpressungsmacht des Kapitals beruht und warum sie immer größer wird. Die neue Zeitung des AK Arbeit und Reichtum: GEGENARGUMENTE (Hamburg, Oktober 2005)(pdf)


Aus: LabourNet, 10. November 2005

CIA Holds Terror Suspects in Secret Prisons


We Have Become the Criminals


Torture, secret prisons, chemical warfare


Showdown looms in Congress over U.S.-sponsored torture


Aktionen Erwerbsloser gegen die zunehmende Ausgrenzung durch die Hartz IV-Behörden

Arbeitslosenzeitung quer Guido Grüner Postfach 13 63 D-26003 Oldenburg Fon: 0441/ 9558 449 Fax: 0441 / 9558 443 E-mail: quer.infos@web.de

Die neue Ausgabe der quer ist in der vergangenen Woche in die Post gegangen. Nachfolgend unser Ankündigungstext.

Guido Grüner / quer-Redaktion

Die neue quer, Zeitschrift für Erwerbslose, Heft 4 / 2005 ist da!

“Hausbesuch im Amt" titelt die neue quer und weist hin auf Aktionen Erwerbsloser gegen ihre zunehmende Ausgrenzung durch die Hartz IV-Behörden. Berichtet wird über die vom Clement-Ministerium für den Angriff auf Erwerbslose zurechtgebogenen Zahlen über die angeblich so immensen Kosten für's Alg II und diese Hetz-Kampagne politisch eingeordnet. Rainer Roth und Klartext e.V. begründen im Gegenzug die Forderungen nach einer Regelleistungserhöhung auf 500 Euro sowie eines Mindestlohnes von 10 Euro. Umfassende Berichte über aktuelle Urteile der Sozialgerichte zeichnen ein deutliches Bild von den Praktiken vieler Alg II-Behörden, Erwerbslosen selbst noch ihre kümmerlich verbliebenen Rechtsansprüche auf Existenzsicherung nach den restriktiven Bedingungen von Hartz IV vorzuenthalten - und von der Gegenwehr Erwerbsloser. Schwerpunktartikel zum Wohngeld und den auch hier auffindbaren zusätzlichen Klippen im Zuge der 'Hartz-Reformen' sollen die Durchsetzung von Ansprüchen auf diesem Gebiet erleichtern. Einen ausführlichen Überblick über die Debatte zur Gesundheitspolitik gibt Sigried Dierke ("Gesundheit wieder eine Frage des Profits") und Max Böhnel Informationen zur politischen Vorgeschichte der Hurricane-Katrina-Katastrophe im Süden der USA.

quer lesen - quer denken!

Probehefte der quer gegen Voreinsendung von 1,65 EUR in Briefmarken an o.g. Adresse. Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Ihr diese Ankündigung zur neuen Ausgabe der quer weiter verbreiten würdet, z.B. auf Euren Internetseiten, e-mail-Verteilern u. dgl.

P.S. Artikel für die kommende Ausgabe der quer bitte möglichst bis zum 20. November an uns senden. Schwerpunkt wird u.a. die Gegenwehr Erwerbsloser wie auch die 'Parasitenkampagne' sein.

Conférence de Presse création CRIIREM


Mehr privat finanzierte Gesundheitsversorgung führt zu schlechteren Gesundheitsdaten

10. November 2005

Eine neue Gesundheitsreform wurde im Rahmen der Koalitionsgespräche von SPD und CDU bereits angekündigt. Wann genau, ist ungewiss. Im Sommer 2006 soll hierfür ein Konzept auf dem Tisch liegen. Dazu erklärt Torsten Koplin, Sprecher für Gesundheits- und Sozialpolitik:

Das neoliberale Zauberwort "Sparkurs" wird von SPD und CDU auch im Gesundheitswesen kultiviert. Alle bisherigen Verlautbarungen lassen erkennen, dass die völlig ungerechten Belastungen der Patienten nicht aufgehoben werden sollen: also kein Ende der Praxisgebühr, weiterhin Zuzahlungen für Medikamente und auch keine Herstellung einer paritätischen Finanzierung des Gesundheitswesens durch Unternehmen und Versicherte. Eine vorgesehene Erhöhung der Beitragsbemessungsgrenze ist zwar begrüßenswert, löst allein jedoch nicht die Probleme. Die Linkspartei.PDS teilt die Bedenken all derjenigen, die als Konsequenz des Sparkurses erhebliche Gesundheitsrisiken und Folgekosten befürchten. Sozial- und Christdemokraten müssen endlich die Hauptursachen für den unbestrittenen Reformbedarf zur Kenntnis nehmen. Es sind dies die anhaltend hohe Massenarbeitslosigkeit und die stetig sinkende Lohnquote. Der einseitige Blick auf Beitragssätze, ohne konsequent den Versichertenkreis zu verbreitern und alle Vermögenseinkommen einzubeziehen, wird auch weiterhin lediglich den Effekt hervorrufen, das sozial Schwache belastet werden. SPD und CDU täten gut daran, den dieser Tage veröffentlichten Weltgesundheitsbericht (Global Health Watch) zu beachten. Anhand vieler Beispiele wird in ihm nachgewiesen, dass mehr privat finanzierte Gesundheitsversorgung zu schlechteren Gesundheitsdaten führt.


GAO Report Supports Claim of Massive Ohio Vote Fraud


US Out of Vermont - Free Vermont


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Vermont Votes To Secede From US

Informant: Milo


Free Vermont

The American Conservative
by Bill Kauffman

Organizers billed the Vermont Independence Convention of Oct. 28 as 'the first statewide convention on secession in the United States since North Carolina voted to secede from the Union on May 20, 1861.' North Carolina, the final state to join the Confederacy, overcame its unionist scruples with some reluctance; by contrast, the 250 or so Vermonters gathered in Montpelier, that coziest of state capitals, gloried in the prospect of disunion. Montpelier is the only McDonald's-less state capital in the land, and from its late October splendor issued a Jeffersonian firebell in the night, ringing a warning to the national capital: the United States deserve a break (up) today... (for publication 12/19/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The death of compassionate conservatism


The Bird Flu Hoax


Energy crisis 'will be permanent'


Informant: NHNE

Take a moment to be in the moment, Right Now

If eyes were made for seeing, Then Beauty is its own excuse for being. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

General Stubblebine and I have just come back from a 3 week trip and we are leaving in a few hours for another. Then home again and off the Germany for the Codex Committee on Nutrition meeting. Hectic and grueling are only two of the many adjectives which would fit. But there is joy, too. A lot of it, in fact, because we are building a damaged today into a sturdy and healthy tomorrow.

I wanted to share some of that joy with you.

Take Joy!

Sometimes Life Is Confusing Perplexing Difficult Harsh Disappointing

But Life Is Also Glorious Surprising Inspiring Humbling Awe-inspiring

I understand what it means to have a life that is hectic and demanding. I have noticed though, that to stay balanced and joyful in that life, sometimes the best gift I can receive is the moment I allow for myself to receive!

So, in that spirit, I want to give you two gifts. Please take a moment to be in the moment, Right Now


Because, when you think about it, you have All the Time You Need


Yours in health and freedom,

Rima E. Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation

Electrical pollution can influence allergies: the asthma plague


Mobile phones and asthma: there is a correlation

German Doctors unite on RF health effects from masts

Researches Find Mobile Phones Can 'Excite' Antigens

Mobile phones ‘can trigger skin allergies’

Mobile phone over-use leads to premature aging

Cell Phones Hurt Children Even Worse Than Adults

Mobile Phones - Will the Golden Goose Become the Mad Cow?

Response to “The Asthma Plague”

CRIIREM will help the "electro-sensitive" to win an official legitimacy


French Press Release

This announcement is embargoed till November 9th, noon

Dear Eileen O'Connor,

I want to inform you that next wednesday, November the 9th, a press conference will be held by the CRIIREM, in Paris, France.

The Criirem - Centre de Research et Information Independantes sur les Rayonnements Electromagnetiques - is a non-gouvernmental organisation dedicated to expose the scientific facts & sheets evidences about the EMF health effects.

The President of the Criirem is Ms Michele Rivasi, from the Criirad (a French NGO investigating ionising radiation) and Greenpeace France. The well-known experts Roger Santini and Pierre Le Ruz are members of the executive board and lead the scientific council - the academic organ of the Criirem.

Moreover "objective" information delivered to the people on the non-ionizing radiation health concern, the Criirem will coordinate specific health studies and lobby the French authorities to promote "alara" levels of exposure and recommendations of the electromagnetic environment of the citizens.

In addition to its translations of research papers and campaigns measurements in the telecoms or power lines grounds, the CRIIREM will also help the "electro-sensitive" to win an official legitimacy.

If you want to obtain more information about us, you can click on our latest news on http://www.criirem.org, or contact us by phone: 00 33 (0)2 43 21 18 69

Best regards,

Maxence Layet,
from the (riirem

Christine Kind Report


From: Eileen O'Connor
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 21:08:23 -0000
Subject: Bamberg - Christine Kind Report

Please find attached important victims report written by Christine Kind in Germany, look at the mast victims website http://www.mast-victims.org for the latest up-date from Christine Kind. Thanks to Margaret White for the translation.


From Mast Sanity


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November 2005

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