
Phone mast for square thrown out

Jun 16 2005

By Linda Foo Guest, Maghull & Aintree Star

PLANS for a mobile phone mast at Central Square have been quashed by Sefton Council.

Vodafone's application to put a mast outside 46 West-way has been refused by Sefton Council's planning committee.

The mast was refused because it is an intrusive feature on the street scene.

Maghull councillors say they are "cautiously optimistic" that their efforts have seen off the telecommunications giant.

Cllr Cliff Mainey said: "I am delighted but tinged with a bit of caution that this mast application has failed at this attempt.

"As well as its proximity to a residential area this is a town centre. We must keep its open aspect.

"I believe the visual impact would be detrimental."

Mobile phone company, O2, first applied to build a mast at the same spot and was refused by Sefton Council.

The company have since appealed to the government's planning inspectorate who have reversed Sefton Council's decision and granted O2 permission to erect a mast on the spot.

Cllr Roy Connell said: "The three ward councillors would like to thank and congratulate Dorothy Barns and other residents who supported the petition.

"This is not necessarily the final decision, the applicant could appeal to the planning directorate and the decision could be overturned as was the one for O2."

A spokeswoman for Vodafone said: "It is a great disappointment for Vodafone's application to be rejected.

"We will look very carefully at the reasons for the decision before we appeal, it won't be a hurried decision."


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Juni 2005

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