
Elternverein fordert "Schule ohne Handy"

23. September 2005 19:58

Vertreter wollen zudem, dass Verbraucherbildung und Konsumentenschutz fixer Bestandteil des Unterrichts werden

Der Dachverband der Pflichtschul-Elternvereine forderte am Freitag eine "Schule ohne Mobiltelefone". Grund dafür ist die jüngste market-Umfrage, wonach Eltern das Handy als Schuldenfalle Nummer eins sehen. Die Elternvertreter wollen zudem, dass Verbraucherbildung und Konsumentenschutz fixer Bestandteil des Unterrichts werden. Das Sozialministerium wies auf bestehende Hilfs- und Beratungsprojekte hin, Details sind unter jugendinfo.at zu finden.

Drei Viertel der 502 von market befragten Eltern bezeichneten das Handy als "besonders große" oder "große Gefahr" für eine Überschuldung. Zwei Drittel sorgen sich außerdem über ein mögliches gesundheitliches Handyrisiko. 44 Prozent können sich ein Handyverbot für unter 14-Jährige vorstellen. (red/DER STANDARD; Printausgabe, 24./25.9.2005)


Handy laut Eltern Schuldenfalle Nummer eins

Heatwave study raises new global warming fear


Infomant: NHNE

A new member/director on the WHO board has been appointed

A new member/director on the WHO board has been appointed. He is the director from the Danish Health Council J.Kr. Goetrik and one of the strongest supporters from the mobile phone industry. In spite of all scientific evidence he went on claiming that there is no evidence that mobilphones and especially mobile phone masts are dangerous for human health. Only after strong political pressure from the public opinion and his employer the minister of health, he had to admit that maybe children should resctrict their use of mobile phones, though there was still no proof that it was dangerous for children. Each time I told the truth about health effects of mobile phones to the press, TV or in public, the day after my employers: the dean of the medical faculty and the rector from the university received a letter from him, in which he demanded that I should deny what I said to the press and that they should stop me from talking to the public. He was also the former director for the Danish Cancer association and so Christoffer Johansens chief and continuing protector. So his appointment will definitely strengthen the mobile phone industry's viewpoints in WHO.

Sianette Kwee

A World Turned Upside Down


Informant: NHNE

This is global warming, says environmental chief


Informant: NHNE



Blackwater Down: Mercenaries on US Soil

"This vigilantism demonstrates the utter breakdown of the government," says Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights. "These private security forces have behaved brutally, with impunity, in Iraq. To have them now on the streets of New Orleans is frightening and possibly illegal."


The Big Uneasy

Paul Krugman states that the war in Iraq is rapidly becoming impossible to spin positively: the purple fingers have come and gone, and there are no more corners to turn. As a result, views that people like Howard Dean were once derided for are becoming the majority opinion.


Tyco Exec: Abramoff Claimed Ties to Rove and DeLay

Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff bragged two years ago that he was in contact with White House political aide Karl Rove on behalf of a large, Bermuda-based corporation that wanted to avoid incurring some taxes and continue receiving federal contracts, according to a written statement by President Bush's nominee to be deputy attorney general.


Hurricane Aid Used 'to Test Out Right-Wing Social Policies'

The White House strategy involves the suspension of a series of regulations guaranteeing the going local wage and affirmative action for minorities, while offering tax incentives for businesses in the affected region.


It's political opportunism to try to sell the public on vouchers instead of rebuilding Gulf Coast schools

Voucher Vultures

by Earl Hadley, TomPaine.com

It's political opportunism to try to sell the public on vouchers instead of rebuilding Gulf Coast schools.


Timing is ripe for a return of organized resistance to the war in Iraq

March Madness

by Mark Engler, TomPaine.com

With polls turning and Congress restless, timing is ripe for a return of organized resistance to the war in Iraq.


The real budget crisis is much bigger too big for politicians to admit

Offset This

by Max B. Sawicky, TomPaine.com

Don't believe all the hype over the cost of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. The real budget crisis is much bigger -- too big for politicians to admit.


Stunned by decision to retain phone mast



Thanks to Mary Ann Stratton for joining the list of volunteers who are helping to coordinate the Washington D. C. rally and Senate hearing. Her expertise in managing the Controlled America seminars across the country is an important asset to our events.

The purpose of the rally and hearing is to (1) raise public awareness, (2) gain the interest of the media and (3) encourage politicians to pass legislation that will help to promptly end the misuse of electronic weapons and related technology. It is important that we have a large turnout and all join together as a team to make sure that this event is a success.

The rally is on Saturday, October 8 at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, area 5, at the corner of Constitution Avenue NW at 21st Street NW, Washington D. C. from 9 am to 5 pm. The Columbus Day holiday makes it a three day weekend for many of us.

If you would like to join us in D. C., please RSVP so that we can make plans for the right number of participants. Derrick, who is another event volunteer, can be contacted at 513-531-8873 or southeastern115@yahoo.com.

The following information is about hotels, air transportation, ground transportation, camping, other related topics and our contact information.


The following hotels are rated with three stars. One hotel is two miles from the rally in Washington D. C., but the other hotel is more affordable. Please make your reservations in advance and register under Southeastern Christian Association for the group discount.

It is a good idea to check the cost of airline tickets before registering at the hotel. Arriving one day earlier or staying one day longer may significantly reduce the cost of the airline ticket.

Days Hotel Conference Center
2200 Centreville Road
Herndon, VA 20170

The rate per room is $76.00 including taxes for two double beds for 1-4 occupants.

The hotel is 21 miles from D. C.

Dulles Washington International Airport is two miles from the hotel, which offers shuttle service to and from the airport.

The Metro bus to the Metro subway to the rally is across the street from the hotel.

Quality Inn Iwo Jima
http://www.qualityinniwojima.com/ (This web link may not work.)
1501 Arlington Blvd.
Arlington, VA 22209

The rate per room is $122.00 including taxes for two queen beds for 1-4 occupants.

The hotel is two miles from D. C.

Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport is three miles from the hotel. The hotel does not offer shuttle service to and from the airport. The Metro subway is next to the airport and two blocks from the hotel.

If you live near D. C., please consider inviting someone to stay at your residence overnight.


The airport closest to Washington D. C. is the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport. This airport is three miles from the Quality Inn Iwo Jima.

The other airport that is located 30 minutes west of Washington D. C. is the Washington Dulles International Airport. This airport is two miles from the Days Hotel Conference Center.

Discount airfares are available through the following websites:

http://www.southwest.com 1-800-I-FLY-SWA or 1-800-435-9792 http://www.hotwire.com 1-866-HOTWIRE or 1-866-468-9473

http://www.lodging.com 1-888-LODGING or 1-888-563-4464

http://www.priceline.com 1-800-774-2354 (Name your own price--for flexible travel schedules)


Volunteers are needed to help coordinate carpool, vanpool or bus rentals in different geographic areas. Please contact us or individuals in your area about whether you have transportation to offer to others, or if you need to share a ride and split the travel expenses.

Discount rent cars are available through http://www.hotwire.com, http://www.lodging.com, http://www.priceline.com or any of the major rental car companies.

The Greyhound Bus Lines phone number is 1-800-231-2222. The bus stops at Union Station in D. C., which is located at the Metro subway. In some areas, it is more expensive to ride the bus than it is to fly.

Please consider offering a ride to the rally to someone staying at your hotel.


East of Washington D. C.

Greenbelt Park (National Park Service)
6565 Greenbelt Road
Greenbelt, MD 20770

The rate is $14.00 including tax per night. Sleeping in a car is permitted.

The campground is 18 miles from the rally.

The closest Metro subway is Greenbelt, which is three miles from the campground.

Call 301-344-3944 for directions to the park.

West of Washington D. C.

Bull Run Regional Park


7700 Bull Run Drive

Centreville, VA 20121

The rate is $21.25 plus tax for up to four people per night. Sleeping in a car is not permitted.

The campground is 28 miles from the rally.

The closest Metro subway is Vienna/Fairfax-GMU, which is 12 miles from the campground.

Call 703-631-0550 for directions to the park.

Both campgrounds have nice outdoor settings and facilities.


Volunteers are needed to help organize the rally. Please contact Gordon Ormand at gordonormand@yahoo.com if you are able to help with any of the following topics: fund raising for travel or hotel expenses, PA and backup PA systems, podium, supply or set up chairs, quiet generator, gas can, extension cords, water, cups, press kit, etc.

If you know of media organizations that have already covered stories related to technology, please assemble their email addresses and fax numbers for our press release in the near future.

Additional speakers, civil rights groups and other organizations still need to be invited to attend the rally. Please discuss your suggestions with us before inviting the individuals or groups. We would like to be sure that their speech topics are compatible with our agenda.

Distributing fliers and making signs for the rally is encouraged. However, we would like to offer suggestions to help improve the messages to make the best impression.

A banquet is planned for the night of Friday, October 7. An informal meeting to talk about our accomplishments and future plans is scheduled after the rally on Saturday, October 8. The times and places will be announced in another email.

On the day of the rally, please arrive a few minutes early.

Food is available from street vendors with carts, or at the Smithsonian National Museum of American History on Constitution Avenue NW at 14th Street NW.

Additional parking is along the Potomac River and at the Jefferson Memorial, which is to the southeast of the Lincoln Memorial.

For a map to the rally, click on the following web site:

The Metro subway stops eight blocks from the rally. The Federal Triangle subway station is closest to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial rally site. The station is located on the west side of 12th Street NW between Pennsylvania Avenue NW and Constitution Avenue NW. Contact information for Metro is 202-962-1234 or http://www.wmata.com/. For a map of the Metro subway, click on the following web site:

A guided tour of the Capitol building is suggested on Monday through Saturday. Arrive early to obtain free tickets at the southwest corner of the Capitol at the white tent. Remember to visit the Capitol as a tourist, not as a victim.

Security is a high priority in the Capitol area. It is safe to travel on the Metro subway. Signs at the Virginia state line warn travelers not to carry a concealed weapon for personal protection without checking on their laws.

In D. C., the October average low temperature is 49 and the average high temperature is 68. It is a good idea to check the weather forecast several days before the rally.


Some emails are not being received. All inquiries about travel or hotels will be answered. If you send an email (to only one of the individuals listed below) and do not receive a reply within a few days, please call.

Gordon Ormand, Event Coordinator 936-588-4538 (central time zone) or gordonormand@yahoo.com or southeastern111@yahoo.com

RSVP with Derrick, Event Volunteer 513-531-8873 (eastern time zone) or southeastern115@yahoo.com

Dr. Le Roy Gillam 832-228-3207 (central time zone) or southeastern0@yahoo.com

Remember that we are going to Washington D. C. to ask for help. This is a peaceful rally.

Thank you for sending this email to your friends.

Informant: Romy

Join the virtual march on Global Warming

The American Progress Action Fund ( http://tinyurl.com/5xdmw ) directs us to resources at the stopglobalwarming.org website, an interesting site which has a list of featured marchers (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, Senator John McCain, Walter Cronkite, etc) They have 118,691 members already. See http://www.stopglobalwarming.org/

© Virginia Metze

This is going to hurt you more than it's going to hurt me

Salon War Room
by Tim Grieve

As Think Progress notes today, the $200 billion the federal government may need to pay for Hurricane Katrina could be covered entirely -- and then some -- by simply rolling back the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans.

As we reported yesterday, House Republicans have another way to come up with the money: They want to carve $500 billion in spending out of the federal budget. How would they do it? Their "Operation Offset" plan is online now, and it it's full of brave talk about the "tough choices" that will be required in these "tough times." We'll acknowledge that some of the choices listed therein are, in fact, pretty tough: If you don't want to roll back tax cuts for millionaires, you're going to have to tell Republican Rep. Don Young why he can't have his $200 million bridge to nowhere and America's seniors why they need to wait an additional year for help with their prescriptions. [...] Read more at http://www.salon.com/politics/war_room/index.html

© Virginia Metze

Senator Dayton introduces Department of Peace legislation in the Senate

On September 22nd, 2005, Senator Mark Dayton (D-MN) introduced the Department of Peace legislation into the U.S. Senate (S. 1756), calling for an elevation of the Reagan-established "Institute of Peace" to a Cabinet-level position.

This is a huge moment for our campaign, and for the future of the Department of Peace! Senator Dayton's leadership and enthusiastic support will take us to the next level in our work as we continue to advocate for this historic legislation.

Speaking from the Senate floor, Dayton said, "If we are to remain the world's leader, and if we are to lead the world into a more secure and more prosperous future, we must become better known and more respected for our peacemaking successes than for our military forces. Peace, to have any lasting value, must be advanced, expanded and strengthened continuously. Doing so requires skill, dedication, persistence, resources, and, most importantly, people."

Appropriately, Dayton's legislation coincides with the 44th anniversary of the nation's oldest federal agency dedicated to peace. On September 22nd, in 1961, President Kennedy signed legislation that created the Peace Corps, an idea originally proposed by Senator Hubert Humphrey in 1957.

Many thanks to our Department of Peace activists from Minnesota who met with Senator Dayton this past week at our conference and encouraged him to take this on. In particular we thank three of our youth leaders: Chelsea Skog, Eric Skog and Raven Kinnell who also met with the Senator. Senator Dayton said he was doing it for them, and for all our youth .



We ask that each of you help continue this momentum by calling your own Senators today and urging them to support (bill # is S. 1756). Contact your Senator at the U.S. capitol switchboard: (202) 224-3121. To find your Representative, visit
http://www.vote-smart.org Tell the staffer who answers your call that you want your Senator to sign on as a co-sponsor of the Department of Peace legislation. Request a written response explaining your Senator's position and the reasoning behind it. It's most effective if you call first, then follow-up with a fax or email.


To write your Representative, click below to get started. This will allow you to send an email or a fax to your congressperson.


Join us now. Create a Department of Peace. Help make history. Together, we can do this.

The Peace Alliance PO Box 3259 - Center Line, Michigan 48015 USA Tel (586) 754-8105 Fax (586) 754-8106

Voters' Remorse on Bush

Bob Herbert: Maybe, just maybe, the public is beginning to see through the toxic fog of fantasy, propaganda and deliberate misrepresentation that has been such a hallmark of the George W. Bush administration, which is in danger of being judged by history as one of the worst of all time.


Ölmetropole Houston durch Überflutung bedroht


(CNN-Video) Wie durch ökologischen Raubbau die US-Ölmetropole Houston zum potentiellen Opfer von Naturkatastrophen und Hurricans, wie derzeit Wirbelsturm Rita zu werden droht...


Masses flee Hurricane Rita

Cars clogged Texas highways with more than a million people fleeing Hurricane Rita as the storm roared through the Gulf of Mexico on a potentially catastrophic course.

Heavy traffic jammed highways from Corpus Christi in southern Texas into Louisiana as coastal residents, heeding the lessons of Hurricane Katrina, headed inland to escape what has become one of the most intense storms on record.

The National Hurricane Centre said the path of Rita, with top winds dropping slightly to 265 kph and is now a Category 4 storm, had shifted toward the north. It appeared to be headed toward Galveston and Houston, the nation's fourth largest city and centre of the US oil industry.


I just spoke to my daughter in the Toronto area. She told me that lineups for the gas pumps are horrendous as everyone tries to fill their tanks before the expected jump in price which is expected to hit $2.50 a litre by tonight. With prices holding steady at around $2 a litre lately, this will be a big jump.

The trucks are still rolling. You wouldn't believe how many mushrooms the big stores go through. We are bringing in 2 full reefer loads a day to supply Albertsons, Safeway, Fred Meyers, Organically Grown, Pacific Coast, Charlies and a few others in Portland alone.

This is just mushrooms. Can you imagine what would happen if ALL the food trucks stopped coming?

Take care and PREPARE, my friends.


US working to boost sea forces in oil-rich Caspian: envoy

The United States is pushing for the former Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan to beef up their naval capacity on the oil-rich Caspian Sea, a senior diplomat in the region said.


From Information Clearing House

Russia, China warn US, EU over Iran nuclear plan

Russia and China warned the United States and European Union on Wednesday against escalating the nuclear standoff with Iran, potentially blocking a Western drive to haul Tehran before the UN Security Council.


From Information Clearing House

Air Force Col: Bush, Cheney, Neocons Treasonous

“You know our freedoms are not under attack from the remnants of Saddam Hussein’s Bathist Party. They’re under attack by the likes of John Ashcroft. They’re trampled by Donald Rumsfeld, they’re disdained by Dick Cheney, and they’re not even understood by George W. Bush.”


Robert Fisk Refused Entry Into U.S.

U.S. immigration officials refused Tuesday to allow Robert Fisk, longtime Middle East correspondent for the London newspaper, The Independent, to board a plane from Toronto to Denver. Fisk was on his way to Santa Fe for a sold-out appearance in the Lannan Foundation’s readings-and-conversations series Wednesday night.


From Information Clearing House

'My family think I'm crazy to come back to this disaster'

After his award-winning reporting on the assault on Fallujah, Ali Fadhil went to study in America. But just three months later he was back in Iraq, where he found a country that had changed almost beyond recognition.


From Information Clearing House

Basra governor threatens to end UK co-operation

The Iraqi national security adviser, Mowaffak al-Rubaie, called the attack by British forces "a flagrant violation of Iraqi sovereignty".


Double Standards in Iraq:

Monday was one of those rare illuminating days. A juxtaposition of events starkly exposed Western double standards and made the Iraqi government's claims of sovereignty even more nonsensical than it already was.


From Information Clearing House

This attack on free speech will fuel Muslim hostility

If Britain's proposed laws on inciting terrorism were applied fairly, those who incite wars of aggression would also be in the dock

By Salim Lone

The kind of language proposed in the British legislation could easily characterise a call to resist allied occupation soldiers in Iraq as incitement. Is force now to be the preserve of the powerful?


A bridge too far

by Clarence Page

Among many unanswered questions in the wake of Hurricane Katrina, we have this one: Why didn't the stranded residents of flooded New Orleans simply walk to dry land? For many, the answer was simple and disturbing: The suburbs wouldn't let them.


Support the appeal for Leicester's Elizabeth House Tower block

Hello John,

Nice to hear from you. I just feel we should always be trying to push the boundaries, no matter how high the wall! The Berlin Wall came down eventually. My gut feeling is we should really push this electrosensitivity (EHF) stuff before the HPA report in October waters it all down to mean nothing. I am currently tackling the appeal for Leicester's Elizabeth House Tower block. You know the 14+ antennas with big cabinets on a 15 floor block. The main and only campaigner, Phil Hendy is really ill now - no surprise, he's on the 15th and top floor, underneath a massive cabinet. Most of the 150 residents of the block are suffering to varying degrees - the least of them apathy, depression, headaches etc. Phil is trying desperately to deliver and collect the letter I wrote for the appeal in the tower block but some days he cannnot get out of bed. If any of you want to support these people from any other areas here or abroad, please email me for a copy of the appeal letter SandraLwr@aol.com . They desperately need your help because they could end up with another 6 antennas on the roof and a cabinet or two. I think they have suffered enough and we should make a stand on this one, don't you? Yes, I know the Inspectorate may ignore letters from out of area but if we can manage to get quite a few going, then they will notice the support, won't they?


Thank you for helping these people. I know they will appreciate it.

There are two versions to send, the original one and one with a protest message as the last paragraph. I have sent you both for you to choose. Also a copy of the Mast Sanity letter for your information.

You have to send 3 copies for the Inspectorate, one copy goes to the inspector, one to the council and one to the operator.

Kind regards

Sandi Lawrence
Director of Advisory Services
Mast Sanity


Planning Inspectorate agency information

Customer Support Unit

We have introduced a new Customer Support Unit and Customer Support Line service. This service provides you with a single point of contact to access all of our services in England. If you query is to do with appeals in Wales then please contact our office in Wales.

If you have an appeal under consideration you should already know a specific contact name and number, they are shown on our letters. If you do not have an appeal with us and you require more general information or help then please contact:

The Planning Inspectorate
Customer Support Unit
Room 3/01 Kite Wing
Temple Quay House
2 The Square
Temple Quay

Telephone: 0117 372 6372
Fax: 0117 372 8782

The Customer Support Line telephones are answered between 08:00 and 16:45 every weekday. Outside of these times messages are received on our voicemail.

Email: enquiries@planning-inspectorate.gsi.gov.uk



Dear Sirs,

Ref: Appeal Ref no: APP/W2465/A/05/1187966 Roof of Elizabeth House LE2 0QP

I totally back all the objections raised against the appeal by 02 UK on the Elizabeth House, Leicester, planning application, and agree that nothing should be withdrawn from the planning application paperwork.

Although I represent Mast Sanity as Director of Advisory Services, this is my personal objection letter. The views I express are entirely my own, although some may also be the views of Mast Sanity.

Elizabeth House residents have been campaigning against the existing masts for several years. Not because they did not like the look of them, but because some residents felt unwell and noticed changes in the quality of their lives and health.

I had no worries about phone masts until a TETRA mast was erected on a building in Bognor Regis and I began to experience bad headaches and nosebleeds when I shopped there. Since that time I have become more and more sensitive and suffer other symptoms associated with mast sickness, which are well documented in research carried out since the 70's, some of which has been peer reviewed.

I am absolutely certain that the TETRA masts cause some people to become unwell, and that their health deteriorates, because this Bognor TETRA mast was removed after 5 months at the landowner's request, and all of the people around the mast site who had also been unwell gradually recovered after two or three weeks. Also the smaller species of birds which had suddenly left the area after the mast was turned on, gradually came back.

Also, unbeknown to anyone, TETRA was added to a previously unused BT mast in the Bognor Regis parish of Felpham shortly after, and without planning permission i.e. unlawfully. People became unwell there and appeared to have classic mast symptoms, yet none of the hard core campaigners in the area believed that there was TETRA there. They were later proved wrong. This unlawful mast is still there today with no retrospective planning permission

So, this area may be unique in that we have had proof of the health effects microwave radiation can cause in two very different ways and via the worst example of this technology, the very dangerous 02 Airwave TETRA. There is at least one TETRA mast near Elizabeth House, Leicester.

I have answered the Mast Sanity Advice Line since October 04 and have a very good idea of the extent of the so called "anecdotal evidence" of ill health across the UK. I find it hard to understand how government bodies and health officials can ignore all of this, and add further injustice to sick people by labelling this ill health as 'psychosomatic' or 'non-existent.' You have to wonder if there is any human decency in any of them and if they are any better than terrorists.

Basically, people in the UK who genuinely have classic mast symptoms (which are now being treated in Germany by German doctors), are either misdiagnosed or discredited. Some are referred to psychiatrists and further discredited. Mr D P Hendy of Elizabeth House has been put through this process, yet NHS specialists are encountering problems in treating his illnesses in the conventional way.

I know of many more people, some of whom have been asked to leave a doctor's surgery, just because they are certain that these newer mast technologies are badly affecting their health and well-being. Others have to move to another area, only to be faced with another mast planning application after they have moved.

Interestingly, all of these people who go away for a few weeks to places with less emissions begin to recover, except for those who have become severely ill, but even they find some relief.

How much more proof is needed? When will government bodies and mobile phone companies stop this practice of denial for material considerations? When too many die?

What about our children and their future? If adults are affected by this technology, the long term results for children could be even worse. Yet masts are put up in residential areas, near or on schools, hospitals etc, and very close to residential property. When will this insanity be stopped? When it is too late?

I urge the Inspector to speak to these people in Elizabeth House. It may not be the usual practice, but it needs to be done if there is to be any justice and consideration of human rights ever again in this supposedly democratic country. We should not be adding masts to the roof of Elizabeth House, we should be removing the existing masts.

I urge the Inspector to declare that "special circumstances" exist for Elizabeth House in line with the Harrogate Judgement. I ask him to be merciful to fellow human beings in great distress. Enough is enough.

Yours sincerely

Mrs S L Lawrence


I had a phone box call from Phil Hendy, the main campaigner of Elizabeth House, yesterday. He says he is managing to distribute and collect letters because he is sitting in the foyer and catching those who go in and out. I wondered if he would have the energy to cover the 10 flats on 15 floors himself, but obviously he has worked out a solution. When I told him that other areas of Leicester, and the UK, were sending in letters to back Elizabeth House, he was absolutely delighted and asked me to thank you all and tell you how much he appreciates it. He will inform the other residents as and when he can. He told me there are other flats in the same state in Leicester. He also said that there are THREE TETRA masts near Elizabeth House, one on the roof of the building opposite, on London Road, another on the roof on a buiding alongside Elizabeth House, and the third in a street nearby off of London Road. Your efforts gave Phil a lift he badly needed. I really don't know how he keeps going. He is quite amazing.



I have reproduced an email sent to me re: the Elizabeth House, Leicester appeal, with this lady's permission. I have got other offers, too, but this one has a special message for us all that I wanted you all to see.


Hi Sandi,

Thanks for your email and news update on Phil, what a brave man he is and all honours to him, I wish him much luck and success on with his campaign.

I had a thought that came to me with regards to my forthcoming photographic Exhibition in march 2006 at the Islington Town Hall Museum, for which I am exhibiting various photo's of in and around the Borough, Called Islington Uncut, whereby I am expressing various subject matters.

I am aware of a tower block at Finsbury Park in Islington that has so many phone masts on it its quite scary considering it is a residents council block, so I have decided to photograph this block and highlight the plight of phone mast sanity with this photograph, the good news is that members of the council shall be visiting my exhibition as well as the general public, so it will be a good opportunity to bring attention to this important issue. I may be asked to remove it, but I doubt it and I may never get an exhibition there again, as this is my second, however I feel quite strongly about this issue.

I shall keep you informed.......

My minds still working on other ideas...... as well......

My mother always told me I was good at putting the cat amongst the pigeons as they say.

Give my regards to phil, would like to get some photos of him at Elizabeth House, I really admire people like yourself and Phil and all those who have the guts to stand up and be counted. I was in Irealand earlier this year doing some photographic work and there is a statue in Dublin of Jim Larkin who rose to fame protesting on behalf of the working class and his plaque reads :


Kind Regards


HPA-RPD soon to issue a report on Electrical Hypersensitivity

The new HPA-RPD (NRPB) report on ES has been delayed and is now expected to be published in the first week of October. We believe that this forthcoming Health Protection Agency Report will acknowledge ES / EHS as a multi-faceted syndrome, and set the scene for it being a recognised valid diagnosis and calls for more research into treatment and causes.

Click here for the full news story

Joy after plan for new phone mast is rejected


23 September 2005

CAMPAIGNERS are celebrating after council bosses refused a new mobile phone mast for Muswell Hill.

Telecom giant Vodafone submitted plans for the site at the junction of Albert Road and Durnsford Road.

Alexandra ward councillor Wayne Hoban said: "I am pleased the council has accepted concerns and rejected this application. This is very good news for all of us concerned about the proliferation of phone masts without proper planning powers for local councils."

The proposed mast was near to Rhodes Avenue primary school, Alexandra Park secondary in Bidwell Gardens and the Albert Road recreation ground.


Residents win battle to stop the woodland phone mast

By Paul Robinson

CAMPAIGNERS in a picturesque Yorkshire village were celebrating today after a controversial mobile phone mast plan was thrown out by council chiefs.

Residents in Great Preston, near Kippax in Leeds, have been battling a bid by communications giant T-Mobile to put up a 25-metre-high mast in local woodland.

Now they have got the news they were hoping for - Leeds City Council has turned down the company's request for planning permission for the development.


Richard Travers, who spearheaded opposition to the proposal, said today: "We're absolutely delighted – this is a real victory for people power."

Dad-of-two Mr Travers, 44, also pledged to fight any attempt by T-Mobile to appeal against the council's decision. He said: "We're ready and waiting – we'll be keeping a very close eye on this in the future."

The mast row first made headlines last month when the Yorkshire Evening Post revealed the site off Whitehouse Lane earmarked by T-Mobile is owned by the family of Great and Little Preston Parish Council chairman Charles Hirst.

Villagers immediately demanded to know why they had not been informed about the scheme until late July, although it was in the pipeline as long ago as March.

Many parents also expressed concern at the possible impact of a mobile phone mast on their children's health, even though scientific opinion is divided over the risk the structures pose.

Mr Hirst said he had been "taken aback" by the negative reaction to the plan, and explained he had kept quiet about it so he could not be accused of trying to influence his parish colleagues.

In a document giving its reasons for rejecting the application, the city council says the mast would be "an intrusive alien element representing significant visual harm to its mature and attractive landscape setting".

A spokeswoman for T-Mobile would not be drawn on the case, other than to say the situation was currently "under review".


23 September 2005


Welche Atompolitik macht Jamaika?

Jetzt nach der Wahl kommt es auf Sie/Euch an. Im Moment ist es völlig offen wie es in der Frage der Atom- und Energiepolitik weiter geht. Im Falle einer wahrscheinlichen großen Koalition werden die Atomkonzerne ihre guten Kontakte zu einigen Leuten in der SPD aktivieren und versuchen, dort von Laufzeitverlängerung bis Exportförderung die Illusion einer Renaissance der Atomkraft zu stabilisieren. Sie drängen darauf, dass das nachweislich ungeeignete Bergwerk in Gorleben zum Endlagerstandort wird. Union und FDP haben schon vor der Wahl zu alldem ihre Unterstützung zugesagt. Und auch der atompolitische Kurs einer inzwischen sehr unwahrscheinlichen Jamaika-Koalition aus CDU, FDP und Grünen ist alles andere als sicher. Wer weiß, was die Grünen diesmal für eine Beteiligung an der Regierung alles aufgeben würden? (mehr Lesen unter: http://www.ausgestrahlt.de/atom/info/log)

Doch wir können der Atomlobby einen Strich durch Rechnung machen. Gegen ihre Finanzmacht setzen wir die Stimmen der BürgerInnen. Wir müssen die Parteien zwingen, der Mehrheit der Bürgerinnen und Bürger in Sachen Atompolitik zu folgen. Und diese Mehrheit will einen wirklichen Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie.

Unterstützen Sie die Aktion zu den Koalitionsverhandlungen „Gute Gründe für den Ausstieg“. Senden Sie uns Ihr Argument gegen Atomkraft.

Wir wollen den Ort der Koalitionsverhandlungen mit hunderten Argumenten von Bürger und Bürgerinnen belagern. Die Argumente werden sich zu einem großen Argumenteteppich zusammenfügen. Machen Sie mit: https://www.campact.de/atom/ulist

Die Kampagne .ausgestrahlt gewinnt an Fahrt. Mehr als 1.500 UnterzeichnerInnen.

Mit der neuen Webplattform, die gemeinsam von X-tausendmal quer, BUND und Campact gestartet wurde, kommen täglich mehr Menschen zur Kampagne hinzu. Sie erklären, sich im Rahmen Ihrer Möglichkeiten für den Ausstieg aus der Atomenergie einsetzen zu wollen. Weisen Sie weitere Menschen auf die Kampagne hin: https://www.campact.de/atom/recommend

A Movement Gathers Power on the Sorrow Plateau

Why We Must Resolve That a Better Faith is Possible

by Greg Moses

The movement for peace and justice in the USA has been transformed during the past two months. But what is the nature of the change, and how will it help to move us forward? The short answer, I think, is that we have been enriched by sorrow; we gather upon a sorrow plateau. Because of this place we have come to, we have new opportunities to broaden the scope of our power to sustain lasting change for freedom. Sorrow is the new power that Cindy Sheehan brought into the movement last month. And the power of our sorrow has grown in response to the sufferings caused by hurricane Katrina. This sorrow has not overcome us, but it has infused our motivations. Out of this sorrow comes a renewed sense of our struggle's significance....


The GOP’s Fiscal Policies Turned a Natural Disaster into a Man-Made Catastrophe

by Jason Leopold

Republicans like to brag that, as a political party, they are more fiscally responsible than their Democratic counterparts. Well, thanks to President Bush’s four years in office that theory can now take up residence in the urban legend department. If anything, Bush’s tenure as president proves that the Republican tax cuts (which everyone knows truly benefits the wealthiest one percent), drastically slashing funds in the federal budget for much needed improvements to the country’s aging infrastructure (a perfect example being the outdated power grid), and trying to get away with launching wars on the cheap, have cost taxpayers and their unborn grandchildren more money than anyone could have ever imagined....


The Occasional Media Ritual of Lamenting the Habitual

by Norman Solomon

Dan Rather caused some ripples when he spoke at a law school in New York on Sept. 19 and warned that politicians have been putting effective pressure on the corporate owners of major broadcast outlets. Summarizing his remarks, the Hollywood Reporter said that the former CBS anchor contended “there is a climate of fear running through newsrooms stronger than he has ever seen in his more than four-decade career.” When a network TV correspondent makes noises that indicate a possible break with the corporate media establishment, I think of something that Mark Twain said: “It’s easy to quit smoking. I’ve done it hundreds of times.”....


Fuel Conservation And Sustainable Mobility

by Manuel García, Jr.

A key motivation for the Iraq War must certainly be the desire of American policy planners to secure petroleum reserves with which to fuel the American military in the 21st Century. American armed forces are all about mobility and global reach, and they require a tremendous quantity of fuel for all that high-speed, long-distant and low miles-per-gallon mobility. Without liquid hydrocarbon fuels, there is no "superpower" military, and without that there is no American empire. Petroleum is the lifeblood of the American war machine. The American consumer, as well, has an unquenchable thirst for petroleum, using it in large inefficient automobiles, luxury trucks, and recreational vehicles of many kinds. Reducing America's desire for oil would help rein in American imperialism and aggression. Any such reduction is unlikely to occur in the military, by the very nature of its purpose. So, Americans opposed to the Iraq War and American imperialism favor a significant reduction in the civilian consumption of petroleum, most particularly as gasoline fueling transportation....


A Prescription for Exclusion

Bush Administration Adopts a Chunk of Heritage Foundation's All-Encompassing Agenda to Rebuild Gulf Coast

by Bill Berkowitz

While Karl Rove, the White House deputy chief of staff and President Bush's chief political adviser -- some call him "Bush's Brain" -- is waiting to see if he will be indicted for his role in the Valerie Plame Affair, he has been named by Bush to lead the reconstruction effort in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. And, based on President Bush's address to the nation on Thursday, September 16, the blueprint for rebuilding will be less "New Deal" and more "New Steal" -- another opportunity for Team Bush's corporate donors and cronies to cash in on the misery of hundreds of thousands of Americans. There is little doubt that the Rove-guided rebuilding effort will be paying close attention to a recent Special Report issued by the Heritage Foundation on September 12, spelling out a series of guidelines and recommendations for Gulf Coast's recovery....


The first and only federal conspiracy trial arising out of civil resistance to the Iraq War


Mary Anne Grady Flores

050923 - R - Mobilfunk - Newsletter


Jack Abramoff Probe May Threaten Leading Republicans as It Expands

The widening investigation of lobbyist Jack Abramoff is moving beyond the confines of tawdry influence-peddling to threaten leading figures in the Republican hierarchy that dominates Washington - including the White House.


Former President Carter says Current 'President' Bush Lost 2000 Election


Informant: ranger116

Letter to Patricia Hewitt - Proof that EMR causes health problems

I sent some evidence re. effects and symptoms to Kenneth Lane, and this was his sarcastic(?) response. I included :_

1) The symptoms suffered by residents eg chronic insomnia and headaches; nausea and vertigo; earache, hearing loss and tinnitus; nose bleeds; ulcerated mouths and throats; severe rashes; raised white blood cell count; strokes etc. etc.

2) I also included the spiralling of red bloodcells after using mobile phones and:-

3) Dr. Neil Cherry's evidence re the reduction of melatonin in animals and humans in the presence of EMR.

Where did I go wrong? How do you think I should respond? Or should I not bother? I'm seething.

Here is my latest to Patricia Hewitt. More advice please -is there anything wrong with it; should I add/take out anything; or write to somone different? (This is just my tactic of writing to any new names which come up in relation to the Dept. of health etc. and she is new to the post of Secretary of Health). Should I cc anyone else ( I shall give copies to the local councils and our branch of the Health Protection Agency.

172 Common Road
22nd Sept. 2005

For the Attention of:-

The Right Honourable Patricia Hewitt
The Department of Health
Richmond House
79 Whitehall



Dear Rt. Hon. Patricia Hewitt,

I have seen the letter to Mr. Brian Farrelly (Clerk to our Parish Council) with regard to the Orange mast, which has caused damage to health in Kensworth for the last four years, from your Customer Service Centre and dated 22nd August 2005, for which I thank Victoria Lindsay. I note one or two points in this letter which need clarification.

Page 1.

1) If the Dept. of Health is unable to intervene on behalf of the Electorate when their health is being destroyed, what is the purpose of it and why is the Government spending money on it?

2) There is no consultation regarding the positioning of masts, which are mostly arbitrarily placed wherever ‘phone companies want them. South Beds District Council refusal of planning permission for the Orange mast to be placed in Kensworth was overruled by Planning in Bristol and against the wishes of residents who have suffered symptoms ever since the mast was placed in Sept 2001 – 4 years ago and they are still suffering.

(Russian scientists tell us that after three years exposure, effects from EMR become permanent. Certainly symptoms are worsening and apparently spreading in Kensworth, as serious symptoms are now found 100 metres from the mast, namely raised white blood cell count in two ladies living opposite each other for which their doctors can find no cause.)

The needs of the Electorate are constantly dismissed as ‘concerns’ whilst no effort is made to either verify effects or to prove their symptoms have nothing to do with emissions. Until we found the reason for the symptoms suffered in Kensworth and the historical, incontrovertible proof of effects, we had concerns; now people know that the mast is the source of their symptoms and ask, please, for the level of emissions to be considerably lowered.

Why are no scientific tests being carried out in situ where the effects are felt? Are the authorities afraid to discover the truth?

Professor Norbert Leitgeb, consultant member of the ICNIRP is carrying out such tests in Austria and has found a link between EMR frequency emissions and symptoms, he does not yet consider this to be proof. How much proof do we need when we have the following? :-

a) Russian evidence from 1930s of symptoms in relation to EMR emissions amongst workers in the industry.

b) The death of the American ambassador in Moscow, Walter J.Stoessel from a leukaemia-like disease; many embassy staff with 40% raised white blood cell count, their children with blood anomalies and all with other symptoms when the ambassador’s office was bombarded with 1 to 4 milliwatts of EMR (much lower than the then American ‘safe’ level of 10 milliwatts) throughout the 60s and 70s.

(When American doctors took buccal smears from embassy staff they were not told that evidence of cellular damage was being sought. Certainly there have been recent findings of damage to chromosomes, DNA and human sperm and recent tests have shown that red blood cells spiral during and after the use of mobile phones. Raised blood pressure, strokes, nosebleeds and heart attacks have been suffered near the mast in Kensworth).

c) Scientific tests in Schwarzenburg in the 1990s proved the reduction of melatonin in animals and humans in the presence of EMR emissions. (See Dr. Neil Cherry’s document on the subject). Dr. Cherry blamed his early death upon his constant proximity to masts and emissions during his investigations. I dare not spend any more time near the mast in Kensworth, because I feel so ill in the houses of residents there.

d) The Freiburger appeal from German doctors noting the preponderance of symptoms near masts etc. etc.

e) The same symptoms are found wherever pulsed EMR frequency emissions are present

f) More recently, there has been found a connection between interference with calcium in the human body.

Why are all these findings being ignored?

g) I have heard a little about the ‘investigation’ going on in Essex, where people are exposed to mobile handset use for a few minutes. This is ludicrous (‘though even this brief exposure affected someone I know of who endured the test, risking even more damage to his health in the hope of giving the necessary proof of effects!) as when I acquired my first mobile phone in the 80s I talked for hours to my friends in the evenings during the free time allowed and began to get pain in my ears and the side of my head and I know many people still talk for hours on their mobiles. My phone is off all the time now except for emergencies e.g. when miles from home I locked the car keys in the boot and was able to get help using the phone. I am not against this technology – I like it! BUT - it must be safe for all of us to use and it is NOT!

2) Quote: ‘The Balance of evidence to date (from the NRPB and the ICNIRP) suggests that exposures to MRF radiation below NTPB/ICNIRP guidelines do not cause adverse health effects to the general population.’

Which evidence? Effects in homes have not been investigated - that would be evidence, especially as the fact that symptoms are the same wherever emissions have effects proves a link.

When are the NRPB (now the Radiological Protection Division!) going to carry out investigations in the homes of any of the people who are suffering severe insomnia; headaches, nausea and vertigo; earache, tinnitus and hearing loss, nose bleeds, rashes, lowered immunity, cancer, strokes or heart attacks where masts have been activated? If the Swiss could do it in the 1990s I’m sure we have the technology to do it now!

As Secretary of State for Health, surely your request for such investigations would be listened to. I request urgent action to be taken to help all the people who are suffering and to prevent more suffering, misery and deaths from cancer around masts.

Yours sincerely,
Parish Councillor
Mrs. Gillian Lyden.

CC. The House of Lords; Tony Blair; John Prescott; Andrew Selous M.P; George Hooker, Dept of Health;The ICNIRP; The Radiological Protection Division; Professor Lawrie Challis; Orange; Cllr. Richard Stay; Cllrs M. Mustoe and B. Harris.

Re: health problems
From: Kenneth Lane <kenneth.lane1@ntlworld.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 17:50:20 +0100

Dear Mrs Lyden Thank you for sending me so much material. I doubt whether a sixth form science class would be impressed and I certainly understand why responsible authorities ignore it as you say. Unfortunately gullible mambers of the public may think there is cause for concern and would be less willing to buy property in this area.

Kenneth Lane

----- Original Message -----

From: GILLARROW@aol.com
To: kenneth.lane1@ntlworld.com
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 10:14 PM
Subject: Proof that EMR causes health problems

Subj: Pandora Project Date: 11/08/04 23:04:19 GMT Daylight Time

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. I thought you should see this evidence, which all authorities responsible for placing or allowing masts to be placed near homes are ignoring. As far as I can tell, the only emissions being tested are the thermal emissions, whilst the ones causing all the health problems (and interfering with electrical /electronic hospital and 'plane equipment) are non-thermal low radiofrequency emissions. Human bodies are full of electrical energy (our brains activate muscles etc with electrical impulses) therefore it is commonsense that non-thermal emissions can also interfere with the workings of any bodies which 'get in the way' so to speak.

1. Evidence of Effects upon Health of Low Frequency Electromagnetic Radio-waves.

Please compare symptoms herein with those noted near Orange mast in Kensworth. Project Pandora Historically the Soviet Union has invested huge sums of money and time investigating microwaves and their effects. In 1952, while the Cold War was showing no signs of thawing, there was a secret meeting at the Sandia Corporation in New Mexico between U.S. and Soviet scientists involving the exchange of information regarding the biological hazards and safety levels of EMR. The Soviets possessed the greater preponderance of information, and the American scientists were too pigheaded to take it seriously. In subsequent meetings, the Soviet scientists continued to stress the seriousness of the risks, while American scientists downplayed their importance and so humiliated them. Shortly after the last Sandia meeting, the Soviets began covertly directing RADAR like microwave beams at the U.S. embassy in Moscow, not only gathering intelligence but using embassy workers as guinea pigs for low-level EMR experiments and a means to prove their claims. Washington, D.C. was initially oddly quiescent, regarding the Moscow embassy bombardment. The U.S. government woke up to the reality of psychotronics when from 1960 to 1965, the directe electromag- netic and microwave emissions at the U.S embassy caused a wide range of physical and mental illness among many U.S. personnel serving there. Casualties include the eventual death of the U.S. Ambassador, Walter J. Stoessel himself.

Dr Stephen Possony a one time Science Advisor to the Department of Defense, now retired, said: "After the death of our ambassador in Moscow, due to contracting leukemia, and a couple of other employees, it suddenly dawned on us to have a real careful look at what was happening there." Discovered in 1962, these complex set of electromagnetic signals were investigated by the CIA, which hired a consultant, Milton Zaret, and code named the research "Project Pandora". According to Zaret, the Moscow signal was composed of several frequencies, and was focused each day precisely upon the Ambassador's office, U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The intensity of the bombardment was not made public, but when the State Department finally admitted the existence of the signal, it announced that it was fairly low . **

**(In a book by Paul Brodeur, ‘The Zapping of America, the signal was 1 to 4 milliwatts - far below the ‘safe’ 10 milliwatt level then current in America!)

These signals were measured in the short "S" and long "L" spectrum had extremely complex modulations with a pattern of variations, some of which were quite random. A Top Secret Eyes Only memorandum, dated 20 December 1966 from ARPA shows the significance of this project. This memorandum summarizes the initial results obtained from this program. The White House has directed, through USIB [U.S. Intelligence Board] that int- ensive investigative research be conducted within the State Department, CIA and DoD to attempt to determine what the threat is. This national program has been coordinat- ed by the State Department and was code named TUMS. ARPA is represented and is conducting research on a selective portion of the overall program concerned with one of the potential threats, that of the effects of low level electromagnetic radiation on man.

Project PANDORA was to include a number of parallel projects, such as Projects TUMS, MUTS, and BAZAR, involving the CIA, Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA), the State Department, the Navy and the Army. They were tasked to study the effects of the emitted Soviet microwaves on animals and humans. In April 1976 the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger sent the following telegram to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow which summarized the conclusions of the study of the Moscow signal. Subject: Radiation and UHF and Electromagnetic Dangers Beginning in 1960 the Soviet Union directed the high frequency beams of radiation at the U.S. Embassy in Moscow which were calculated up intelligence but cause physiological effects on personnel. The effects the Soviets calculated to achieve in the personnel serving (at least as early as 1960) included

A) Malaise (B) Irritability, (C) Extreme fatigue. At this time the Soviets believed that the induced effects were temporary. Subsequently, it has been verified that the effects are not temporary. Definitely tied to such radiation and the UHF/VHF electromagnetic waves are: (A) Cataracts, (B) Blood changes that induce heart attacks, (C) Malignancies, (D) Circulatory problems, and (E) Permanent deterioration of the nervous syste

B) In most cases the after-effects do not become evident until long after exposure - a decade or more.There was concensus among Soviet EMR researchers that a beam such as the Moscow signal was destined to produce blurred vision and loss of mental concentration.

C) The Boston Globe reported that the American ambassador had not only developed a leukemia like blood disease, but also suffered from bleeding eyes and chronic headaches. Under the CIA's Project Pandora, monkeys were brought into the embassy and exposed to the Moscow signal; they were found to have developed blood composition anomalies and unusual chromosome counts.

D) Embassy personnel were found to have a 40 percent higher than average white blood cell count. While Operation Pandora's data gathering proceeded, embassy personnel continued working in the facility and were not informed of the bombardment until 10 years later. Embassy employees were eventually granted a 20 percent hardship allowance for their service in an unhealthful post. Throughout the period of bombardment, the CIA used the opportunity to gather data on psychological and biological effects of the beams on our American personnel.

The U.S. government has carefully studied the electromagnetic signatures and examined health affects of the Moscow signal radiation. The job was turned over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). DARPA is now developing and testing new electromagnetic antipersonnel weaponry.

British policemen are now suffering from insomnia, headaches, nausea, vertigo and hearing loss whilst using handsets with the new Tetra masts. As have villagers in Kensworth (as well as painful, bloodshot eyes; nose-bleeds; strokes etc.) ever since the Orange mast was activated. LIST OF SYMPTOMS EXPERIENCED IN KENSWORTH - STILL ONGOING AFTER TWO AND A HALF YEARS! (September 14th. 2005 NOW FOUR YEARS) INSOMNIA-NIGHT AFTER NIGHT - only relieved by going away on holiday OR TO STAY WITH RELATIVES. EXHAUSTION (of course). CONTINUAL DAILY HEADACHES. SORE, BLOODSHOT EYES. VERTIGO AND NAUSEA. EARACHE AND TINNITUS. (These 6 symptoms are the most common symptoms, and are suffered by all the people closest to the mast)

EXTREME THIRST WITH ULCERATED MOUTHS AND THROATS; RAISED BLOOD PRESSURE, STROKES and heart attack (1 man had two strokes -1 when the mast was first activated in autumn 2002 and a worse one when it was re-activated after being off for the whole of April 2002, he is now disabled).

NOSEBLEEDS - most recently a man visiting his parents (IN KENSWORTH) woke with his pillow soaked in blood on Christmas day. When the same thing happened on Boxing day he took his family away vowing never to return until the mast was taken away. A 16 year old boy 100m from the mast is suffering frequent, heavy nosebleeds which continued even after his nose was cauterised.

RASHES. A 15 year old girl (+ insomnia, headaches and depression) whose symptoms continue whatever treatment she has from the doctor/hospital (her dog keeps developing small tumours on its paws which have to be removed by the vet - otherwise the dog constantly chews its paws.

On Sunday June 27th, I learnt that 2 ladies having been ill and doctors unable to find the cause have finally both been diagnosed with a raised white bloodcell count - see 'PANDORA'. One of these ladies became a widow last week, when her 51 yr old husband had a massive heart attack and died suddenly. The other also has insomnia, headaches and feels tired and ill all the time.

In your document re: Pubic health you say that changes in brain activity, reaction times and insomnia are 'small effects!!! Not near the Orange mast in Kensworth, or, I expect in all the other groups of people suffering in the same way all over the UK and all over the World!

I asked you before, and I ask you again, " Have you been into the houses of those who are enduring this torture?" I have! My partner has begged me not to do so again, but unless I find out who and how many are suffering what, I shall be unable to speak for them as they have requested. I have felt the symptoms briefly in varying degrees depending upon the relationship of each house to the mast. One feels a downward dragging internal sensation, starting in the head with giddiness and passing down through the torso into the gut (leaving a feeling of nausea and weakness) into the legs. At the worst one's shoulders droop and there is an irresistible urge to lie down and rest, in these houses I cannot bear to stay longer than 15 to 20 minutes. I experienced exactly the same sensation when in my car on top of the Arndale shopping centre car-park in Luton waiting to get out. I looked up and saw there were 4 or 5 masts above my head.

Other questions I asked were:-

"Why are people suffering all this pain not tested and treated for effects as are the workmen in association with RF occupations?" and 'Why set up laboratory tests when the damage is being suffered in their own homes?

Will you please listen to people who say they are ill since masts have been erected near their homes and monitor these effects? Is it not your function to protect us all from harm to our health?

I have more evidence, but it would fill a book.

(This article was originally sent to the NRPB – now the Health Protection Agency AND WHO HAVE NOW ANNOUNCED THAT SYMPTOMS ARE CAUSED BY MASTS, MOBILE PHONES, OVERHEAD POWER LINES ETC.) I rest my case,

Yours sincerely

Gillian Lyden

14th Sept. 2005

Republicans' Policy of 'Pork Before People' Takes a Terrible Toll


Glover & Belafonte Speak Out on Katrina


Private Security Forces Roam the Streets of an American City With Impunity


Public Pressure Mounts for Bush to Curtail Iraq War After Katrina Disaster


Critics Predict Katrina Whitewash


Self-fulfilling 'war on terror' prophecy validates 'Power of Nightmares' thesis


Informant: jensenmk

From ufpj-news

Neuer Hurrican trifft die Armen


(SZ) Auch wenn man glauben sollte, es sei aus den Erfahrungen mit Katrina gelernt worden und Texas und seine Ölmetropole Houston lägen der US-Regierung mehr am Herzen, als das demokratisch verwaltete New Orleans: auch Hurrican Rita trifft vor allem Arme und Schwarze.


Einladung 8. Bundesweites Treffen am 1. Oktober

Aktionsbündnis Sozialproteste

American’s have lost control of their government


Katrina took out 36 oil rigs


Peak Oil hoax ? From Magma not Fossil







Meanwhile, No Chemtrails


RITA: this storm is going to be Huge


You think Rita Is Bad Look At What Is Forming In The Atlantic


Look what's coming in behind Rita

Atlantic Tropical Weather Discussion

Informant: Michael Mandeville

Why Immediate Withdrawal Makes Sense


Protect Your Children From Military Recruiters


Informant: Michael Mandeville

9-11 "crash victim" Barbara Olson arrested in Europe


Zeit für den Expertenwechsel


Residents delighted with mast decision

Sep 23 2005

By Liza Williams, Chester Chronicle

AN APPLICATION for a phone mast just two metres away from children's bedrooms has been withdrawn.

The dramatic U-turn decision by Orange concerning the site at Olympic House in Tattenhall was announced after a meeting held last Monday between the company and residents.

The Chronicle reported on September 9 that the mobile phone company proposed to erect a mast at the site next to The Mount, two metres from bedrooms occupied by Kath Jameson's sons. After hearing the decision, Kath said: 'We are all delighted. It was definitely worth the rallying around.

'The company have been reasonable and realised there was just too much opposition to this site. I don't think they realised there are people living near it, they thought it was all offices. 'I'd like to thank The Chronicle for highlighting the problem, as it raised awareness. Most people had no idea about the proposal before the article.'

The proposed mast caused concern among many local residents due to the proximity to housing and the lack of consultation within the village.

However, this now appears to have been redressed. Jonathan Kersh, chairman of Tattenhall Parish Council, received confirmation of the withdrawal after the meeting. He said: 'The company will be consulting with the village on other locations for the mast. It is great news.'

An Orange spokesman said yesterday: 'After the meeting, we took the decision to withdraw the application for now but are still looking for a site.'


Handy laut Eltern Schuldenfalle Nummer eins

23. September 2005 | 10:01

Das Handy ist nach Ansicht der österreichischen Eltern die Schuldenfalle Nummer eins. Fast zwei Drittel machen sich zudem Sorgen um die Gesundheit der Familie. Das geht aus einer Umfrage des Linzer Meinungsforschungsinstituts "market" hervor, deren Ergebnisse am Freitag veröffentlicht wurden.

"market" führte im September telefonische Interviews mit 502 repräsentativ für die österreichischen Eltern ausgewählten Personen durch. Dabei stellte sich heraus, dass 73 Prozent im Handy bzw. dem Telefonieren eine "besonders große" oder "große Gefahr" für eine Überschuldung sehen. Auf den Plätzen folgten Auto bzw. Kfz, der Computer samt dazugehörigen Spielen, das Internet sowie Ausgehen und Disco.

64 Prozent der Eltern sorgen sich "sicher sehr" bzw. "eher" darum, wie gesundheitsschädlich Handystrahlung wirklich ist. 61 Prozent gaben an, dass sie sich verunsichert fühlen, wenn die Kinder unerwartet nicht über das Mobiltelefon erreichbar sind. 48 Prozent erklärten hingegen, dass man durch die Handys immer weiß, wo sich der Nachwuchs aufhält. 35 Prozent glauben an die Wirksamkeit eines Telefonverbots als Sanktion.

58 Prozent der Eltern sind der Ansicht, dass sich das Kommunikationsverhalten der Kinder in den vergangenen zehn Jahren etwas bzw. sehr verschlechtert hat. Nur vier Prozent sehen eine starke, 16 Prozent eine leichte Verbesserung.

Als zweckmäßigste Maßnahme zur Eindämmung des Handygebrauchs wird das Wertkartentelefon mit eingeschränktem Guthaben angesehen (93 Prozent). 88 Prozent sehen als sehr zweckmäßig bzw. zweckmäßig an, den Kindern die Nachteile des Mobiltelefons zu erklären. 85 Prozent glauben, dass man selbst wenig mit dem Handy telefonieren sollte, um mit gutem Beispiel voranzugehen. Immerhin 44 Prozent der Befragten könnten sich für Kinder unter zwölf Jahren ein Verbot der Nutzung von Mobiltelefonen vorstellen.


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Testimony of Susette Kelo before the Senate Judiciary Committee

Center For Individual Freedom
by staff


I sincerely hope that Congress will do what judges and local legislators so far have refused to do for me and for thousands of people like me across the nation: protect our homes under a plain reading of the U.S. Constitution. Federal lawmakers should pass legislation that will withhold federal development funding for cities that abuse eminent domain for private development -- such as the one that could take my home, which received $2 million in federal funds. What we have now at the local, state and federal level amounts to 'government by the highest bidder,' and that has got to stop...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The Cindy Sheehan peace train

National Review
by Byron York


It's not easy staging a cross-country antiwar protest, even a tiny cross-country antiwar protest. Just ask the organizers of Cindy Sheehan's 'Bring Them Home Now' tour, which rolled into Washington Wednesday, starting with a hassle with police near the Capitol and ending with a minor traffic accident just a few yards from the White House. It was that kind of day...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Cindy Sheehan

Bizarro Basra

by Justin Raimondo


The closer we look at what happened in Basra the other day, the murkier and more suspicious the picture gets. Two British undercover operatives fired at the Iraqi police, killing one and injuring another, and were taken into custody, then 'rescued' as British tanks laid siege to police headquarters. The incident culminated in a pitched battle between Iraqi and British forces, and in its aftermath a war of words is heating up that threatens to expose a widening chasm between these two ostensible 'allies.' We are told that our enemy in Iraq is a shadowy network of al-Qaeda-affiliated suicide bombers who will do anything to disrupt that country's march toward 'democracy,' but instead we find coalition troops shooting at the very Iraqi police we are investing so much money, effort, and hope into. What in blazes is going on?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Government should cut spending to offset Katrina costs

Fox News
by Radley Balko


President Bush recently announced a massive spending project to rebuild New Orleans, including a down payment of more than $50 billion. One of his key proposals is a modern homesteading law, in which the federal government will give state-owned land to anyone from the region who promises to build on it. The end price could well be several hundred billion dollars. Pundits and editorial boards on the left are calling for even more spending -- to rebuild the city, to compensate those who lost property in the flooding, and to address the class and race issues they say the storm exposed. I find this all very hard to swallow. In its sluggish and inept response to Katrina, government at the local, state, and federal level failed on a massive, catastrophic scale. And the response is ... we need more government?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

A louder drumbeat for independent Katrina probe

Christian Science Monitor


A growing number of top disaster experts are adding their voices to calls for an independent, nonpartisan commission to examine what went wrong, as well as right, with the nation's response to the Katrina disaster. Washington's plans for such inquiries have moved in a different direction. The White House this week named President Bush's top homeland security adviser, Francis Fragos Townsend, to head an inquiry into the sluggish and chaotic response to hurricane Katrina and its aftermath. House Republicans, meanwhile, are planning an investigation led by the Government Reform Committee. On Wednesday, congressional Democrats said such an inquiry would lack credibility because of Republicans' ties to the White House, and they renewed their call for an independent panel...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

ACLU sues Homeland Security for arresting, spying on vegans

The Raw Story


The American Civil Liberties Union today filed a federal lawsuit in Atlanta on behalf of two vegan protesters who were subjected to imprisonment, arrest and harassment by Homeland Security officials, RAW STORY has learned. The lawsuit stems from a Dec. 2003 incident, when vegans Caitlin Childs and Christopher Freeman were protesting on public property outside a Honey Baked Ham store in Georgia's DeKalb County. After the protest, the duo noticed they were being watched and photographed by a man in an unmarked car. They approached the car and wrote down the make, model, color and license plate number on a piece of paper. They then noticed the unmarked car was following them...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Iraq coming apart, Saudi official warns

USA Today


Iraq is moving toward disintegration, and war there could spread to its neighbors, Saudi Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal said Thursday. In part because of a new constitution that would give more power to various regions in Iraq, 'there seems to be no dynamic that is pulling the country together,' Saud said. Iraqis are to vote on the constitution next month. Sunni Arab leaders are urging a 'no' vote, while majority Shiites urge approval...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Storm changed Americans' attitudes

Tampa Tribune


As the Gulf Coast braces for another monster storm, a new Associated Press-Ipsos poll shows Katrina prompted a rethinking of some signature issues in American life -- changing the way we view race and our safety, how we spend our money, even where we live. The poll shows that issues swirling around Katrina trump other national concerns...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Antiwar protesters going on offense



Antiwar groups are using a $1 million ad campaign and a demonstration they say will attract 100,000 people to try to re-energize their movement and pressure the Bush administration to bring troops home from Iraq. Organizers of Saturday’s protest, which will take marchers past the White House, say it will be the largest since the war began more than two years ago. Cindy Sheehan, the woman who drew thousands of protesters to her 26-day vigil outside President Bush’s Texas ranch last month, is among those planning to participate...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Nearly two million flee Rita

Las Vegas Review-Journal


Hurricane Rita closed in on the Texas Gulf Coast and the heart of the U.S. oil-refining industry with howling 140 mph winds Thursday, but a sharper-than-expected turn to the right set it on a course that could spare Houston and nearby Galveston a direct hit. The storm's march toward land sent hundreds of thousands of people fleeing the nation's fourth-largest city in a frustratingly slow, bumper-to-bumper exodus...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Am Wiederaufbau verdienen - die Armen sollen zum Teufel gehen

Aktuell zur Situation in New Orleans: Buschkriegers Wiederaufbauprogramm in "Pioniertradition", warum viele nicht zurückkommen werden, über den Streit darum, wie New Orleans unter den Wasserspiegel kam, sowie neue Kritiken von afroamerikanischen Organisationen. Die Materialsammlung "Am Wiederaufbau verdienen" vom 22.September 2005:


Aus: LabourNet, 23. September 2005

The catastrophe we are watching unfold along the U.S. Gulf Coast is a wake-up call for decision makers around the globe

Worldwatch Institute: September 23, 2005

Please visit our website to view an online presentation about the Worldwatch Institute's activities, impacts, and needs.


An estimated 12,000 weather-related disasters since 1980 have caused 618,200 fatalities and resulted in economic losses of $1.3 trillion. In the 1980s, the average annual economic loss from weather-related disasters was $26 billion. In 2004, that number rose to $104 billion, and in 2005, Hurricane Katrina alone is expected to cost $100-200 billion in economic losses.

The catastrophe we are watching unfold along the U.S. Gulf Coast is a wake-up call for decision makers around the globe. If the world continues on its current course—massively destroying coastal wetlands and increasing fossil fuel consumption—future generations may face a chain of disasters that make Katrina-scale catastrophes a common feature of life in the 21st century.

At a time when politicians and the media have focused on immediate symptoms rather than long-term problems, Worldwatch plays a more important role than ever.

For example, well-financed opponents of action on climate change have delayed implementation of carbon dioxide emissions limits for over a decade, allowing global emissions to grow by 20 percent since 1990. The world’s population has expanded by more than a billion people during the same period, which is undermining the health of the ecosystems on which humanity relies, from forests to water and marine resources.

In the past few weeks, Worldwatch has been actively analyzing and communicating the lessons of Katrina, responding to scores of media requests and providing long-term context to the immediate crisis along the Gulf.

Worldwatch researchers are showing that goals such as reducing poverty, stabilizing the world’s climate, and slowing world population growth must be treated as part of an interconnected whole rather than in isolation.

With the help of many concerned people like you, we are redoubling our commitment to provide the information and vision needed to point the way toward leaving the world a better place for future generations.

Never has our work been more important to the world and never has the support of friends like you been more important to our work.

Please take a moment to view the short presentation outlining the work of the Institute by going to:


Then join us as we work together to create a healthy and sustainable world for generations to come.

Thank you.

Christopher Flavin

Informant: Hopedance

What to do in a failing civilization


Informant: Hopedance

Tobacco industry¹s strategies to undermine the work of the WHO


WHO due to recommend a new set of guidelines

From: Eileen O'Connor
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 10:08 AM

Dear Colleagues:

In early October, for the first time in 20 years, the World Health Organization (WHO) will assemble a panel to recommend a new set of exposure guidelines for power-frequency EMFs.

Few people have beard about the meeting. Yet, the electric utility industry will be there in force, sitting in on, and no doubt participating in, the weeklong deliberations.

Five years ago, the Committee of Experts on Tobacco Industry Documents issued a 260-page report documenting the tobacco industry¹s strategies to undermine the work of the WHO. (The full report is available at:

http://www.who.int/tobacco/media/en/who_inquiry.pdf )

In response, the WHO issued 15 pages of recommendations on how to make sure its work is never subverted again. Go to:

Yet, it seems that the WHO is unable to apply the hard lessons it learned from tobacco to other potentially harmful agents. Instead, the WHO now simply invites the industry to be part of the process.

We have posted on our Web site the names and affiliations of those who Mike Repacholi, the head of the WHO EMF project, has invited to observe the task group meeting in Geneva. You will also find the full list of panel members. Simply go to:


Louis Slesin, PhD
Editor, Microwave News
A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation
Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1 (212) 734-0316
E-mail: mwn@pobox.com
Internet: http://www.microwavenews.com
Mail: 155 East 77th Street, Suite 3D
New York, NY 10021, U.S.A.

Petition to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi

Gewerkschaften sind im realen Shareholderkapitalismus nicht angekommen - Die Erpressung mit der Auslagerungsdrohung



Nach der Wahl - was ist zu tun?
  • * Vorschläge zur Jahreskonferenz am 1.10.05 Frankfurt/M
    * Entwurf für eine Plattform der Gewerkschaftslinken
    * Politische Krise der Gewerkschaften: Gewerkschaften sind im realen Shareholderkapitalismus nicht angekommen
    * Tarifpolitik der IGM: Wohin sollte der Weg gehen?
    * Dialog mit der Linkspartei
    * Die Erpressung mit der Auslagerungsdrohung

Gegen Billiglohn - Für Gleichbehandlung

Bitte die Demonstration unterstützen - Näheres siehe:
http://www.gegenbilliglohn.de/ unter
http://bi-gb.de/PDF/mindestlohninfonr.5-03.10.2005.zip kann man den aktuellen Aufruf herunterladen.


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September 2005

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