
Mobile phone giants have put new mast plans on hold

by David Wynn


PROTESTERS in East Kilbride have rung up a victory against mobile phone giants T-Mobile.

The News can reveal the German company has ‘put on hold’ plans to erect a 50 foot phone mast on Mossneuk Road.

The shock decision comes after nearby residents and Hairmyres councillor David Watson launched petitions against the controversial plans.

More than 300 people put their names to the protest amid fears that the masts are a health hazard.

And locals were delighted this week when T-Mobile announced they are now looking for a more suitable location.

The unlikely victory will also give hope to fellow protesters in Calderwood and Stewartfield who are battling against similar plans for their area.

Councillor Watson said: “This is definitely a victory of sorts as T-Mobile are now looking for a more suitable, alternative site.

“They have said the plans are ‘on-hold’ because they have to be very careful about how they word such things.

“If they said they were scrapped then that would perhaps set a precedent and the company obviously wouldn’t want that.

“But this has shown that if a community sticks together and shows resolve then things can be done.

“We voiced a lot of concerns about this proposal and in fairness to T-Mobile, they took these on board.

“If the company did decide to come back to this site or another one in my ward then I would be looking for re-assurances that they would carry out a full public consultation and also attend a public meeting.”

Residents living near Barrie Road in Calderwood and Fairfield Place in Stewartfield will now be looking to give T-Mobile another bloody nose after they announced plans to build masts near them.

A spokesperson for T-Mobile confirmed the company were looking at alternatives to Mossneuk Road. He said: “After pre-planning consultation we have re-evaluated the site and are looking at other options.

“We have looked at the various feedback and want to find the best alternative for both the company and the communities we serve.”

The spokesperson added that no decision had been made yet on the proposed sites at Calderwood and Stewartfield as consultation was still ongoing.


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