
Im Zweifel für das Geld und gegen das Volk

In dubio pro pecuniam et contra populum

Ich lebe im Keller, weil mein Nachbar nicht lesen kann. Sonst wüsste er, dass er eine vom Staat und vom BGH geschützte grosse Dummheit begangen hat. Denn auch er und seine Kinder sitzen nun in der Strahlenkeule einer Mikrowelle "geringer" Leistung, die Brummen in Hörnerven induziert, Hühnerembryos tötet, weiße Störche keinen Nachwuchs bekommen lässt, Leukämie-Cluster in Israel und Spanien verursacht, Hirntumor-Cluster hervorruft und in der nicht gekauften wissenschaftlichen Fachwelt für Aufruhr sorgt (siehe REFLEX Studie, Veröffentlichung April 2004, Kosten (GELD!!) 3 Mio. Euro, Befund: DNA Schädigung bei Handy-Pegeln, die mit DNA Schädigung beim Röntgen identisch sind)...

siehe weiter unter http://www.rheingau-riesling.de/mobile.html

Cancer rate up near towers on Lookout Mtn.


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Bush to Open America's Last Roadless Forests to Logging

Please forward widely!!


Bush to Open America's Last Roadless Forests to Logging

by Forests.org, http://forests.org/

July 23, 2004

Undermines Another Environmental Protection, One He Had Promised to Uphold.

TAKE ACTION and comment on this outrageous broken promise


In the largest environmental roll-back of the modern era, the Bush administration has repealed the Roadless Area Conservation Rule which protected America's remaining large natural forest legacy. Despite repeatedly promising to uphold national protections for America's last large roadless forests, his policy places at risk some 58.5 million acres of America's national forest wilderness to destructive road-building, logging and drilling. Bush's "opt-in" approach to roadless management guarantees no real, long-term protections for roadless areas. Opening huge swaths of roadless forests to more clear-cutting and old-growth logging will have dire consequences for clean water, wildlife habitat, fisheries and forest ecology.

Outrageously, America's taxpayers will pay to destroy America's forest legacy, bearing the cost of building new roads into wild forests in order to provide logging trucks and drilling rigs access to the public's resources. Industries that opposed protections for roadless areas on National Forests have given nearly $25 million in campaign donations to President Bush and the Republican Party.

The Bush proposal is open to public comment for the next 60 days.

During two earlier public comment periods nearly 95% of the 2.5 million comments supported the roadless policy. We need to let the administration know that the public wants our national forests protected - not given away to corporate special interests. Please tell the Bush Administration yet again how much America and the world values large, natural and roadless forests; and how the proposed new Roadless Rule jeopardizes the nation's last wild forests.

TAKE ACTION @ http://forests.org/action/america/

Networked by Forests.org, Inc., gbarry@forests.org



The Truth About Dick Cheney and Halliburton


July 22, 2004

The Truth About Dick Cheney and Halliburton

It is widely known that before becoming Vice President, Dick Cheney was the CEO of Halliburton, an oil-services company that also provides military support and construction services, from 1995 to 2000. As the House Committee on Government Reform hears fresh testimony today on Halliburton waste and misuse of taxpayer money in Iraq, remember this about Halliburton and its relationship with Dick Cheney.

Cheney Approved Enron Style Accounting as Halliburton CEO

"When Cheney was at the helm of the oil exploration giant, the company changed the way it calculated its profits. Starting in 1998, Halliburton began counting as revenue money it had not yet collected from clients, because the charges were still in dispute. The company's current chief says Cheney, as CEO, knew about the change. The change allowed Halliburton to add $89 million in revenues to its books." [Source: ABCNews.com, 7/19/02]

Cheney opened Tehran office as Halliburton CEO.

"Since 1995, U.S. companies and individuals have been banned from conducting commerce with Iran, but the sanctions allow 'independent foreign subsidiaries' of U.S. companies to do so. The investigation could be embarrassing for Vice President Dick Cheney, who was Halliburton's chief executive from 1995 until 2000, when he resigned to join the Republican ticket. Halliburton's Cayman Islands subsidiary opened a Tehran office in early 2000, before Mr. Cheney left the company." [Source: Wall Street Journal, 7/20/04]

Justice Department Investigating Halliburton-Iran Links. On the same day, the US Justice Department announced a criminal investigation into Halliburton's business dealings in Iraq. US law prohibits US companies from doing business with terrorist states such as Iran. While Cheney was CEO, however, Halliburton used a subsidiary in the Cayman Islands to attempt to avoid the law. [Source: Wall Street Journal, 7/20/04]

Under Cheney, Halliburton did Business with Terrorist Sponsors Iran, Iraq, and Libya. As the New Yorker reported, "The United States had concluded that Iraq, Libya, and Iran supported terrorism and had imposed strict sanctions on them. Yet during Cheney's tenure at Halliburton the company did business in all three countries. In the case of Iraq, Halliburton legally evaded U.S. sanctions by conducting its oil-service business through foreign subsidiaries [of a partner firm]. With Iran and Libya, Halliburton used its own subsidiaries." [Source: New Yorker, 2/16/04]

Cheney's Office "Coordinated" No-Bid Contracts

Army Email: Cheney's Office "Coordinated" Halliburton Award. Three days before a Halliburton subsidiary was awarded a $7 billion no-bid contract to fight oil fires in Iraq, "an Army Corps of Engineers official wrote an e-mail saying the award had been 'coordinated' with the office of Vice President Cheney, Halliburton's former chief executive." [Source: Washington Post, 7/2/04]

Halliburton awarded over $17 billion total in Iraq contracts, more than any other company. "Work in Iraq is parceled out among a handful of companies, Halliburton has by far the largest share--$17 billion from the U.S. and British governments." [Source: Time, 6/1/04]

Corrupt Halliburton Deals Cost Taxpayers Millions of Dollars

The "sailboat fuel" rip-off. "A dozen current and former truck drivers for a Halliburton Inc. subsidiary said they were directed to drive empty flatbed trucks crisscrossing Iraq more than 100 times this year, putting themselves and military escorts at risk for no apparent purpose." [Source: Knight Ridder, 6/6/04]

The food rip-off. "The U.S. military said Monday it was suspending $159.5 million in meal charges submitted by a unit of Halliburton as it continued to audit bills for feeding soldiers in Iraq and Kuwait. The Defense Contract Audit Agency said it was suspending the amount after incomplete files and bills were found to have been submitted by subcontractors to Halliburton's KBR unit, the military's biggest contractor in Iraq." [Source: Houston Chronicle, 5/18/04]
The gas rip-off. Congressional investigation concludes Halliburton increased costs for gas by 90%. "...the decision to give Halliburton the contract to import millions of gallons of gasoline from Kuwait into Iraq... increased the costs to the government by $167 million, an increase of over 90%." [Source: House Committee on Government Reform, Minority Staff, 7/21/04]

Dick Cheney Lies About His Continuing Ties to Halliburton

Cheney Claims no "Continuing Interest." Dick Cheney claimed that by the time he was sworn in, "I will have eliminated any possibility that I have a continuing financial interest in Halliburton stock or share price. . . . I will do whatever I have to do to guarantee that there's no conflict." Then in 2003 Cheney said, "I have no financial interest in Halliburton of any kind and haven't had now, for over three years." [Source: Boston Globe, 9/19/03]

Yet last year, Halliburton pays Cheney $178,437. "Vice President Dick Cheney received $178,437 in deferred pay last year from Halliburton, the Texas oil-field services company he once headed that has received billion-dollar government contracts in Iraq." [Source: CNN, 4/13/04]

And Congress Found that he is Receiving a "Continuing Interest." Last year the Congressional Research Service, Congress' research arm, concluded that under federal ethics rules Cheney's annual payments classify as a "continuing financial interest in [Halliburton], which makes them potential conflicts of interest." [Source: Washington Post, 9/26/03]

"Halliburton is a fine company, and I'm pleased that I was associated with the company." [Source: Dick Cheney, USA Today, 8/8/02]


Informant: V

Peter Mandelson

Peter Mandelson is to be the UK's next European commissioner

Guests confirmed by the Bilderberg Meeting to The News on Thursday morning included Conrad Black, Richard Holbrooke, Henry Kissinger, Peter Mandelson...

Mandelson, MI6 and the CIA...

Informant: aang999

Mikrowellen und Waldsterben


Microwave ovens cause cancer


MICROWAVE DANGERS: How unseen frequencies can harm your health

Radiation Ovens: The Proven Dangers of Microwaves

The Hidden Hazards Of Microwave Cooking

Microwave oven info


Das HAARP-Projekt ein klimabeeinträchtigendes Waffensystem


Microwave Cooking Hazards

Microwave Cooking is Killing You!

Machen Mobilfunkantennen krank?


Auf der Flucht vor Elektrosmog


Häufungen von Krebs und schweren Erkrankungen in der Nähe von Funkantennen


Mobilfunkgrenzwerte in Deutschland


UNICEF: Sudanesische Kinder in "tödlicher Falle"

Frankfurt/Main (dpa) - Das Kinderhilfswerk der Vereinten Nationen UNICEF sieht die Flüchtlinge in der sudanesischen Bürgerkriegsprovinz Darfur ohne massive zusätzliche Hilfe in einer tödlichen Falle. Mit dem Beginn der Regenzeit drohten Durchfall...


Studie: Mobilfunk verursacht keine Schädigung


Mobilfunk verursacht keine Schädigung

Alternative Medizin:

Elektrosmog: Handys, schnurlose DECT-Telefone...

"Forsche nach den Ursachen der Krankheit"
"Verdecke nicht Symptome mit Medikamenten"
"Betrachte den Patienten gesamthaft"
"Stärke die Selbstheilungskräfte des Körpers"
"Bezahle lieber Geld für die Erhaltung der Gesundheit, als für Krankheit"


"dramatischer Anstieg schwerer und chronischer Erkrankungen:
Lern-, Konzentrations- und Verhaltensstörungen bei Kindern, Blutdruckentgleisungen,
Herzrhythmusstörungen, Herzinfarkte, Schlaganfälle, hirndegenerative Erkrankungen, Krebserkrankungen wie Leukämie und Hirntumore..
immer zahlreicheres Auftreten oft als psychosomatisch fehlgedeuterer Störungen wie Kopfschmerzen, Migräne, chron. Erschöpfung, innere Unruhe, Schlaflosigkeit, Tagesmüdigkeit, Ohrgeräusche, Infektanfälligkeit..
immer häufiger deutlicher zeitlicher/räumlicher Zusammenhang zwischen dem Auftreten und einer Funkbelastung durch Mobilfunkanlage, Handynutzung,
DECT-Schnurlostelefone im eigenen Haus oder Nachbarschaft"

weiter unter: http://www.mweisser.50g.com/handys.htm

Human Rights Emergency in Darfur, Sudan


As you read this, more than two million innocent Sudanese men, women and children face dislocation, disease and starvation. They are victims of unspeakable state-sponsored crimes against humanity and abuse.

In this day and age, it is hard to believe that ethnic cleansing still exists.

Right now, more than 1.2 million people have been uprooted in the Darfur region of Sudan with over 150,000 refugees living - barely - along the border between Sudan and Chad, their homes, possessions and livelihoods destroyed by government-backed militias.

Amnesty International was the first human rights group to call the world's attention to the horrific crisis. I call upon all people of compassion to help by making an emergency donation to support our efforts.

Omega see also:


From the beginning, Amnesty has mobilized its credibility, worldwide diplomatic contacts and unique moral force to focus attention on Darfur. Amnesty has been on the ground in the region four times in the past year and a half - most recently in Chad in May.

Here is what Amnesty has done and will be doing to alleviate the massive suffering and restore law and order:

-- Securing UN Intervention: Amnesty has helped spur UN action. A Security Council resolution is in the drafting stage calling on the Sudanese government to reign in the militias. But we need to go farther. The UN must deploy monitors in sufficient numbers to oversee the protection of refugees. Right now, the Sudanese government is acting with impunity and blatant disregard for the law.

-- Pressuring Secretary of State Powell: The US government considers Sudan a state sponsor of terrorism and has sanctions in place. Amnesty has asked Secretary Powell to demand an immediate cessation of government-sponsored violence, and to continue pressing for UN action.

-- Activating the African Union: Through our long-standing relationships with African leaders and diplomats, Amnesty has been able to help organize their concern about the apparently deliberate slaughter and dislocation of the black African population of Darfur.

-- Involving the Government of Chad: More than 150,000 refugees from the violence are living in desperate conditions. Disease is rampant. Food and water are in acute shortage. Our greatest near-term concern must be for the masses of refugees in camps inside Chad or huddled desperately along the border.


Even worse, in the midst of their desperate struggle to survive, the refugees continue to be attacked. This is particularly true for the women who must foray from the mass of refugees to fetch water or food. Men lie in wait. Rape and other forms of violence have become commonplace leaving these women with horrific physical, emotional and psychological scars.

The disaster in Sudan is growing worse daily now that the rainy season has begun, making roads impassable and increasing the risk of civilian deaths by starvation and water-borne illnesses like malaria. Still, the Sudanese government continues to impede and restrict access to the Darfur region by humanitarian aid groups. This includes repeated requests by Amnesty for visas to allow our monitors to document first-hand a tragedy that is ballooning into a terrible humanitarian catastrophe.

Omega see also:


With your immediate help and continued participation, Amnesty will be better able to sustain what may be a long struggle in Sudan. I will report to you from time to time on our progress in halting and reversing this heartbreaking chain of events.

With much gratitude and respect,

Sincerely yours,

William F. Schulz
Executive Director

Betrug in der Wissenschaft: Nur die Spitze des Eisbergs bekannt

Spätestens seit dem Betrugsskandal um die beiden Krebsforscher Herrmann und Brach im Jahr 1997 ist klar: Auch in Deutschlands Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten wird gemogelt, gefälscht und betrogen. Betroffen sind dabei auch hochrangige und international renommierte Institute wie das Max-Delbrück-Zentrum für molekulare Medizin in Berlin oder die Einrichtungen der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft. Noch immer wird von offizieller Seite gerne betont, es handle sich bei den jüngsten Betrugsfällen nur um einzelne schwarze Schafe. Auch der Präsident der amerikanischen National Akademy of Sciences verkündete unlängst: „In der wissenschaftlichen Forschung werden Unlauterkeiten unweigerlich erkannt [...] Fälscher sind selten, es handelt sich dabei um Psychopathen“. Die Menge der in den letzten 20 Jahren entdeckten Betrugsfälle widerspricht diesem hoffnungsvoll-positiven Bild allerdings deutlich. Im Gegenteil: Vieles deutet daraufhin, dass die großen Skandale der letzten Jahre nur die Spitze eines Eisbergs sind. Gerade die kleinen Schwindel, absichtlichen Unterlassungen und Datenmanipulationen sind häufiger als angenommen. 1979 in einer Studie danach gefragt, ob sie jemals mit Ideendiebstahl in Berührung gekommen seien, gaben immerhin 25 % von 1.309 Wissenschaftlern zu, selber schon einmal Ideen von anderen gestohlen oder ohne Quellenangabe zitiert zu haben. Eine neuere Umfrage in den USA ergab ein ähnliches Bild. Anfällig für die Versuchung, Daten zu fälschen und zu manipulieren scheinen besonders die Wissenschaftler der „Life Sciences“ zu sein. Chemiker fälschen für ihre Dissertation Laborprotokolle, Mediziner schildern Versuche, die in ihrem Institut technisch gar nicht durchführbar sind, und Biologen betreiben Datenkosmetik, in dem sie unerwünschte „Ausreißer“ aus den Ergebnissen herausretuschieren. Viele sehen in dieser Entwicklung eine logische Konsequenz des modernen Wissenschaftsbetriebes: Im Zeitalter des „Publish or Perish“ wächst der Druck, schnell und kontinuierlich greifbare Resultate und damit Veröffentlichungen in den angesehenen internationalen Fachzeitschriften vorweisen zu können. Nur dann fließt auch weiterhin das Geld für die oft teuren Experimente. Die Folge: Angebliche Erfolge werden mit Pauken und Trompeten verkündet, schlechte Ergebnisse meist ganz verschwiegen. Konkrete Zahlen nannte Philipp Campbell, Chefredakteur der Fachzeitschrift „Nature“ 1998 auf einem Symposium über „Fälschung in der Wissenschaft“: In den europäischen Ländern werden jährlich an die zehn Fälle von Forschungsbetrug entdeckt, in den USA schwankt diese Zahl sogar zwischen 20 und 30 Fällen pro Jahr. Allein die Zeitschriften „Nature“ und „Science“ mussten in den letzten zwei Jahren über 20 schwerwiegende Fälle von Betrügereien in der Wissenschaft berichten. Damit sollten die Dimensionen des Problems klar sein – die bisher so oft beschworene „Selbstkontrolle der Wissenschaft“ scheint angesichts des heutigen Forschungsklimas von „Publish or Perish“ nur noch sehr eingeschränkt zu funktionieren.

[geoscience online, www.g-o.de]

Quelle: http://www.zeitgeist-online.de/news2002.html#Betrug

Informant: zak

Omega siehe hierzu auch:
Forscher und Forschungsergebnisse von der Industrie bezahlt

Sparmaßnahmen in Redaktionen führen zu unkritischer Berichterstattung

Ex-felons Face New Twist in Voting


Omega-News Collection 23. July 2004

Blake sends brain-cancer suits to state court

Probe this cancer cluster in kids

The Tracker that means Big Mother is Watching

Are you and your children guinea pigs?

Tap water can make you FAT

The Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry

Whalers trying to silence IFAW

Gray whale faces extinction over oil development, warns IWC

Undersea noise 'does harm whales'

Targhee NF's Plan threatens Yellowstone Grizzly Bears

Greenpeace Jaguars

A Slice of the Past: Group Uses Ancient Tree to Protest Bush Policies

Fires pollute Amazon rainforest

Keeping the Northwest Wild

Rock falls a higher risk as climate warms

US states open legal front in battle on global warming

Summer Global Warming Petition

Women working for the environment

Freedom Commission on Mental Health (NFC)

America's Not Safer

Bush signs bill to prepare for chemical, germ weapons

Power of presidency resides in language as well as law

Armed and dangerous

It can happen here

Spreading democracy

Bush may lose, but his war will go on and on

The peace president

An error of supreme dimensions

Fears of an electronic voting disaster

Strategy In Case Of Stolen Elections



The Church of Bush

Rig My Election, Please

Usurping the Voters


House won't back suspension of elections

'Fahrenheit 9/11' Making GOP Nervous

9/11 Report Attacks Patriot Act, Government Secrecy

US Underestimated War Costs by $12.3 Billion - GAO

Abu Ghraib: Male Rape Witness statement from Taguba Report

Documents detail wider abuse of Iraqi prisoners

Abu Ghraib: One Iraqi Woman’s Story

U.S. Reports 94 Cases of Prisoner Abuse

Accused torturers claim Pentagon support

Iraq vets face increased trauma chance

Annan Rejects Bush Claim That World Is Safer Now

Why Do They Hate Us?

Professor Thomas Naylor on Iran - AlQaeda Red Herring

Profits of war

Blind Loyalty to an Empire of Greed: The Corruptions of Patriotism

Case Filed in Geneva against US State Department

Outsourcing War Crimes

Our Mideast Policy Is Creating Enemies

Among Troops, Growing Doubts About Mission, Leaders Who Sent Them

America As We Knew It Is Almost Gone

Among Troops, Growing Doubts About Mission, Leaders Who Sent Them


Keeping the Northwest Wild

WILD NORTHWEST, July 21, 2004

A Message from Northwest Ecosystem Alliance

"No Surprises" for Landowners, No Recovery for Endangered Species Fair policy needed to help restore imperiled fish and wildlife

The Endangered Species Act serves as the safety net for fish and wildlife facing imminent extinction. For those endangered species that live on non-federal lands, the ESA allows timber companies, developers, and other landowners to negotiate agreements -- called "Habitat Conservation Plans" -- that specify protection for certain wildlife habitat while allowing other habitat to be destroyed. Unfortunately, these multi-decade agreements contain a "No Surprises" provision that allow landowners to prevent any changes, based on new scientific information or changing circumstances, that might improve endangered species recovery. The "No Surprises" rule also forces taxpayers to shoulder the cost of any changes.

After losing a court battle, the government is now reconsidering rules that protect and promote recovery of endangered species on non-federal lands, and they need to hear from you. We live in a changing world. As new scientific information and better management approaches becomes available, they should be applied to improve recovery of endangered species. Similarly, as circumstances change -- new threats emerge like west Nile virus or sudden oak death syndrome -- conservation plans should be adjusted appropriately. Although it may seem like common sense, the "No Surprises" policy does not ensure this will happen.

Comments must be received by Monday, July 26, 2004.

Please write to the US Fish and Wildlife Service and tell them to reform the "No Surprises" rule.

Send comments to:
Chief, Division of Consultation
Habitat Conservation Planning, Recovery, and State Grants
US Fish & Wildlife Service
4401 N. Fairfax Dr., #420
Arlington, VA, 22203
Fax: 703.358.2229. Email: pprr@fws.gov

Talking Points:

Reform the "No Surprises" policy and other ESA rules to:

- Require that "Habitat Conservation Plans" be periodically evaluated for their effectiveness in endangered species recovery.

- Require "Habitat Conservation Plans" to be periodically modified to incorporate new scientific information or changed conditions and circumstances that affect endangered species recovery.

- Specify that the US Fish and Wildlife Service has the authority to modify or revoke "Habitat Conservation Plans" if they are found to impair long-term recovery of imperiled fish and wildlife.

- Require landowners, developers, and other landowners to post performance bonds to ensure accountability.

For more information, visit the Endangered Species Coalition site, http://www.stopextinction.org/Issues/IssuesList.cfm?c=35.

Please reply to this email to let us know that you took action. And
thank you for speaking out to protect endangered species!

Erin Moore
Communications Coordinator
Northwest Ecosystem Alliance
1208 Bay St., Ste. 201
Bellingham, WA 98225
360.671.9950 ext. 24

Keeping the Northwest wild. For further information, please visit
http://www.ecosystem.org .

Informant: Earth First!

Undersea noise 'does harm whales'

by Alex Kirby

BBC News Online environment correspondent in Sorrento, Italy

Evidence that noise from humans sources harm whales and other marine mammals is overwhelming, scientists say.

The International Whaling Commission, holding its annual meeting in Italy, says military sonar and oil and gas exploration are particular threats.

The numbers of beached whales found may seriously underestimate the numbers actually killed by sound.

They believe special protected areas could help to save marine mammals from being harmed in this way.

A report by the IWC's scientific committee says there is "compelling evidence" that entire populations of marine mammals are at potential risk from increasingly intense man-made underwater noise.

'Great concern'

The committee says in its report: "The weight of accumulated evidence now associates mid-frequency military sonar with atypical beaked whale mass strandings.

"The evidence is very convincing and appears overwhelming. Assessments of stranding events do not account for animals that are severely affected or died, but did not strand."

Earlier this month about 200 melon-headed whales stampeded into shallow water off the coast of Hawaii, with one dying, during US and Japanese naval exercises.

One possible cause under investigation is mid-frequency sonar. The report also expressed "great concern" over the impacts of oil and gas exploration on large whales.

It mentioned an incident in 2002 in which humpback whales were stranded off the coast of Brazil in unusual numbers during a submarine oil and gas survey that generated intense sound pulses.

The committee called for "strong, prompt action", especially for endangered whale populations like the western North Pacific gray whales. Only 100 animals, among them 23 females of reproductive age, are known to exist.

Global conservation campaign group, the World Wildlife Fund, has urged the Royal Dutch Shell energy group to suspend its Sakhalin oil project in the Russian Far East after the IWC called it a threat to the survival of the gray whales in the area.

The scientific committee urged investigation into setting up marine protected areas to keep marine mammals safe from underwater noise.

Last October the US Natural Resources Defense Council said the US Navy had agreed to cut its use of a controversial low-frequency sonar system which could be harming marine mammals.

The journal Nature said the sonar signals might cause bubbles in the animals' tissue, in much the same way as divers can suffer decompression sickness known as "the bends".


Greenland warned on whaling toll
21 Jul 04 | Science/Nature

US Navy agrees sonar limit
14 Oct 03 | Science/Nature

Euro MPs fight for whales
13 Oct 03 | Science/Nature

Cetaceans http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/animals/conservation/cetaceans/

IWC http://www.iwcoffice.org/
Natural Resources Defense Council

The committee has urged for marine protected areas

Gray whale numbers are particularly low

Story from BBC NEWS:


Published: 2004/07/22 10:45:46 GMT


Informant: Teresa Binstock

Summer Global Warming Petition

Take our...

*Dog Dayz of Summer Global Warming Petition Challenge*

Some 325,000 people have signed our Emissions Petition demanding congressional action to undo global warming. But more signatures are needed. Why?

* As the dog days of summer send senators home for summer recess, the congressional session concludes without another hoped-for vote on the Climate Stewardship Act. To keep the heat, let's let senators know this hot issue is important to Americans. One million signatures send a powerfully heated message.

* With the presidential election gearing up and the Democratic and Republican Party conventions nearly upon us, we have another opportunity to turn up the HEAT on the presidential candidates. As a Pentagon-commissioned report revealed earlier this year, global warming is not just an "environmental" issue; it is an immensely important geo-political issue with national security ramifications.

Check out:

How can you help?

Take our Dog Dayz of Summer Global Warming Petition Challenge: Help Environmental Defense get at least 25,000 new Emissions Petition signatures before the summer is out. Our goal is to have a total of at least 350,000 signers before Congress gets back to work on September 7th.

1) Send Ecards:
When tanning by the glow of your computer screen, stay cool by e-mailing your friends and family Undo Global Warming postcards. It's quick and easy, and if you get enough points, we'll send you a free earth-friendly global warming T-shirt. Find out how:

2) Post Some Flyers:
Download Undo Global Warming pull-tab flyers and post them to lampposts and telephone poles, bulletin boards in your neighborhood laundromat, your favorite bookstore, at the gym ...anywhere. Check out our flyers (pdf):

3) Face to Face Petitioning:
As you troll through this summer's wide array of fun events in your area -- fairs, concerts, 10k runs, festivals, etc., -- you'll be in prime areas for petitioning. Print out copies of the Emissions Petition and bring it with you to these events and see how many like-minded, ("cool") people you can meet in the process. Download petitions here:

So take our Dog Dayz of Summer Global Warming Petition Challenge. Help us get 25,000 new petition signatures by September 7th. Keep the heat on!

What Else You Can Do While Your Senators Are out of the Beltway:
With senators home during the August recess, you have a unique opportunity to turn up the local home-state grassroots pressure. Here are a couple things you can do to express your support for the Climate Stewardship Act.

1) Call Senators' State Offices: Visit the Senate's web site
( http://actionnetwork.org/ct/V7aYwHs1_aUR/ ) for your senators'
state office phone numbers and ring them up. Let them know how you feel about global warming and the Climate Stewardship Act.

2) Write a letter to the editor of your local paper: Voicing your opinion is a great way to raise awareness of the global warming issue. Write your own or find sample letters online:

3) Schedule a meeting: Set up a meeting with your senators or representative. Interested? Email us at

4) Sign up as an Environmental Defense volunteer:

5) Global Warming: Undo It! Visit us online at
http://actionnetwork.org/ct/11aYwHs1_aU-/ for more ideas about
how to keep cool this summer.

Outsourcing War Crimes


Informant: Chris

Rock falls a higher risk as climate warms


The Scotsman
July 22, 2004

MANY of the world’s most spectacular high-mountain rock faces could start crashing down at alarming rates due to global warming, scientists are predicting.

As well as changing the very shape and appearance of classic mountains, some of the climbs themselves could also disappear as higher temperatures destabilise the rocks by thawing the permafrost beneath them.

In Europe, concerns about disintegrating rock faces were brought into sharp focus last year when at least 50 people died in the Alps as a result of collapsing escarpments.

In a year that saw some of the highest summer temperatures for decades, many mountain paths, including classic routes on Mont Blanc, were closed because of the increased risk to mountaineers.

On the Matterhorn, the collapse of part of the Hornli Ridge, the easiest and the most popular route up the mountain, stranded 80 climbers who had to be airlifted off by mountain rescue services.

Because there was no unusual snowfall or rainfall to trigger the incidents, geologists suspected that thawing of the permanently frozen interior of the rocks was to blame.

Now, a new computer model, developed at the University of Zurich, adds weight to this explanation, the journal New Scientist reports today.

The scientists abseiled on to 22 rock faces in the Alps three years ago, drilling small holes and inserting devices to record the temperature of the rock.

After a year, they recovered 14 of these devices and used the data to fine-tune a computer model which shows how variations in climate affect the temperature of the rocks.

Stephan Gruber, one of the researchers, said: "Our model suggests that higher summer temperatures will heat some rock faces to such an extent that the permafrost, which glues the cracks and joints together, will melt and decrease the stability of the rock face."

Michael Davies, from the University of Dundee, found from his own work that rock faces could become unstable well before permafrost melts completely.

Ice normally acts like glue and helps to hold rocks together, but experiments he carried out showed that, as it begins to warm, permafrost loses its strength, making the cracks and joints in a rock face less stable. "This means temperatures don’t have to rise above freezing to make a rock face become unstable," he said. "Global warming could have an effect sooner than we thought."

One-quarter of the Earth’s land surface is frozen, with some of this permafrost in mountain ranges.

If global mean temperatures rise by as much as 1.3C over the next 20 years, as predicted, geographers believe that mountain ranges from the Himalayas to the Andes will be affected as permafrost starts to thaw.

Ian Hey, the technical and safety officer for the British Mountaineering Council, said: "Last summer was an unusually hot year, and it did seem that there were a greater number of rock falls of all sizes round the Alps.

"I saw a couple on the Petit Dru, an imposing and beautiful rock pillar that towered over the French Alpine resort of Chamonix, when I was out there last year. But the largest and most publicised rock collapse happened on the Hornli Ridge on the Matterhorn, the standard and easiest route up and down the mountain.

"Fortunately, no-one was hurt, but anyone above the collapse had no easy way down, so the Swiss mountain rescue service had to helicopter about 80 people off the mountain."

He added: "If this proves to be a long-term threat, then obviously it will have consequences for the sport of mountaineering and climbing.

"There have been years going back where very bad rock fall was also experienced, so I think it might be a bit too soon to say that it is a major problem," he went on.

"You could also look at the concern over lack of snow cover in Scotland in winter that is affecting skiing, which is obviously also a problem, and this has impacted on ice-climbing in the area as well."


Informant: NHNE

America As We Knew It Is Almost Gone


Informant: Ozzy bin Oswald

NEIN zur Todesstrafe


The peace president

by Molly Ivins



The CIA was wrong, but it wasn't wrong enough for the White House, which kept pushing the spies to be much wronger. The CIA's lack of sufficient wrongness was so troubling .... The neo-cons even set up their very own little intelligence shop in the Pentagon to push us into this folly in Iraq. This brings us to the second talking point last week. Iraq never happened. I swear to you, this war and its disastrous aftermath never happened is the new official line. Down the memory hole. Never happened. You dreamed the whole thing. Iraq is now like Ken Lay and Chalabi. They never heard of it. Only met it once. Besides, Iraq contributed to their opponents...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp

House won't back suspension of elections

Richmond Times-Dispatch


The House said yesterday it will not back any efforts to postpone this year's presidential elections due to terrorist threats or attacks. Lawmakers voted 419-2 in support of a congressional resolution from Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, that also says no agency or individual should be given the authority to postpone a national election, which will be held this year on Nov. 2...


Informant: Thomas L. Knapp



Informant: Jack Topel

Blake sends brain-cancer suits to state court

Posted on July 20, 2004 - A Web-only article from rcrnews.com
WASHINGTON—In a stunning turnabout, U.S. District Judge Catherine Blake ruled six brain-cancer suits against the mobile-phone industry do not belong in federal court and remanded the cases to state court here. Until Monday’s ruling, the Baltimore federal judge had consistently ruled in industry’s...


Greenpeace Jaguars

Salta, Northwest Argentina

Right now, the sound of bulldozers is thundering in my ears, and I need your help. I can't say too much yet -- the companies destroying the forest in this far off corner of South America will stop me if they can. All I can tell you now is that we're about to launch something new called "the Greenpeace Jaguars" and I'll be counting on your help to have an impact all over the world. All you'll need is a phone and 3 minutes of your time. Nothing more.

I'll be posting updates to http://www.greenpeace.org, and will send you an email when the action starts.

To give you some idea of what I'm up against, an area of forest the size of Germany is in danger. It is disappearing at an unbelievable speed - 20 football pitches an hour. I see it happening day in, day out. Where once there was a forest with people, trees, parrots, monkeys and jaguars, now there's just a bare field -- cut down so multinational corporations can grow more soya for animal feed. I'm not going to let it be destroyed without resisting. And I know I'm not alone!

The campesinos and the Wichies - the indigenous people of this area - are counting on Greenpeace to ensure their cry for help is heard all over the world. Your three minutes of time could collectively stop this madness.

Watch out for my email over the next few days. Until then, thank you for reading this message. I hope I can count on your support.

Emiliano Ezcurra
Forest Campaign Coordinator
Greenpeace Argentina

PS: Please tell your friends and family that the "the Greenpeace Jaguars" will kick off in just a few days. We'll be doing something direct, powerful, and of course peaceful, in the middle of the forest itself.

But in every corner of the globe we hope to have millions of on-line "jaguars". This will be the voice of those of us who aren't prepared to sit with our arms folded, watching our planet being destroyed. Watch out for my email, or go to http://www.greenpeace.org.

Our Mideast Policy Is Creating Enemies


A Slice of the Past: Group Uses Ancient Tree to Protest Bush Policies

by Ken Ward Jr., Staff Writer

The Charleston Gazette

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Forest Berg hauled a slice of a 420-year-old Douglas fir to downtown Charleston Tuesday to protest Bush administration forest policies.

Berg is part of the Ancient Forest Roadshow, a group that is traveling the country to raise public awareness of threats to public forests.

"It weighs about a thousand pounds," Berg said, pointing to the six-foot diameter "Doug" mounted on a flatbed trailer parked on Capitol Street.

The tree, which stood more than 200-feet tall, used to live in the Williamette National Forest in western Oregon.

In a news release, the Ancient Forest Roadshow noted that the tree was 11 years old when Shakespeare wrote "Romeo and Juliet." When the Declaration of Independence was signed in 1776, the tree was 195 years old.

But in 2002, the tree was cut down, as part of the Berry Patch timber sale.

John King, a roadie with the Ancient Forest Roadshow, said that Berry Patch is "just one example of more than 150 planned timber sales that target nearly 80,000 acres of mature and old-growth forest in western Oregon and Washington."

Now, environmentalists are hauling a slice of the tree around the country "to allow Americans to see for themselves what could be lost, not just in the Northwest forests, but also in West Virginia's Monongahela National Forest."

Berg used to spend summers as a seasonal forest and park ranger, but left that job to spread the word about threats to America's ancient forests.

"The public needs to know that with a former timber industry lobbyist, Mark Rey, overseeing the management of our national forests, a fox is guarding the henhouse," Berg said.

Berg said that old forests play vital roles in regional ecosystems, providing habitat for unique species and supporting a broader variety of plants and animals than younger forests.

Anna Sale, an organizer with the Sierra Club's West Virginia office, joined the forest group for a brief press conference to highlight concerns about Bush forest policies' local impacts.

"We're seeing some of the Bush administration's forest rules come home to West Virginia's Monongahela National Forest," Sale said.

Sale cited two proposed timber sales in the Mon forest, the Lower Clover sale and the Upper Williams sale.

In all, the two sales propose more than 2,700 acres of logging, according to U.S. Forest Service records.

Both proposed sales are being handled under a Bush administration rule change finalized in June 2003.

Forest Service officials say that the changes "clarify and reduce the complexity" of the rules that govern public involvement in forest activities.

Environmental groups say that the changes seek to cut back on public rights to receive notice of pending timber sales or other national forest decisions, comment on such projects before they are finalized, and ultimately appeal the agency's decisions.

In the two proposed sales on the Mon, Sale said, forest officials have sought public comment without first completing detailed environmental assessments.

Instead, she said, the agency will only release those assessments after it has made a final decision. "This leaves the public out of the process," Sale said.

In a report issued Tuesday, the Sierra Club said that the Bush process "asks citizens to give input on logging in the Mon without telling them anything about the possible harm to the environment."

Last week, the Bush administration proposed to throw out a Clinton-era rule that protected the last remaining untouched wilderness areas in the national forest system. This "roadless rule" essentially outlawed mining, drilling and development on about 60 million of the forest system's 190 million acres.

Under the Bush proposal, governors would have to petition the federal government to protect remote forest areas from road building that opens those areas to logging and other development.

Rep. Nick J. Rahall, D-W.Va. a ranking Democrat on the House Resources Committee, said that, under this proposal, federal policy governing these areas "would cease to exist, and instead become a patchwork quilt consisting of the individual political preferences of state governors."

"The administration has done a Pontius Pilate by essentially washing the federal government's hands of protecting the last pristine areas of national forests in America from unnecessary road building," Rahall said.

Environmental groups are also concerned about the effect new Bush policies will have on ongoing revisions to the management plan for the Mon's nearly 1 million acres of forest.

"The current plan restricts logging and motorized access on nearly 25 percent of the forest, but as happened in national forests across the country under the Bush administration's watch, these protections may be weakened," the Sierra Club report warned.

The Roadshow will move to the Lewis County Fair in Weston today and a monster truck rally in Mineral Wells on Friday before returning to Charleston on Saturday.

To contact staff writer Ken Ward Jr., use e-mail or call 348-1702.

Informant: Earth First! Media

Targhee NF's Plan threatens Yellowstone Grizzly Bears



Native Ecosystems Council - Dr. Sara Jane Johnson, 406-285-3611 The Alliance for the Wild Rockies - Michael Garrity, 406-459-5936 The Ecology Center - Jeff Juel 406 728-2320

Targhee National Forest's Revised Forest Plan threatens Yellowstone Grizzly Bears and other wildlife.
Conservation Groups File suit challenging illegal Forest Plan for Targhee National Forest.

MISSOULA - Today, three conservation organizations filed a comprehensive lawsuit in Federal District Court in Missoula against the U.S. Forest Service management plan for the Targhee National Forest in southeastern Idaho. The Targhee National Forest is next to Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks. The Forest is home to a diverse number of wildlife and fish, including threatened and endangered species. The lawsuit challenges the new forest plan's lack of protection for old growth forest and old growth forest dependent species such as grizzly bears, great gray owls, and goshawks.

The Targhee National Forest ("TNF") adopted its first forest plan in 1985, and was the first National Forest in the country to adopt a Revised Forest Plan ("RFP") in 1997.

"The Targhee National Forest eliminated the few rules they had to protect fish and wildlife in its new forest plan," said Sara Jane Johnson Ph.D. Dr. Johnson worked for the U.S. Forest Service, including the Targhee National Forest, for 14 years as a wildlife biologist. Dr. Johnson said, "The Forest Service would like to turn back the clock to the days when logging was king, and species concerns were only entitled to feel-good lip service."

Michael Garrity, Executive Director of the Alliance for the Wild Rockies, said, "Government research has found that grizzly bears are more than 5 times more likely to die in roaded areas than in unroaded areas. This plan is not good for grizzly bears because grizzly bears can't hide in clearcuts. The Targhee National Forest goal is to manage for money losing clearcuts rather than wildlife."

"This Revised Forest Plan exemplifies the Bush administration's approach to managing national forests," stated Jeff Juel of the Ecology Center. "After repeatedly losing in court trying to ignore the original Forest Plan's old-growth protection requirements, the Targhee's Revised Forest Plan was written without any obligation to protect old growth, and with no recognition of the habitat and social values of these ancient forests."

Dr. Johnson believes that, "clearcutting in the Targhee National Forest has reduced old growth dependent species including the grizzly bear, gray wolf, wolverine, fisher, pine marten, lynx, and goshawk to isolated and fragmented populations."

Dr. Johnson said, "The issue of providing for the larger landscape needs of far-ranging forest carnivores reveals the need to utilize the principles of Conservation Biology on a landscape level. If we want the animals in Yellowstone Park to survive in the long run, linkages out of the Park with other core areas need to be established, providing sufficient habitat components so the linkages, or corridors, are functional for genetic interchange purposes."

"The Forest Service could create far more jobs by complying with the law and restoring these forests, rather than continuing to build roads and log in grizzly bear habitat," said Alliance for Wild Rockies executive director and economist Michael Garrity.

The groups are being represented by Forest Defense of Missoula. According to attorney Tom Woodbury, "This revised plan is shocking for its complete lack of scientific credibility. Even the Targhee's own wildlife expert warned them against adopting it, and once adopted, warned them against implementing it." Woodbury expects a hearing this summer on injunctive relief to protect species while the courts determine the plan's legality.

Websites with pictures of clearcuts on the Targhee N.F.


Informant: Earth First! Media


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