
Gegenmaßnahmen: die Verharmlosungsaussagen der Mobilfunklobby sind gar nicht so harmlos

Die Mobilfunklobby hat es sich nicht nur in Deutschland gerichtet. Auch in Österreich geht es gefährlich zu, obgleich hier nach einzelnen Landesrechten Baubewilligungen erforderlich sind, kann im Ergebnis aufgrund der Normen des Österr. Telekomgesetzes derzeit praktisch dennoch keine wirksame Gegenmaßnahme vorweg erfolgen. Baw. laufen wir Lebewesen demnach als Versuchskaninchen herum. Erst wenn ein konkreter Schaden bewiesen wird, werden die Betreiber zahlen müssen. Ein solcher Gesundheitsschaden ist derzeit leider noch schwierig zu beweisen. Leichter gelingt dies bereits beim Nachweis der Wertminderung von Grundstücken, zufolge Errichtung eines Senders, mehr oder weniger nahe zu den betroffenen (bestrahlten) Grundstücken, Häusern, Wohnungen, etc. Dazu gibt es in Deutschland bereits rk. Urteile von Oberlandesgerichten. Der Gesetzgeber hat jeweils Unsummen für die Versteigerung von Mobilfunklizenzen lukriert und tut sich daher jetzt schwer, gegen diese Lobby aus Gründen der Gesundheitsvorsorge anzutreten, obwohl dies seine vornehme Pflicht wäre. Eine wahre Schande!!! Die Medien verhalten sich eher zurückhalten, wohl eingedenk der enormen Inseraten- und Werbeeinnahmen, die wiederum in diesem Bereich lukriert werden.

Ich habe daher auf der Suche nach Gegenmaßnahmen von einer Website aus Deutschland- ich weiß jetzt nicht mehr die Adresse - eine juristisch fundierte Information an Vermieter von Flächen an die Mobilfunklobby heruntergeladen und auf österr. Verhältnisse adaptiert und erweitert. In dieser Info werden diese Vermieter über das Gefahrenpotential, in das sie sich selbst und Dritte begeben, aufgeklärt, weil sie von den Mobilfunkbetreibern meist gar nicht auf das konkrete, auch juristische Gefahrenpotential aufmerksam gemacht werden. Das Ziel einer solchen schriftlichen Informationszusendung durch Betroffene besteht darin, diesen (potentiellen) Vermietern reinen Wein einzuschenken und darauf aufmerksam zu machen, dass die Verharmlosungsaussagen der Mobilfunklobby gar nicht so harmlos sind. So könnten zahlreiche potentielle Vermieter davon abgehalten werden, zu vermieten und bereits bestehende Verträge nicht mehr verlängert oder gar gekündigt werden. Bitte verwenden und verbreiten Sie das passende Attachement, (ich habe sowohl das deutsche als auch meine Fassung beigefügt) das natürlich sorgfältig an den jeweils konkreten Fall - meines, insbesonders auch unter Aspekten deutschen Rechts - anzupassen ist (s. die jeweiligen Textvarianten). Seine Wirksamkeit wirkt sicherlich dann verstärkt , wenn nicht auf bloß einem Schreiben mehrere Unterschriften beigefügt werden, sondern wenn jeder einzeln Betroffene ein eigenes Schreiben absendet.



E. Tripes

A Year Later, Goss's CIA Is Still in Turmoil

Goss is at loggerheads with the clandestine service he sought to embrace. At least a dozen senior officials - several of whom were promoted under Goss - have resigned, retired early or requested reassignment. The directorate's second-in-command walked out of Langley last month and then told senators in a closed-door hearing that he had lost confidence in Goss's leadership.


New York Times's Misguided Crusade

To understand how the New York Times got to this embarrassing point, Robert Scheer writes, it must be acknowledged that even at highly regarded newspapers, editors serve at the whim of their publishers. What is clear from the Times'ss Sunday exposé is that publisher Sulzberger granted Miller uncritical backing despite the severe reservations felt by some of the paper's top editors.


Throwing Grenades in the Global Economic Cockpit

Juan Cole talks with Tom Engelhardt. Cole states, "If you don't like three-dollar-a-gallon gasoline, you're going to really hate this kind of world I'm painting. I think the price shock would reduce economic growth globally, plunging some countries into recession or even depression. This would be a world-class catastrophe. And it's also not clear, once it starts, how you stop it."


Another Lawmaker Tied to Abramoff

Ney accepted many favors from Abramoff, among them campaign contributions, dinners at the lobbyist's downtown restaurant, skybox fundraisers, including one at his MCI Center box, and a golfing trip to Scotland in August 2002.


Heightened Expectations of Indictments in CIA Leak

The special counsel in the CIA leak case has told associates he has no plans to issue a final report about the results of the investigation, heightening the expectation that he intends to bring indictments, lawyers in the case and law enforcement officials said yesterday.


Why Can't the Left Face the Stolen Elections of 2004 and 2008?


Informant: John Calvert

See you in court, mast protesters tell Orange

00:00, Oct 19 2005

By Mandy Little, The Mercury

CAMPAIGNERS are considering legal action again a mobile phone operator because its masts are just 6m from their homes.

Members of the Vanbrugh Park Residents' Association (VPERA) believe the Orange mobile phone station on top of a lift shaft at Westcombe Court, Blackheath, is flouting its operator's safety rules.

After 10 years, Orange is applying to Greenwich council to renew its lease for the base station, which includes six masts, three dishes and related electrical equipment Spokesman Jonathan Bond, from VPERA's "The future's green, not Orange campaign", said: "VPERA is in discussion with legal advisors.

"We hope to instigate court action against Orange for negligence and against Greenwich council for its failure to consult with residents and to allow this disgraceful situation to continue for so long.

"Our priority is to obtain a court injunction to have the base station turned off to protect those residents within 6m of the mast."

Mr Bond claimed VPERA had a statement made by Orange's legal department ruling there must be a "safety zone" of at least 10m around such stations to comply with International Commission on NonIonising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) guidelines.

An Orange spokeswoman said: "The 10m zone refers to the signal, which is based on the antenna direction rather than the physical location of the equipment."

She added a survey in December 2004 revealed emissions from the site were well below the ICNIRP guidelines.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

A council spokesman said the authority had commissioned the report on radio emissions following concerns and is satisfied the masts are within the agreed health and safety and legal requirements.


A PHONE mast has been approved despite protests by concerned residents

Mast all set for go ahead

19 October 2005
EDITORIAL - editorial@thecomet.net

A PHONE mast has been approved despite protests by concerned residents.

The mast will be erected in Blakeney Road, Stevenage, despite a petition signed by more than 300 people.

A resident, who did not want to be named, said: "We are all very disappointed. It has revealed a real problem with planning policy. Mobile phone companies can put up phone masts wherever they want. It doesn't go to committee.

"We are disgusted that our protests were disregarded."

Cllr Sharon Taylor, who backed the residents' campaign, said: "The objectors put on a very strong fight and I am disappointed for them. I just hope the mast isn't as bad as it sounds but I understand they are disappointed."

She said the campaign had highlighted concerns in the planning policy surrounding phone masts.

She said: "I do feel we need to be clear if we are asking people to comment on these plans that they know what issues they can object to."

The health issues the protesters were objecting to were not official planning grounds.

Cllr Taylor said: "It gets a bit technical. We need to have some information for objectors so they know what grounds they can object under and time isn't wasted in the future."

She also said she would meet with MP Barbara Follett to try and get the Government to issue new information about the health issues surrounding phone masts.

Martin Fitch of the council's planning and regeneration team said: "Having assessed this proposal against relevant council policy and Government advice and after careful consideration of the objections from local residents, we have decided that the siting of this telecommunications mast is acceptable in planning terms.

"Under the powers delegated to the head of planning and regeneration, prior approval for the development has been granted.


Fears grow over mast near school

Oct 19 2005

By Pippa Woolnough

RESIDENTS are preparing to fight plans for a proposed mobile phone mast near a primary school.

T-Mobile has submitted plans to build a mast at the junction between Musgrave Avenue and Hurst Farm Road.

But it would be the second mast for the vicinity as Orange already has one in the area.

Hurst Farm Road resident Colin Everitt is particularly concerned as the development would be close to the local school, Meads Primary.

"One of my children attends the school, which means they will be in the vicinity of the pole 24 hours a day."

The father-of-two is worried about the possible health effects of having a mobile phone mast so close to his home and child's school.

"We have contacted the chairman of governors at Meads Primary and are also considering petitioning councillors regarding this development. I would encourage residents to write to the council expressing their objections."

The point was echoed by Clare Newman, from Mill Close, who also has a child at the school.

East Grinstead town clerk Chris Rolley said the fact that there is another phone mast in the vicinity "is clearly a factor to be taken into account".

He added: "We will reserve a formal response until formal application - but generally we oppose bay stations in residential areas."

East Grinstead Town Council will be meeting to discuss the plans on October 24, but the final decision lies with Mid Sussex District Council.


The Illusion of Normality

by Ernest Partridge

Never in the 229 years of United States history has this government “of, by and for the people” been in greater peril. Not during the Civil War, not during the Great Depression, and not during the Second World War or the Cold War which followed. Until today, gross incompetence, abuse of power, corruption, corporatocracy, and federal insolvency could be checked and reversed by balanced and separated governmental powers, and at the ballot box by a citizenry informed and provoked by an alert and independent media. Now all branches of government and the mainstream media are dominated by the wealthy elites in control of a single political party. Can you believe this? If not, you are in the company of a majority of Americans who might respond to the above jeremiad with “Oh c’mon now, it can’t be as bad as all that! We’ve always had incompetence, corruption, waste, fraud and abuse in the federal government, and stolen elections are as old as the republic. It’s no different now.” So long as that majority of Americans believes this, the rule of the Busheviks and its successor oligarch regimes will be secure. Thus Bush, Inc. and its obedient mainstream media are desperately endeavoring to nourish and sustain this “illusion of normality.”


What the US “War On Terror” is Really About

by Lee Sustar

Invoking the “war on terror” in connection with Iraq hasn’t helped Bush reverse his fall in the opinion polls. Yet the White House has managed to preserve the foreign policy consensus among Republicans and Democrats around aggressive -- and, when necessary, pre-emptive -- use of military force. Thus, the Democrats’ hawkish presidential aspirants like Senators Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton are following John Kerry in trying to out-do Bush as champions of “national security.” Even sections of the antiwar movement are reluctant to portray the U.S. occupation of Iraq as an element of a broader imperial drive to dominate a strategic corridor stretching from the Mediterranean to Central Asia. This creates the political space for Bush and pro-war Democrats alike to use Islamophobia to trump their critics. “Like the ideology of communism, our new enemy pursues totalitarian aims,” Bush said in his speech to the NED. “Its leaders pretend to be an aggrieved party, representing the powerless against imperial enemies. In truth, they have endless ambitions of imperial domination, and they wish to make everyone powerless except themselves.” Shamefully, some on the left still chime in with almost identical rhetoric....


Adding Another Lock to Our Closet of Tortured Skeletons

by Ken Sanders

With little fanfare, and even less media coverage, last week the Senate Intelligence Committee took the first step in granting the Defense Intelligence Agency increased domestic spying authority, as well as decreased public accountability. With its new powers, the DIA could do something it has longed to do for years: spy on the American public....


Judith Miller’s Bloody Stain on the Press

by Ahmed Amr

Almost 2,000 young Americans and tens of thousands of Iraqis have already paid the ultimate price in an illegal war that was launched after a systematic propaganda campaign that involved the collaboration of the neocons inside the administrations with the neocons who man the printing press. Fifteen thousand veterans will spend the rest of their lives coping with permanent paralysis, lost limbs, blindness and disfigurement. Thousands more will return with their psyches bent out of shape. Many will be haunted by the knowledge that -- in the fog of war -- they killed innocent civilians. These young soldiers and marines sacrificed their lives, their body parts, their sanity and their innocence in the honest belief that they were avenging the slaughter of 9/11. Among the things they carried into battle were postcards of the WTC in flames. They believed Sulzberger and they believed Judith Miller and her clones. It never occurred to them that neocon operators like Dick Cheney, Lewis Libby, Paul Wolfowitz and Douglas Feith were lurking behind the scenes with agendas that have yet to be made public. It never occurred to them that yellow journalists at the “paper of record” would team up with these ideological zealots to put them in harm’s way....


A Government openly promoting torture, a President acting like a King cannot be trusted, must be impeached


Informant: Our bill of rights


Martial Law - Coming To A Neighborhood Near You?


Informant: Our bill of rights

Texas Court Issues Warrant for DeLay


Cheney's Office Is a Focus in Leak Case

As the investigation into the leak of a CIA agent's name hurtles to an apparent conclusion, special prosecutor Patrick J. Fitzgerald has zeroed in on the role of Vice President Cheney's office. The prosecutor has assembled evidence that suggests Cheney's long-standing tensions with the CIA contributed to the unmasking of operative Valerie Plame.


Not in My Water Supply


Informant: fluorideus

Fitzgerald's List

David Corn shares the rumors about whose names are likely to be on Fitzgerald's list of indictments.


The New War On The Poor

by Paul Waldman, TomPaine.com

A new coalition wants to turn the GOP budget cuts into a debate over the nation's priorities. Can it succeed?


Dick Cheney's Covert Action

by Larry C. Johnson, TomPaine.com

As the indictments near, America must understand that the betrayal of Plame was part of a concerted effort to manipulate America into war.


Historical sentence on electromagnetic contamination


Iris Atzmon.

Omega in English: http://tinyurl.com/bn2tx

----- Original Message -----
From: tpartisan
Sent: Wednesday, October 19, 2005 2:03 PM
Subject: First sentence at SPAIN: "people has the RIGHT to have ZERO levels of emr/emf !!



Omega in English: http://tinyurl.com/bn2tx

INCREDIBLE!!!!!!!! A sentence of the high court (it has no-legal-discusion possible by any court) says:

The level of magnetics fields IN THE HOUSE of persons who have a electro-power-transformer near their houses.... HAVE TO BE "ZERO".

People of Murcia (east of spain) said they were ill by a transformer, they fought a lot, they STARTED the way.

A first sentence of the local-court said they were RIGHT, and then the electrical company send the judgement to the high court at Madrid (its called the suprem court)...and they judges said the same!!!!!

THE WAY IS OPEN NOW: we have the right to ask for ZERO-LEVELS of inmision (inmision = the levels normaly present in the atmosphere due to natural and artificial causes).

Beyond the Miller-Libby Game: People Died


Stop U.S. Torture: Tell Your House Member to Support the McCain Amendment


Arctic Drilling Votes Loom


Attention note and Links - Avertissements et Liens

In order to facilitate access to information, we have put on-line a non-exhaustive special page al lowing rapid visualization of various international websites dealing with the mobile telecommunications’ subject:

Attention note and Links (you can transfer this page into your Favorites)



Pour faciliter l’accès à l’information nous avons mis en ligne une page spéciale non exhaustive de visualisation mémo technique rapide de sites internet du monde relatifs à la téléphonie mobile:

Avertissements et Liens (vous pouvez mettre cette page en Favoris)

Affront to civil liberties

Cato Institute
by Timothy Lynch


When lawlessness broke out in New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, martial law was declared, military troops were called in to restore order and the news media were on top of the story. Unfortunately, when more dramatic legal developments occur and when such episodes are of much greater legal consequence, the media sometimes fail to give them the attention they deserve. The Sept. 9 court ruling concerning Jose Padilla, an American citizen locked up in a military prison in South Carolina for three years, is a case in point. The ruling should send shockwaves through the American public since the decision seriously undermines constitutional rights. A federal appellate court ruled that constitutional rules that apply to the police do not apply to military personnel. That is a sensible proposition when the military is conducting operations in a war zone like Iraq, or in a disaster zone like New Orleans, but it is an alarming idea when the U.S. military is given carte blanche...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Probe sheds light on Bush assault on critics



Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald's CIA-leak inquiry is focusing attention on what long has been a tactic of U.S. President George W. Bush's administration: slash-and-burn assaults on its critics, particularly those opposed to the president's Iraq war policies. If top officials are indicted, it could seriously erode the administration's credibility and prove yet another embarrassment to Bush on the larger issue of how he and his national security team marshaled information -- much of it later shown to be inaccurate -- to support their case for the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in March 2003...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Activists target DoD recruitment database

Washington Post


A national coalition of parents groups, privacy advocates and community organizations is launching a campaign today to dismantle a database of high school and college students built by the Pentagon to help target potential military recruits. In a letter being sent today to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, more than 100 groups charge that the database violates federal privacy laws and is collecting demographic and other personal information on young Americans that could be misused by the government and the marketing firms handling the program." [Post articles may require registration, or use login info@rationalreview.com/rationalreview]


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Plamegate: The Civil War

by Michael Scherer

Thursday 18 October 2005

Valerie Plame and Joseph Wilson are considering a civil suit against administration officials. If they do, they'd better be ready for a vicious attack by White House proxies

Within days, if not hours, the special prosecutor in the CIA leak case will announce the outcome of his two-year investigation. But Patrick Fitzgerald probably won't have the last word. For months now, ambassador Joseph Wilson and his wife, Valerie Plame, the covert CIA agent unmasked by the White House, have been preparing to file a civil lawsuit against the Bush administration officials who disclosed her identity and scuttled her career.

"There is no question that her privacy has been invaded. She was almost by definition the ultimate private person," said the couple's attorney, Christopher Wolf, of the law firm Proskauer Rose, on Monday. "Suffice it to say, they have been substantially damaged, economically and personally." He said the couple would make a final decision on filing a lawsuit after Fitzgerald has completed his investigation.

If they do sue, Wilson and Plame could be the first litigants to depose senior White House officials since Paula Jones, an employee of the state of Arkansas, opened a can of worms by suing President Bill Clinton for allegedly exposing himself in a Little Rock hotel room. In a deposition for the Jones lawsuit, Clinton lied under oath about his relationship with another woman, Monica Lewinsky, a White House intern, triggering his impeachment by the House of Representatives and the disclosure of oral sex in the Oval Office. "The questions can range far afield. You can ask all kinds of stuff," said Gilbert Davis, an attorney who represented Jones in her sexual harassment lawsuit. "You can start free-wheeling with all kinds of discovery methods."

Such discovery would be invaluable for historians - and political partisans - if Fitzgerald decided not to return indictments by Oct.
28, the day the grand jury investigating the leak of Plame's name to the press is scheduled to be dismissed. Though Democrats in Congress have requested a report from Fitzgerald on his findings, legal observers say Fitzgerald is under no obligation to provide one if he decides that no crimes were committed. The possibility of greater public disclosure has not escaped the notice of Wolf, the attorney for Wilson and Plame. "By its nature a civil case is somewhat more transparent than a criminal case," he said.

Wolf is a close personal friend of the couple's, having lived for years next door to them in the outskirts of Washington. His cousin, Audrey Wolf, served as a literary agent for Joseph Wilson's bestselling memoir, "The Politics of Truth." In an Op-Ed published in USA Today this summer, Wolf wrote that he was "collecting facts for any eventual civil suit" on the couple's behalf. Early this week, Bloomberg reported that Wilson said he may file a civil suit against Bush, Dick Cheney and others, "seeking damages for the alleged harm done to Plame's career."

Wilson, who could not be reached by Salon for comment for this story, wrote in "The Politics of Truth" that his wife was "crestfallen" when she discovered that syndicated columnist Robert Novak had disclosed her identity as a CIA "operative."

"She would never be able to regain the anonymity and secrecy that her professional life had required; she would not be able to return to her discreet work on some of the most sensitive threats to our society in the foreseeable future, and perhaps ever," he wrote.

In some ways, the Paula Jones case clears the way for a lawsuit by Plame and Wilson. In 1997 the Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision giving the green light to Paula Jones' lawsuit against Clinton, despite the fact that he was a sitting president. The court ruled that Jones' allegations, which involved personal conduct during Clinton's years as a governor, were not protected by any claims of executive immunity. After much legal wrangling, Clinton finally settled with Jones in 1998 for $850,000, though he offered neither an apology nor an admission of guilt. (Clinton's top lawyer in that case was Robert Bennett, who is representing New York Times reporter Judith Miller in the CIA leak investigation.)

However, there is one constitutional defense that senior White House officials, or at least Bush, could attempt to use. In a 1982 case, Nixon v. Fitzgerald (no relation to the current special prosecutor), the Supreme Court found, in a split decision, that a president enjoys "absolute immunity from damages liability predicated on his official acts." It is not clear whether this immunity extends to the vice president or senior White House aides, or if the White House could claim that discussions of Plame's identity should be viewed as an "official act."

Most likely, the White House would try to litigate any civil case in the court of public opinion. One attorney from the Jones case, John Whitehead, said that the White House would likely renew its attacks against Wilson and Plame, working through intermediaries. "They shift the focus from the wrongdoer to the non- wrongdoer," said Whitehead, who works at the Rutherford Institute, a conservative civil rights group. (Some might argue that this strategy is now being played out in the Texas prosecution of Rep. Tom DeLay, R- Texas, on charges of money laundering and conspiracy. Republican supporters, and DeLay himself, have spent weeks attacking the prosecutor, Ronnie Earle, and have even filed a suit against him for misconduct.)

"This is a media case," said Whitehead, adding that the attorney for Wilson and Plame had better be ready for a fight. "There will be people saying things about them that they have never heard before."

Informant: mojo_j_2000


Please circulate widely and get involved. (posted October 2005)

http://www.banterminator.org – (English, Español, en français)

Terminator Technology – “Suicide seeds” are back! Your action is needed.

Unfortunately Terminator is not yesterday’s news. Corporations and governments are again pushing hard to commercialize Terminator technology – plants that are genetically modified to render sterile seeds at harvest. The Canadian government tried to overturn the international (United Nations) de facto moratorium on Terminator in February 2005. To meet this new crisis and re-build global opposition, we ask you to join the new Ban Terminator Campaign and take action with us.

Mobilization is needed now to pressure governments to ban Terminator nationally and internationally. There are two important United Nations meetings coming up where debates on Terminator are planned. We will work to establish a ban on Terminator at the major meetings of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity: January 23-27 in Spain and March 20-31 in Brazil.

Your action is needed NOW to make this happen.

We ask individuals, communities and groups across the world to take action locally, nationally, and internationally as part of the new global strategy.

Many of you are working to secure Farmers’ Rights, food sovereignty and the self-determination of your peoples and communities. You have successfully opposed Terminator in the past. Please add Terminator to your campaign work now - and please add your work and voices to the Ban Terminator Campaign.


- Groups and communities please “Endorse the Campaign” so we can show governments how strong the global opposition is http://www.banterminator.org/take_action/sign_on_to_ban_terminator
- Join with others in your area to pressure your government to ban Terminator nationally and at the United Nations. We can help provide materials and contacts. - Organize events and actions - Become a Ban Terminator contact and organizer. - Share information on Terminator in your community so that we can work together - Pass a resolution in your group or community against Terminator to communicate your protest and reasons clearly for all to see - Visit http://www.banterminator.org for action ideas, information and campaign materials

Your input is important to us – join the strategy – participate in the campaign.

COMING SOON! to http://www.banterminator.org : “Select Your Country” Action and Frequently Asked Questions


Visit http://www.banterminator.org contact@banterminator.org Full contact details are below.


Purpose: The Ban Terminator Campaign seeks to promote government bans on Terminator technology at the national and international levels, and supports the efforts of civil society, farmers, Indigenous peoples and social movements to campaign against it.

Strategy: The international de facto moratorium on Terminator technology at the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) is under attack. Two upcoming meetings of the CBD where Terminator is on the agenda – the Working Group on Article 8 (j) in Granada, Spain January 23-27 and the 8th Conference of the Parties (COP8) to the CBD in Curitiba, Paraná, Brazil March 20-31 2006 – offer important opportunities to strengthen the moratorium. The build-up to these meetings is also an important opportunity to encourage governments to establish national prohibitions on Terminator technology – just as Brazil and India have done. Corporations will not stop their efforts to commercialize Terminator until governments prohibit the technology.

Origins: The Ban Terminator Campaign was initiated in response to recent efforts by governments and corporations to push for Terminator field trials and commercialization. Despite widespread opposition, in February 2005, the Canadian government attempted to overturn the CBD’s international de facto moratorium on Terminator technology. The Ban Terminator Campaign was formed in response, following discussions initiated by Canadian-based civil society organizations (ETC group, Inter Pares, National Farmers Union, and USC Canada).

History: In 1998, ETC group (then RAFI) discovered Terminator patents. In 1999, in response to the avalanche of public opposition, two of the world’s largest seed and agrochemical corporations, Monsanto and AstraZeneca (now Syngenta), publicly vowed not to commercialize Terminator seeds. In 2000, the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a de facto moratorium on Terminator seeds. As a result, many people believed that the crisis had passed, and the issue faded from public view. Unfortunately, Terminator is still being developed and is now being heavily promoted.


The Ban Terminator Campaign’s steering committee:

AS-PTA - Assessoria e Serviços a Projectos em Agricultura Alternativa www.aspta.org.br ETC Group - Action group on Erosion, Technology and Concentration http://www.etcgroup.org GRAIN http://www.grain.org Indigenous Peoples Council on Biocolonialism http://www.ipcb.org ITDG - Intermediate Technology Development Group
http://www.itdg.org Pesticide Action Network – Asia and the Pacific http://www.panap.net Third World Network
Via Campesina http://www.viacampesina.org

Contact Us:

Ban Terminator Campaign contact@banterminator.org http://www.banterminator.org
431 Gilmour Street, Second Floor Ottawa, Ontario Canada K2P 0R5 Phone: 1 613 241 2267 Fax: 1 613 241 2506

German Blood Test


Ladies and Gentlemen,

enclosed I have the provisional version of the Retikulocyten investigation, which is consciously scarcely calm, so that the substantial comes out: http://www.buergerwelle.de/pdf/einfluss_mobilfunk_auf_retikulocyten_juli04.doc

Consciously I did not provide also large data sets, since in the autumn still approximately 300 to 400 persons after switching on of the transmitter on is added. The large inhomogeneity of the questionnaires, the laboratories and the situations led however to a quite constant evaluation.

In groups the before afterwards effect is very similar, with the MCHC is at least after one year clear changes, which is LFR with all variation of other parameters in the intraindividuellen comparison very reliably reduced with 2/3 of the persons, with a third increased.

With children one is to influenceableness of these fields, here clearly reacts the small ones even to 80% with decrease of the LFR opposite pensioners. In connection with the new investigations from Naila thus altogether again serious arguments against the carefree spreading of the technology.

Omega see "The Naila-Study" under:

In any case one will give it to end of the yearly a more complete version.

Yours sincerely
Dr. Peter Germann

Most Endangered US Forests Ranking Pinpoints Logging Pressure

Oregon has more national forests at risk of destructive logging than any other state, according to a listing of the most endangered US national forests. "Our national forests face myriad threats from Bush administration policies and Forest Service management," said Jake Kreilick of the National Forest Protection Alliance (NFPA).


Plame and Wilson Might Sue Bush and Cheney

Valerie Plame and Joseph Wilson are considering a civil suit against administration officials. If they do, they'd better be ready for a vicious attack by White House proxies.






World Exclusive:


Previous story at:

October 18, 2005

Publication ban lifted on alleged war criminal

The lawyer bringing forward a war crime charge of torture against a world leader has announced to New World Order News today the publication ban on the name of the person, the office and anything tending to identify the proposed defendent is lifted.

In Vancouver yesterday evening in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, Canada, the judge lifted the ban in the case of 'Gail Davidson et al vs. the Attorney General of British Columbia'.

We can now inform you that George Walker Bush, President of the United States of America, faces war crimes prosecution.

The Government of Canada's federal crown prosecutor in attendance at several previous hearings was absent. The judge refused refused Davidson's application to have the issue of sealing the courtroom heard next. She will hear on November 25th the crown's application that the case is moot(irrelevant), based presumably on the grounds that the attorney general has not consented to the application.

An event for November 19 is planned to educate and impassion people about the next court proceedings.

Excellent background is provided by Charlie Smith, editor of the Georgia Straight in his keen look at at some lawyers claims the U.S. is guilty of crimes against humanity in his article, 'Are Bush & Co. War Criminals?' http://straight.com/content.cfm?id=9324 .

CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS will have upcoming stories for you on the year long struggle of those involved in the case and personal insights into the continuous pressure brought to bear by the Government of Canada to prevent this case from moving forward.

Gail Davidson may be contacted at:
Lawyers Against the War
Tel: +1 604 738-0338
Fax: +1 604 736-1175
Email: law@portal.ca
Website: http://www.lawyersagainstthewar.org

MARC PARENT I ask that you get this press release out to your media contacts. CRIMES AND CORRUPTIONS OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER NEWS

Well, isn't that special
2005-10-18 09:06 pm UTC

I can hear the war crimes apologists and Bush cheerleaders now.

"But it doesn't mean anything"

Yeah, it means nothing that the president of United States (the "free" world) is facing war crimes prosecution. That happens all the time...

What a disgrace.

In New Book Ex-Chaplain at Guantánamo Tells of Torture

WASHINGTON, Oct. 2 - James J. Yee, a former Muslim chaplain at the Guantánamo Bay detention center, says in a new book that military authorities knowingly created an atmosphere in which guards would feel free to abuse prisoners.

Mr. Yee, 37, is a former Army captain and a West Point graduate who was arrested and imprisoned in 2003 on suspicion of espionage. It was a case that, in the end, proved groundless, to the embarrassment of the Pentagon.

Mr. Yee was ultimately deemed guilty of minor administrative charges involving adultery and the presence of pornography on his computer, and given an honorable discharge. But those convictions, too, were later dropped.



Sounds like outing CIA Non Official Cover agents and redefining the law in the US to protect themselves from prosecution has been the hallmark of this administration.

Could that have anything to do with the miers nomination?

Re: I had a discussion with a "the emperor's clothes are beautiful" person mparent7777 2005-10-18 10:03 pm UTC ( link ) LOL. it sure could have something to do with miers.. dubya is SCARED and latched on to an ace in the hole to spring out against his impeachment appeal....marc

" We must confront the privileged elite who have destroyed a large part of the world." Hugo Chavez

" A large part of history is... replete with the struggle for... human rights, an eternal struggle in which a final victory can never be won. But to tire in that struggle would mean the ruin of society." Albert Einstein Feb. 20, 1954

"The pioneers of a warless world are the youth that refuse military service." Albert Einstein

Informant: Gomez

House and Senate Formulating Budget Reconciliation Bills That Would Open the Arctic Refuge to Oil Drilling


Organizations Urge Rumsfeld to Shelve Controversial Recruiting Database


Judy Miller's Reporting: A Cancer on the New York Times?


US Labor Is in Retreat as Global Forces Squeeze Pay and Benefits


Poverty Campaigners Take On War Spending


Antarctic glaciers calving faster into the ocean


a.. 17:20 18 October 2005 b.. http://NewScientist.com news service c.. Fred Pearce The edges of the Antarctic ice sheets are slipping into the ocean at an unprecedented rate, raising fears of a global surge in sea levels, glaciologists warned on Monday.

The findings confound predictions made just four years ago, by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), that Antarctica would not contribute significantly to sea level rise in the 21st century.

In one area, around the Amundsen Sea in West Antarctica, glaciers are dumping more than 110 cubic kilometres of ice into the ocean each year, Eric Rignot of NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in California, US, told a meeting at the Royal Society in London, UK. This loss, which is increasing each year, is many times faster than the ice can be replaced by snowfall inland, he says.

The impending ice disaster centres on Pine Island Bay on the shores of the Amundsen Sea, where the Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers enter the sea. These glaciers, like many in West Antarctica, are perched on underwater mountains. The meeting heard that warmer ocean waters are circulating beneath the ice and melting their bases at a rate of 50 metres a year.

As this happens, the glaciers float clear of the submarine mountains and slide into the ocean. According to Andy Shepherd at the University of Cambridge, UK, they are discharging ice three times faster than a decade ago.

These glaciers are being dubbed the "plug hole" of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. If the Pine Island and Thwaites glaciers disappeared, they alone could raise sea levels worldwide by more than a metre, says Rignot.

Corks from bottles Antarctic glaciers are much bigger than those in warmer climates. They are up to a kilometre thick, tens of kilometres wide and hundreds of kilometres long. Connected to inland ice tributaries, they drain the continent's ice caps, which are the largest stores of frozen water on the planet.

In many places, the glaciologists reported that the recent acceleration in glacier flows has been triggered by the break-up of a series of floating ice shelves at the continent's edge. These shelves acted like a cork in a bottle, holding back the glaciers.

After the Larsen B ice shelf - a 3000 square kilometre floating slab of ice - broke up over three days in 2002, glaciers behind it afterwards accelerated eight-fold. "The ice mass balance of Antarctica is controlled by these ice shelves," says Rignot, who believes Antarctica is now responsible for the majority of global sea level rise.

Researchers also warned that the larger East Antarctic Ice Sheet is not as stable as thought. A recent study suggested that it might be accumulating snow in its high interior - possibly supporting the IPCC's predictions - but it warned that little was known about events on the coast (Science, vol 308, p 1898).

Rignot revealed that several major coastal glaciers in the east are now known to be accelerating, like their counterparts to the west.

Related Articles
a.. Global warming: The flaw in the thaw
b.. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg18725141.500
c.. 27 August 2005
d.. World's largest iceberg 'goes bump in the night'
e.. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn7283
f.. 19 April 2005
g.. Ominous swelling at Antarctica's icy heart
h.. http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=mg18625015.800
i.. 28 May 2005

a.. IPCC
b.. http://www.ipcc.ch/
c.. Royal Society, London
d.. http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/event.asp?month=10&id=1834
e.. Andy Shepherd, University of Cambridge
f.. http://www.geog.cam.ac.uk/people/shepherd/

Informant: Scott Munson

Biological Alarm in Washington: Poison Found in Air During Anti-War Protest

[ please forward widely ]

"One sensor, I'd say maybe," says biosecurity expert Stanhope of the dust theory. "Two sensors is a stretch. Six sensors? I'm sorry, you don't have enough money to buy enough martinis to make me believe that it is naturally occurring at six different sites. I don't think you could get me that drunk to believe that." -- Dr. Steven Hinrichs, director of the University of Nebraska Center for Biosecurity

Biological Alarm in Washington
by Mark Benjamin
Tuesday 18 October 2005

Did terrorists attack Washington with a deadly pathogen?

Did Bush administration attack peace movement with military grade biological bacteria?

By Bob Fitrakis
October 4, 2005

What do we make of the Saturday, October 1 Washington Post headline “Poison Found in Air During Anti-War Protest”?

Washington D.C. Public Health Director Greg A. Pane posed the right question in the Post article, “Why that day? That’s what is not explained.” Pane pointed that it was “just this 24-hour period and none since.”


Informant: John Calvert

Somebody's Trying to Kill "Hurricane" Wilma ... BEFORE She is Born



by David A. Lieb
Associated Press October 8, 2005


JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. - Driving to work with your cell phone on, you notice the traffic beginning to slow down. Instantly and unbeknown to you, the government senses your delay and flashes a traffic congestion update over Web sites and electronic road signs.

Other motorists take heed, diverting to alternative routes or allowing more time for their trips.

Futuristic as it may seem, the scenario actually is pretty close to becoming reality.

In what would be the largest project of its kind, the Missouri Department of Transportation is negotiating with private contractors to monitor thousands of cell phones, using their movements to produce real-time traffic conditions on 5,500 miles of roads statewide.

Cell phone users won't even know anyone's watching them. But transportation and technology leaders assure there is no need to worry -- the data will remain anonymous, leaving no possibility of tracking specific people from their driveway to their destination.

"There is absolutely no privacy threat whatsoever," said Pete Rahn, director of the Missouri Department of Transportation.

But privacy advocates are uneasy.

"Even though its anonymous, it's still ominous," said Daniel Solove, a privacy law professor at George Washington University and author of the book, "The Digital Person." "It troubles me, because it does show this movement toward using a technology to track people."

Cell phone monitoring already is being used by transportation officials in Baltimore, though not yet to relay traffic conditions to the public. Similar projects are getting under way in Norfolk, Va., and a stretch of Interstate
75 between Atlanta and Macon, Ga.

But the Missouri project is by far the most aggressive -- tracking wireless phones across a whole state, including in rural areas with lower traffic counts, and doing so for the explicit purpose of relaying the information to other travelers.

"This will be the biggest system in the world, assuming our contract ends up similar to what's in the request" from the department, said Richard Mudge, vice president of Delcan NET, the Ontario, Canada-based company that won the Missouri bid and is currently negotiating the contract details.

Governments have had the ability to measure traffic volumes and speeds for years. They can embed sensors in pavement, or mount scanners and cameras along the road. But those monitoring methods require the installation of equipment, which then must be maintained, and can take only a snapshot of traffic at that particular spot.

"The traffic community has been really excited for quite some time about the possibility of being able to use cell phones to track vehicles," said Valerie Briggs, program manager for transportation operations at the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials. "Almost everyone has a cell phone, so you have a lot of potential data points, and you can track data almost anywhere on the whole (road) system."

Although some new cell phones come equipped with Global Positioning System capabilities that can pinpoint the exact location of phones, the tracking technology used for transportation agencies does not depend on that to work.

Instead, it takes the frequent signals that wireless phones send to towers and follows the movement of the phones from one tower to another. Then it overlays that movement with highway maps to determine what road the phones are on and how fast they are moving. Lumping dozens, hundreds or thousands of those signals together can measure traffic flow.

A Delcan NET demonstration Web site developed for Baltimore uses various shades of green, yellow and red to show block-by-block whether vehicles are moving at or below the speed limits. As rush hour started on a recent work day, observers could watch as green turned to yellow and then red on roads heading out of downtown.

The Baltimore project began this spring as a pilot program that monitors Cingular cell phone users over about 1,000 miles of road. A Delcan NET competitor, Atlanta-based AirSage Inc., has an agreement with Sprint to monitor phones for its projects in Georgia and Virginia.

"What we're hoping and assuming is that we're going to be able to continue collecting the information over time and eventually deploy it statewide," said Mike Zezeski, director of real-time traffic operations for the Maryland Department of Transportation.

Rahn hopes to make a similar Web site available to Missouri motorists, and to post estimated travel times on electronic road signs. The Missouri and Maryland plans also assume the contractor will market more detailed information to the private sector -- automakers that offer onboard navigation systems, cell phone companies, shipping businesses or media that broadcast rush-hour traffic reports.

The private sector marketing helps drive down the states' cost. Missouri expects to spend less than $3 million a year on the service, Rahn said, although the exact price won't be known until the contract is final. Maryland is spending just $1.5 million, although the entire Baltimore project costs more than $5 million, Zezeski said.

Although there apparently are no plans to do so, the Electronic Privacy Information Center suggests that someone should notify cell phone owners that their phones are being monitored for traffic data. Privacy experts also worry that the traffic monitoring could later evolve into other uses -- perhaps to catch speeders or fugitives.

"It's a mission creep issue that would be of most concern to consumers," said Lillie Coney, associate director of Washington, D.C.-based electronic privacy center. "They may start out saying we want to know if there's a traffic problem and then take that information and start using it for different purposes."

Adds Solove, the privacy professor: "I look in the future and I see, `Wow, this is just another one in the class of ways that people can be tracked.'"


AASHTO: http://www.aashto.org
Missouri: http://www.modot.mo.gov
Maryland: http://www.mdot.state.md.us

Informant: NHNE

White House Watch: Cheney resignation rumors fly


U.S.News & World Report, L.P. All rights reserved

Posted 10/18/05

By Paul Bedard

Sparked by today's Washington Post story that suggests Vice President Cheney's office is involved in the Plame-CIA spy link investigation, government officials and advisers passed around rumors that the vice president might step aside and that President Bush would elevate Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

It's certainly an interesting but I still think highly doubtful scenario," said a Bush insider. "And if that should happen," added the official, "there will undoubtedly be those who believe the whole thing was orchestrated – another brilliant Machiavellian move by the VP."

Said another Bush associate of the rumor, "Yes. This is not good." The rumor spread so fast that some Republicans by late morning were already drawing up reasons why Rice couldn't get the job or run for president in 2008.

"Isn't she pro-choice?" asked a key Senate Republican aide. Many White House insiders, however, said the Post story and reports that the investigation was coming to a close had officials instead more focused on who would be dragged into the affair and if top aides would be indicted and forced to resign.

"Folks on the inside and near inside are holding their breath and wondering what's next," said a Bush adviser. But, he added, they aren't focused on the future of the vice president. "Not that, at least not seriously," he said.

Informant: mojo_j_2000

Imperial Hacks: Right and Left


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Liberating Iraqi Civilians from food and water


Informant: Lew Rockwell

Phone mast targets church

Opposed: Spring Park residents protest against the mast

Spring Park residents are protesting against a mobile phone mast to be built on a Grade II listed church.

According to the secretary of Spring Park Residents' Association (SPRA), Marzia Nicodemi-Ehikioya, the group has received more than 600 letters against the application to place a mast on the bell tower of All Saints' Church in Bridle Road.

Resident Brintha Patel said she was concerned the mast represented a possible health risk for those living in the area.

She said: "I'm concerned about the health issues, we don't know enough about the possible effects, that's the problem."

Omega we know enough about the effects. See under:

A spokesman for QS4, the company behind the application, said residents' concerns would be taken into account, but the application was fully compliant with guidelines.

Omega read "Base Stations, operating within strict national and international Guidelines, do not present a Health Risk?" under: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/771911/

11:58am today


Washington on Tenterhooks Over Leak Case


Will Barney join the neocons jumping off the sinking ship?


China Crisis: spectacular growth biggest threat to environment


Informant: NHNE

Wertminderung durch Mobilfunk

Antenne auf dem Dach - Immobilienpreis im Keller
Enteignung per Mobilfunk durch die Hintertür?

Wertminderung durch Sendemasten


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