
Phone mast protesters ring changes

Haverhill Today

The campaign against a mobile phone mast on Haverhill's Hazel Stub roundabout continued this week, with residents urging members of the local community to oppose the plans.

As previously reported, Hutchison 3G is appealing against a decision by St Edmundsbury Borough Council to refuse permission for a telecommunications mast on the roundabout.

Residents collected a petition of 400 signatures opposing the mast, amid concerns about health and tumbling house prices, but were stunned to find out the Planning Inspectorate – which is handling the appeal – would not accept the petition.

On Monday evening they began canvassing homes in Castle Reach area, to gather signatures on letters to be sent to the appeal.
Borough councillor, Adam Whittaker, said they had a good response and people were eager to support the cause.

On whether they would succeed in fighting the appeal, he said: "I think the decision of the planning committee was made on the right basis, we argued on the environmental basis and we're hoping the appeals committee will do the same."

He added: "Everyone's got a mobile phone but they just wish the masts were on more suitable sites."

Meanwhile protestors say they are angry to have so far received no response from Hutchison 3G to their request to work with the company to find a more suitable location.

West Suffolk MP, Richard Spring – who has vociferously campaigned against phone masts in the town – has added his support to the campaign, writing personally to the Planning Inspectorate.

16 June 2005


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