
Stealth Recruiting Database by Pentagon Violates Parental Rights and Student Privacy

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For Immediate Release

June 28, 2005

Stealth Recruiting Database by Pentagon Violates Parental Rights and Student Privacy


Last weeks revelation that the Pentagon hired an outside marketing firm to compile an extensive database of high school and college age students who meet minimum requirements for military service has earned the scrutiny of privacy rights advocates and the anger of moms across the country.

The Pentagon has violated the law and infringed on parental rights by compiling an extensive database of personal information on American teenagers, charges the chairman of a national anti-conscription movement.

“We’re outraged by the Pentagon’s predatory and illegal actions,” stated Janine Hansen, Chairman of Mothers Against the Draft (MAD). “Particularly troubling is the fact that the Pentagon compiled this massive, centralized database in secrecy, and has been using it for three years before giving public notice as required by the Privacy Act.”

The Joint Advertising and Market Research Recruiting Database (JAMRS), created with the aid of a private marketing firm, contains extensive information on 30 million young Americans between the ages of 16 to 25. Updated daily with new records, JAMRS includes such information as social security number, ethnicity, grade point average, areas of study, height, weight, postal and email address, selective service registration, and phone number.

“The very existence of the database is an unlawful and unwarranted violation of the privacy rights of our children,” declared Debbie Hopper, MAD’s Vice Chairman. “It’s also a clear warning to every mother in America that the Department of Defense, desperate to fill boots on the ground in Iraq , is more than willing to circumvent the law to ensure that no child is left un-recruited.”

“The military manpower problem is real and significant,” said Hansen. “When there aren’t enough volunteers, Congress is left with few choices. They can significantly raise taxes to support a mercenary force, change our foreign policy and reduce our overseas military commitments, or resort to the draft or some other form of compulsory national service to fill the gap.”

“We’re not anticipating a military draft like what we saw during the Vietnam War,” said Hopper. “We think it far more likely that we’ll see legislation mandating two years of ‘national service’ for all young men and women, perhaps coupled with a skills draft of older citizens who are doctors, nurses, EMT’s, Arabic linguists, and others who possess ‘special skills’ sorely needed by the military.”

“Conditions are growing ripe for such a push,” said Hansen. “It’s time for Congress to stop dodging the draft issue. The mothers of American have an absolute right to know if our elected representatives support a draft or other forms of involuntary national service. And our representatives have an absolute duty to tell us the truth.”

Parents can take action to protect their children’s privacy by submitting a request in writing to the Joint Advertising and Mark et Research Study Office. Opt-out forms and mailing instructions are available on MAD’s website at http://www.mothersagainstthedraft.org .

For more information or to arrange an interview with Janine Hansen, Chairman of MAD please call 775-356-9009. To interview Debbie Hopper, MAD Vice Chairman, please call 636-861-7052.


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Juni 2005

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