
An “Affirmative Measure” to Help Prevent the Commission of War Crimes by the Bush Administration


From IRC Communications

Pod of 20 Whales Beached on Remote Australia Coast


Informant: Anna Webb

How earthquake jolted the planet


FYI - good article about the big picture effects this megaquake had on the Earth's rotation and the movement of the entire island of Sumatra.

Anna Webb

Planetary alignment can devastate the world in next few months


Informant: CHEROKEE

F.E.M.A.-Fatherland Security-Executive Orders: 10995 - 11005


Informant: Shanti Renfrew

A Victory Leading into the New Year

The fight against President Bush's proposed Wall Street sell-out of Social Security is on. The week before last, the Campaign for America's Future drew nearly 50 of the nation's top media outlets to broadcast opposition to the President's privatization scheme.

Just as the President rolled out with his first major post-election address to sell privatization as a "plan for the people," we were there to challenge him. We convened leaders of some of the nation's largest labor, seniors, women, civil rights and disability groups, met the press, called out the President's scam, and presented case after compelling case against privatization.

The top media outlets covering this event included...

> Los Angeles Times
> CBS News
> Knight Ridder
> Dallas Morning News
> Reuters, and
> Business Week

Through this coverage, millions of Americans heard the truth about the President's proposed Wall Street sell-out, and met the leaders determined to defend and strengthen America's most successful social insurance and anti-poverty program.

Here's where you can see which media outlets covered the event, and get links to their coverage:


This successful media push is just the start of an aggressive campaign we've launched heading into 2005 to challenge the President head on, and defeat his #1 domestic priority. We are determined to continue building on this momentum in the new year to strengthen and defend America's safety net from Bush's privatization scheme.

We're grateful for all of the opportunities we've had to fight side by side with you over the past year, and take great pride in the progress we all continue to make. With your continued support we're confident that we will win on this front and many others.

As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. so aptly stated, "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice."

Thank you again for all of your support this past year. We look forward to continuing the fight with you in 2005, and will keep you posted as the next round approaches.

Thanks again for all that you do!


Robert L. Borosage, Co-Director
Campaign for America's Future

Roger Hickey, Co-Director
Campaign for America's Future

YEI Attorneys send 'Virtually Identical' LEGAL THREAT to Hometown Paper



Informant: Laurel

Congress Is Quiet on Abuse of Detainees


Government 'Freedom' Is No Freedom


UMTS-EINFÜHRUNG - E-PLUS fühlt sich von VODAFONE verschaukelt

29.12.2004 - 09:25

In Deutschlands Mobilfunkbranche ist ein heftiger Streit um die Einführung der neuen Mobilfunk-Technologie UMTS entbrannt. Da man auf der Suche nach der Killerapplikation nicht fündig wurde, schiebt man sich gegenseitig den Schwarzen Peter zu. So hat der Chef des drittgrößten Mobilfunkanbieters E-Plus, Uwe Bergheim, massiv die Praxis des Konkurrenten Vodafone (875999) angegriffen, UMTS-Endgeräte fast kostenlos abzugeben.

Man habe die Chance vertan, die Subventionen für Handys mit der UMTS-Einführung zu beenden, so Bergheim zur "Berliner Zeitung". Es sei falsch, wertvolle Endgeräte zu verschenken, wenn die Nutzer ihre Möglichkeiten gar nicht ausschöpfen könnten. "Wer glaubt, dass sich so das Nutzungsverhalten ändert und Datendienste mehr nachgefragt werden, täuscht sich gewaltig", sagte der E-Plus-Chef.

Eigentlich waren sich alle Mobilnetzbetreiber einig, die hohen Handy-Subventionen langsam aber sicher zu beenden. Die KPN (890963)-Tochter E-Plus hatte sich wie ihre Wettbewerber für einen Abbau von Gerätesubventionen ausgesprochen. Branchenprimus T-Mobile wäre sogar bereit, dafür auf Marktanteile zu verzichten. Einen Alleingang könne E-Plus allerdings nicht schultern.

Für die Lizenzen zum Betrieb eines deutschen UMTS-Netzes haben die großen Telekommunikationskonzerne insgesamt 50,8 Mrd. Euro an den Staat gezahlt, weitere Milliarden flossen in den Netzaufbau. Zwei Anbieter blieben bereits auf der Strecke: mobilcom (662240) und Quam. Entsprechend groß ist der Druck, mit der aufwändigen Technik möglichst bald Geld zu verdienen.

© 1998 - 2004 by Boersenreport.de AG. Alle Rechte vorbehalten.


Blackwell doesn't want to be interviewed in vote challenge

Associated Press

Andrew Welsh-Huggins

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell has requested a protective order to prevent him from being interviewed as part of an unusual court challenge of the presidential vote.

read article:

Labor to Join Count-the-Vote Rally on Jan. 3

ILCA Online

By David Swanson, ILCA

The Cleveland Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO) will be sending buses to Columbus on Jan. 3 to support a "Count Every Vote" pro-democracy rally being organized by Rainbow/PUSH, the NAACP National Voter Fund, Progressive Democrats of America, and several other organizations.

read article:

Ohio GOP election officials ducking subpoenas as Kerry enters stolen vote fray

The Free Press

by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman

COLUMBUS -- Ohio Republican election officials thumbed their noses at a subpoena Monday, December 27, as Republican Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell refused to appear at a deposition in an election challenge lawsuit filed at the Ohio Supreme Court. Meanwhile John Kerry is reported to have filed a federal legal action aimed at preserving crucial recount evidence, which has been under GOP assault throughout the state.

read article:


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