
Joy as mast plan is scrapped

Jun 22 2005

Ellesmere Port Pioneer

RESIDENTS are delighted plans for a mobile phone mast have been withdrawn.

More than 200 people in the Stanney Lane area of Ellesmere Port expressed opposition to the scheme.

But when it came to be discussed by borough planners, they were told it had been formally withdrawn.

Jonathan Edwards, for Vodafone, said: 'It may be we have to resubmit it at this location but, before this becomes the case, we will consider the alternatives with you.'

Eric Bowler, who helped organise a public meeting last month against the proposal, welcomed the withdrawal of the scheme.

But he said: 'Vodafone are looking for alternative sites so we've got to be vigilant and, if they come back here, we will oppose it again.'

Vodafone had wanted a 13.5m column with three antenna, an equipment cabinet and associated works near Underwood Drive.

But residents, worried about the health effects of having the mast near their homes and Stanney High, campaigned vigorously against it.

As well as the public meeting, they gathered a 103-name petition and a letter signed by 83 people. These were all sent to the council, with letters on behalf of 17 other homes.

A planning report, compiled before the application was withdrawn, said: 'Given the visual impact on the residential area, a refusal would be justified.'

It suggested Vodafone look at alternative sites, such as near Cheshire Oaks.

The council has refused a separate mast scheme. O2 wanted to put a 12.5m mast at Vauxhall Motors Boxing Club on Station Road, Little Sutton.


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Juni 2005

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