

Epidemiologists with secret ties to industry - Industry 'paid top cancer expert'

The paper by Hardell, Richter et al makes headlines:

Industry 'paid top cancer expert'

The scientist who first linked smoking to lung cancer was paid by a biotech firm while investigating cancer risks in the industry, it has emerged. The Guardian newspaper reported that Professor Sir Richard Doll held a consultancy post with US firm Monsanto for more than 20 years. During that time he investigated the potential cancer causing properties of Agent Orange, made by the company. But a former colleague said he gave the money he was paid to charity.

Professor Sir Richard Peto, a fellow expert in cancer, said: "Everybody working in this area knew that Richard worked for industry and consulted for industry, and would do court cases.

"It does not in any sense suggest that his work was biased. He was incredibly careful to avoid bias."

The Guardian reported that Sir Richard, who died in 2005 aged 92, received a US$1,500-a-day consultancy fee from Monsanto, then a chemicals company, in the mid-1980s.

During that period, Sir Richard wrote to an Australian commission on the results of his investigation into whether the chemical Agent Orange, famous for its use by the US during the Vietnam War, caused cancer.

He argued in his letter that there was no evidence that Agent Orange caused cancer.

Should come clean

Professor Lennart Hardell, of the Oncology Department at University Hospital Orebro, Sweden, has also studied the potential hazards posed by Agent Orange.

He was one of the scientists whose work was dismissed by Sir Richard.

He told the BBC Sir Richard's work was tainted.

He said: "It's quite OK to have contacts with industry, but you should be fair and say 'well, I'm writing this letter as a consultant for Monsanto."

"But he does it as president, Green College, UK - a prestige position; also the Imperial Research Cancer Organisation in the UK.

"And that makes a different position of the paper because you are an official university-employed person giving this position."

Further documents obtained by The Guardian allegedly show that Sir Richard was also paid a £15,000 fee by the Chemical Manufacturers Association, and chemicals companies Dow Chemicals and ICI for a review of vinyl chloride, used in plastics, which largely cleared the chemical of any link with cancers apart from liver cancer.

According to the newspaper, this is a view with which the World Health Organisation disagrees.

Doll's views on the chemical were used by the manufacturers' trade association to defend it for more than a decade, The Guardian said.

Sir Richard was the first to publish a peer-reviewed study, in 1951, to demonstrate smoking was a major cause of lung cancer.

Informant: Iris Atzmon.

----- Original Message -----
From: Mona Nilsson
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 5:27 PM
Subject: Fw: Epidemiologists with secret ties to industry

----- Original Message -----
From: Per Dalen
Sent: Tuesday, December 05, 2006 4:11 PM
Subject: Epidemiologists with secret ties to industry

The December 2 issue of the British Medical Journal carries a news article entitled "Professor Doll failed to declare interests when working on vinyl chloride". The first 150 words of the text are freely available at .

This news item is based on an article in the American Journal of Industrial Medicine."

The abstract:

Background Recently it was reported that a Swedish professor in environmental health has for decades worked as a consultant for Philip Morris without reporting his employment to his academic employer or declaring conflicts of interest in his research. The potential for distorting the epidemiological assessments of hazard and risk through paid consultants, pretending to be independent, is not exclusive to the tobacco industry.

Methods Documentation is drawn from peer reviewed publications, websites, documents from the Environmental Protection Agency, University reports, Wellcome Library Special Collections and the Washington Post.

Results Some consulting firms employ university researchers for industry work thereby disguising industry links in the income of large departments. If the industry affiliation is concealed by the scientist, biases from conflicting interests in risk assessments cannot be evaluated and dealt with properly. Furthermore, there is reason to suspect that editors and journal staff may suppress publication of scientific results that are adverse to industry owing to internal conflict of interest between editorial integrity and business needs.

Conclusions Examples of these problems from Sweden, UK, and USA are presented. The shortfalls cited in this article illustrate the need for improved transparency, regulations that will help curb abuses as well as instruments for control and enforcement against abuses.

The Swedish professor mentioned in the abstract is Ragnar Rylander, whose case has been quite thoroughly investigated in Sweden and Geneva and is widely publicized on the Web in the main European languages. The universities of Gothenburg and Geneva have been somewhat defensive during this process. As we know, cases of unethical behaviour in academia would often go unnoticed if it were not for the efforts of investigative journalists.

The next example in this article is professor Hans-Olov Adami, Swedish cancer epidemiologist who was recently given a top job at Harvard (). Chemical carcinogenesis is a perpetual problem, and it has often been taken for granted that epidemiologists have a key to its solution. The title of a 1995 article by science journalist Gary Taubes is "Epidemiology Faces Its Limits" (). This text is a neat summary of the situation in which the specialty had landed more than a decade ago. Looking for causal explanations by numerical methods has its limitations. However, epidemiologists are still much in demand when help is needed to stave off threats of government regulation.

Sir Richard Doll passed away in July, 2005. Obituarists remembered him as an impeccable and indeed exemplary scientist who saved millions of lives. Martin Walker has already aptly described this hagiographic tradition in his 2005 article, "Sir Richard Doll: Death, dioxin and PVC". Sir Richard's involvement in the so-called Spanish cooking oil scandal was touched upon briefly by Martin Walker in the article just mentioned, to which I might add the following links: .


Renowned Cancer Scientist Was Paid by Chemical Firm for 20 Years


Danish review

Please see enclosed full review on the Danish study from Dr George, he is willing to speak to any journalist about this.

[ The Latest Reassurance Ruse about Cell Phone and Cancer ]

Also read the commentary from Powerwatch UK. The German Doctors have also written a report, we are waiting for a full translation.

Also read about Sir Richard Doll in the Guardian who also sold out to Industry, sadly.

Epidemiologists with secret ties to industry - Industry 'paid top cancer expert'

Thank God we have some decent scientists and people left in the world who are willing to speak out against corruption.

Remember to buy the Sunday Express on Sunday and the Times on Monday.


We have now put up a initial commentary:

Alasdair & Graham Philips

Best wishes

Eileen O’Connor

EM Radiation Research Trust


Study finds no cancer risk from cellphones


Renowned Cancer Scientist Was Paid by Chemical Firm for 20 Years

A world-famous British scientist failed to disclose that he held a paid consultancy with a chemical company for more than 20 years while investigating cancer risks in the industry.


Global Corruption Barometer 2006



The Chernobyl-Dilemma: 'Chernobyl shows low level radiation is good for you'

The VOX german TV station showed a programme on the Tchernobyl-Dilemma. Some material was taken from the BBC. (The BBC showed a programme in July with Repacholi also). Here are some details we received from Alfred Tittman, see some pics below, and the text in German.

Repacholi belonged to forum Tschernobyl in accordance with IAEO

How many people died in Chernobyl:

at first only 28 workers immediately
+ 19 died until the year 2000
= 47
+ 9 children died of thyroid cancer
= 56 - not more!!!

All other numbers are wrong and only create panic among the public.

However also 4000 children got thyroid cancer in the same environment, but only one case was the result of radiation.

It’s certain that most of such cases have nothing to do with the reactor accident. Only a small portion of these illnesses is a result of radiation damage. According to Repacholi, it is not a proof for the increase of diseases or deformations by radioactive jets.

Interlocutors were:

Mike Repacholi

The American scientist Professor Ron Chesser, Texas technical university (animals in the surrounding field of the plant had been examined, no illnesses or genetic damage were shown),

Dr. Andrew Karam smelling Rochester Insitut OF Technology

Professor Antoine Brocks, Washington State, University - no danger, the fears are simply overrated

The whole report is my judgement a scandal - it carried the handwriting of the atomic lobby.

One cannot say more about it.

Alfred Tittmann.

VOX TV Sendung-- Strahlenangst - Das Tschernobyl-Dilemma

Informant: Iris Atzmon


Chernobyl true costs book - free

forwarded from llrc -

via artjar

(Recalling Mike Repacholi's contribution to recent BBC2 Horizon - prog. - 'Chernobyl shows low level radiation is good for you' )

Free downloads of ECRR Chernobyl book

In March this year the European Committee on Radiation Risk published a collection of reports from Belarus, the Ukraine and Russia, and across Europe, showing a wide range of diseases increasing in frequency and severity since the Chernobyl disaster. The picture it presents is dramatically different from claims that there are no discernible health effects apart from the deaths of a few firemen and up to 2000 mostly curable thyroid cancers. In the crazed view of some nuclear apologists, all the illness is due to social disruption, alcohol and radiophobia.

The ECRR committee have announced that they are concerned to make their book, with its important evidence of the true costs of nuclear pollution, available to the widest possible readership. A 4 megabyte pdf is on the ECRR web site and can be downloaded free of charge.

Chernobyl, 20 Years On [Now a free download]

As the International Commission on Radiological Protection moves towards publishing new Recommendations which totally ignore Chernobyl, we urge you to read the ECRR book and tell other people about its new availability. We understand that printed copies can still be bought through the ECRR site.

Low Level Radiation Campaign

From Mast Sanity/Mast Network



Mike Repacholi--Strahlenangst - Das Tschernobyl-Dilemma

Neue zeitliche Terminänderung !!!!

Betr. TV VOX -- Strahlenangst - Das Tschernobyl-Dilemma Doku Großbritannien 2006

Die Sendung beginnt bereits um 9.50 Uhr (nicht um 9.55 Uhr) also Sonntag, 29.10.2006 9.50 Uhr!!!

Eine nachträgliche Info ist evtl., sofern es angeboten wird, (das ist nicht sicher gestellt)

unter dann unter Ruprik "Video on Demand" abrufbar.

Nach telef. Auskunft des Senders VOX erfolgen Terminverlegungen mitunter, wenn das Thema noch einmal überarbeitet werden mußte. Ob dies im vorliegendem Fall zutrifft, wurde allerdings nicht bestätigt!


Alfred Tittmann


Mike Repacholi bis vor kurzem für den Mobilfunk bei der WHO verantwortlich bringt Zahlen ins Gespräch, die weit entfernt von seriösen weltweiten Erhebungen liegen.

TV Hinweis HÖR ZU (Nr. 42 v.13.10.06 Seite 91)

Donnerstag, 26. Oktober VOX 23.00 Uhr --

Strahlenangst - Das Tschernobyl-Dilemma

BBC Exklusiv

Nach den Erfahrungen von Hiroshima rechnete man mit Tausenden von Toten in Tschernobyl.

Der industriefreundliche Experte Mike Repacholi behauptet, es seien nur 56 gestorben: Strahlung in niedriger Dosis stimuliere die Selbstheilung.

55 Min.

Alfred Tittmann


VOX TV Sendung-- Strahlenangst - Das Tschernobyl-Dilemma




Offenbach-Post 26-10-06

Seite 36 unter der Rubrik Panorama

London (dpa) Norwegens Schafe radioaktiv belastet

Die britische New Skientist berichtet, dass Norwegens Schafe 20 Jahre nach dem Reaktorunfall in Tschernobyl noch immer erhöhte Strahlenwerte aufweisen. In diesem Jahr habe sich die radioaktive Belastung mit Caesium –137 auf bis zu 7000 Bequerel pro Kilogramm Schaffleisch im Vergleich zu den Vorjahren verdoppelt. Ursache ist die ergiebige Pilzsaison. Die dortige Strahlenschutzkommission sagt: “Niemand hat erwartet, dass eine solch hohe Kontamination nach 20 Jahren des Unfalls so hoch sein könnte. Das Schlachten der Tiere soll strenger kontrolliert werden.

Mehr.. in Originalausgabe Offenbach-Post vom 26.10.06


Tschernobyl ist überall

Samstag, 26. April 1986, 1 Uhr, 23 Minuten, 40 Sekunden. Im Block 4 des Atomkraftwerkes Tschernobyl explodieren 180.000 Kilogramm hochradioaktives Material aus dem Inneren des Reaktors. Das entspricht der Menge von 1.000 Hiroshima-Bomben... Als die ferngesteuerten Maschinenroboter, die u.a. das Dach von den Graphitblöcken reinigen sollten (...) wegen der hohen Radioaktivität nicht funktionierten, wurde eine riesige Armee menschlicher Roboter eingesetzt, die Liquidatoren (...) Viele Liquidatoren, schätzungsweise zwischen 50.000 bis 100.000, sind gestorben, und 90 Prozent von ihnen sind schwer erkrankt. In absoluten Zahlen ausgedrückt bedeutet das: 540.000 bis 900.000 junge Männer sind infolge von Tschernobyl schwer erkrankt.[1]
Mit welcher Skrupellosigkeit an der Atompolitik festgehalten wurde, machte die Informationspolitik der deutschen Bundesregierung deutlich: Sie beschwichtigte, verschwieg, verleugnete, verharmloste.... So behauptete der damalige Innenminister Zimmermann wider besseren Wissens, dass nur im Umkreis von 30 Kilometern eine Gefahr für Menschen bestehe. In Sachen Atompolitik herrschte defacto eine Große Koalition. Allen, von der CDU bis hin zur SPD war klar, dass die Wahrheit über die Folgen von Tschernobyl eine Dimension sichtbar gemacht hätte, die auch die Atompolitik im eigenen Land zum kippen gebracht hätte...

Weiter unter:


Radiation Linked to Thyroid Nodules in Atomic Bomb Survivors



Research scam makes waves - Doctor admits to cheating on more research

Doctor admits to cheating on more research

The Norwegian doctor and researcher who set off a scandal by admitting that he fabricated an article in the prestigious medical journal The Lancet has now admitted to also fabricating articles in two other journals as well.

Erling O Lyngtveit is the new attorney for the Norwegian doctor and researcher caught fabricating articles. He met with newspaper Aftenposten over the weekend. PHOTO: OLAV OLSEN

Dr Jon Sudbø, who's now admitted to fabricating three articles about cancers of the mouth, is currently on sick leave himself. PHOTO: RADIUM.NO Related stories: Research scandal will be investigated - 18.01.2006 Research scam makes waves - 17.01.2006 Research cheats may be jailed - 16.01.2006

Dr Jon Sudbø laid all his cards on the table over the weekend, according to his defense attorney, and also claims he regrets the medical bluff he mounted over the past several years.

Oslo attorney Erling O Lyngtveit told newspaper Aftenposten that his client "has expressed a desire to be completely open." Lyngtveit also said that Sudbø will cooperate with both a commission appointed to investigate the medical research scandal and his employer, the national cancer hospital in Oslo (Rikshospitalet-Radiumhospitalet)

Sudbø's fabrication of medical research has rocked not just the research community in Norway, but also in neighboring Sweden and the US, where Sudbø worked with some of the world's top cancer researchers. Several of them had been listed as co-authors of the articles Sudbø now admits fabricating, so the scandal affects their credibility as well.

The other articles Sudbø now says he fabricated include one published in The New England Journal of Medicine in April 2004 and another in the Journal of Clinical Oncology in March 2005, both of which dealt with cancers of the mouth. Sudbø admits that he fabricated fatality statistics in the first article, and cheated on blood test data in the second article.

"He therefore can't stand behind the results that are presented there either," Lyngtveit said.

The attorney stressed on behalf of his client, who's since been admitted to hospital himself and is officially on sick leave, that none of the fraudulent articles has had any consequences for patients. He said other data and studies that Sudbø has presented over the years are genuine.

Lyngtveit called the fabrications "a catastrophe" for Sudbø, "both personnally, professionally and socially. He's taking one day at a time. The most important thing for him now is to prevent his work as a doctor from coming into doubt."

Aftenposten's reporter Anne Hafstad
Aftenposten English Web Desk Nina Berglund

Informant: Iris Atzmon

Neue Studie zu den Auswirkungen der Tschernobyl-Katastrophe

Die Auswirkungen des Größt-Anzunehmenden-Unfalls (GAU) im Atomkraftwerk Tschernobyl seien geringer als bisher angenommen, behauptet ein internationales Wissenschaftlergremium in einem im September 2005 vorgelegten Bericht. Fast 20 Jahre nach der Katastrophe präsentiert das so genannte Tschernobyl-Forum unter Federführung der Internationalen Atomenergiebehörde (IAEA) das angeblich „wahre Ausmaß des Unfalls“ mit dem Tenor: „Alles gar nicht so schlimm“.









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