



Informant: V

Jobs, Not War

May 1: May Day Rally for Jobs, Not War - Bring the Troops Home Now!

Union Square 1 pm

Join us May 1 to say, "Jobs, Not War!" Thousands of working people, trade unionists, veterans, youth, and antiwar activists will take to the streets on May Day--International Workers Day--to demand jobs, housing, and education, not war and occupation.


On March 19, thousands of activists, students, veterans, and community organizers joined in a historic march from Harlem's Marcus Garvey Park to Central Park to demand an end to the illegal occupation of Iraq.

The turnout for this demonstration confirms that the antiwar movement has entered into a new phase of organizing against the war. It confirms that the greatest attention must be paid to reaching out to communities most impacted by the war and by the policies of the Bush Administration. These communities are the targets of the budget cuts. They are also targeted by military recruiters, who exploit economic hardship with false promises of opportunity. As a result, the children of these communities are dying disproportionately in Iraq, paying the ultimate price for a policy of greed and empire.

Next Step: May Day

On May 1 the Troops Out Now Coalition and the NYC Million Worker March are calling for a Jobs, Not War! - Bring the Troops Home Now! rally in Union Square, NYC.

May Day grew out of the struggle of working people in this country more than 100 years ago for an 8-hour workday with a full day's pay. All over the world, working and poor people march on May Day to send the message that workers are united and have the right to a job, a living wage, health care, housing and education. Workers have a right to pensions and social security. Immigrant workers and the unemployed should have the same rights. On May Day 2005, let's bring back that fighting spirit.

This is an important opportunity to link the struggle against the war with the struggle for jobs, healthcare, and education here at home.

Now, more than ever, the antiwar movement needs to be in the streets to oppose the Bush Administration's agenda of endless war. Two years ago, George W. Bush took the U.S. into war under the pretense that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Now, his Administration is claiming that Iran and North Korea possess weapons of mass destruction. It is important that we expose any talk of removing the threat of nuclear weapons as just another justification for a pre-emptive war against the people of Iran and Korea.

As the Bush Administration gears up for new military adventures, working people at home are under attack, as budgets for education, housing, and healthcare are slashed, the cost of living rises, and jobs are disappearing.

For more than 100 years, May Day has been a day for working people to be in the streets, united in the struggle for jobs, healthcare, and housing. Join us in the streets, May 1 in Union Square!

What you can do:

1) Endorse the May 1 Rally: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/may1endorse.html

2) Help get the word out. Download flyers at

3) Donate: http://www.troopsoutnow.org/donate.html

4) Organize transportation from your area:

Bolton In His Own Words

Pass It On: Bolton In His Own Words

by StopBolton.org

Listen to Bush's nominee for U.N. ambassador as he shows just how little he cares for international institutions:


Source: http://www.tompaine.com/index.php#passiton

The End Of Shared Prosperity

by Mark Trahant, Seattle Post-Intelligencer

The latest numbers on the economy show Bush's America to be increasingly unequal and unsustainable.


Foreign Policy and the Power Elite


Informant: Our bill of rights

More Hollywood NWO Propaganda

Prison Planet | April 5 2005

From a reader.....

This weekend I watched "The Final Cut" with Robin Williams. I don't remember this movie when it was released in theaters but I was surprised that I haven't seen or heard anything about it until now.

From the film's website:

"A Zoe Chip is placed in your brain at birth to record your entire life. When you die the footage from your life is edited into a "Rememory" - a film shown at your funeral pieced together by an editor. A toy for the privileged, Zoe Chips are changing the face of human interaction, but there are those who are against this emerging technology, and believe that memories are meant to fade."

As you can conclude from the above synopsis this film is propaganda for the coming implantable chip (Verichip?). It also makes it a point to paint the Zoe chip protesters as "religious crazies".


'The Final Cut' - More Hollywood NWO Propaganda

Informant: Our bill of rights

ALG-II-Bezüge für April nach Suizidversuch und Sitzstreik ausgezahlt

e-Mail: information@soziale-bewegung.de Telefon: 0341-463 99 79; Fax: 0341-463 99 78, Internet: http://www.soziale-bewegung.de/Aktionen.htm

Am 7. März 2005 hat unsere Bedarfsgemeinschaft, bestehend aus mir und meiner Partnerin einen Fortzahlungsantrag auf Arbeitslosengeld II bei der Agentur für Arbeit gestellt. Ich bin Langzeitarbeitsloser, meine Partnerin Dialysepatientin und EU- Rentnerin.

Am Freitag 1. April hätte ich regulär Arbeitslosengeld II erhalten müssen. Der gestellte Antrag war jedoch gar nicht bearbeitet worden, folglich hatte ich noch keinen Arbeitslosengeld-II-Bescheid; also kein Geld, weder für den Lebensunterhalt noch für die Miete.

Meine Partnerin, die mit ihrer Rente für meinen Lebensunterhalt mit aufkommen muss, bekam daraufhin Existenzängste. Außerdem war es für sie nicht einsehbar, dass sie für die Unfähigkeit der Agentur nun bestraft wird.

Deshalb begab sie sich am Vormittag auf das Sozialamt, welches für Rentner zuständig ist, um nachzufragen, was jetzt passieren muss, damit wenigstens das Geld für die Miete gezahlt wird. Mein Vermieter will die Miete nämlich immer pünktlich haben. Im Sozialamt bekam sie aber nur zu hören: „Uns interessiert ihre Miete nicht und im Übrigen sind sie ein Schmarotzer der Gesellschaft, genau wie ihr asozialer Partner“. Da geriet sie offensichtlich in Panik und in einer Art Kurzschlusshandlung schnitt sie sich auf dem Sozialamt die Pulsadern auf. Sie wurde ins Parkkrankenhaus gebracht. Erst am Nachmittag teilte mir das Sozialamt in unverschämter Weise mit: “Wir haben ihre Partnerin zwangseinweisen lassen“, ohne auch nur im geringsten mitzuteilen, was geschehen war. Am Abend erfuhr ich dann im Krankenhaus, was wirklich geschehen war.

Am Montag den 4. April ging ich dann gegen 8:00 Uhr zur Agentur für Arbeit. Ich hatte mir geschworen, ich gehe nicht ohne Geld aus dem Amt. „Bewaffnet“ mit einem Schreiben des Bundesbeauftragten für den Datenschutz, dem Grundgesetz, dem BGB und der Visitenkarte eines Anwaltes setzte ich mich um 9. 00 Uhr in das Zimmer der Bearbeiterin. Im Amt angekommen sagte ich: „Ich verlasse die Agentur für Arbeit erst, wenn ich meinen ALG-II-Bescheid und Geld erhalten habe. Ich verweise auf Artikel 34 des Grundgesetzes und im Zweifelsfall rufe ich meinen Anwalt an. Die Polizei können sie gern holen. Im Knast brauche ich nämlich kein Geld“. Die Polizei wurde nicht geholt, aber ein Ordner der Agentur setzte sich ganz dicht neben mich. Ich kam mir vor wie ein Untersuchungshäftling. Die Bearbeiterin sagte dann: „Sie sind in Widerspruch gegen ihren vorherigen Bescheid gegangen und da haben wir keine Akten, folglich können sie kein Geld bekommen“. Ich konterte: „1. habe ich ein Widerspruchsrecht. 2. Hat der erste Bescheid nichts mit dem zweiten zu tun. Und 3. Ist die drei Monate Bearbeitungsfrist für meinen ersten Widerspruch längst überschritten, weswegen ich dazu schon eine entsprechende Untätigkeitsklage beim Sozialgericht eingereicht habe und nun schweige ich und warte bis ich den Bescheid und das mir zustehende Geld bekomme.“ Man versuchte dann einige plumpe Provokationen gegen mich. Ich schwieg aber beharrlich.

Gegen 13 Uhr kam dann die Wende: „Wir kommen Ihnen entgegen und bearbeiten den Vorgang, denn die Akten haben wir nun doch gefunden. Wir sind ja kulant.“ – Blanker Zynismus. Gegen 14 Uhr hatte ich einen Bescheid und eine Barauszahlung der vollen Leistung für den April.

Meine Partnerin wurde am 6. April aus dem Krankenhaus entlassen. Es ist ein Skandal, wie man uns in unbedachte Handlungen treibt, wie Strafgefangene und Aussätzige behandelt und uns obendrein noch die paar Euro, welche zum Leben nicht reichen, streitig macht.

[Der Text wurde für die Veröffentlichung als Handzettel anonymisiert und der Ort des Geschehens weggelassen.]

Bitte sendet uns Eure Berichte an: information@soziale-bewegung.de
Viele von denen, die noch beschäftigt sind, glauben nicht, was derzeit passiert.

Your Moment in History...

Click here to watch now!

Watch an inspiring 60 second video spot promoting the work and vision of The Peace Alliance and the Department of Peace Campaign .

Help spread the word!
Forward this email to anyone who might be interested in learning more. http://www.ThePeaceAlliance.org/your_moment.html

Spot written and produced by Adam Klugman. -- Thank you!
Flash animation by Eric Blumrich.

Haftungsfragen: Bündnis warnt vor weiterer Aufweichung des Gentechnik-Gesetzes


Der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND), Landwirte und Imker haben davor gewarnt, das Gentechnikgesetz weiter zu verwässern. Nachdem bereits der öffentliche Zugang zum Standortregister eingeschränkt worden sei, drohe nun bei den Verhandlungen zwischen Bundesrat und Bundestag zum Gentechnikgesetz Teil zwei auch noch die Aufweichung der Haftungsregeln. Landwirte und Bienenzüchter befürchten große finanzielle Einbußen durch den Einsatz der Gentechnik in der Agrarwirtschaft.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:


Seal Pup Slaughter and the Canadian Fish Boycott


The Fight to save the Arctic Refuge is far from over

April 4, 2005

Despite the U.S. Senate's recent vote to include Arctic drilling in its budget resolution, our fight to save the Arctic Refuge is far from over.

In the weeks to come, there will be many more opportunities for you to take action to stop this assault on America's greatest wildlife refuge.

In the meantime, the NRDC Action Fund is hard at work exploding many of the myths that the oil lobby and the Bush administration are trying to sell Congress and the American people. First and foremost is their claim that drilling in the Arctic Refuge would disturb only 2,000 acres of wildlife habitat in the 1.5-million-acre coastal plain.

Check out the map below to see for yourself why oil development could easily industrialize and despoil the entire expanse of this irreplaceable sanctuary for wildlife. Clicking on the map will take you to a larger map and a fuller explanation on the Action Fund website.

While you're at the website, you can help spread the word about this mortal threat to the Arctic Refuge by forwarding a message from Robert Redford to your friends, family and colleagues. We need to mobilize an army of concerned people for the fight ahead.

The Senate's approval of a budget resolution is just the first round in what promises to be a drawn-out battle. To complete its raid on the Arctic, both houses of Congress must now agree on both a budget resolution and a budget reconciliation bill -- something they have been unable to do in recent years due to controversies over deficit spending and other issues.

The NRDC Action Fund will be fighting at every step of the way to prevent passage of any final budget agreement that includes Arctic drilling. I know we can count on you to stand with us.


John H. Adams
NRDC Action Fund

To view a full size map and complete explanation, please click on the map below:

FBI monitored British activists



Support Professor Ward Churchill



Accusations and Smear

An Interview with Professor Ward Churchill (Part 1 of 5)

by Joshua Frank

Ward Churchill is a professor of Ethnic Studies at the University of Colorado, Boulder, and recently came under fire for an article he wrote following September 11, 2001 titled, "Some Push Back." He is also the author of numerous books, including On the Justice of Roosting Chickens and A Little Matter of Genocide. Churchill recently sat down with Joshua Frank to discuss his ordeal, and this is the first part of their five-part interview....



Olympic National Forest Begins Ramping Up Timber Sale Volume, Proposes to Log Mount Walker and Surrounding Area

The Forest Service proposed on March 22, 2005 to initiate a huge timber sale on Mount Walker, Mount Turner, and Rocky Brook Valley in the Northeast section of the Olympic National Forest. Known as the Jackson Thin, this sale would encompass up to 3,200 acres. The sale would additionally entail up to 9 miles of new logging road construction – much of it on Mount Walker, a popular destination for hikers, sightseers, and their families. How we wish this was merely an April Fools’ joke, but it’s serious as a bad case of stomach flu.

The Forest Service claims the project would thin the forest in such a way that would “accelerate” the development of old-growth characteristics. But this is like cutting a long-distance runner’s arms off in a foolhardy attempt to reduce her wind resistance. Much of the forest targeted for thinning, including that found on Mounts Walker and Turner, has been growing without interference since a late-19th century fire. It now sports big trees and irreplaceable wildlife habitat, and is within only a few decades of becoming genuine old growth all on its own – without any help from Forest Service bureaucrats. If chainsaws and bulldozers are allowed in these native forests, their maturation and beauty will be set back dramatically.

This is the beginning of the Olympic National Forest’s desire, discussed publicly several times over the past year, to increase the timber volume level three times over what has been allowed in the Northwest Forest Plan. The long, dark shadow of George W. Bush is being cast on Olympic National Forest.

We can’t allow this to happen. The Jackson Thin is still in its early stages of planning, so it’s critical that interested folks weigh in and contribute their opinions now. The Forest Service must hear from a broad spectrum of people that their plans are completely unacceptable.

We all know that Olympic National Forest is one of the crown jewels of the Great Northwest, so it’s high time the Forest Service started managing it that way.

Talking points when communicating with the Forest Service:

· Olympic National Forest already has over 2,000 miles of decaying logging roads. No more logging roads should be built, even if the Forest Service’s public relations machine falsely calls them “temporary” roads. Enough is enough!

· The Forest Service should stay out of century-old forest stands, like those found on Mount Walker and Mount Turner. These forests are maturing and diversifying naturally, and will only be wrecked by cutting out thousands of their trees and slicing them up with new logging roads.

Thank you! Direct your comments, no later than April 21, to:

Yewah Lau
Olympic National Forest
1835 Black Lake Blvd. SW, Suite A
Olympia, WA 98512
(360) 956-2402

To see a copy of the Forest Service’s scoping letter on Jackson Thin,
click below.


Informant: Deane

Logging giant APP is hit with charges of unlawful tree clearing

Another environmental watchdog in China bares its fangs as Singapore-based logging giant APP is hit with charges of unlawful tree clearing. A student protest in China has also targetted supermarkets stocking APP products


The State Forestry Administration has taken official action against the company and its operations in the south-western province of Yunnan.

"The investigation is not finished yet, but we have indeed spotted illegal logging in an APP project after initial investigation. We believe that both APP and local governments are responsible for the violation," Wang Zhuxiong, a senior SFA official told the official newsagency Xinhua.

The news comes in the wake of a damning report by Greenpeace on the company’s tree felling practices in Yunnan, which was released last November. The environmental group claims that APP sequestered a 1.8 million acre plot in, intensively clear-felled it and replaced it with plantation crops.

Greenpeace says this is an example of APP’s “international record of illegal logging” and is evidence that it is “repeating its traditional practice of clearing natural forest for plantations in Yunnan.

Despite the fact that the company signed an understanding with provincial authorities, Greenpeace claims that there is no felling permit and that APP’s operations violate China’s Forestry Law.

APP was quoted in a Xinhua article as saying the company only targeted wasteland.

Similarly, the company’s relationship with environmental group WWF in Indonesia eventually dissolved on the basis of similar disagreements over what is “degraded” forest and thus open for logging, and what is wilderness and thus off-limits.

An APP spokesperson in China contacted by Ethical Corporation referred us to an earlier statement which outlined the company’s environmental approach.

The statement argues that the company has been pushing for a “forest-pulp-paper integration” scheme which, they argue “ensures that we have full control over the entire paper-making process – from the planting of trees for sustainable raw materials to the use of eco-friendly technology for processing pulp and paper.”

The statement also says the company has invested in a range of technologies to reduce environmental impacts.

“We share the same objective as those who are concerned for the environment – to protect our habitat, the earth. At the same time, we recognise that the only way to protect our natural resources and benefit the community is through a sustainable economic model,” it says.

No direct reference is made to the pending legal action.

Environmental shift

The case highlights a shift in environmental consciousness in China.

At a general level, it is evidence that the government appears prepared to allow environmental NGOs some leeway to target both foreign and local companies, as well as local government officials.

The enormous increase in numbers of conservation groups in the country looks to have been encouraged by Beijing authorities who perhaps see these groups as acting as the sharp edge of environmental reforms, which many in the government are keen to pursue.

In this way, green groups in China may be emerging as de facto environmental regulators, highlighting problems and spotting trouble areas, whilst not sapping government resources.

At a more specific level, the case may be the first example of a foreign company being taken to court on environmental grounds, says Xinhua. While no action has yet been served on the company, commentators are watching closely as it may become a foundation for company-government relations in regard to environmental sustainability.

If charged and convicted, APP operatives face harsh punishment. Under Chinese law, illegal deforestation carries a maximum seven year jail term.

At this stage, environmental officials are certainly talking up the case. "No violator will escape punishment when the investigation is finished," said Wang, deputy director of the Forest Resources Management Department under the SFA, at a national conference on cracking down on deforestation activities in Beijing.

The announcement comes as a mass student protest in China stage a Day of Action in six cities to call on the company to cease their “destructive logging practices”, according to a statement.

The students will be boycotting APP products and will be asking companies to follow. Protestors took up positions in front of supermarket shelves featuring APP products in Beijing, Hefei, Nanning, Lanzhou, Harbin and Chengdu. Passing shoppers were told of the company’s forestry operations in Yunnan and elsewhere.

However, many environmentalists are approaching the possibility that China may be tidying up its timber industry with some caution.

While such cases as this may indicate a strengthening of legislation, many are concerned that the country’s industry is simply exporting the problems elsewhere by buying in lumber from countries such as Russia or Indonesia, where environmental standards are limited and from where illegal wood smuggling is common.

Write to James Rose at James.Rose@ethicalcorp.com

Informant: Deane

Putnam Lumber makes inroads into China



360 million Chinese without safe drinking water, chronic urban shortages


Informant: Deborah Barrie

RFID-Chips: Werden Bürgerinnen und Bürger ausspioniert?


19. Nürnberger Mediengespräch

RFID-Chips: Werden Bürgerinnen und Bürger ausspioniert?
Peter Lokk im Gespräch mit padeluun vom Bielefelder Datenschutzverein FoeBuD e.V.

RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) sind winzige Chips mit Antenne, die eine eindeutige Seriennummer enthalten, die über Funk abgefragt werden kann. RFID-Etiketten sollen bei Industrie und Handel die Strichcodes ablösen und in Produkte eingearbeitet werden, beispielsweise in Kleidung. Sie können ohne Sichtkontakt aus einiger Entfernung ausgelesen werden. Es entstehen riesige Datenbanken mit Bewegungsprofilen. Datenschützer befürchten eine neue Dimension von Überwachung, Kontrolle und Manipulation.

Ort, Zeit:

Nürnberger Bildungszentrum
Gewerbemuseumsplatz 1, 90403 Nürnberg
8. April 2005, 19.00 bis 21.00 Uhr, Eintritt frei!

Auskunft erteilt:
Peter Lokk
Tel. 089 1675106 (Montag, Dienstag)
Tel. 0911 2315821 (Mittwoch, Donnerstag)

Eine Aussendung von:

FoeBuD e.V. c/o Art d'Ameublement, Marktstr. 18, D-33602 Bielefeld
Tel: 0521-175254, Fax: 0521-61172, http;//www.foebud.org

Großer Lauschangriff, Schnüffelchips, Videoüberwachung
Da kann man kann ja doch nichts gegen machen? Irrtum.

Controversy over Gene Therapy ‘Breakthrough’


Global warming: Shutdown of Atlantic current would ravage food stocks




12:00 - 05 April 2005

Anti-phone mast campaigners have reacted with disappointment to a Government announcement promising more research into the future development of base stations. A short statement was issued late last night by Planning Minister Yvette Cooper promising the commissioning of "more research into the future development of mobile phone mast networks".

The research will look at the potential for increasing sharing of mast sites between the major phone companies.

National planning chiefs will also look at the effectiveness of the Sitefinder database which is supposed to list all base stations in the UK and their emission levels.

Planning Minister Yvette Cooper said: "It is important to identify the future direction of mobile phone technology in order to inform policy development and to respond to public interest in this area."

The Echo revealed earlier this year how the number of masts nationwide had doubled to more than 50,000 since 2001 when the Stewart Report was published recommending the adoption of a "precautionary principle".

Jenny Wright, who has led a campaign against two masts within 100 metres of her home near Broadclyst, said: "If they stop putting the masts on top of our homes, schools and hospitals, then they can share whatever sites they want.

"I'm sure the Government has only come out with this because of the election."

This is Exeter


Advocate General recommends in favour of the ANH landmark case




Strafgebühr für Jobvernichter gefordert


British election fraud exposed by Judge

A massive vote-rigging scandal by agents of the ruling political party in Britain has been exposed.

An extensive and systematic fraud was carried out during the last year's election by agents of Prime Minister Tony Blair's political party, the "Labour Party", involving "intimidation", "bribery", "vote-buying", impersonation", and a "vote-forging factory" and even the burning of opposition votes.

The British government routinely criticises elections in certain foreign countries in their diplomatic black-list, although like the USA the UK turns a blind-eye to electoral fraud when it occurs under client regimes.

The British mass media declared the recent election recent in Zimbabwe a fraud, citing opposition leaders and official British and American sources, but failed to explain why or provide any evidence.

In any Weststern democracy the system prevents ordinary people from obtaining power by ensuring that only candidates who are either extremely wealthy or backed by an established political party stand any chance of winning.


Kein Platz für Arme?

Cohre - "Center on Housing Rights And Evictions" - hat eine ausführliche (englische) Dokumentation vorgelegt, die eine Gesamtbilanz der Stadtplanungs- und Vertreibungspolitik (neudeutsch: Segregation) von der Gründung der Stadt bis heute darstellt. Sie zeigt, neben vielem anderen, das sich die Situation der Armen in der Stadt nicht verändert hat - auch die Argumente der Stadtplaner kaum: Zuviel Müll, zu gefährlich, keine Reparatur möglich, es muss neu gebaut werden. Eine Lektion - auch in Sachen Politik "progressiver" Regierungen. Und auch für von gar nicht progressiven Regierungen Betroffenen, wie etwa in Hartz-County. Die Dokumentation "Any Room for the Poor? - Forced Evictions in Johannesburg" vom 17.Februar 2005 bei Cohre:

Aus: LabourNet Nachrichtensammlung, Band 24, Eintrag 2

Spending, not tax cuts, has sent federal deficit spiraling

by Stephen Moore

Heartland Institute


You know that fiscal sanity has flown south for the winter when Nancy Pelosi and Ted Kennedy are throwing eggs at the Republicans for their budgetary recklessness. Kennedy has been on a tirade about how George Bush took a $200 billion budget surplus and converted it into a $400 billion deficit. President Bush released his 2006 budget of the United States government on February 7. Bush requested just over $2.6 trillion in spending. That's $2,600,000,000,000. If a Democrat proposed a budget this size, Republican fiscal hawks would squawk to the rafters of the Capitol Dome in protest. This is more money than the federal government spent in its first 120 years combined!


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

When opposing voices do not oppose

by Paul Craig Roberts



The opposition party does not oppose. The Bush administration has given Democrats more opportune targets than President Clinton's sexcapade with Monica Lewinski provided Republicans. But the Democrats are too weak to capitalize on the political opportunities. The failures of Democrats and Republicans offer chances to libertarians. But libertarians are politically impotent. Their ideology and abstract commitments are perceived as taking precedence over the wellbeing of their fellow citizens...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Conversion diversion

by Mark Leon Goldberg

The American Prospect


By now, John Bolton's crass assessment of the utility of 10 floors of the UN building in New York is well known. Known, too, is his disdain for the very idea of international law and his dealings with foreign agents. Indeed, in his decades in and out of public service and think tankdom, he has developed a reputation as one of Washington's less diplomatic figures. ... The challenge for Democrats is to prove Bolton's radicalism. ... But Bolton has fought this battle before. In Bush's first term, he narrowly won confirmation as undersecretary of state for arms control and international security. ... If he wins confirmation this time around, it will likely be because he's able to convince the moderate Republicans that ... he'll serve only as a steward of Bush's agenda at the United Nations and will not pursue his own agenda. And that may just work, for he's hoodwinked the committee with that line before...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Free Trade?

by Irwin M. Stelzer

The Weekly Standard


Because we have to borrow from overseas to finance our appetite for imports, foreigners now hold 45 percent of all Treasury IOUs, some $2 trillion in Treasury bonds and notes. Which brings us to China. The increasingly belligerent foreign policy of the Chinese regime, including warnings to Australia about its American alliance, and stepped-up threats to Taiwan, has set nerves jangling in Washington, and focused geopolitical types on an issue that has until now concerned only trade experts. America's trade deficit with China hit $162 billion last year, the largest ever recorded with a single country. As a result, China has vaults filled with America's IOUs...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Republican stepchildren

by W. James Antle III

The American Conservative

While some of the post-election chatter about values voters was exaggerated, the designation describes a real and growing electoral phenomenon. According to the Pew Research Center, nearly four out of five white evangelical Christians supported President Bush in 2004, representing more than a third of all ballots cast for him. When traditionalist Catholics and members of other conservative religious communities are factored in, it becomes clear that the voters usually lumped together under the banner of the Religious Right form the largest single constituency of today's Republican Party. As the euphoria from November begins to fade, however, some conservative Christians are starting to ask hardheaded questions about how much clout they are getting in return for their stalwart support... (for publication 04/11/05)


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

One vote one voice

by Melinda Pillsbury-Foster

Liberty For All


A growing number of Americans from all parties now believe that the recently past presidential election was, in fact, stolen. If that is true, and the evidence points to this conclusion, then it may be that America will never again have an election that allows Americans to truly change their government. It is not unreasonable to be frightened. Most Americans are uneasy. Libertarians, more aware than most, have confronted the problems of encroaching government for more than a generation now and the fruits of our labors in the vineyards of politics have been a scant and bitter harvest. What we have been doing did not work...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The teetering empire

by Scott Horton



It is easy to be a cheerleader for empire. 'We're winning the War on Terror!' Many Americans apparently believe that the military will keep the rest of the world (which they see as inexplicably perturbed at us) at bay, and that we may continue pretending our choice of direction secures our long-term security. In the past, it may have been easy to imagine America and its Constitution lasting many more lifetimes, but it is becoming harder to suspend disbelief as the body count, price tag, and growing resentment wrought by our current adventures continue to mount. More Americans seem to be catching on. Empire weakens us. By definition, empire means overextension, dependence on the conquered, debt, taxes, and highly centralized power. None of these things are conducive to a lasting, limited republic. The 'father of the Constitution,' James Madison, said as much...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Don't Count on Washington to Protect us From Looming Banking Crisis



Save this somewhere:

Study to assess mobile mast risks

Firms may be asked to share masts

New research is to be carried out into mobile phone technology, and the location and use of mobile phone masts, the government has announced.

A study will examine whether the number of cell phone "relay stations" can be reduced by firms having to share them.

Ministers are already reviewing the planning procedure for the masts.

The announcement follows several reports suggesting the masts may represent a health risk and a number of protests in areas where they are built.

Ofcom probe

In January scientists from the National Radiological Protection Board warned that young people were at greatest risk from the potentially-harmful health effects of mobile phone emissions.

Professor Sir William Stewart, who headed the study, said children under eight should not use mobile telephones at all.

The board also said more research could be done into mobile phone masts and suggested the location of the masts could be subject to independent review.

"It is important to identify the future direction of mobile phone technology in order to inform policy development and to respond to public interest in this area," Planning Minister Yvette Cooper said.

The study will assess whether Ofcom provides adequate information about current mast locations.

Other studies have highlighted the possible dangers of using mobile telephones.

A study by the Karolinska Institute in Sweden published last year concluded that long-term mobile phone users had nearly double the risk of getting a tumour on a nerve connecting the ear to the brain.

EU-funded research has found mobile phone radiation could damage DNA cells.


Informant: Sylvie

New Kp Index Spike; Will Earthquake/Volcano Follow?

Within the last two hours, a new ‘spike’ has registered on the Kp Index. This will be a good opportunity to see if “unusual” earthquake or volcanic activity occurs. I highlight “unusual” because anything else could be explained away as “nominal” and would most likely be correct.

So what would determine “unusual”? I would say geographical areas less likely to experience earthquakes. It could also be large or ‘mega’ quakes anywhere on Earth. It is really hard to say. This is going to be a difficult area of research to prove a 72 hour causal effect. But lets just see what happens in the next two days.

When it comes to volcanoes, this may be less cumbersome to discern. I would say a sudden and unexpected eruption such as what happened with Mount St. Helens on March 7th would qualify. I would also keep a close eye on active or semi-dormant super-volcanoes such as Toba, Yellowstone, and Long Valley .

This is area of research is so new, I would measure it in weeks and months, not years or decades. That’s right folks, you are witnessing the birth of a new area of study as it unfolds “live” and most cases in ‘real time’ as I interview the top minds in the field of solar weather and earth science. This could not be more exciting, and potentially most explosive.

So why now? Well I would have to state the most obvious. 1) It could be as simple as someone asking the right questions. Yes, just becoming aware of current events and asking why. And believe me folks, I am hot on the trail and will continue to do just that. 2) The reason may not only be asking the right questions, but what drew my attention to begin this line of research. This is to say there may in fact be something occurring in this very time that was not present before. As we all have learned, a galactic super wave or gamma ray burst occurred some 50,000 light years away which was so intense, when the wave hit the Earth’s magnetic field, the sky become brighter than the moon in the middle of the night.

Dr. Stefaan Poedts: ESA (European Space Agency) Lead Scientist on plasma astrophysics is one of the top scientists in the world in the area of galactic waves. His research is situated in the field of computational and nonlinear Magnetohydrodynamics with applications in 'solar astrophysics'. He is particularly interested in MHD (magnetic hydro dynamics) wave dynamics (generation, propagation, and dissipation) of coronal loops, coronal holes, galactic and extra-galactic jets, and galactic and accretion disks and in the nonlinear dynamics of Coronal Mass Ejections and super-fast magnetized flows around comets, moons, and planets and the MHD shock interactions in such flows (related to space weather and earth science).

As you heard ‘live’ in my interview on the ECTV ‘Radio Hour’, Dr. Poedts supports my premise of a possible connection between a ‘spike’ in the Kp Index and its possible corraltion to seismic or volcanic activity. He goes further in suggesting it could be some sort of cosmic influence interaction with the Earth’s core.

Now lets take a look at it from a more ‘esoteric’ or metaphysical perspective.

Mahala , one of our contributing editors we host on our “Earth Astrology” page said the following:

“The energies have been really different since the tsunami last December. Could this change in energy have to do with the gamma ray burst that happened just 44.6 hours after the tsunami? This gamma ray burst was 100 times more intense than any burst that had been previously recorded, equaling the brightness of the full Moon. This burst originated from SGR1806-2 which is a neutron star and is located about 10 degrees northeast of the Galactic center and about 45,000 light years from us. In Paul LaViolette's book titled Earth Under Fire he presents evidence that a strong gravity wave might be expected to travel forward in front of a galactic superwave and would be the first to arrive here. He points out that such gravity waves could induce substantial tidal forces on Earth during their passage that could induce earthquakes and cause polar axis torquing effects. Isn't that exactly what happened on December 26, 2004? There could also have been other events associated with that quake.

We are still reeling from the effects of that Gamma Ray Burst. That burst hit the moon first, and then it bounced off and hit the Earth's ionosphere, which caused it to light up. This burst was very high frequency energy and the Earth is still shaking and quaking from it. On December 26, there were 17 major 6 and 7 point earthquakes recorded. By December 27, about 30 quakes were recorded, not only in the Sumatra area, but all over the world, and it's still quaking.

From ECTV/Breaking News


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