
Toxic wildlife threatens health of Russian Inuit

"Children are affected in the most critical points of their development"

Jane George janeg@nunatsiaq.com

Dr. Larisa Abrutina is a Yupik physician who works with the Russian
Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North. (PHOTO BY JANE GEORGE)

REYKJAVIK - If you eat seal or walrus, boil the meat and avoid eating
the liver or fat. Better yet, eat arctic char or caribou.

That's the advice from a new report on persistent organic pollutants,
toxic substances which are in the northern food chain and, at high
levels, can cause severe damage to human health.

The report tabled last week at the Arctic Council meeting in Iceland is called Persistent Toxic Substances, Food Security and Indigenous Peoples of the Russian North. It shows Russia's Arctic regions are heavily toxic and high levels of persistent organic pollutants or POPs threaten human health.

"Children are affected in the most critical points of their development - as a fetus and while breastfeeding," said Vitaly Kimstach, one of the authors of the report.

In many cases these dangerously high levels of POPs present in the blood of Inuit in Chukotka are the same as have been found in Inuit in Nunavik and other coastal regions of the Arctic, the report says.

The situation in coastal Chukotka is said several times to be "comparable" or "similar" to Nunavik, with many levels for POPs about the same.

The POPs examined in the report include polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs, flame retardants, pesticides like DDT, combustion products and heavy metals. The POPs come from Europe, Russia, North America and South East Asia, carried by the wind, water or other forms of contact.

From the Kola Peninsula in western Siberia to Chukotka in the East, the report's results showed all Russian indigenous communities had moderate - or much higher - exposure to the major groups of global environmental pollutants.

The levels of POPs are so high in Chukotka that, even after factoring out smoking and alcohol, researchers found there was a relationship between high levels of POPs and a low birth weight, prematurity, miscarriages and chronic diseases in older women.

The levels of PCBs also affected the number of males or females born in Chukotka, with more female babies born to women with higher levels of PCBs. These female children are also subject to more negative health impacts.

Chukotka was by far the worst of four regions the report looked at. The region's death rate for indigenous peoples is more than twice the Russian average.

In Chukotka's capital city of Providenya, there is no treatment of sewage or waste water and industry spews out airborne pollutants.

Coastal residents of Chukotka are worse off than city dwellers because they consume a diet heavy in the fat and fermented meats of marine mammals. The fat of walrus and seal, as well as the organ meats, are loaded with contaminants.

To make matters worse, Yupik Inuit in Chukotka often use plastic pails that have stored pesticides to ferment meat or else they bury it outside in contaminated soil. The popular home-made alcoholic mash called "braga" is also a POP-laden soup.

The report looked at 1576 adults and 255 mother-child couples.

All of those with high levels of POPs in their blood were also found to live in houses full of PCB contamination, possibly from the tonnes of
PCBs Russia used to produce in the form of paints and varnishes that end up in the food and bodies of people who live there.

The surprise, said Kimstach, one of the reports authors, is that the levels of mercury were fairly low in Chukotka.

The good news is that pregnant women, who are often sent away from their communities to deliver, similar to expectant mothers in Nunavik, have lower levels of POPs because they eat less country foods when they're away from their home communities.

The report also found Chukotkans with higher incomes and more education have lower levels of POPs in their systems - possibly because they are able to afford store-bought food.

Dr. Larisa Abrutina is a Yupik physician who works with the Russian Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North and also contributed to the report. Despite the report's findings, she said it's still important for Inuit to eat country foods because of their cultural and nutritional value.

Abrutina suggests boiling traditional foods instead of fermenting them and avoiding organ meats and fat to reduce the load of contaminants.

The problem of stopping the flow of POPs to the Arctic regions is complex, she admits, because pesticides like DDT are still used in Africa to prevent malaria and the death of millions of people.

At the same time, Russia has not ratified the Stockholm Convention to reduce the production of POPs globally.

Russia's ratification of this deal will be a priority for the Russian Chairmanship of the Arctic Council.

The report, a joint project of RAIPON, the Global Environment Facility, the United Nations Environment Program and the Arctic Council's Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program also received support from the Inuit Circumpolar Conference.

The entire report, which is well-written and illustrated, can be consulted at the AMAP site at

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Delaware River Oil Oozes, Mess Gets Murkier

Delaware River Oil Oozes, Mess Gets Murkier

Last week's spill was believed manageable. But the entire region is shaken as slick spreads, closing a nuclear plant and threatening wildlife.

By David Zucchino
LATimes Staff Writer

December 4, 2004


NEWARK, Del. — Like a mutant blob in a bad horror movie, an oil slick first thought to be relatively small has grown bigger and more menacing over the past week, oozing its way down both banks of the Delaware River.

When the Greek tanker Athos I began leaking heavy Venezuelan crude into the river the night of Nov. 26, it appeared to be a manageable spill confined to a riverside terminal — just 30,000 gallons, according to estimates.

But authorities now warn that it could be as much as 473,500 gallons, a gooey mess that has spread to 70 miles of shoreline across three states.

Investigators are trying to determine whether a gash and a puncture in the ship's hull were caused by an 11-ton, 13-foot-wide propeller that fell off a dredge owned by the Army Corps of Engineers in April and was left on the river bottom.

The muck has killed birds, fish and turtles. It has shut down a nuclear plant and threatened a dozen freshwater streams and tributaries. It has slid past a pristine nature reserve and spread to within three miles of drinking water intakes for Philadelphia and southern New Jersey.

And it was still oozing Friday, leaving a 4-foot-high black smear along the stone seawall that keeps the Delaware from flooding Ft. Mifflin, a historic Revolutionary War battlement. Stiff sea winds spread a sharp chemical odor across the freshwater tidal marshes that straddle Interstate 95.

The spill is not exactly the Exxon Valdez, which dumped nearly 11 million gallons in Alaska in 1989, but it could be the worst on the Delaware, surpassing the 300,000 gallons spilled by a tanker in 1989.

And it has surprised and shaken a region where most people are only vaguely aware of the massive refineries that dot the uninhabited, low marshlands just south of Philadelphia.

Tankers deliver a million barrels of crude each day to the refineries that produce 70% of the gasoline sold in the Northeast, according to the local maritime exchange.

More than a thousand workers were along the river Friday, putting down 94,000 feet of boom, absorbent floating barriers used to contain the slick. Despite all efforts, the environmental and economic damages probably will be in the millions, authorities said. The Delaware Bay is home to thousands of migratory shorebirds and the world's largest population of horseshoe crabs.

"No matter how good the cleanup is, the damage is irreparable. This is a real catastrophe," said Maya van Rossum, a lawyer and environmentalist who calls herself the "Delaware Riverkeeper." For the last week, Van Rossum has stomped along creek beds and marshlands, taking photographs and documenting the effects of the spill.

The oil has spread from Pennsylvania and New Jersey past here in Newark, where on Friday staffers and volunteers at Tri-State Bird Rescue & Research Inc. were using diluted dishwashing liquid to dissolve oil from the feathers of ducks, Canada geese and seagulls — and from the shell of a single painted turtle. A pair of rare bald eagles smeared with oil had been spotted but not recovered by rescuers, van Rossum said.

"The oil burns their skin and eyes and destroys their feather structure — it's nasty stuff," Chris Motoyoshi, the rescue center's executive director, said as workers struggled to get a feeding solution down the throat of an uncooperative gull.

Shipping restrictions have been imposed on the Philadelphia port, the East Coast's leading destination for cocoa beans from Ivory Coast and for South American fruit — particularly grapes from Chile and bananas from Costa Rica. Ships were waiting Friday to be washed clean of oil before heading out to sea, with the delays costing tens of thousands of dollars a day.

Pleasure boats, some of them coated with oil, have been banned from the river. Hunting and fishing have been restricted along the Delaware's shoreline. Along the riverbank Friday, workers stacked plastic bags filled with oil-smeared junk and debris skimmed from the river.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which has placed oil snares on the river, said Friday that the spill ranges from "very light sheening to heavy oiling" along the 70-mile slick.

The 750-foot Athos I was carrying 14 million gallons of oil when it began leaking at an oil company dock. Authorities first said only 30,000 gallons had seeped out, but four days later the U.S. Coast Guard announced that 473,500 gallons were missing from the tanker. Divers found a 6-foot gash and a 2-foot puncture in the hull.

Officials now are trying to determine how much of the oil was trapped inside the ship's ballast and how much has leaked into the river.

The Athos I is a single-hulled tanker. Federal laws passed after the Exxon Valdez spill required single-hulled ships in the U.S. to be gradually replaced with double-hulled by 2015.

The tanker's operator, Tsakos Shipping and Trading of Athens, has said insurance would cover cleanup costs. Federal law limits owners' liability based on a ship's tonnage. In the case of the Athos I, the liability would be about $45 million.

After touring the riverbank this week, U.S. Sens. Jon Corzine and Frank R. Lautenberg, both New Jersey Democrats, said they would introduce a bill next week to abolish such liability caps for single-hulled ships.

The most obvious damage from the Delaware spill is environmental. At the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge near Philadelphia International Airport, the closing of the mouth of Darby Creek within hours of the spill prevented oil from reaching the low-lying refuge.

Even so, birds that had been soaked with oil in the river were still flying and landing in the refuge Friday. Workers separated birds that could be saved from those that were dying, sending the survivors south to the Tri-State Bird Rescue facility.

There, workers had set up an assembly line of five metal 10-gallon tubs filled with 103-degree water and diluted dish soap. Birds were moved from tub to tub after an initial examination by a veterinarian.

In each tub, workers used sponges, cotton swabs and squirt bottles to wash off the oil. The birds were given fluids to prevent dehydration and, in some cases, Pepto-Bismol to relieve gastro-intestinal distress caused by ingesting or breathing oil.

Oil destroys birds' delicate feather structure and waterproofing, the Tri-State Bird Rescue's Motoyoshi said. Some birds have died of hypothermia, she said, and others have died after sinking and drowning under the weight of the oil.

Since the spill, 86 birds have been brought to the center, including Canada geese, mallards, cormorants, herons, coots and seagulls. Of those, Motoyoshi said, 69 are still alive. The center is continuing to receive about 20 oil-coated birds a day.

Copyright 2004 Los Angeles Times

Informant: Teresa Binstock

Interessen oligarchischer Strukturen schutzlos ausgeliefert

Eine Mail, die uns erreichte und die auch an die Fraktionen der Parteien im Bundestag gesandt wurde

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren!

Wenn ein Betreiber eines Mobilfunknetzes einen Sender aufstellt hat - gegenüber, auf der anderen Straßenseite, auf der Höhe Ihrer Wohnung, vor Ihrem Schlafzimmer – wie könnten Sie sich wehren? Wer übernimmt die Kosten von Strahlenmessung und notwendiger Dämmung? Ist es nicht so, dass der "In Verkehr Bringer" haftet?

Als junger Mensch fühle ich mich den Interessen oligarchischer Strukturen schutzlos ausgeliefert. Man lässt mich mit den ersten Anzeichen gesundheitlicher Schädigung allein.

Was dem Menschen gut tut sollte im Mittelpunkt des gemeinschaftlichen Interesses stehen. Menschen, die Geld am Schaden anderer verdienen müssen von der Vertretung der Gemeinschaft in ihrem Handeln behindert und sanktioniert werden.

Darum wende ich mich an Sie. Haben Sie den Mut, die gesetzliche Grundlage hierfür zu schaffen! Die Reduzierung der zulässigen Richtwerte wäre ein erster Schritt in die richtige Richtung!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

V. M.

Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 05.12.2004


Fallujah in Pictures


Informant: Michael Johnson

Ottawa protests against Bush

Photos: Ottawa protests against Bush

Informant: edandbunkie

Bush Visits Ottawa November 30, 2004

Informant: lynnzy

Industry's Push for Genetically Engineered (GE) Trees - Pro-GMO Tree Decision of UNFCCC Condemned

Plantations are not forests

Coverage of United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Tenth Session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10)

Buenos Aires, Argentina 6 - 17 December 2004

Online Now:

Climate Justice Now!

en espanol--

Justicia Climática Ya!

Special Buenos Aires COP 10 Coverage on the role of Genetically Engineered Trees and Global Warming
10 - 17 December 2004 from Global Justice Ecology Project http://www.globaljusticeecology.org/

The Earth's temperature is rising. Polar ice caps are melting. Global Climatic change is occurring. Something needs to be done and done fast.

Does this sound feasible to you ?

On October 22, 2004 Russia ratified the Kyoto Protocol, the international agreement created to begin addressing the problem of global warming. Russia's ratification of the Kyoto Protocol now gives the agreement a high enough level of participation by the countries most responsible for the world's carbon emissions for the agreement to go into effect, even without the United States' 25% of worldwide annual global carbon emissions.

Within days of Russia's announcement, carbon trading in Europe tripled. The carbon market is expected to be the world's largest ever, projected to reach US$60 billion by 2008. The carbon market is included as part of the Kyoto Protocol. It was created to enable corporations to buy the right to continue emitting carbon dioxide while purporting to address global warming-a valuable commodity indeed. The carbon credits are purchased from countries or corporations that have in some way reduced carbon emissions-by, for example, converting a coal burning plant to natural gas, or by planting trees to soak up carbon emissions.

Or does A Call For Peoples' Action Against Climate Change seem more feasible?

COP 10 will mark the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, which will serve as a central theme for the meeting. Discussions at COP 10 will highlight a range of climate-related issues including, the impacts of climate change and adaptation measures, mitigation policies and their impacts, and technology. Participants will also take stock of the entry into force of the Kyoto Protocol.

Industry's Push for Genetically Engineered Trees in Industrial Forestry Plantations

At the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change at COP 9 in Milan, Italy last December it was agreed that Genetically Engineered (GE) Trees could be used in carbon offset forestry plantations. Shortly thereafter, Global Justice Ecology Project came together with other forest protection advocates around the world to launch a campaign to demand the UN not only reverse that ill-informed decision, but go one step further and ban GE trees outright.

More on GE Trees:

The United Nations, the World Bank, GE Trees and Global Warming

GE Trees and Global Warming: The Myth of Carbon Offset Forestry


About Global Justiice Ecology Project's Genetically Engineered Trees Program

Stop GE Trees Campaign http://www.stopgetrees.org/

Global Justice Ecology Project
P.O. Box 412
Hinesburg, VT 05461 U.S.
+1.802.482.2689 ph/fax

Plantations are not forests
Plantacoes nao sao florestas
Le Piantagioni non sono foreste
Las Plantaciones no son bosques
Les Plantations ne sont pas des forets

Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) is attending the Buenos Aires, Argentina United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10).


For Immediate Release, 14 December, 2004

Contact: Ana Fillipini, World Rainforest Movement, 15-5413-6233
Anne Petermann, Global Justice Ecology Project, 15-4031-5151

Environmental and Social Justice Groups Condemn Pro-GMO tree decision of UNFCCC

World Rainforest Movement (Uruguay), Friends of the Earth International, Global Justice Ecology Project (USA), a Mapuche scientist from Chile and the Union of Ecoforestry (Finland) gave a presentation yesterday at the Salon del Jardin Botanico in Buenos Aires Argentina where they condemned the 12/03 decision of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change to allow use of genetically engineered (GMO) trees in carbon offset forestry projects developed to supposedly mitigate global warming emissions.

"GMO trees present tremendous risks to both native forests and forest-dwelling peoples-especially indigenous peoples," said Ricardo Carrere of the World Rainforest Movement. "They will worsen the already severe impacts experienced by communities and ecosystems as a result of industrial tree plantations-impacts like loss of water, biodiversity, and traditional medicines and foods," he continued.

The UNFCCC made the decision in 2003 very late in the meeting, with no discussion about the negative impacts of GMO trees. "We are here to say that GMO trees are unacceptable in any context-this includes carbon offset forestry," stated Anne Petermann of Global Justice Ecology Project." The impacts of GMO trees will undoubtably result in devastation of native forests around the world, worsening global warming, rather than mitigating it. Not only must GMO trees be removed from the Kyoto Protocol, they need to be banned globally," she continued.

At the event, World Rainforest Movement and Friends of the Earth International released a new major report on GMO trees, entitled, "Genetically Modified Trees: The Ultimate Threat to Forests," written by Chris Lang and available in English and Spanish. In addition, Global Justice Ecology Project announced the upcoming release of a video on GMO trees entitled, "The Silent Forest: The Growing Threat of Genetically Engineered Trees," which will also be available in English and Spanish beginning in January, 2005. The video will be narrated by Dr. David Suzuki, a world-renowned geneticist who once ran the largest genetics laboratory in Canada.

There will also be a press conference denouncing the U.N.'s 2003 decision to include GMO trees in the Kyoto Protocol on Wed., December 15 at 11:00am at the La Rural Conference Center in the Aguaribay Room. The report will be presented and given to press, a promotional clip from the video will be shown and an international petition demanding a UN ban on GMO trees presented.


For Immediate Release, 15 December, 2004
Contact: Anne Petermann, Co-Director, Global Justice Ecology Project, 15-4031-5151 <globalecology@gmavt.net>

Press Conference Denounces

UN Promotion of Genetically Engineered Trees for Carbon Sinks
Buenos Aires, Argentina--A press conference was held this morning featuring presenters from World Rainforest Movement (Uruguay), FERN (U.K., Belgium), Global Justice Ecology Project (USA), a Mapuche scientist from Chile, and the Union of Ecoforestry (Finland) at La Rural, the site of the tenth Conference of the Parties of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. At this event the presenters addressed the Dec., 2003 decision of the UNFCCC to include genetically engineered (GE) trees in the Clean Development Mechanism of the Kyoto Protocol to supposedly mitigate carbon emissions.

GE trees present threats to both forests and communities. "Traits being engineered into trees include insect resistance, herbicide resistance, sterility and faster growth, among others," stated Anne Petermann, Co-Director of Global Justice Ecology Project. "If these traits escape into native forests, which is virtually guaranteed, it will lead to the destruction and contamination of native forests, which will worsen global warming," she continued.

Lorena Ojeda, a scientist with the Mapuche in Chile added, "already tree plantations in southern Chile are causing great environmental and social problems. We are especially concerned about the heavy pollination of pine plantations in Chile. This pollen causes serious allergies and other health problems in people who breathe it. It also contaminates the water. If this pollen is from genetically engineered trees, it will cause even more serious problems."

At the event, World Rainforest Movement and Friends of the Earth International released a new major report on GE trees, entitled, "Genetically Modified Trees: The Ultimate Threat to Forests," written by Chris Lang and available in English and Spanish. This report is available on their website at www.wrm.org.uy

Global Justice Ecology Project showed part of a video on GE trees entitled, "The Silent Forest: The Growing Threat of Genetically Engineered Trees," to be available in English and Spanish beginning in January, 2005. In the video, Dr. David Suzuki, a world-renowned geneticist who formerly ran the largest genetics lab in Canada, argues that because the science of biotechnology is so young, most of what we now know will turn out to be wrong. For this reason, he asserts, we must not rush into applying it, because we cannot predict the outcome. To request a copy of the video, contact Global Justice Ecology Project at http://www.globaljusticeecology.org

Chris Lang, author of the WRM and FOE International report states, "The UN is secretly promoting GE trees. The UN FAO and UNDP ran a project which promoted and funded the technology in China, where more than 1.5 million GE trees have been planted commercially, with no oversight whatsoever." He added, "I have repeatedly asked the UN FAO for information on their program and they refuse to respond. If these trees are so safe, why is there so much secrecy?" Yesterday, Global Justice Ecology Project and World Rainforest Movement met with over a dozen groups, social movements and NGOs from around the world to discuss implementation of an international campaign to ban the genetic engineering of trees globally.


Global Justice Ecology Project (GJEP) is attending the Buenos Aires, Argentina United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) tenth Conference of the Parties (COP 10).

Informant: Orin Langelle
Global Justice Ecology Project
P.O. Box 412
Hinesburg, VT 05461 U.S.
+1.802.482.2689 ph/fax


Genetically Engineered Trees - Privatizing the Atmosphere?

Original article is at: http://www.indybay.org/news/2005/01/1717705.php

Uploaded file is at:
http://www.indybay.org/uploads/earth_matters_jan_26_mp3.mp3 (10.2 megabytes)

Informant: STRIDER

LLRC and CERRIE - we get handbagged again

Environmentalist repeats lies about LLRC - and says I have to keep on reminding myself I'm campaigning against nuclear power and not against Richard Bramhall and Chris Busby.

The November 2004 ENDS Report article "Gagging row overshadows radioactivity report ( http://www.endsreport.com ) is an account of the final stages of CERRIE.

It quotes Committee member Pete Roche (described as a "Greenpeace consultant") as saying that LLRC's Minority Report:-

...was not included [in the CERRIE final report] because it was not factually correct.

This is untrue. The Committee voted twice to include our material. The first vote was on March 31 2004, after members had seen the general nature of what we were saying. This was unanimous. The second vote was on May 19, after we had redrafted and after members had seen exactly what we were saying. The vote was 10:1 in favour of including our material. Only the BNFL rep. voted against.

Pete Roche was at both of these meetings. We know he had read our dissenting statement. Neither he nor anyone else identified any errors in it, and it has now been published as the CERRIE Minority Report.

We invite Mr. Roche to say what he thinks was factually incorrect.

We have put up with an awful lot of abuse like this but we have not responded on that level - it's the science that's important.

We now invite Mr. Roche to say what his position is on infant leukaemia after Chernobyl, which we presented to CERRIE as hard evidence that the risks of radioactive pollution are massively underestimated.

If Mr. Roche responds to these invitations we undertake to publish the correspondence on this site.

This note is on our web site with links to other relevant pages (in particular the infant leukaemia) To see it click on the pale green handbag at top left of the home page http://www.llrc.org .

Richard Bramhall
Low Level Radiation Campaign
The Knoll, Montpellier Park
Llandrindod Wells,
Powys LD1 5LW U.K.
+44(0)1597 824771
07887 942043

Magnetic field effect on singlet oxygen production in a biochemical system


Informant: Elektrosmognews 05.12.2004

Rätselhaftes Rindersterben auf dem Stengel-Hof in Donau-Ries

Elektrosmognews vom 05.12.2004

Die Rinder auf dem Hof der Familie Stengel sind Ende 1997 gesund, die Kälbernachzucht verläuft ohne Probleme. Dann wird neben dem Stengel-Hof ein Mobilfunkturm errichtet. Kurz darauf erkranken die ersten Kühe und die Nachzucht gerät ins Stocken. Die Blutbilder der Tiere ähneln denen von Krebspatienten mit Strahlentherapie, geben aber keinen Hinweis auf bekannte Krankheiten oder Haltungsfehler.

Die Bilanz bis Oktober 2004: 11 tote Kühe, 12 tote Kälber und 37 Fehlgeburten. Nur eine einzige Kuh aus dem Bestand von 1997 lebt heute noch.

Die Stengel's werden auf dem Schaden (50 000 Euro) voraussichtlich sitzen bleiben, denn bislang versandeten alle Hilferufe, auch die ans Bayerische Umweltministerium und an prominente Politiker. Dabei handelt es sich offenbar um keinen Einzelfall, sondern um ein Massenphänomen, denn der Petitionsausschuss des Deutschen Bundestags vertröstet mit dem Hinweis, wegen der "großen Anzahl sachgleicher Eingaben" verzögere sich die Bearbeitung! Alle Details über die Vorgänge am Stengel-Hof lesen Sie in unserer jüngsten Mobilfunkgeschichte:

Quelle: http://www.izgmf.de/Kontakte/Burgerinitiativen/Geschichten/Stengel/stengel.html

Ein verzweifelter Landwirt schreibt

Die "Rinderstudie"

Bilddokumentation eines betroffenen Landwirts


Mobilfunk-Anlagen: Starke Strahlung auch direkt unter der Antenne

Pressemitteilung IT-Mediaguide

Computermagazin CHIP berichtet über neue Studie

Mobilfunk-Anlagen: Starke Strahlung auch direkt unter der Antenne

München, 3. Dezember 2004 – Schlechte Nachricht für Immobilienbesitzer, die auf dem Dach ihres Hauses eine Mobilfunk-Antenne installieren ließen: Auch in Gebäuden direkt unter den Sendeanlagen können überraschend hohe Strahlungs-Immissionen auftreten. Dies ist eines der Ergebnisse einer seriösen Studie, die das Computermagazin CHIP in seiner neuen Ausgabe zitiert.

Die 117 Seiten starke Analyse der Immissionsverteilung wurde von der in Kamp-Linfort ansässigen IMST GmbH im Auftrag des Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz erstellt. Die Studie zielte darauf ab, typische Feldverteilungen praxisnah zu ermitteln. Die Autoren, Dr. Christian Bornkessel und Markus Schubert, kommen zu dem Schluss: „Als Ergebnis wurde festgestellt, dass die Immissionen im direkten Umfeld von Mobilfunk-Basisstationen einer großen Streubreite unterliegen.“ So unterschieden sich manche Messergebnisse in Gebäuden binnen weniger Meter um den Faktor 1.000. Wie es weiter heißt, sind viele, bisher als „klassisch“ geltende Regeln in Zweifel geraten: So sei die Leistungsflussdichte („Strahlung“) im Gebäude, auf dem eine Anlage steht, „zwar oft, aber nichts stets kleiner als an umliegenden Messpunkten“.

Bislang fühlten sich die Hauseigentümer auf der sicheren Seite: Experten betrachteten den Bereich unter Basisstation als relativ strahlungsarm. Denn die Antennen werden so ausgerichtet, dass ein „Leuchtturm-Effekt“ entsteht: Sie strahlen zur Seite ab, um ein möglichst großes Feld abzudecken; der Bereich unter der Sendeanlage sollte eigentlich im Funkschatten liegen – ein Irrglaube. In betroffenen öffentlichen Gebäuden wie Rathäusern, Sporthallen, Kirchen oder auch in Privathaushalten könnte die Studie also für Verunsicherung und Diskussionen sorgen.

Vertreter der Mobilfunk-Betreiber äußern sich in CHIP gelassen zu den Ergebnissen der Studie. Roland Kuntze, Pressesprecher von O2: „Klar kann unter der Antenne ein bisschen was rauskommen. Aber das liegt alles weit unter den deutschen Grenzwerten, die sich ja an den Empfehlungen der Weltgesundheitsorganisation orientieren.“

Omega siehe dazu „Grenzwerte und Mobilfunk“ unter:

Laut Ulf Stüwe, Projektleiter beim industrienahen „Informationszentrum Mobilfunk“ gibt es in Deutschland derzeit rund 60.000 Basisstationen. Für das UMTS-Netz sollen weitere 40.000 Antennen hinzukommen – und dann wäre erst eine Netzabdeckung von rund 50 Prozent gewährleistet. Gerade die kleinen UMTS-Anlagen zeigen dem CHIP-Bericht zufolge besonders ausgeprägte Nebeneffekte, die für die chaotische Feldverteilung mitverantwortlich sind. Dies könnte künftige Verhandlungen der Mobilfunk-Provider mit Vermietern erschweren.


Ihre Ansprechpartnerin:
Judith Berkemeyer
Redaktion CHIP
Tel.: 0 89/7 46 42 – 369
Fax.: 0 89/7 46 42 – 274
e-Mail: jberkemeyer@chip.de

Aus: Elektrosmognews vom 05.12.2004

Immissionsuntersuchungen in der Umgebung von GSM und UMTS

Strahlungsschatten unter der Antenne

Gerade unter der Antenne die stärkste Strahlung

Inside the Clouds of 9/11

The election is over - The fight is not

Elections are only one part of democracy. We need to think strategically about direct action, learn from a rich history of nonviolent activism, and develop new tactics to take on this administration.


From Information Clearing House

Trophy Hunting?

The director of Fallujah General Hospital was shot and wounded by soldiers while he and two other doctors attempted to enter Fallujah in an ambulance in order to provide aid to families trapped there...


From Information Clearing House

U.S. admits torture used in interrogations

Results become evidence, though illegal in U.S court...


From Information Clearing House

Find the Truth of 911, stop Terrorism


Petition : Vote mondial - Policies of Mass Destruction


Dear colleagues,

I almost never sign petitions but this one is rather a vote against the empire and its vassal states drafted by some good guys from Quebec.

This “petition” is a vote against the occupations of Iraq, against supporting dictatorships, against massive Human rights violations, against the US ecological fascism, its economic raiding for other countries, its neo-liberal version of globalization, etc.

In solidarity with those who suffer most under the US empire,

CP Scherrer

Be wary of how they put the finger on us

We tend to think of biometrics as being a recent technological marvel - iris scanning, facial recognition, fingerprint access - as seen on movies such as Tom Cruise's Minority Report and now in real life. But biometric technologies are possibly the oldest method of establishing identity. Fingerprints were used in Babylon as seals on clay tablets recording business deals. But biometrics is undergoing rapid and far-reaching developments, with big potential implications for how personal information is handled. Biometric measurement of faces, voices, signatures, gait and shapes are all in use today. The capacity for use or abuse of this to generate a sense of fear, invasion or loss is obvious. Not long ago I attended the 26th International Conference on Privacy and Personal Data Protection in Poland, attended by nearly 1000 government and business representatives. Biometric identification was one of the key sessions. Privacy issues raised by the use of biometrics included: monitoring from afar through facial recognition technology; movement tracking by electronic means; loss of anonymity in public spaces with video surveillance; the use of DNA beyond the purpose for its original collection; and use by both the private and public sector, encouraged by decreasing technology costs. ID theft is reported to be increasing all over the world and articles lately suggest it is becoming increasingly targeted by organised crime. Biometric identification may help to protect us from that but, conversely, if those technologies can be perverted to the use of crime, the results would be frightening.

So where does privacy fit in all this? Privacy is, of course, ultimately about individuals. Individuals are the building blocks of society. Each of us needs freely to form, develop and maintain our identity and sense of self; we need a personal safety zone to provide that freedom.


Aftermath News
Top Stories - December 5th, 2004

Was der Mensch den Tieren antut

17,5 Millionen Tiere werden jedes Jahr quer durch Europa zur Schlachtbank gefahren: von Polen nach Spanien, von Litauen nach Italien und von Irland nach Frankreich. Tierschuetzer dokumentieren, dass Tiertransporte bis zu 40 Stunden unterwegs sind, ohne dass die Tiere etwas zu fressen oder trinken bekommen. Die EU versprach zu handeln. Doch auf Europas Straßen bleibt die Tierquaelerei bestehen. Der Kompromiss, der soeben in Bruessel gefunden wurde, hilft den Tieren wenig.




After more than three years, and with two wars raging, President George Bush has failed to attend the funeral of a single soldier

1,268 Killed in Iraq; Burials Increase at Arlington National Cemetery

After more than three years, and with two wars raging, President George Bush has failed to attend the funeral of a single soldier or Marine killed in battle in either Afghanistan or Iraq. The article below describes the funerals of a soldier and a Marine recently killed in Iraq. With the election over, Senator Edward Kennedy and Senator John Kerry attended the funeral of a Massachusetts Marine, Lance Cpl. Dimitrios Gavriel at Arlington National Cemetery.


Ohio : Official Foot-Dragging Prevents Full Count of Votes Before Electoral College Meets

Every vote should be counted fairly and transparently, as this promotes equality, liberty, and justice for all. Questionable partisan politics in Ohio prevent the counting of tens of thousands of legitimate votes. As some votes are slowly counted, the outcome of the Presidential election becomes more clouded. This partisan agenda in Ohio undermines the legitimacy of government, especially any claim to a mandate by the victor. Ohio now resembles Florida and the Ukraine.


U.S. Wages War on Witnesses in Iraq

Once again, the current administration attacks journalists, international aid groups, religious leaders, and others so that only U.S. government propaganda dominates the news. However, many witnesses to the widespread humanitarian crisis and explosive civil war in Iraq won't be silenced by U.S. government intimidation tactics, such as those used by the acting ambassador to the United Kingdom, David T. Johnson.


The VOTERGATE Resource Center


Informant: NHNE

Tetra Moves to Ireland

THE IRISH TIMES, Friday, Dec 3, 2004, Page 6


[By] Jamie Smyth, Technology Reporter

The Government is to install a new communications system for the Garda at a cost of up to 100 million [euros] over the next four years. The system will be a digital-trunked mobile radio - probably Tetra - which offers far more security than existing systems.

Based on digital rather than analogue technology, Tetra would offer the Garda a more reliable system which is less prone to gaps in network coverage. Tetra handsets are also more flexible than older radio receivers and can be used as two-way radios, mobile phones or data receivers.

The Minister for Justice, Mr. McDowell, said the capital allocation in the Budget for 2005-09 would enable the Garda to proceed with the roll-out of a digital radio system, which would be extended for use
by other emergency services.

A decision on the exact type of digital system to be installed is expected to be made shortly by the Department of Justice.

The decision to go ahead with a digital system follows years of delay over a funding shortfall and was welcomed by the Garda Representative Association yesterday. "We welcome this decision as it was a huge issue at our a.g.m. earlier this year when the current radio system was highlighted as a health and safety and security issue," a spokesman for the association said. "Gardai have been forced to use their own mobile phones rather than use the current radio system."

Perhaps the biggest problem with the current analogue radio system is that it can be scanned and messages intercepted easily by criminals. The Garda published a tender yesterday for the supply of Tetra terminal equipment.

Informant: Imelda O'Connor

Omega: TETRA, a new police communication system, is being linked to a cancer epidemic among both cops and civilians living near transmission masts. The government, meanwhile, is rolling out the system as if nothing is wrong:


The Masts Crusaders

TETRA: A Critical Overview into the death of Officer Neil Dring

Police blame health crisis on radio mast

Report on TETRA

The danger of chronic exposure to electromagnetic fields

Flutkatastrophe durch Abholzung

"Die katastrophalen Überschwemmungen und Schlammlawinen, welche jetzt auf den Philippinen mehrere Hundert Menschenleben forderten, sind die Folge jahrzehntelanger Abholzungen und Monokulturwirtschaft", sagte Claus-Peter Hutter, Präsident der auf den Philippinen mit Regenwaldschutz-Projekten engagierten Umweltstiftung Euronatur. Es sei heute notwendiger denn je, abgeholzte Regenwaldflächen zu rehabilitieren.


For a Global Disruption of the Empire

A Call for decentralized, local actions around the world on J20

In Solidarity with the DAWN (DC Anti-War Network,
http://www.dawndc.net/) call for groups to converge from around the country and around the world to converge on DC, we call on those who cannot make the trip to DC to organize local actions in their own communities.

Why This Call to Action?

The empire can only function with the complicity of its populace, and the empire we face is global in nature. As a result, our resistance must be as global as the empire we are opposing. The war, neo-liberal economic policies, increased militarization and border controls, the manipulation of the media only for propaganda are faces of the empire that we are facing all over the world. We make this call because our opposition is not only about stopping the inauguration of one president, but about creating a world of dignity, freedom and equality for people all over the world who are currently being crushed under the boot of global capitalism.

We make this call in the spirit of many global calls to action that have come before us, in the spirit of an open invitation. This is an invitation to join in a global insurrection and absolute rejection of the U.S. policies of torture, disappearances without trial and preemptive war, which under the guise of legality and legitimacy threaten to spread around the world and endanger the freedom and safety of all people.

Our Rejection

We call on people around the U.S. and around the world to join in our rejection of the U.S. policies, but also in a rejection of illegitimate elections. Widespread election irregularities and the
systematic disenfranchisement of people of color have damaged any hope of a legitimate election in the United States.

Moreover, we reject an administration built on lies and illegal policies which violate not only the U.S. constitution, but violate the inherent dignity of the people of the U.S. and the people of the world.

We look to the traditions of Bolivia and Argentina who ousted their criminal presidents through non-violent mass mobilizations of people and we hope to do the same.

What Will J20 Look Like?

We call on the people of the empire to use their privilege of living within the empire to stop it from functioning on January 20th, 2005, the day that George W. Bush is to be inaugurated the next president of the U.S.

Together, we can stop the gears of global capitalism from turning. We call for actions across the U.S. and around the world which are focused on stopping the machinery of war and global capitalism. These actions include both mass mobilizations, street parties, Civil Disobedience and Direct Action as well as Assembleas Populares, Encuentros and other forms of real, direct democracy.

Alongside the bodies in the streets, we also call for networks of electronic civil disobedience, hacktivism, and tactical media to join in the struggle. Against the bio-electronic forms of empire dominating the conduits of capital, media, and everyday life, we make this call in the spirit of the Critical Art Ensemble, Conglomco, RTMArk, and all the radio pirates and Indymedia centers worldwide.

Who is making this call?

This call comes from that intersection of absolute militarism, indigenous resistance and the natural, organic movement of people that is known as the U.S. Mexico border. The call comes from a region which used to be part of Mexico, but is now known as San Diego, California. Living on the border, we have an influx of inspiration both from Seattle, San Francisco and Quebec City, but also from Chiapas, Buenos Aires and Cochabamba. We have seen both how war tears families apart as it sends our generation off to die and how occupation at home is very real and operates in our very neighborhoods.

We see hope in the People's Global Action hallmarks and we make this call under those hallmarks.


1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive globalisation;

2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including, but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.

3. A confrontational attitude, since we do not think that lobbying can have a major impact in such biased and undemocratic organisations, in which transnational capital is the only real policy-maker;

4. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize respect for life and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local alternatives to global capitalism;

5. An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.

The ORGANIC collective
Opposing Repression Globally and Nurturing Independent Communities

Voter Fraud - Please Read My Explanation Below



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Dezember 2004

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