
Ordenan la retirada de la antena de telefonía móvil del Parador



Ordenan the retirement of the antenna of Movable movable telephony of the Telephone Inn will have to retire and to stop of immediate form the activity of the telephony antenna that is located in the tile roofs of the Inn of Tourism of Ferrol. Thus the Concello de Ferrol has ordered it and concretely the council of Urbanism and Infrastructures, that have opened a sanctioning espediente to the company. Writing/Ferrol the antenna is installed in the tile roofs of the hotel establishment/Luis Pole the presence of the antenna had generated the denunciation of some thirty neighbors of the Real Street since the structure was to less than 100 meters of the school of the Disciples as well as of the gardens of Herrera. Indeed the Municipal ordinance of telecommunications of the Concello de Ferrol establishes that the distance must be superior. The denouncers have expressed their joy by the measurement although now they say that they will have left the hardest part, the fight so that the telephone company fulfills happiness distant. In relation to the antennas of movable telephony, the ocal Federation Roi Xordo de Ferrol has informed into which it will comprise of a state coordinator who will group the organizations whom they have in common the defense of the health of the affected ones by this type of facilities. Roi Xordo met the last week in Madrid with other associations of all Spain that demand the revision of the state and autonomic regulation in this land as well as the accomplishment of scientific researches on the electromagnetic contamination and, mainly, studies epidemiologists who can determine if some type of relation between certain diseases exists and the electromagnetic emissions. A new meeting in September is anticipated to put the name to the coordinator, who will count on people of Ferrol, besides to define its functions.


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Juni 2005

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