
How to ensure accurate Election Results

USCV is happy to announce the following new materials and progress. Please make use of these.

1. Thanks to the talents and efforts of volunteer Kim Tarner, USCV now has a professional brochure describing our National Election Data Archive Project and advising how to ensure accurate election results.


Please print this brochure and pass it out widely. It can also be used during house parties to raise funds.

2. A new letter advising state and county election offices regarding what election data is needed in order to monitor elections for accuracy and why.


Please put this into the hands of your local county and state election officials and include it when you request data using your state's freedom of information act.


3. USCV is making faster progress now towards implementing our National Election Data Archive project thanks to the support of our donors and volunteers.

We had two programmers reply to my last email to this list who may help us implement the public election document archive, plus several persons who offered to assist with marketing materials or help create videos.

4. Ron Baiman and I have thoroughly revised our latest analysis of the exit polls, removing simulation analysis, and will be asking the other USCV statisticians to read it, and our group of volunteer writers to assist with writing an executive summary for it soon.


5. I am leaving tomorrow to testify at the Election Assessment Hearing.


Please let any of you friends near Houston, TX know about it.
All the information presented by the Hearing Presenters there will be given to the Carter/Baker commission. David Cobb, the Green Party Presidential Candidate will be there, as well as Bob Fitrakis, one of the three lawyers sued by Blackwell in OH, and Bev Harris.

There is a lot of work to do to restore democratic elections in America and we need the help of all of you to:

1. Educate your own elected officials.

2. Educate your own county and state election officials and obtain the detailed data we need for analysis.

3. Get out the word and help raise funds to implement the National Election Data Archive project that will enable us to detect irregular vote counts in time to challenge the results.

4. I need to find a dedicated non-smoking soul to help me get my act together by being my executive assistant in Park City, UT in exchange for a modest place to live within my dwelling and a very modest stipend to start.

Best Regards and thanks to all of you,

Kathy Dopp


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Juni 2005

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