
War Or Terror: What's Worse?

The 30,000 killed since 9/11 is more than the number of people killed in terrorist acts in the last 35 years - studies show 22,000 people have been killed in terrorist incidents since 1968.


From Information Clearing House

Wenn die Funken sprühen

Heute ist in der SZ der Artikel "Wenn die Funken sprühen" erschienen:

Man sollte sich diese Zeilen auf der Zunge zergehen lassen.

Was könnte den T-Mobile-Strategen noch einfallen, an weiteren Lügen und Nonsens, um sich aus dieser Affäre zu ziehen und den Sender am Heideweg nicht abbauen zu müssen.

Die Standortbescheinigung für den Rapp-Masten (wurde uns von der Regulierungsbehörde aus Augsburg zugesandt) belegt, dass 3 GSM-Sender (auf 30,9m) und 3 UMTS-Sender (auf 31,6m) von/für T-Mobile montiert sind. Diese Sender sind deutlich (inkl. Zuleitungen) auf den von uns gemachten Aufnahmen zu erkennen. (siehe auch unsere Website http://www.mobilfunk.dachau.de )

Ebenfalls heute fand ein Geheimtreffen im Dachauer Finanzamt und in der Dachauer Polizeistation statt. Die Betreiber möchten so schnell wie möglich Sender auf diese Staatsgebäude installieren, um Tatsachen zu schaffen, noch bevor das Gesamtkonzept der Stadt Dachau, erarbeitet von der Fa. Enorm, im November vorgestellt wird.

Grünes Licht zur Errichtung von Sendern auf Staatsgebäude wurde den Betreibern durch die bayr. Staatsregierung gegeben. (Erwin Huber: "Wir werden alles dafür tun, was uns Gott erlaubt, und auch manches, was er verbietet, um diese Innovation (Anm. d. Red.: gemeint ist UMTS) voranzubringen")

Eine beachtliche Anzahl von Anwohner hat sich heute morgen vor dem Finanzamt zu einer spontanen Demo eingefunden, um den "Geheimtrefflern" klar zu machen, dass sie keine Sender in ihrem Wohngebiet dulden werden.

Der Termin für die öffentliche Verhandlung, im Münchner Verwaltungsgericht, in dem Prozess Stadt Dachau vs. Freistaat, wegen der T-Mobile-Anlage am Heideweg ist bis dato noch nicht festgelegt. Sobald wir den Termin in Erfahrung bringen, werden wir Sie rechtzeitig informieren.

Eine besonders erfreuliche Nachricht: unsere Website hat durchschnittlich über 300 Zugriffe pro Tag.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Bürgervereinigung gegen die Mobilfunkanlage in Dachau-Süd, Am Heideweg

Investment Espionage And The White House


Informant: Kathy

Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act (Jones bill/HR 235)

If the Religious Right gets its way, churches will be able to legally endorse candidates and lend support to campaigns just in time for November’s elections.

In a move designed to crush all opposition, House Majority Leader Tom Delay and House Speaker Dennis Hastert have joined with Rep. Walter Jones to attach the Houses of Worship Free Speech Restoration Act (Jones bill/HR 235) to the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 (H.R. 4520). If passed, the Jones bill would go far towards eroding the wall of separation between the institutions of religion and government by reversing IRS tax laws that prohibit houses of worship from engaging in partisan politicking. The American Jobs Creation Act already passed the House and Senate and is in conference committee. By inserting the Jones legislation into this bill during conference committee, Delay and Jones ensure that the House and Senate will never get a chance to vote on the Jones bill, which the House has defeated in various forms twice before.

Read the full Action Alert:


Join us in addressing this issue.

Informant: Mike Conley

Life after the Central Dogma


BC government is sterilizing wolves in northern BC

BC government is sterilizing wolves in northern BC – take action now!

Hot Documents


Informant: HALOJUMPER82

Send Ad to Bush

Students: Send Ad to Bush

From MoveOn.org,

Last week in more than 1,000 vigils across the nation, MoveOn members memorialized the 1,000 brave American men and women who've given their lives in Iraq. As the death toll continues to rise, thousands of young American soldiers are paying the ultimate price.

That's why today students and young people nationwide -- through MoveOn Student Action - are standing up to demand answers from President Bush. To make sure Bush gets the point, they're going to print an open letter to the President on Iraq in the New York Times. The goal is gather 100,000 signatures from young people across the country in the next 5 days - making this the largest online student petition in history.

If you're a student or young American, please join them by signing below. If you're not, please pass this message on to someone who is. We only have 5 days to collect 100,000 signatures.

To read the full text and sign the letter, just go to:


Informant: Ell Kinder

Zusammenstellung diverser Studien




Krebs durch Handys

Kein Krebs durch Handys?

Kein Beweis für ein erhöhtes Risiko durch Handys? Krebs durch Handys?

Langjährige Handy-Nutzung erhöht Risiko für Ohrtumor

Krebsgefahr für Handy-Nutzer - neue Studie aus Skandinavien

Neue Studie: Augenkrebs durch Handys

Mobilfunkgeräte sollen doch Krebs erzeugen

Diagnose Krebs

Krebs und Mobilfunk

Handys und der Strahlungswahnsinn



Informant: J_S

Erosion of Civil Liberties under the USA PATRIOT Act


See the trailer of this new ACLU-sponsored film about the erosion of civil liberties under the USA PATRIOT Act:


(Requires RealPlayer OR Windows Media Player)

Vanishing Votes


Tuesday 12:44 PM

With only fifty-odd days until the election, it's crucial that the very best voting practices be implemented. Moving Ideas' four-part series on voter protection this week tackles the problem of inaccurate vote counting. The series highlights the problems, provides research and statistics, and includes a best-practices list for voting technology and ways for citizens to become involved locally. If these practices are put into use, November 2 will go smoothly. If not, we may all be asking "Who won?" all over again.


The Impossible Will Take A Little While

An Excerpt from Paul Loeb's new book "The Impossible Will Take A Little While"

"I do not believe the wicked always win. I believe our despair is a lie we are telling ourselves. In many other periods of history, people, ordinary citizens, routinely set aside hours, days, time in their lives for doing the work of politics, some of which is glam and revolutionary and some of which is dull and electoral and tedious and not especially pure – and the world changed because of the work they did. That's what we're starting now. It requires setting aside the time to do it, and then doing it. Not any single one of us has to or possibly can save the world, but together in some sort of concert, in even not-especially-coordinated concert, with all of us working where we see work to be done, the world will change. And we have to do it by showing up places, our bodies in places, turn off the computers, leave the Web and the Net – and show up, our bodies at meetings and demos and rallies and leafletting corners."

"Because this is a moment in history that needs us to begin, each of us every day at her or his own pace, slowly and surely rediscovering how to be politically active, how to organize our disparate energies into effective group action – and I choose to believe we will do what is required. Act. Organize. Assemble. Oppose. Resist. Find a place a cause a group a friend and start, today, now now now, continue continue continue. Being politically active is for the citizens of a democracy maybe the best way of speaking to God and hearing Her answer: You exist. If we are active, if we are activist, She replies to us: You specifically exist. Mazel tov. Now get busy, She replies. Maintain the world by changing the world."


Tony Kushner, AlterNet

This is a moment in history that needs us to rediscover how to be politically active: Maintain the world by changing the world.


Informant: Mike Conley

Karl Rove : Bush's Brain


Informant: bigraccoon

Laws and crime

by Marcus Everett

Frontiers of Freedom


Over two centuries ago our Founding Fathers hammered out a Constitution that established a Republican form of government for the Federal Government and for the individual states. Interestingly, it specified many constraints against the governments it created, but proscribed only treason and rebellion against the individual citizen. Even murder was left up to the states to outlaw, with the Constitution specifying only the court systems and procedures to prosecute such crimes. Obviously, the Founding Fathers were NOT interested in creating a 'kindergarten society' where the individual's every act is regulated...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The ad that beats Bush

by Wayne Barrett

Village Voice


With all its metered focus groups, the Kerry campaign remains blind to the core weakness of the Bush campaign. It is not Iraq, still a 50-50 proposition with American voters. The economy is backdrop when life-and-death fear grips us. It is the abject failure of the Bush team to make America safer -- either by corralling the killers or raising the defenses. Three times as many Americans died in two hours on 9-11 than have died in 18 months in Iraq, and the country trembles with belief that many more could die tomorrow. No one better embodies the dismal three-year Bush record on terror than bin Laden and Zawahiri, who resurfaced in a new tape just last week looking healthy and threatening, an ace in a card deck the White House has yet to deal...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Understanding the loss of freedom

by R. Lee Wrights

Liberty For All


All Americans, if not all human beings, think they know how to define freedom. And, in all fairness most of them do understand personal freedom as it applies to themselves as individuals. However, when it comes to defining freedom in more general terms so as to allow its application to others most people, in my opinion, are sorely under-educated. Human beings have a very hard time with the concept of allowing others to be as free as they themselves feel they deserve to be. Why?


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

US torture in Iraq "has spread to Mosul"

Sydney Morning Herald [Australia]


A British lawyer said he had uncovered evidence that US troops mistreated detainees in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, suggesting abuse had spread far beyond the notorious Abu Ghraib prison in Baghdad. Phil Shiner sent Reuters statements by two Iraqis who said they were hooded, stripped naked, beaten and doused with cold water at lengthy torture sessions in a place called 'the disco' because of loud Western music constantly blasted at detainees. One said he had seen a 14-year-old boy bleeding from his anus. The other said he was threatened with sexual assault. The allegations appear to be the first reports of abuse in Mosul. Washington has acknowledged detainees were abused at Abu Ghraib, and Shiner is leading a case on behalf of Iraqis who say they were mistreated by British forces in Basra...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Restore the Republic, the Constitution and bring to justice those who have subverted these Institutions

The following testimony was entered into the Record today, September 14, 2004 at the Joint Commission on Human Services Legislative hearing

Soon we will post a more in depth report on todays hearing, which was televised on CCTV in Salem and oral testimony was made in Public Hearing, soon the link to the videotape record will be posted to our website.

I am Wilbur Russell Gaston, sui juris, editor and publisher of A Voice For Children and a ranking officer in Gideon's Army. Both organizations advocate the restoration of the Constitution and the Republic of Oregon by lawful and if possible peaceful means. I speak in the court ex rel, for all similarly aggrieved Natural Citizens of the Republic of Oregon.

The People are Demanding Accountability in the State of Oregon, Remedy and Rights Restored

The People have been coming into the legislative hearings for more than ten years now, testifying about being abused by policies of the agencies for the state. This has now become Public Knowledge, that the constitutional process has been subverted in a statutory scheme.

At this time the People are re-establishing our sovereignty over public servants and restoring Constitutional Process in the courts. We are repealing the Amended VII subversion that was placed over Article VII of the Oregon Constitution, that subverted the Republic, the Constitutional Process in the courts and the Inherent Authority of the People.

Petitions have been filed making the record clear and certain of the inability for the People to find a court to protect their rights in the state of Oregon. The People see now that the agencies are acting in outlaw policies, without authority or accountability. The People see clearly now that a corporate scheme has taken over our lawful state, not allowing the People to stand and be heard and bring forth remedy when they are abused.

The legislative scheme is profiteering, collusion against the People by a network of agents, all who profit personally from their positions of trust. The People see clearly now that the Bar association has a monopoly on the courts, acting in conflict of interest in all branches of government and in all agencies, writing the "rules" and "laws" by which they then profit and the system profits. NO acknowledgment of the rights of the people. NO authority to enforce such outlaw policies.

The People say NO to these schemes now. NO more databasing Freeborn People. NO more Bills of Attainders created to criminalize innocent People. NO mental evaluations and agencies compelling contracts for services on innocent People. NO more questioning our children, exploiting vulnerable families in federal adoption and criminal black market child selling and abuse schemes. NO more seizing children, homes, property, assets, creating fines and judgments and not charging anyone with a crime. ALL of this stops NOW.

The following links provide more information about the core issues facing Oregonians at this time.

We the People of the Republic of Oregon shall restore the Republic, the Constitution and bring to justice those who have subverted these institutions. We shall abolish the corporate state.

Pamela and Will Gaston, September 14, 2004




Fotos von Mobilfunk-Sendern - Cell Phone Antenna Pictures


Prescription drugs are causing cognitive deficiency


Informant: Kathy

Stanley Hilton is bringing a lawsuit against the US Government

Stanley Hilton is bringing a lawsuit against the US Government charging involvement in carrying out the 9/11 attacks...


Informant: Bea Bernhausen

Monster Masts Project

Photographer Eva-Lotta Jansson/Cobris, Photographed people who suffer from radiation and do not receive the right recognition for the problem. On her website, she shows their pictures protecting themselves from the radiation, and adds their personal story. For example:

Eileen O'Connor, 38, has had surgery twice for breast cancer during the past one and a half years. Since she concluded her breast cancer is related to the mobile phone mast situated about 100m from her house, O'Connor has shielded all the family beds in thousands of pounds worth of metal drapes. Here, she sits on the bed she shares with her husband. O'Connor lives in Wishaw village, near Birmingham, UK, where many others have reported health problems as well. Having received little recognition for their symptoms, some people who feel ill living near mobile phone towers have started to devise their own strategies to protect themselves from what they feel is harmful radiation.

See her pic:

See the rest of pics on:

Short Link:

Message from Iris Atzmon

Handy verursacht Unfall

POL-LEV: Handy verursacht Unfall

15.09.2004 - 10:11 Uhr, Polizei Leverkusen [Pressemappe]

Leverkusen (ots) - Leicht verletzt wurden zwei 37 und 18 Jahre alte Frauen am 14.9.04 gegen 17.35 Uhr in Leverkusen, als die 18-jährige als Fußgängerin mit Handy am Ohr plötzlich auf den Radweg der Mülheimer Straße trat, ohne auf die 37-jährige Radfahrerin zu achten. Beim Zusammenprall stürzten beide zu Boden und zogen sich Prellungen und Schürfwunden zu. Am Fahrrad und am Handy entstand leichter Sachschaden.

ots-Originaltext: Polizei Leverkusen

Digitale Pressemappe:

Rückfragen bitte an:
Polizei Leverkusen
Telefon: 0214-377-2140


Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Handy weg vom Steuer

KS: Auch nicht als Diktier- oder Musikgerät verwenden

Autofahrern ist es seit einiger Zeit verboten, Mobiltelefone bei laufendem Motor zu nutzen, es sei denn mit einer Freisprecheinrichtung. Handys sind aber längst zu Alleskönnern geworden, mit denen man Sprachaufzeichnungen oder Fotos machen und Termine verwalten kann. Doch auch dies ist nach Information des Automobilclub Kraftfahrer-Schutz (KS) während der Fahrt verboten. Man darf also mit dem Gerät am Steuer auch nicht diktieren oder Musik hören.

Nach § 23 (1a) StVO liegt ein Verstoß bereits vor, wenn man das Handy in die Hand nimmt. Es ist also nicht nötig, dass eine Telefonverbindung tatsächlich zustande kommt. Damit kann sich niemand herausreden, er hätte das Gerät lediglich in der Hand gehalten, ohne zu telefonieren. Übrigens gilt das Handy-Verbot auch für Radfahrer. Auch sie sind Fahrzeugführer im Sinne der StVO.

Abgesehen davon, dass für den KS die Gesetzgebung in diesem Punkt unlogisch erscheint, appellierte der Club an die Autofahrer, die Verwendung des Mobiltelefons bei der Fahrt generell zu unterlassen.

Thomas Achelis
Automobilclub Kraftfahrer-Schutz (KS)
Presse und Information
Achelis & Partner GmbH Public Relations
Friedenspromenade 87, D-81827 München

Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

US Government confirmed that new El Niño is about to strike


Informant: Anna Webb

El Niño observed by ERS/Envisat altimetry

Informant: Bill Bott

Oppose Writing Intolerance into the Constitution


Mut zum eigenen Urteil



Mut zum eigenen Urteil

Zum Streit um Mobilfunk-Antennen auf St. Pankratius in Schwalbach und zur bevorstehenden Gerichtsverhandlung (Bericht vom 9. September ):

Nun soll Recht vom Landgericht Frankfurt gesprochen werden! Der Bundesgerichtshof (BGH) erlaubt mit seinem diesjährigen Urteil vom 13. Februar die ungebremste Bestrahlung der Bevölkerung (AZ VZR 217/03 218/03). Das aus naturwissenschaftlichen Laien bestehende Gericht meinte ohne Hinzuziehung von spezifischem Sachverstand beurteilen zu können, dass kein Gefährdungspotenzial gegeben sei.

Insider mussten einfach zu dem Resultat kommen, dass die vielen dort vorgelegten aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Studien nicht oder ungenügend zur Kenntnis genommen wurden. Dafür bezog man sich auf Aussagen der Strahlenschutzkommission vom Herbst 2001 und hielt deren Empfehlung für maßgebend, unbeeindruckt von seitdem veröffentlichten zahlreichen Warnungen, wie etwa die ersten Ergebnisse des EU-weiten Reflexforschungsprojektes, der niederländischen TNO UMTS-Studie u.v.m.

Trotz des "schwammigen" BGH-Urteils kann man nur an alle Richter auf allen Ebenen appellieren, endlich den Mut zu haben, unabhängig vom Diktat einer Industrie und deren Gefolgsleuten allein ihren ethischen Verpflichtungen nachzukommen.

Ob das Landgericht dem BGH-Urteil die Botschaft entnommen hat, dass unteren Gerichtsebenen vorbehalten wurde, unabhängig von politischen und wirtschaftlichen Erwägungen bürgergerechter über die ihnen vorgelegten Beweismittel zu entscheiden?

Sicherlich wäre dies ein Novum, aber auch zugleich ein Signal einer seriösen Rechtsprechung, was vielen betroffenen Menschen Mut machen würde.

Alfred Tittmann, Sprecher des Hessischen Landesverbands mobilfunkfreie Wohngebiete, Bruchköbel

[ document info ]
Copyright © Frankfurter Rundschau online 2004
Dokument erstellt am 15.09.2004 um 00:17:14 Uhr
Erscheinungsdatum 15.09.2004 | Ausgabe: R5 | Seite: 38

Kampagne gegen Datenvorratsspeicherung

EU: Kampaign gegen Datenvorratsspeicherung

Über 60 NGOs weltweit, denen Civil Liberties und Datenschutz ein Anliegen sind, haben bereits unterzeichnet. Bis morgen, 15.September 10:00 MESZ ist für Organisationen und Firmen noch Zeit, die Antwort an die EU-Kommission zum Thema "Data Retention" [Datenvorratsspeicherung] zu unterzeichnen. Das EDRi-Board ersucht nur, von Unterzeichnung durch Einzelpersonen abzusehen.

Privacy International [PI] and European Digital Rights [EDRI] have published their joint answer to the consultation on mandatory data retention. The Directorate General on Information Society and on Justice and Home Affairs from the European Commission asked for public comments on a proposed retention regime across Europe between 12 and 36 months for all traffic data generated by using fixed and mobile telephony and Internet.

The deadline for comments expires on 15 September 2004.

PI and the 15 member organisations of EDRI call on all organisations to sign on to this answer!

The EU plans the wide-spread retention of personal data resulting from communications, or so-called traffic data. We argue that any such retention is necessarily a hazardously invasive act. With the progress of technology, this data is well beyond being simple logs of who we've called and when we called them. Traffic data can now be used to create a map of human associations and more importantly, a map of human activity and intention.

As technologies become more invasive, and as laws are increasingly reluctant to protect individual rights, the European Union should be fulfilling its role to uphold the rights of individuals. Data retention is an invasive and illegal practice with illusory benefits.

We invite any other organisations to endorse the response. Please sign on ASAP but not later than 15.09.2004, 10:00 AM.

Das Sign On Formular

Die Antwort an die EU-Kommission

Eine umfassende Dokumentensammlung zum Thema "Data Retention"


relayed by Harkank

Quelle: quintessenz-list Digest, Vol 18, Issue 7

US-Waffenverbot abgelaufen


Von den "No Fly"-Listen zu "No Transportation"-Listen?


Roland Kwiedor kämpft gegen Mobilfunkanlagen

Roland Kwiedor aus Holzhausen kämpft gegen Mobilfunkanlagen
/ Heute Veranstaltung

Von Stefan Lyrath

Porta Westfalica-Holzhausen (Ly). Roland Kwiedor funkt dazwischen. Der Geschäftsführer der Portaner FDP-Fraktion macht Front gegen bestimmte Mobilfunkantennen.

Kwiedor befürchtet, dass die Strahlen Krebs erregen und auch für andere Gesundheitsschäden verantwortlich sind. Von Wissenschaftlern wird diese Einschätzung offenbar geteilt. Gegen den zwischenzeitlich vom Ausschuss für Planung und Umweltschutz gekippten Plan, im Turm der Holzhauser Friedhofskapelle eine Sendeanlage einzurichten, hat der Freidemokrat daher 284 Unterschriften gesammelt.

Sollten zumindest in Wohngebieten weitere Vorhaben dieser Art Gestalt annehmen, will Kwiedor Widerstand leisten, kündigt Klagen an. Das gilt für Anlagen im öffentlichen Raum, auf städtischen Liegenschaften. In dem Fall, so der Liberale, habe die Stadt ein Mitspracherecht.

,,Anders sieht es aus, wenn Privatleute Mobilfunkunternehmen ihre Grundstücke oder Gebäude zur Verfügung stellen, erklärt Kwiedor. ,,Soweit Grenzwerte und Baubestimmungen eingehalten werden, muss keine Genehmigung erfolgen.

Grenzwerte und Bestimmungen hält der Holzhauser für ,,unzureichend“. Aus Furcht vor einer strahlenden Zukunft hat Kwiedor Petitionen an den Deutschen Bundestag sowie das Europaparlament gerichtet.

Auf nationaler Ebene will der FDP-Mann eine Änderung des Bundesimmissionsschutzgesetzes erreichen. Bei Inkrafttreten habe die UMTS-Technik, die auch in der Friedhofskapelle zum Einsatz kommen sollte, noch nicht existiert. ,,Das Gesetz ist rechtswidrig. Europaweit hat Kwiedors Vorstoß zum Ziel, dass die deutschen Grenzwerte an die Werte der europäischen Nachbarn angepasst werden. Letztere seien um bis zu millionfach niedriger.

,,Es geht um die Gesundheit der Kinder, stellt der Geschäftsführer klar und verweist auf zwei Untersuchungen. Nach der ,,Naila-Mobilfunkstudie lebt gefährlich, wer bis zu 400 Meter von einer Mobilfunkstation wohnt. Ab dem sechsten Jahr habe sich das Krebsrisiko im Vergleich zu weiter entfernt lebenden Menschen verdreifacht.

Laut Kwiedor gibt es eine EU-Untersuchung, der zufolge Mobilfunk die DNA zerstöre und das Erbgut verändere. Am heutigen Mittwochabend ab 18.30 Uhr äußern sich Fachleute in der Bürgerbegegnungsstätte Hausberge zu möglichen Gefahren durch Mobilfunkstrahlen. Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich.

,,Ich bin kein Verhinderer von Technik, betont Roland Kwiedor und nennt zwei Alternativen: Erstens könne man die Masten abschirmen. Zweitens biete sich in Flächengemeinden wie Porta Westfalica an, mehrere Mobilfunkanlagen weit entfernt von der Wohnbebauung aufzustellen.

copyright by mt-online.de



Nachricht von der BI Bad Dürkheim

Vögel und Mobilfunk

Vögel, mit und ohne Federn

Vögel meiden starke Mobilfunkexposition

Sag mir, wo die Vögel sind

Vogelstudie in England beginnt - Anzahl der Spatzen stark zurückgegangen

Mehr Mobiltelefone - weniger Spatzen?

Desorientierte Zugvögel

Vögel leiden unter Elektrosmog

Kranke Tiere durch Mobilfunksender

Vogelsterben ist ein weltweites Problem

Das Vogelsterben geht weiter

Kaum Nachwuchs: Weniger Weißstörche im letzten Jahr

Vögel, Fledermäuse und Mobilfunk

Eine Welt ohne Vögel will ich nicht

Missgebildete Tiere durch Handystrahlen

Tiere und Mobilfunk

Where Are All the Birds?

Magnetoreception and electrosensitivity

Invisible Poisons

Micro Waves Effects on Wildlife Animals

Mystery of the silent woodlands: scientists are baffled as bird numbers plummet

One day we'll all know - Let's hope it isn't too late

Mobilfunkantennen: Haben Sie Angst vor Gesundheitsschäden?

Umfrage: http://www.konsuminfo.ch/saldo.asp

A turn to the (religious) right

by Robert Abele



If John Kerry has anything going for him that separates him from George W. Bush, it is the fact that he is not involved in the so-called 'religious right' of America. This is the name given by the media to a well-organized band of fanatic biblical fundamentalists who are hell-bent on turning our democracy over to (their concept of) God. ... The frightening fact about this movement is not that it is being pushed by an extremist wing of 'religious' America, but that they have in fact to a large degree taken over the Republican Party

.... An equally frightening and perplexing fact about this movement is that they call themselves 'Christian' but will stop at nothing to get their dogmatic ideology adopted as the universal law. The most bothersome thing about this movement it is that their theocratic end justifies any means necessary to its achievement, including lying and cheating...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The real reason we are in Iraq

by Harley Sorenson

San Francisco Chronicle


Before we invaded Iraq, our politicians told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction in great quantities. Secretary of State Colin Powell even went to the United Nations and described Iraq's cache in detail, down to the pound of certain weapons. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld told us that not only did Iraq have these weapons but he knew exactly where they were. This is why I seriously doubted that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. What our government told us defied logic and common sense. The United Nations had inspectors in Iraq looking for weapons. They couldn't find any. Logic and common sense, then, would have dictated that our government tell those inspectors where to look. After all, if we knew, why wouldn't we share our knowledge with the inspectors? We wouldn't, of course, because we didn't know...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

The War on Civil Liberties

by Noah Leavitt



Review of Elaine Cassel's new book The War on Civil Liberties:

Members of the Bush Administration -- especially Attorney General John Ashcroft -- have claimed that this is proof of the success of their anti-terror laws, and proof that extending and expanding these laws will make us even safer. Indeed, at the Republican convention, high-level politicians said that Congress must not only reauthorize, but strengthen such legislation. But even if the laws are effective -- and a very strong case can be made that they are not -- can we afford the civil liberties cost? ... Elaine Cassel reminds us how much the legal landscape has changed in this short period."


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Have 1,000 US souls died for oil?

by Ivan Eland

Independent Institute


The tragic milestone of 1,000 U.S. deaths in the Iraqi quagmire should cause introspection about why the United States really went to war and whether it has been worth it. While the Bush administration's public justifications never really added up, evidence exists that there was a hidden agenda behind the invasion of Iraq: securing oil...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Gore compares Bush's faith to terrorists

Talon News


Former Vice President and 2000 Democratic presidential nominee Al Gore described the Christian faith of President George W. Bush as similar to Islamic terrorists in the September 13 issue of the New Yorker magazine. In the candid interview ... Gore described Bush as 'a very weak man' who 'projects himself as incredibly strong. [B]ut behind closed doors [Bush] is incapable of saying no to his biggest financial supporters and his coalition in the Oval Office,' Gore quipped. ... Although many Democrats question Bush's intelligence, Gore said he is not among those who do that. '[There are different kinds of intelligence, and it's arrogant for a person with one kind of intelligence to question someone with another kind. ... He certainly is a master at some things, and he has a following.' Veiled as a compliment about Bush, Gore said Bush's kind of intelligence 'seeks strength in simplicity.'..


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

World is not a safer place

Global opinion: World is not a safer place

Christian Science Monitor


Three years after the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington on Sept. 11, 2001, a look over the weekend at global opinion on the war on terror shows that most of the world considers it a largely unsuccessful effort. Even within countries whose governments are allied with the US in the war on terror, and who have sent troops to Iraq, there is a sense that US policies have not made the world a safer place. Writing in Australia's Sydney Morning Herald, Washington correspondent Paul McGeough says that the there is much 'confusion and sadness' on the third anniversary of 9/11, and if you asked Western leaders how the war on terror was going, most would say 'they don't know.' McGeough argues that the administration of US President George W. Bush has invited 'double blowback from the litany of policy decisions' that have allowed the war in Iraq to 'smother the war on terror...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Opposing the Patriot Act

State Of The Union: Opposing the Patriot Act

BBC News [UK]


Go down to any city hall in any mid-sized American community and listen to the noise of democracy. You will hear the usual complaints about neighbours whose dogs are too loud, about roads that need to be fixed, about cops that eat too many doughnuts. You will also hear tributes to soldiers at war and girl scouts at home. And, most likely, you will also hear a big family fight over the Patriot Act, a law passed just after the 11 September attacks that has tested the limits of civil liberties in the United States...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Pentagon revives memory project

Wired News


It's been seven months since the Pentagon pulled the plug on LifeLog, its controversial project to archive almost everything about a person. But now, the Defense Department seems ready to revive large portions of the program under a new name. Using a series of sensors embedded in a GI's gear, the Advanced Soldier Sensor Information System and Technology, or ASSIST, project aims to collect what a soldier sees, says and does in a combat zone -- and then to weave those events into digital memories, so commanders can have a better sense of how the fight unfolded. That's similar to what planners at Darpa, the Pentagon's research arm, had in mind for LifeLog, its ambitious electronic diary effort. However, ASSIST's aspirations are more modest, its battlefield focus is clearer, and its privacy concerns are more manageable, military analysts and computer scientists say...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

Don't Let'm Steal Another Election

- I've analyzed TrueMajority's list of states having DRE voting
machines at http://www.truemajority.org/ComputerAteMyVote/index.cfm
and compared it with the list of swing states.

- If you want to help Democratic states and swing states to protect votes from DRE machine or similar vote fraud, see endangered states below and go to the above TrueMajority site and fill out the simple form there and follow directions. You might remind legislators and election officials that the owner of the DRE machine company is a close friend of Bush, a strong conflict of interest.

- People might also put up visible hand-made yard and hiway signs saying? DON'T LET'M STEAL THIS ELECTION! or DON'T LET D.R.E. STEAL THE ELECTION! and also BUSH'S RELIGION WANTS END TIMES WAR [Someone in L.A. suggested the idea of posting signs along major hiways] –

Aloha. Ell

- Following are the states most in danger from DRE fraud..

State - - - - - - - Counties using DRE voting machines:
Ohio - - - - ------ some – [Swing State]
Pennsylvania - - - -some – [Dem-leaning Swing State]
Florida - - - - - --some – [Swing State]
Tennessee - - - - - some – [Swing State]
Virginia - - - - ---some – [Swing State]
Washington - - - - -some – [Dem-leaning Swing State]
Arkansas - - - - - -some – [Swing State]
Iowa - - - - - ---- some – [Dem-leaning Swing State]
Louisiana - - - - - some – [Swing State]
Colorado - - - - - - 2 – - [Swing State]
Arizona - - - - - - -1 – - [Swing State]
Michigan - - - - - - 1 – - [Dem-leaning Swing State]
California - - - - -some – [strongly Dem]
New Jersey - - - - some – [strongly Dem]
New Mexico - - - -most – [Dem-leaning Swing State]
Delaware - - - - - ALL – [strongly Dem]
DC ----- - - - - - all prcts – [strongly Dem]
Maryland - - - - - ALL – [strongly Dem?]
Nevada - - - - - - all w/paper trail – [Swing State]
Georgia - - - - - -all
Kentucky - - - - - most
Alabama - - - - - -some
Indiana - - - - - -some
Kansas - - - - - --some
Mississippi - - - -some
North Carolina - - some
South Carolina - - some
Texas - - - - - ---some
Wyoming - - - - - -1
Remaining states have no DRE machines.

Close elections are won on the ground


Informant: bigraccoon

National Security Experts Blast Bush and 9-11 Commission


Informant: P. Dalton

Dwindling glaciers dam flow of rivers


Informant: Earth First! Media

Tasmanian Timber Industry Buy-Out?


Bush's New Mental Screening Plans Evoke Memories of Clockwork Orange

Bush's New Mental Screening Plans Evoke Memories of Clockwork Orange

I seldom ask people to sign and send a petition. When I do, it is because it is of critical importance. This time, it is on behalf of our own children!

Please click on the link below, make sure you take just a minute to read the information and, PLEASE, sign the petition available.


In case you are not familiar with this issue and what is at stake, please view the short ABC News video clip to learn of just one tragic outcome of what happened to a 12 year old girl.

Be sure to access the video from this online link:

Bush To Impose Psychiatric Drug Regime

..."The TMAP medication guidelines were established in 1995 as an "expert consensus" based on the opinions of prescribers, rather than an analysis of scientific studies. The pharmaceutical companies who funded the scheme include Janssen Pharmaceutica, Johnson & Johnson, Eli Lilly, Astrazeneca, Pfizer, Novartis, Janssen-Ortho-McNeil, GlaxoSmithKline, Abbott, Bristol Myers Squibb, Wyeth-Ayerst and Forrest Laboratories.

The drugs recommended as "first line treatment", many of them with potentially deadly side effects, are patented expensive drugs produced by the sponsors of the guidelines: Risperdal, Zyprexa, Seroqual, Geodone, Depakote, Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa, Wellbutron, Zyban, Remeron, Serzone, Effexor, Buspar, Adderall and Prozac...."

"TMAP was extended to cover children, again by "expert consensus", and no doubt the Bush program for widespread testing in schools all over the US will find hundreds of thousands if not millions of new "customers" for the dangerous psychiatric drugs the scheme promotes."


Most importantly, FORWARD THIS PETITION to others on your list and ask them to do the same

In gratitude,

Jack Topel
(excerpt from his message)

Omega see also:

Bush plans to screen whole US population for mental illness


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September 2004

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