
The Plain Truth


Informant: Laurel

Iraq, 1917


Informant: Ace


60 Minutes Explores Yale's 'Skull & Bones' Society


Informant: NHNE

Some People Still Don't Want You To See My Movie

From Michael Moore

Thursday, June 18th, 2004

We're a week away from the nationwide opening of "Fahrenheit 9/11" and not a day goes by where we don't have some new battle to fight thanks to those who are still working overtime to keep people from seeing this film. What's their problem? Are they worried about something?

A Republican PR firm has formed a fake grassroots front group called "Move America Forward" to harass and intimidate theater owners into not showing "Fahrenheit 9/11." These are the same people who successfully badgered CBS into canceling the Reagan mini-series a few months ago. And they are spending a ton of money this week to threaten movie theaters who even think about showing our movie.

As of this morning, a little over 500 theaters have agreed to show the movie beginning next Friday, June 25. There are three national/regional theater chains who, as of today, have not booked the movie in their theaters. One theater owner in Illinois has reported receiving death threats.

The right wing usually wins these battles. Their basic belief system is built on censorship, repression, and keeping people ignorant. They want to limit or snuff out any debate or dissension. They also don't like pets and are mean to small children. Too many of them are named "Fred."

This new nut group is the Right's last hope in limiting how many people can see this movie. All of their other efforts have failed. Let's recap:

1. Roger Friedman at FOX News reported that the head of the company which first agreed to fund our film “got calls from Republican friends” pressuring them to back out. And they did. But... Miramax immediately picked up the film! Except...

2. Michael Eisner, the chairman of Disney, then blocked Miramax (a company owned by Disney) from releasing the film once it was finished. But... public attention and embarrassment forced Disney to let the Weinstein brothers of Miramax find another distributor! But...

3. Instead of a new distributor stepping right in -- as all the media predicted would happen -- it took another month to find distributors who would take on this movie. A number of other distributors, thanks to various pressures, were afraid to get involved. It looked for a while that we would be distributing this ourselves. But then Lions Gate and IFC Films rode in to the rescue!

So, we have beaten back all attempts to kill this movie, and the only thing in the way of you now seeing "Fahrenheit 9/11" is this Republican big-money front group trying to force theaters not to show the movie.

Please, contact your local theaters and let them know you want to see "Fahrenheit 9/11." Tell them that some people don't know that this is America and that we believe in freedom of speech and the importance of ALL voices being heard. (The members of MoveOn.org—an ACTUAL grassroots organization—have done a very cool thing. They are pledging to send a message to theater owners and are planning to attend a showing of the film on its opening weekend.)

I appreciate their efforts, but you don’t have to be a member of MoveOn to help stop this effort to keep “Fahrenheit 9/11” from making it to screens across the country. If a theater in your area is planning to show the film, just give them a call and thank them for standing up for the freedom of speech. If your local theater isn't showing the film, call them and let them know that you would like to see it and you'd like them to show it.

The White House and their minions in our media have presented one distorted version of the truth after another for the past four years. All we are asking for is the right to show what they HAVEN'T shown us, the real truth. The truth that ain't pretty (and is, sadly, damningly hilarious).

On top of all this, the MPAA gave the film an "R" rating. I want all teenagers to see this film. There is nothing in the film in terms of violence that we didn't see on TV every night at the dinner hour during the Vietnam War. Of course, that's the point, isn't it? The media have given the real footage from Iraq a "cleansing" -- made it look nice, easy to digest. Mario Cuomo has offered to be our lawyer in appealing this ruling by the MPAA. Frankly, I would like to think the MPAA is saying that the actions by the Bush administration are so abhorrent and revolting, we need to protect our children from seeing what they have done. In that case, the film should be rated NC-17!

However it turns out, I trust all of you teenagers out there will find your way into a theater to see this movie. If the government believes it is OK to send slightly older teenagers to their deaths in Iraq, I think at the very least you should be allowed to see what they are going to draft you for in a couple of years.

Finally, some very sophisticated individuals have been hacking into and shutting down our website. It is an hourly fight to keep it up. We are going to find out who is doing this and we are going to pursue a criminal prosecution. I'm preparing lots of cool stuff for the site so watch for new items on it next week
http://www.fahrenheit911.com and

Thanks again for your support and I hope to see you at the movies on opening night, June 25.


Michael Moore

PS. I am sponsoring a number of benefits around the country next week for local and national peace and justice groups, including Military Families Speak Out and September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows. Please check your local papers and my website next week for further details.

PPS. Also, I am going to be on the “Late Show with David Letterman” on Friday night. It's on CBS at 11:35 PM Eastern and Pacific. And on Monday morning (June 21) I will be on “The Today Show” on NBC. Next week, Jon Stewart and Conan. I'd go on O'Reilly but, like a coward, he walked out on a screening we invited him to (with Al Franken just a few rows away!). I personally caught him sneaking out. Embarrassed, he tried to change the subject. He said, "When are you coming on my show?" and I said, "Turn around and watch the rest of the movie and I will come on your show." He walked out. Fair and balanced.


Informant: Laurel

Weather Modification

"Much of the science that had been planned for the Tropospheric Aerosol Program (TAP) will in the future be conducted under the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Science Program, which, beginning in Fiscal Year 2005, will focus on radiative forcing of climate change by atmospheric aerosols."

More here:

Brookhaven National Laboratories on Climate Modification

Former national security advisor to Jimmy Carter, Zbigniew Brzezinski, in 1970: "Technology will make available, to the leaders of major nations, techniques for conducting secret warfare of which only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised…Technology of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storm."


Weather Modification

Chemtrails: The government says they don't exist, but Kucinich wants Congress to take action. See:

Chemtrails outlaw

HAARP, Chemtrails, and Barium

Re: HAARP, Chemtrails and Barium

TRW, Raytheon Net $4.5 Billion NPOESS Satellite Contract

The next generation civil and military polar orbiting weather satellite will replace the Air Force's current Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) satellites and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) civilian polar-orbiting weather satellites.

"Since representatives in the space industry, including some of the upper echelons at USSPACECOM are claiming that ALL space programs from now on will be dual use (have commercial AND military applications) then we must assume that a weather satellite has something to do with enhancing war powers, multiplying force at least. When I publicly stated that NOAA, NCAR, NASA, and some other agencies involved with the types of research outlined at the top were using weather satellites as part of the Star Wars schemes and that chemtrails were necessary to such ops, I got an in-person, extremely jarring death threat. I WAS, after all, going after the LASP at the time (Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics) which is situated about two miles from where I lived."

More here:

Chemtrail Schemes

"Understanding the electrodynamics of the upper atmosphere, particularly in polar regions, has implications for electric power generation, mitigation of geomagnetic storm effects, and estimating satellite drag. It may someday be possible to tap some of the immense electric power flowing in ionospheric currents during geomagnetic storms. Ionospheric heating using high power (such as OTH) radar is a convenient way to study the upper atmosphere’s response to known energy input. Researchers have also proposed studying auroral fine structure and the dynamics of ARTIFICIAL BARIUM CLOUDS (capitals added) with the OTH-B radar."

More here:

Ionospheric Research

The Aurora Borealis and sundogs are examples of what atmospheric physicists are brainstorming about these days, examples of ambient plasmas. Have you noticed that there are many more sundogs these days than, say, fifteen years ago. If you are a sky watcher you have probably noticed.

"As early as 1939, radio amateurs found auroral ionization useful for communication purposes. Such ionization makes hf and vhf propagation possible over paths as great as several hundred kilometers when other more normal ionospheric propagation modes do not exist. The geometry of reflection is investigated for a variety of transmitter locations based upon the assumption of specular reflection from columnar ionization aligned with the earth's magnetic field lines. The results of the investigations outline the region of useful auroral ionization and the regions on the earth within which the auroral propagation is possible. The probability has been determined of obtaining propagation from a particular transmitter location to any receiver location within the region of propagation. These geometrical studies allow the communicator to predict the most useful transmitter and receiver locations in utilizing auroral ionization for communication purposes. The studies also may suggest methods of minimizing the effects of auroral propagation when it is considered a detrimental propagating mode, for example, when it results in undesirable multipath effects."

R. L. Leadabrand and I. Yabroff, "The geometry of auroral communications,"
IRE Trans. Antennas Propagat., vol. 6, pp. 80 - 87, January 1958.

The Division of Plasma Physics is one of three divisions at the Alfvén Laboratory. The main theme of the Division's activity is research on fundamental properties of matter in the plasma state, especially its electrodynamic properties, such as ability to carry electric current, to support electric fields, and to rapidly release magnetically stored energy.

Their web site is here:

The following is snipped from their annual 1995 report.


The main theme of the research is the electrodynamic properties of matter in the plasma state. The research program is characterized by intense international collaboration.


The electric fields are particularly interesting because they are intimately associated with acceleration processes that cause auroras, magnetic storms and associated plasma phenomena. Such acceleration processes have a wide relevance to many important problems in space and astrophysical plasmas and also have important technological connections, e.g. to the prevention of harmful electrostatic charging of geostationary satellites. Recently, a discovery was made by members of the space group of low-altitude positive electric potential structures that cause upward acceleration of ionospheric electrons in regions adjacent to auroral field lines which will be further discussed in Section 2.3.

~HAARP taught them that an auroral effect was an optical over-the-horizon, albeit natural, phenomenon. Get it?~

The Auroral Turbulence rocket launched from Poker Flat in Alaska in March 1994 through an auroral arc was aimed at multipoint measurements using three instrumented payloads (mother and two daughters). Excellent data were obtained by the instruments on the mother payload and the analysis of the magnetometer data has during 1995 resulted in a Diploma Thesis by G. Smith.

Unfortunately the daughter payloads failed to separate which means that most instruments could not operate. However, magnetometer data from one of the daughters is still useful (although it will be somewhat complicated to analyse) and will allow two- point measurements of the magnetic field.

Because of the partial failure (of systems under NASA´s responsibility) and the fact that this is a highly interesting mission a proposal for a second mission, Auroral Turbulence II, was approved by NASA in 1995. After this a collaboration was initiated between Danish Techni cal University, Sodankylä Observatory and Alfvén Laboratory in order to develop a digital fluxgate magnetometer for the Auroral Turbulence II mission to be ready in 1996.


The Division's involvement in satellite experiments started gradually with participation in international projects such as GEOS-1, GEOS-2 and ISEE (International Sun Earth Explorer) and came to full fruition with the first Swedish satellite, Viking, launched in 1986 and which carried an electric field experiment entirely built by the Division of Plasma Physics. In 1992 the second Swedish satellite Freja, including an electric field instrument developed at the Alfvén Laboratory, was launched.


The Alfvén Laboratory group is responsible for the double-probe electric field instrument on the Swedish Freja satellite. Freja has now been operating for more than three years and the electric field experiment has been fully operational throughout this time. The strongest electric fields ever observed in space plasmas (more than 2 V/m), associated with low-conductivity regions such as east-west-aligned optically black bands or vortex streets of black auroral curls, have been discovered by the Freja double-probe instrument. It has been found that these intense electric fields are often diverging and possibly associated with downward electric fields that give rise to upward acceleration of ionospheric electrons and ion precipitation. The characteristics of the electric field around large scale auroral surges and spirals have been investigated and found to be inconsistent with existing theories of the electrodynamics of auroral surges. In addition the unique capability of the instrument to collect overview data from consecutive full orbits have provided new interesting findings on low-latitude phenomena such as sub-auroral electric fields and equatorial plasma bubbles.


Astrid 2 is the second of a series of planned Swedish microsatellites developed by the Swedish Space Corporation. The Astrid 2 payload consists of a relatively comprehensive set of instruments for classical auroral research.....


The planned successor to Freja and Viking in the investigation of the ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction is the Ibiza/Impact project.....


An important aspect of in situ measurements in the Earth¹s ionosphere and magnetosphere is that they serve to build a safer empirical basis for understanding the physics of our universe which consists almost entirely of plasma. This was the main topic for an IEEE invited plenary talk published in IEEE Trans http://www.ieee.org .


The optical signatures of these features are likely to be narrow east-west aligned dark filaments (or black auroral bands) adjacent to auroral arcs. In some cases the black auroral bands become unstable and develop into vortex streets of black auroral curls. One such case, where Freja is likely to have passed through two east-west aligned black auroral curl structures, was published previously.


During 1995 the analysis has been finished of the combined sub and main payload measurements from the CRIT II ionospheric release experiment. A new data reduction technique made it possible to resolve magnetic perturbations of a few nT, giving unprecedented details concerning the Alfvén waves launched from the release. For example, the magnetic signature could be measured from the plasma displacement in the Alfvén wave front. The measurements also resolved an old competition between two proposed models for the momentum exchange in such releases. Finally, a model of the coupling between the momentum exchange and the energy exchange mechanisms has been constructed based on the measurements.

Much more here:


Also see:

The collective gyration of a heavy ion cloud in a magnetized plasma

Neutralization of positive space charge in a collisionless magnetized
plasma http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRL/v65/i7/p859_1

Dynamics of three dimensional ionospheric plasma clouds

Multipoint Magnetospheric Measurements


A Google search for "low altitude" and "ambient plasma" and barium

A Three-dimensional hybrid code simulation of the December 1984 solarwind
AMPTE release


Electromagnetic Wave Interaction with the Auroral Plasma

Investigation of fine structures in the ionosphere by interferometry with the EISCAT Svalbard Radar



Seeing Through the Clouds: A Chemtrail Update



HR 2977 IH



Understanding the electrodynamics of the upper atmosphere, particularly in polar regions, has implications for electric power generation, mitigation of geomagnetic storm effects, and estimating satellite drag. It may someday be possible to tap some of the immense electric power flowing in ionospheric currents during geomagnetic storms. Ionospheric heating using high power (such as OTH) radar is a convenient way to study the upper atmosphere’s response to known energy input. Researchers have also proposed studying auroral fine structure and the dynamics of artifical barium clouds with the OTH-B radar.


Ionospheric Research


Chemtrail Schemes

The last link's effectiveness is hampered by the fact that everything that I had archived at Indymedia.org has been censored. Am I the most censored person on the web today?



Sundogs and the Northern Lights are examples of ambient plasmas. So are 'artificial ionospheric mirrors' to employ the USAF's terminology. Those would be CHEMTRAILS.

Catching you up to my research (in a nutshell) the barium (the light, extremely conductive ambient plasma key ingredient) has something to do with duplicating the auroral effect (sundogs) of the aurora borealis and it seems probable that the experiments with HAARP triggered this line of thinking. Considering that we are dealing with the magnetoshpere, I am guessing that the pole shifts have been affected by the most powerful transmitter ever created (HAARP).

The auroral effect itself is the key in that we see that clouds with enough barium compounds ionized in them reflect DIFFERENT parts of the spectrums of light and these different freqencies MUST be indicative of what frequencies we are dealing with explaining why the National Imagery and Mapping Agency's connection to OPTICS. NIMA is now the NGIA - the National Geophysical Intelligence Agency.

A little ambience

Plasma bubble ?




Method and Apparatus for Ionizing All the Elements in A Complex Substance Such As Radioactive Waste and Separating Some of the Elements From the Other Elements
Bernard J. Eastlund
U.S. Patent: 5,681,434 Issue Date: 10/28/97
Assignee: Bernard J. Eastlund
Click For Abstract

Method and Apparatus for a Large Volume Plasma Processor That Can Utilize Any Feedstock Material
Bernard J. Eastlund
US Patent Number: 5,630,880 Issue Date: 5/20/97
Assignee: Bernard J. Eastlund
Click For Abstract

Method for Producing a Shell of Relativistic Particles at an Altitude Above the Earths Surface
Bernard J. Eastlund
US Patent Number: 5,038,664 Issue Date: 8/13/91
Assignee: APTI, Inc.
Click For Abstract

Tubing Collar
Bernard J. Eastlund, Kenneth J. Schmitt, Douglas C. Anderson,
US Patent Number: 4,861,074 Issue Date: 8/29/89
Assignee: Production Technologies International Inc.
Click For Abstract

Method and System for Introducing Electric Current Into a Well
Bernard J. Eastlund, Kenneth J. Schmitt, Ronald M. Bass, John M. Harrison
US Patent Number: 4,716,960 Issue Date: 1/5/88
Assignee: Production Technologies International, Inc
Click For Abstract

Method and Apparatus For Altering a Region in the Earth's Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere
Bernard J. Eastlund
US Patent Number: 4,686,605 Issue Date: 8/11/87
Assignee: APTI, Inc.
Click For Abstract

Well Heater
Bernard J. Eastlund, Kenneth J. Schmitt, Ronald M. Bass
US Patent Number: 4,678,034 Issue Date: 7/7/87
Assignee: Formation Damage Removal Corporation
Click For Abstract

Method and Apparatus For Creating an Artificial Electron Cyclotron Heating Region of Plasma
Bernard J. Eastlund, Simon Ramo
Patent Number: 4,712,155 Issue Date: 1/28/85
Assignee: APTI, Inc.
Click For Abstract

Method and Apparatus for Ultraviolet Curing of Three Dimensional Objects Without Rotation
Bernard J. Eastlund, Charles H. Wood, Robert W. Couch, Michael G. Ury
US Patent Number: 4,208,587 Issue Date: 6/17/80
Assignee: Fusion Systems Corp.
Click For Abstract

Microwave Generated Radiation Apparatus
Bernard J. Eastlund, Michael G. Ury, Ray S. Braden, Charles H. Wood
US Patent Number: 4,042,850 Issue Date: 8/16/77
Assignee: Fusion Systems Corporation
Click For Abstract

Method and Apparatus for Generating Electromagnetic Radiation
Bernard J. Eastlund, Donald M. Spero, Michael G. Ury
US Patent Number: 3,911,318 Issue Date: 10/7/75
Assignee: Fusion Systems Corporation
Click For Abstract

Apparatus and Method for Generating Radiation
Bernard J. Eastlund, Donald M. Spero, Michael G. Ury
US Patent Number: 3,872,349 Issue Date: 3/18/75
Assignee: Fusion Systems Corporation
Click For Abstract
Click For Patent

See http://www.radarmatrix.com for more.


Scalar Electromagnetics and Weather Control

Where Climate Modification Meets Sept. 11

Sounds from the new "Woodpecker Grid"

Stormy Weather - The Government's Top-Secret Efforts To Control Mother Nature

DARPA and Weather Modification

HAARP, Chemtrails, and Barium

Re: HAARP, Chemtrails, and Barium

The Dancing Wu Li Masters : An Overview of the New Physics

Chaos: Making a New Science

Historical Background of Scalar EM Weapons

A search for posts by yours truly at the Yahoogroup entitled 'Tesla'

State of the Art Plasma Physics

Plasma Physics -- History

Considerations about Plasmoid Phenomena and Superconductivity Phenomena

Gigantic Jets Connect Thunderclouds to the Ionosphere

DOD/DOE Admit to Aerial Spray Program

Barium Release Mechanism

The International Commission on Atmospheric Electricity: RESEARCH ACTIVITY

Military Applications of Advanced Tesla Technology


Informant: Eric Stewart

Great news from the Heart of the Boreal Forest

We have just learned that the government of Manitoba has formally extended protections that will keep industrial development out of two million acres of the boreal forests that make up the Poplar-Nanowin Rivers Protected Area.

This tremendous victory is due in no small part to pressure applied by 20,000 BioGems Defenders who sent electronic messages to the Manitoba minister of conservation back in April and May.

The government's decision means that this swath of the boreal will be safe for five years from logging, roadbuilding and other development while our local partner -- the Poplar River First Nation -- completes a land management plan that aims to permanently protect this ecosystem for future generations.

The protected area's evergreen forests, granite outcroppings and pristine rivers contain rich songbird breeding grounds and prime caribou and wolf habitat. This spectacular wildland has also sustained its first inhabitants, the Poplar River First Nation, for at least 6,000 years.

The fight to save the larger Heart of the Boreal BioGem goes on. This victory is one small but very important step in our ongoing campaign to protect the vast, pristine wilderness that straddles the border of Manitoba and Ontario.
Go to http://www.savebiogems.org/boreal/ for more about the campaign.

Thank you for taking action to save our hemisphere's wildest places!


John H. Adams
NRDC (Natural Resources Defense Council)

BioGems: Saving Endangered Wild Places
A project of the Natural Resources Defense Council

Why Canadian Physicians are Concerned about the Policies Regulating Pesticide Use


Informant: Deborah Elaine Barrie

Umweltschützer fordern Verbot von Patenten auf Leben

Presseerklärung vom 15. Juni 2004

Zur heutigen Entscheidung des Europäischen Patentamts in München:

Umweltschützer fordern Verbot von Patenten auf Leben

Vor dem Europäischen Patentamt in München hat heute die letztinstanzliche Verhandlung über das umstrittene Genpflanzen-Patent EP 275957 des Bayer-Konzerns begonnen. Das Patent bezieht sich auf gentechnisch veränderte Pflanzen wie Reis, Raps und Mais. Nach Ansicht der Beschwerdeführer verstößt das Patent gegen die guten Sitten und umfasst zudem den Schutz von Pflanzensorten, was nach Maßgabe der Patentrichtlinie der Europäischen Union unzulässig ist.

Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren (CBG) unterstützt die Klage. Philipp Mimkes, Sprecher des Vereins: "Ungeachtet aller Risiken versucht der Bayer-Konzern, die grüne Gentechnik im Markt durchzusetzen - hierbei spielen Patente eine zentrale Rolle. Dabei haben sich die Ankündigungen der Konzerne, mittels Gentechnik das Welthunger-Problem zu lösen oder den Verbrauch von Agrogiften zu verringern, als bloße Produkteinführungskampagnen erwiesen." Der Verein fordert Bayer auf, aus der Produktion von gentechnisch veränderten Pflanzen vollständig auszusteigen.

Allein in Europa wurden bislang rund vierhundert Patente auf Saatgut erteilt. Derartige Patente bringen Landwirte in aller Welt in direkte Abhängigkeit von multinationalen Konzernen und stellen daher eine Gefährdung der Welternährung dar. Die Firmen Bayer und BASF halten rund die Hälfte der in Europa erteilten Patente auf Saatgut. Bayer gehört neben Monsanto, Dupont und Syngenta zu den weltweit größten Saatgutkonzernen.

Mehrere europäische Regierungen weigerten sich, den durch das Bayer-Patent geschützten Gen-Raps zum Anbau zuzulassen. Mehrjährige Tests hatten gezeigt, dass Gen-Raps die biologische Vielfalt gefährdet.

Der Einspruch gegen das Bayer-Patent wurde 1993 von der Münchner Initiative "Kein Patent auf Leben!" eingereicht. Greenpeace unterstützt den Einspruch vor der Beschwerdekammer durch rechtliche Expertise. Der Ausgang des Verfahrens kann Einfluss auf das Patentgesetz in Deutschland haben, da der Bundestag noch dieses Jahr die Patentrichtlinie 98/44 der Europäischen Union umsetzen will.

Die Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren fordert, dass Gene, Pflanzen, Tiere, und Teile des menschlichen Körpers nicht patentiert werden dürfen. Auch Greenpeace, die deutsche Ärztekammer und der Deutsche Bauernverband fordern ein vollständiges Verbot der Patentierung von Pflanzen.

Weitere Informationen:

BAYERs Griff nach dem Leben
Presseerklärung von Greenpeace: http://www.Greenpeace.de

Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren
Tel: 0211-333 911
Fax 040 – 3603 741835

Dr. Sigrid Müller, Pharmakologin, Bremen
Dr. Erika Abczynski, Kinderärztin, Dormagen
Eva Bulling-Schröter, ehem. MdB, Berlin
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Rochlitz, Chemiker, ehem. MdB, Burgwald
Dr. Janis Schmelzer, Historiker, Berlin
Wolfram Esche, Rechtsanwalt, Köln
Dorothee Sölle,Theologin, Hamburg (U 2003)
Prof. Dr. Anton Schneider, Baubiologe, Neubeuern
Prof. Jürgen Junginger, Designer, Krefeld

Air Traffic Controllers Concerned Over Chemtrails

Should we be breathing in powdered aluminum?

By William Thomas willthomas@telus.net

VANCOUVER, Canada - As continuing chemtrail activity culminated in massive aerial spraying over Vancouver Island and Washington state yesterday- and broadening plumes once again fanned out to haze clear blue skies - Air Traffic Controllers at major airports across the United States expressed concern over the emissions constantly showing up on their radar screens.

'Chemtrails' is the term widely used to describe the brilliant white trails laid down by U.S. Air Force tanker planes photo-identified over North America and a dozen other allied nations in a process the U.S. Air Force calls 'aerial obscuration'.

First confirmed by Airport Authority Terry Stewart at the Victoria International Airport on Dec. 8, 2000 as a 'joint Canada-U.S. military operation' and stridently denied by senior officers at Canadian Forces Base (where Stewart later told the Vancouver Courier he had received his information) - these multi-plane missions were verified in March, 2001 by the Air Traffic Control (ATC) manager for the northeastern seaboard of the United States.

In three taped interviews with this reporter and veteran radio journalist S.T. Brendt, our 'Deep Sky' source said that he had been ordered to divert incoming commercial flights away from USAF tankers spraying s substance that showed up on ATC radars as a 'haze'.

These radar returns are the signature of the fine aluminum particles found in laboratory tests of chemtrail-contaminated rain taken in Espanola, Ontario in the summer of 1999. The lab analysis found reflective quartz particles in the chemtrail fallout - and levels of aluminum FIVE TIMES higher than Ontario's maximum permissible health safety standards.

After NDP Defense critic Gordon Earle presented a petition signed by 550 Espanola residents to Parliament in November, 1999 demanding an end to aerial spraying by commercial or military aircraft, foreign or domestic, which appeared to be making many people sick, DND eventually replied, "It's not us."

The aluminum found in chemtrails over Ontario matches the 10 micron aluminum oxide called for in a 1994 patent issued to Hughes Aircraft Company. 'Welsbach Seeding for Reduction of Global Warming' refers to spreading highly reflective materials in the atmosphere to reflect enough incoming sunlight (1 to 2%) to slow rapidly-accelerating global warming.

Edward Teller, father of the H-bomb, called for this billion dollar a year 'sky shield' program after computer simulations at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory showed it would prevent warming over 85% of the planet's surface despite a predicted doubling of heat- trapping C02 in the atmosphere over the next 40 years.

But Ken Caldeira - the climate expert who ran the computer model - has warned that the stratospheric spraying of sunlight-reflecting chemicals could 'destroy the ozone layer' and pose human health risks.


Starting last December, on heavy 'spray days' Deep Sky began calling companion controllers across the country. Were they seeing the same thing on their scopes? What were they being told?

In a fourth interview with reporter S.T. Brendt last week, Deep Sky stated that Air Traffic Controllers at Chicago's O'Hare airport, all three major airports in New York, Los Angeles LAX, San Francisco, Atlanta, Cleveland, San Diego, Washington DC's Dulles and Jacksonville, Florida were being ordered to route airliners beneath formations of Air Force tanker planes spraying something that regularly clouds their screens.

Several smaller but busy airports at Westchester County in New York state and Manchester in New Hampshire were also contacted by this an increasingly concerned Deep Sky - and confirmed similar experiences.

Every controller, without exception, is being told to divert traffic due to military exercises, and to bring in traffic lower because of experiments that may degrade their radars. The controllers at Cleveland's airport were surprised by the extent of obscuration on their radars.


Ohio is the home of Wright-Patterson - the air force base working with electromagnetic and weather modification technology. A scientist working at Wright-Pat recently told reporter Bob Fitrakis that two different projects are being conducted. One involves cloud creation experiments to lessen the effect of global warming. Other chemtrails are connected with the military's extremely high-power Radio Frequency beam weapon in Alaska called HAARP.

The scientist claims that the two most common substances being sprayed into chemtrails are aluminum oxide and barium stearate. When you see planes flying back and forth marking parallel lines, X- patterns and grids in a clear sky, that's aluminum oxide, according to the scientist. The goal is to create an artificial sunscreen to reflect solar radiation back into space to alleviate global warming. In some cases, barium may be sprayed in a similar manner for the purpose of high-tech 3-D radar imaging. (Columbus Alive Dec. 6, 2001)


HR2977 is creating a 'buzz in the Air Traffic Control community. Introduced last October by Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, this bill called for the peaceful uses of space, and a ban on 'exotic weapons' . Section 7 of the 'Space Preservation Act of 2001' sought specifically to prohibit 'chemtrails' .

Kucinich recently told the Columbus Alive newspaper (Jan. 24, 2002) that despite official denials, as head of the Armed Services oversight committee he is well acquainted with chemtrail projects. "The truth is there's an entire program in the Department of Defense - 'Vision for 2020' - that's developing these weapons, Kucinich told reporter Bob Fitrakis. The U.S. Space Command's 2020 vision calls for 'dominance of space, land, sea and air'.

Though "section vii" naming chemtrails, HAARP and other planet- threatening weapons has since been removed in a substitute bill - under pressure according to Kucinich - the original bill remains intact and on-file in the congressional record.


The unusual white plumes reported by Air Canada pilots, police officers and former military personnel over Canada and the U.S. during the past three years are often contrasted by brief, pencil- thin contrails left by commercial jets flying above them.

Contrails form when water vapor clumps around dirt particles acting as nuclei. According to NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, contrails can only form at temperatures below minus 76 degrees, and humidity levels of 70 percent or more. Even in ideal conditions, contrails rarely last more than 20 minutes.

But atmospheric studies by NASA and NOAA - including TARFOX, ACE- Asia, ACE-I and II, INDOEX and Project SUCCESS - confirm that artificial clouds and contrails can be manufactured under conditions of low humidity by dispensing particles from aircraft. The smaller the size of the nuclei introduced into the atmosphere, the greater the rate of artificial cloud formation.

Controllers across the United States know from their professional training that these chemicals fall to the ground. Without exception they expressed their concern to Deep Sky about possible risks to human health.

"They want to know what the heck is in there," S.T. Brendt reported. "One of them said, 'Aluminum or barium' that's not something you want to be breathing."

Over the last few months, the controller have been told that the troubling aerial operations involve 'climate experiments'. Deep Sky's family continues to experience health problems, including his young son's gushing nose bleeds and episodes of 'Sudden Onset Acute Asthma' in his wife.

William Thomas is the author of 'Chemtrails Confirmed' and 'All Fall Down: The Politics of Terror and Mass Persuasion'. His website:


Informant: vman

Post-9/11 laws expand to more than terrorism


Informant: kevcross5

Military Experts Join Anti-War Activists


Informant: chai

More Lead in Children Who Drink Fluoridated Water


Informant: Planttrees

CASPIAN - Consumers Against Supermarket Privacy Invasion and Numbering


Informant: m macleod

Superbug with Anthrax Genes


US Military Operating a Secret Chemical Weapons Program


Informant: Laurel

Manipulation der Wissenschaft: Klinische Tests mit Vorsicht genießen


Eine aktuelle Studie an der Yale School of Medicine zeigte, daß 80 Prozent der Klinischen Tests die von Medikamenten Herstellern finanziert wurden positive Resultate lieferten - bei solchen Test, die von unabhängigen Instituten ausgeführt waren, waren es nur die Hälfte. Andere Studien zeigten Beweise für die Neigung, unklare Test Ergebnisse in akademischen Zeitschriften nicht zu veröffentlichen, und für die wiederholte Veröffentlichung positiver Resultate - um den Eindruck zu erwecken dass ein Medikament wesentlich effektiver ist als es wirklich ist.

Omega: gleiches gilt für die Mobilfunkforschung soweit sie von der Mobilfunkindustrie mitfinanziert wird. Man kann von ihr keine Neutralität erwarten, dafür steht für sie wirtschaftlich zu viel auf dem Spiel.

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Omega siehe hierzu auch:
Forscher und Forschungsergebnisse von der Industrie bezahlt

New studies contradict FAO report and show that genetically engineered Bt cotton fails to benefit farmers


Informant: ECOTERRA Intl.

CIA Restricts One-Third of U.S. Senate WMD Report


Informant: HALOJUMPER82

IMC Hamilton Journalists Document Aerosol Spraying Of Hamilton-Area Skies


Informant: m macleod

Navy Comes Clean After ECTV Disclosure

It appears yesterday’s ECTV article on ‘false reading’ earthquakes and vast electronic interference, has prompted a response from DoD’s media department. A rather unusual announcement was released this morning, disclosing to the public for the first time, a previous top secret testing operation in the Atlantic. It is known as operation “Northern Edge”. This exercise appears to be utilizing HAARP: http://www.haarp.alaska.edu/haarp/

Cmdr. Joe Murphy, U.S. Alaskan Command reports “a new combat system is being tested. The new testing devise is used for what is commonly known as “jamming,” the Improved Capabilities System III (ICAP III) http://www.dcmilitary.com/navy/tester/9_15/features/28548-1.html overloads specific hostile communication bandwidths, causing users to temporarily lose service.

“Training and testing of ICAP III is a stepping-stone for the Navy,” said Chief Aviation Structural Mechanic Ron Szpynda, Air Test Evaluation (VX) 9. “This is the first time we have used this system.”

VX-9's EA-6B Prowlers are being used to test the system. The aircraft provides protection for strike aircraft, ground troops and ships, by jamming enemy radar, electronic data links and communications.

“The system floods an opposing bandwidth with more frequency than those operating systems release,” said Cmdr. Jim Winship, VX-9 branch head. “This causes users to temporarily lose service. Everything from telephones to sophisticated electronic equipment goes static, because the jammer can overwhelm the frequencies they use.”

Jun 16, 2004, 23:48

Informant: littlebrit1961

Bei Metro liegt der Regenwald im Regal

Der Regenwald Sumatras ist bedroht wie kaum ein anderer: Plantagen für Palmöl und Zellstoff für blütenweißes Papier fressen die Heimat von Waldelefant, Sumatra-Tiger und Nashorn. Dorfbewohner werden von Plantagenkonzernen von ihren Feldern vertrieben und die Flüsse mit Zellstoffabwässern vergiftet. An diesem Umwelt- und Sozialverbrechen verdient die Metro in Deutschland.

Schluss damit! Bitte protestieren Sie hier:


Rettet den Regenwald e. V.
Friedhofsweg 28
22337 Hamburg
Tel. 040 - 4103804
Fax: 040 - 4500144


Govt. Website Confirms CHEMTRAILS http://www.tap.bnl.gov/

Much of the science that had been planned for the Tropospheric Aerosol Program (TAP) will in the future be conducted under the Department of Energy's Atmospheric Science Program, which, beginning in Fiscal Year 2005, will focus on radiative forcing of climate change by atmospheric aerosols. Interested readers are referred to the ASP web site and to the documents accessible from that page.

ARM - ASP - Aerosol IOP, May, 2003

Investigators in DOE's Atmospheric Chemistry Program (ACP) and TAP joined forces with investigators of DOE's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) in an IOP (Intensive Observational Period) at the ARM Southern Great Plains site in North Central Oklahoma in May, 2003. The object of study was the influence of tropospheric aerosols on the radiation budget at the site. A secondary focus was characterization of the cloud nucleating properties of the aerosol. Much effort was directed to characterization of the microphysical and chemical properties of the aerosol by in situ measurements and remote sensing. A variety of closure experiments were conducted examining the ability of theory to predict aerosol optical properties and radiative influence. Key among these were tests of the ability to infer optical and cloud nucleating properties from chemical and microphysical properties of the aerosol. Further information is available on the ARM Aerosol IOP Homepage.

Click here for a prospectus on the ACP component of this IOP.

There is a considerable potential challenge to industry in helping to meet the recent National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) for fine particles. Thus there is an almost unprecedented opportunity for collaborative work in TAP with other offices of DOE, other Federal Agencies, industry, and academia.

The proposed DOE TAP program is viewed as very much a part of an emerging national aerosol research program, coordinated by the federal Air Quality Research Subcommittee and implemented in collaboration with NARSTO.

The Department of Energy's Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM) conducts reasearch on atmospheric radiation and the controlling atmospheric properties and operates facilities to conduct this research. As tropospheric aerosols are a significant influence on the radiation budget there is a natural overlap of interest between ARM and TAP.

A description of TAP was presented at the Fall 1999 AGU meeting. The viewgraphs of that presentation are available as a PDF file (2 MByte) The Department of Energy's Tropospheric Aerosol Program - TAP: An Examination of Aerosol Processes and Properties. S. E. Schwartz and P. Lunn. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 12- 17, 1999.

An update on the status of TAP was presented at the 2001 Annual Meeting of the DOE Atmospheric Sciences Program, Raleigh, NC, February 13-15, 2001. The viewgraphs of that presentation are available as a PDF file.
The Department of Energy's Tropospheric Aerosol Program - TAP: Status Update.

Earlier documents describing TAP that are available are the initial (June 1998) TAP Concept Paper and a set of viewgraphs describing TAP Tropospheric Aerosol Program--A Vision; for more convenient viewing on a smaller screen click here.

Links to TAP-related Efforts
DOE Atmospheric Science Program
DOE Atmospheric Chemistry Program (ACP)
DOE Environmental Meteorology Program (EMP) -- Vertical Transport and Mixing (VTMX)
DOE Research Aircraft Facility
DOE Atmospheric Radiation Measurement Program (ARM)
DOE Global Change Education Program (GCEP)
North American Research Strategy for Tropospheric Ozone (NARSTO)
DOE Program Manager
Peter Lunn
Environmental Sciences Division, ER-74
U. S. Department of Energy,
Germantown, MD 20874-1290
Internet: Peter.Lunn@science.doe.gov

Lead Scientist
Stephen E. Schwartz
Bldg. 815E
Brookhaven National Laboratory
Upton NY 11973
Internet: ses@bnl.gov

Informant: Romy

U.N. Admits Mistake in Iran Nuclear Report


Informant: kevcross5

Dublin Action Agenda

Europäische Initiative: "Dublin Action Agenda" gegen Krieg wird von Bundesregierung aufgegriffen


Der Bund für Soziale Verteidigung begrüßt die Europäische Initiative aus der Zivilgesellschaft "Dublin Action Agenda" zur Vorbeugung gewaltsam ausgetragener Konflikte. Der Bund für Soziale Verteidigung hat diese Ergebnisse der Dubliner Konferenz übersetzt und vielen deutschen Friedensorganisationen und der deutschen Regierung zur Verfügung gestellt. U.a. aus dem Auswärtigen Amt kam als Rückmeldung: "Die Bundesregierung teilt ohne Abstriche Ihre Auffassung, dass die Zivilgesellschaft eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Vorbeugung bewaffneter Konflikte spielen muss."

Die ganze Nachricht im Internet:

Act Now to Stop Torture


Informant: Martin Greenhut

Torture Will be Conquered by the Rule of Law


Under Your Skin


Informant: civileconomic

On Their Way To Abu Ghraib

By Mike Ferner
Smirking Chimp.com

ABU SIFFA, IRAQ - "How could this happen?" nearly everyone asks these days. But as the U.S. now releases hundreds of men from Abu Ghraib prison, another question, "why were so many Iraqis locked up there in the first place?" is likely to become part of the debate. The story of this farming hamlet 30 miles north of Baghdad sheds a lot of light on that question.

"On December 16, 2003, at 2:00 am, on a rainy night, all the houses in Abu Siffa, about two dozen, were surrounded by U.S. troops in tanks and humvees. They surrounded the fields of the farmers by tanks and they destroyed the fences of the fields," citrus farmer, Mohammed Al-Tai explained to a delegation from Christian Peacemaker Teams visiting the village to document detainees' stories.

Soldiers from the Army's 4th Infantry Division rounded up two attorneys, 15 schoolteachers, men in their 80's, a blind man, police officers, young teens, and an elderly man so frail he had to be carried by the soldiers, Al-Tai said. In all, 83 men disappeared that night, virtually every male in the village.

His description of that night continued. "They destroyed the doors of the houses and of the rooms. At night usually the doors of the bedrooms are locked, so they kicked the doors in and destroyed them by their weapons. After that they gathered the men, beating them severely. One was an old man and they smashed his glasses, and for that old man they had to guide him."

Before the soldiers finished the Abu Siffa raid, Al-Tai added that they also "stole from Imad, the attorney, about 14 million dinars ($10,370). From his father, Kamel, they stole 4.5 million dinars ($3,300). They stole 4 million dinars ($3000) from Ziad, an Iraqi police officer, and from all the other houses together, about 100,000 to 150,000 dinars ($75 to $110). They also took five cars. Later they returned two of them that belonged to police officers who died in the line of duty."

The reason for the raid was to apprehend Kais Hattam, Al-Tai said, adding that Hattam claimed he planned to surrender to the Americans the following morning. In a later interview, Lt. Colonel Nathan Sassaman, commander of the division's 1st Battalion, the unit responsible for the district including Abu Siffa, confirmed that Hattam was their man, but doubted he would have surrendered voluntarily.

Sassaman said that Hattam was on a "wanted" list because his name appeared in Ba'ath Party documents found with Saddam Hussein, captured less than three days before the Abu Siffa raid. He described Hattam as a "key figure, one of five regional directors of the Ba'ath Party."

The Lt. Colonel's version of the raid was that 73 people, not 83 were rounded up, all adults. He said his men found a several-acre compound with a large quantity of material for making IEDs (Improvised Explosive Devices), weapons, and "just a ton of explosives." He added that three of the detainees were later released for health reasons.

Asked why so many villagers were rounded up after the Army got the man they were looking for, he replied that the amount of weapons and explosives implicated Abu Siffa was a center of resistance, further proven by the fact that his base had been mortared from that area.

The CPT delegation in Abu Siffa listened to Mohammed Al-Tai and several of his neighbors explain that six weeks after the December pre-dawn raid on their village, 79 adult men were still held in Abu Ghraib, still without visiting privileges. They said that one ill detainee had been released. Contrary to Sassaman's claim that no children were apprehended, Al-Tai said three children had been transferred to Al-Karkh, a special youth prison in Baghdad. The farmer and another villager said they'd been able to visit, albeit under difficult conditions. "It is not easy to get there, the lines ar very long, and even family members are kept behind a line 20 feet away from their children."

Hania, wife of attorney-detainee, Kamel Khoumais, added in sad tones, "For 47 days I did not see him. I tried. I went to Abu Ghraib prison twice. I was turned back with tears." On the night of the raid, soldiers took their family car, she related, and her little finger, still swollen and red, was broken when the keys were ripped out of her hand. The raid that swept up all of Abu Siffa's men is only part of that village's story.

After describing the December 16 roundup, Al-Tai took the delegation on a door-to-door tour of his village, starting with a vacant house where Abbas Abdwahid had lived with 15 members of his extended family. The 41 year-old primary school teacher and several other former residents of the home were now living in Abu Ghraib. Large holes in the brick walls, daylight through the roof, and an orange and white VW Passat taxi smashed up against a rear corner of the house by a Bradley Fighting Vehicle were silent reminders of the Army's second raid on Abu Siffa, on New Year's Eve.

No men were apprehended this time, Al-Tai said; "there were none left." The purpose of the return visit was made clear when the Bradley gunners opened fire with the 25mm Bushmaster chain gun and the 7.62mm machine gun, blasting holes large and small into the brick and cement-block home.

On January 2 the military came back. Al-Tai showed us the rear of another vacant house where he said four brothers, now all in Abu Ghraib, once lived. Still visible were the tracks the Bradley made as it approached the home of Hamis, Abd Kadir, Mohammed and Jasim. As with the previous raid, there was no resistance, Al-Tai said. After another display of firepower the soldiers left. The uninhabitable home, a flattened brick outhouse, a pile of 25mm shell casings and a steel door shot off its hinges, bleeding rust stains from dozens of bullet holes, spoke of that night's violence. As the CPT delegation listened, one of the villagers added, "The soldiers warned the people that they will make this area 'just like the land of the moonit will not be good to plant...it will be like the desert.'" When asked why the Army returned twice to destroy homes, the 1st Battalion's Executive Officer, Major Rob Gwinner, countered the homes were "still habitable. People are living in them." His boss, Lt. Col. Sassaman, said the subsequent raids were a reaction to mortar attacks against his base from the Abu Siffa area. Pentagon casualty reports state that on January 2, 28 year-old Captain Eric Paliwoda was killed in a mortar attack at the 1st Battalion's base.

The prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib is providing the public with a painful education on the Geneva Conventions. To that lesson we can add the story of how people are rounded up and homes destroyed in places like Abu Siffa-both violate the Conventions' prohibition against "collective penalties."

Ferner returned to Iraq this year for two months to write on developments since his trip with Voices in the Wilderness, just prior to the war in February, 2003. He served as a Navy Hospital Corpsman during Viet Nam, is a member of Veterans for Peace and a former member of Toledo City Council.
© 2004 by Mike Ferner


Informant: Vince Bradley


By Tom Hamburger and Alan C. Miller
Los Angeles Time
June 16, 2004


WASHINGTON - A World Health Organization panel has upgraded its assessment of the danger of formaldehyde, declaring for the first time that the chemical is "carcinogenic to humans."

The warning from the International Agency for Research on Cancer contrasts with the approach taken by the Bush administration in February, when the Environmental Protection Agency approved an industry-backed rule intended to spare many plywood and timber-product plants from strict formaldehyde emission controls.

In doing so, the EPA adopted a far more lenient assessment of formaldehyde danger. Administration officials said the controversial change was justified by the "best available science."

Administration critics Tuesday characterized the international health group's action as a rebuke of the EPA's handling of the matter. An industry representative downplayed the international finding, noting that the reclassification of formaldehyde was not a finding of actual risk.

The World Health Organization panel, made up of 26 scientists from 10 countries, reviewed the latest literature and concluded that formaldehyde posed a greater hazard than previously thought.

"Based on this new information, the expert working group has determined that there is now sufficient evidence that formaldehyde causes nasopharyngeal cancer in humans, a rare cancer in developed countries," said a statement Tuesday from the agency's headquarters in Lyon, France. Nasopharyngeal refers to the area in the back of the mouth and nose.

The organization's previous evaluation of formaldehyde had concluded it was "probably carcinogenic." Review of the latest epidemiological studies "increased the overall weight of the evidence" about the toxic chemical, the expert panel said.

The scientists included in their assessment recent studies by the National Cancer Institute and the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health showing that exposure to formaldehyde might also cause leukemia in humans. The panel concluded that evidence of such a link was "strong but not sufficient" to establish a causal relationship.

The administration adopted its less stringent formaldehyde risk assessment shortly after the leukemia studies were disclosed. The EPA wood products rule did not mention leukemia risk. White House and EPA officials said this was because the two U.S. studies and a third in England appeared contradictory and were not thoroughly reviewed.

The WHO scientists took a different view. The link to leukemia "reflects the epidemiologists' finding of strong evidence in human studies," an organization statement said.

It also noted that the international experts had not yet determined how formaldehyde would cause leukemia. The panelists called for more study of leukemia risks.

Administration officials said it was too soon to say what effect the international group's decision could have on the EPA.

"The science on formaldehyde continues to evolve," EPA spokeswoman Cynthia Bergman said. "We are eager to take a close look at their findings."

The EPA is doing its own evaluation of formaldehyde and has said it will adjust its risk assessment if it finds merit in the leukemia or other studies.

Betsy Natz, executive director of the Formaldehyde Council Inc., an industry trade association, said the international health agency had "simply tried to answer the question of whether, under any circumstances, formaldehyde could produce cancer in humans."

She noted that some of the cancers cited as a basis for reclassification were based on exposure of workers in decades past, before modern industrial hygiene and safety standards were in place.

Others said the new findings showed that the Bush administration failed to protect the public and called for reconsideration of the timber products rule.

"The Bush administration is out of step with the international community on yet another important issue for public health and the environment," said Rep. Henry A. Waxman (D-Los Angeles). "It appears that EPA's recent plywood rule downplayed or disregarded scientific information that the World Health Organization finds to be credible and strong."

A prominent epidemiologist went further.

"If the leading international agency on cancer has reevaluated the data and declared formaldehyde to be a human carcinogen, it no longer seems right for the EPA and the White House to ignore these data," said David Michaels, who was assistant Energy secretary for environment, safety and health in the Clinton administration.

The World Health Organization panel deliberated last week in Lyon and planned to publish a treatise in the next few months.

Formaldehyde occurs naturally in the environment and is produced in large scale around the world for use as adhesives and binders for wood products, pulp, paper and other manufactured products.

Informant: NHNE



Informant: Martin Greenhut

The ACLU Demands Answers on the Treatment of Prisoners

In response to the Justice Department’s stonewalling of an ACLU Freedom of Information request filed eight months ago, the ACLU and our allies filed another FOIA lawsuit June 2, demanding the release of information about detainees held at military bases and other facilities overseas.

The abuse of Iraqi prisoners may have been system-wide and not limited to a single prison or American military unit. Even more disturbing, it appears senior officials either approved of the abuse or ignored it. In shocking testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee on June 9, Attorney General John Ashcroft refused to provide Justice Department memos written in 2002 that may have established the legal groundwork for abuses that occurred at Abu Ghraib prison and elsewhere.

Visit the ACLU’s timeline which dramatically demonstrates events relevant to the mistreatment of detainees held in United States custody abroad...


How can we fight to uphold the rule of law if we break the rules ourselves?

U.S. Navy Admiral John Hutson (Ret.)

The ACLU believes the prisoner abuses at Abu Ghraib are a “predictable result” of American detention policies that have deliberately skirted the rule of law and flaunted American values. Americans of all political stripes and varying backgrounds have joined us in our call for the government to disclose those policies, explain why these abuses were allowed to take place, and determine who was ultimately responsible. One of them is U.S. Navy Admiral John Hutson (Ret.), who has added his voice to the ACLU’s nationwide advertising campaign. See this powerful new ad here:



Informant: NHNE

Report Says U.S. Has 'Secret' Detention Centers


Informant: kevcross5

Outsourcen und andere Kosteneinsparung

In regelmässigen Abständen jagen Nachrichtenmeldungen durch die Medienwelt, in denen von Verlagerungen, Kosteneinsparungen und Effektivitätssteigerungen geschrieben wird. Heute unverzichtbar, wenn man den Wirtschaftsbossen glauben kann.

Ja, allgemein die Verlagerung von Arbeitsplätzen ins Ausland, oder speziell vor 14 Jahren in den Osten Deutschlands, heute nach Polen, um dort einen Teil der neuen Maschinen und anderen Investitionen als Zuschuss geschenkt zu bekommen, und zum anderen, durch die neuen Anlagen einen wesentlich kleineren Mitarbeiterbedarf bei gesteigerter Produktivität zu erreichen, um dann die ursprünglichen Arbeitsstätten zu schliesen, ist einen Erscheinung, die sehr wohl als modern, und oft als unausweichlich verkauft wird.

Doch wer bekommt dann die Lohnzahlung und wie kann der Empfänger des Gehaltes damit die Produkte erwerben?

Und wo werden dann die Gewinne versteuert, die Umsätze mit den Zulieferern gemacht?

Was früher nur bei den mechanischen Produkten oder der Softwarebranche bekannt war, und vor langem in den Medien die passende Aufmerksamkeit durch die Gegenaktion "Kinder statt Inder" zu fraglichen Rum aufgestiegen war, zieht jetzt auf neue Ebenen um.

Siemens will, Verwaltung und Management verlagern, da spart man enorm Kosten sagen sie und die "human ressources" in diesem, unserem Land sind der kostentreibende Faktor. Über die Leistungsfähigkeit selbst wird kein Wort verloren, die Arbeit selbst wird ungefragt erledigt.

Amerikanische HighTeck- Entwickler sitzen auf der Strasse, und haben gelernt, dass auch in Taiwan entwickelt und profitabel delegieren werden kann.

Können wir Bürger es uns leisten, dann weiter Siemens Produkte zu kaufen? Können oder sollen wir, oder müssen wir sogar aufgrund des allgemein berechtigten Sparanforderungen überhaupt verzichten, die preiswertesten Produkte en masse zu konsumieren?

Erst lernten wir, dass Geiz geil sein, nun heist es: Kaufen, marsch, marsch.

Wie kann man bei diesem Ton als Fisch in der Masse, der mit dem Strom schwimmt, oder mehr treibt, manchmal auch schon tot, sich enthalten? Wer rennt nicht an die Front, wenn die eigenen Leute mit den Gewehren einem im Rücken sitzen?

Der Handymarkt wächst wieder um 30 %, Siemens hatte bei den Kommunikationstechnologien 50 % Umsatzzuwachs, und konnte sogar noch fast 5000 Mitarbeiter freistellen und die Anwohner der Sender wundern sich über die häufigen Krankheitsfälle unter ihnen.

Das ist ein Beispiel von erfolgreichem Wirtschaften, auf das wir, die Bürger nicht mehr verzichten sollten.

Doch weder ich- AGs und Arbeitslose, noch noch- Beschäftigte, und Dauerbeschäftigte- Versorgungsanspuchbezieher des Staats lassen sich so einfach auf ein Ziel ausrichten, so wie bei Siemens auf die Ertragssteigerung gepeilt wird.

Was wir jedoch alle zusammen können, denn wir, das Volk, sind ja der Staat, von uns geht alle Gewalt im Land aus und die Regierenden in Amt und Opposition vertreten nur unsere Interessen, können diese Interessenvertreter outsourcen um deren Effektivität und Produktivität zu steigern, den Apparat zu verschlanken und im ganzen damit erhebliche Kosten zu reduzieren um unser Bestehen in der globalisierten Welt zu sichern.

Warum Monat für Monat Sattelschlepper beladen, und alle Büros des EG- Palamentes über die Autobahn für Millionen von Euros rollen lassen, wenn wir diese gleich konzentriert in Tschechnien, Lettland oder besser nach Fernost, China böte sich auch hier an, zu für uns wesentlich besseren Gesamtkonditionen an einem Ort arbeiten zu lassen. Die Berliner Runde fliegt im Billigflieger hinterher.

Da könnten dann Milliarden eingespart werden. Da könnte die Praxisgebühr in einen Gutschein für den Biergarten, das Legoland oder den Ibizaflug umgewandelt werden, die Lohnnebenkosten und die Steuersätze enorm gesenkt werden, wie auch die Reisekostenerstattungen und die Wirtschaft hätte wieder ausreichend Luft in den Höhen des globalisierten Wirtschaftgebirges.

Warum die Krankenkosten in Deutschland verwalten, warum die Riesenberge von Steuerliteratur in Deutschland schreiben, die Prozesslawinen hier abarbeiten und für jedes Bundesland eigenen Lehrbücher, incl. Schreibschriften entwickeln, so dass ein hessisches Kind die Texte eines Thüringer 2 Klässers nicht lesen kann?

Ja, lasst uns die Verwaltung, den Wasserkopf im Land und der EG nach China verschiffen, lasst uns die Bürokratie in Containern gepackt exportieren, dann, spätestens dann, wird auch die chinesische Entwicklungwut, ob bei Kinderarbeit, Energieverbrauch oder Umweltverschmutzung verkümmern, und es bestehen sogar Chancen, dass wir durch diese innovationsfreudigen Mitbewohner dann die Chance haben, die letzten grossen Naturwälder des Planeten zu retten.

Noch viele Grüße aus Westhausen, solange es noch steht.

(Ja es gibt hier bereits Wüstungen in nächster Umgebung, und es werden nach ca. 20 jähriger Unterbrechung sicher wieder mehr) !

Bernd Schreiner

New bug indicates global warming

Experts say its arrival in the UK is a clear sign of climate change

An insect that normally inhabits warm countries has been found living and breeding in the UK, entomologists say. The green "shield" bug, which attacks a broad range of crops, is usually seen in the Mediterranean,...

Read the article: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/3815833.stm

Source: Greepeace News-headlines Digest, Vol 14, Issue 13

Zwei Drittel der EU-Abgeordneten für Eilverfahren vor Europäischem Gerichtshof

PNR/EuGH: Eilverfahren gefordert

Der Rechtausschuss des EU-Parlaments fordert ein Eilverfahren vor dem EU-Gerichtshof. Parlamentspräsident Pat Cox, dem die Angelegenheit übergeben wurde, geht nun wie üblich mit aller Energie daran, sie einer Verschleppung zuzuführen.

relayed by Harkank

Zwei Drittel der EU-Abgeordneten für Eilverfahren vor Europäischem
Gerichtshof - Empfehlung an Parlamentspräsident Pat Cox - Ziel ist Annullierung des umstrittenen Abkommens zur Passagierdaten-Weitergabe

Der Rechtsausschuss des Europaparlaments hat im Streit über die Weitergabe von personenbezogenen Passagierdaten an die USA eine Klage vor dem Europäischen Gerichtshof [EuGH] in Luxemburg gefordert.

Wie eine Sprecherin mitteilte, fiel dieser Entschluss am Mittwoch bei einer außerordentlichen Sitzung in Brüssel. Ziel des Gerichtsverfahrens ist die Annullierung des umstrittenen Abkommens.

Parlamentspräsident Cox am Zug

Der Sprecherin zufolge wurde der Text an Parlamentspräsident Pat Cox weitergeleitet. Formell muss die Klage vom Präsidium der EU-Volksvertretung eingereicht werden. Cox ist bis zur konstituierenden Sitzung des neuen Europaparlaments am 20. Juli noch amtierender Präsident.

Antrag auf Eilverfahren

Gut zwei Drittel der 30 bei der Sitzung anwesenden Abgeordneten verlangten, das Parlament solle beim EuGH klagen, um eine Annullierung der umstrittenen Vereinbarung zu erreichen.

Mehr dazu:

Quelle: quintessenz-list Digest, Vol 15, Issue 7

Pentagon Wasted Billions in Iraq

On Tuesday David Walker, head of the General Accounting Office, told Congress that the Department of Defense failed to adequately determine the needs of U.S. soldiers in Iraq. In addition, there was inadequate oversight on contracts issued, possibly resulting in billions of wasted U.S. taxpayer dollars (LA Times 6/16/04).

Read more:


Informant: EPIC

The Road to Abu Ghraib

Report Human Rights Watch June 2004

A new report by Human Rights Watch examines how the Bush administration adopted a deliberate policy of permitting illegal interrogation techniques – and then spent two years covering up or ignoring reports of torture and other abuse by U.S. troops. “The horrors of Abu Ghraib were not simply the acts of individual soldiers,” said Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. “Abu Ghraib resulted from decisions made by the Bush administration to cast the rules aside.”

Read the full report


Informant: EPIC

Senate joins 12,000 Americans in Affirming U.S. Commitment to International Law

This week the Honor the Legacy petition exceeded 12,000 signatures. Initiated and hosted by EPIC, the petition calls on President Bush to support international law.

EPIC is now excited to report the U.S. Senate has passed an amendment that strongly affirms America’s support for international law and makes clear the U.S. will not use torture against prisoners or detainees.

Offered by Senator Richard Durbin (D-IL), the measure requires Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to issue guidelines to ensure that treatment of detainees meets standards established by U.S. and international law. It would also require Mr. Rumsfeld to report any suspected violations to Congress.

Upon passage of this important legislation, Senator Dick Durbin declared: "I hope that this overwhelming support for this amendment at this moment in time will say to us across America who feel it is important to send this message, and to those listening around the world, that the United States still stands strong by its commitments to oppose torture and the cruel and inhuman and degrading treatment of detainees (VOA 6/16/04)."

The amendment was attached to an overall defense bill and passed the Senate by a unanimous voice vote one week after government documents surfaced saying the administration may not be bound by international anti-torture principles in the war on terrorism.

EPIC commends the Senate for passing the Durbin amendment and sending such a powerful bipartisan message to President Bush that America must uphold the Geneva conventions and other prohibitions against torture.


U.S. Representatives have not passed a similar amendment, and thus the Senate anti-torture measure could be removed or watered down when the House and Senate meet to decide on the final version of the Defense Authorization bill.

Ask your Representative and Senators to urge their Congressional leadership to ensure the Durbin language emerge from the House-Senate conference committee on the Defense Authorization bill IN TACT.

Take Action via the EPIC Anti-Torture Action Page at:


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