
Residents want more communication from phone giant

The Bromsgrove Standard 23 June 05

RESIDENTS living near a proposed mobile phone mast site are seeking an urgent meeting with the company after fears the development could be hazardous to their health.

The issue was discussed at a meeting of the town's planning committee on Monday (June 20) and it was decided no decision should be taken until all interested parties had met.

Members of the planning committee resolved not to give approval to the development. But if a public meeting is not held before July 18, the last day on which the council can make a decision, the application will automatically be granted.

T-Mobile want to build a station and 12-metre 3G mast at the Texaco garage on Old Birmingham Road, Lickey, close to Lickey Hills nursery school.

Officers said 163 letters of objection had been received from irate residents opposed to the plans and a petition with 14 signatures from the nursery.

Committee members expressed concerns that as it was classed as a permitted development, the only reason they could refuse the application would be an objection to where it was situated.

Coun Jean Luck said local people had very deep concerns over the proposals and all members agreed to delegate powers to officers to arrange a meeting.

Coun Roger Hollingworth said: "We should stand with the people of Bromsgrove and reject this application and let the Government decide."

T-Mobile spokesman John Shaughnessy said they had looked at alternatives but regarded the option with a replica telegraph pole as a suitable solution.

"The weight of world-wide scientific evidence is that there is no link between these base stations and the health of the community," he said.

Omega this is not true. See under:
http://omega.twoday.net/topics/Wissenschaft+zu+Mobilfunk/ and



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