
We'll fight to get rid of phone mast

Warrington Guardian

RESIDENTS who say they weren't told of plans to erect a phone mast say they will try their best to get it taken down.

The first thing that residents knew about a Vodaphone mast on Dewhurst Road in Birchwood, was when workers arrived this week to erect it.

Now mum-of-four Tracy Valentine, who lives in nearby Whitworth Close, says with the help of other residents, she is too start up a petition against the mast.

She believes the residents should have been consulted about the proposals which were passed by Warrington Borough Council as a 'deemed application', which are new planning laws, in January this year.

She said: "No residents have been informed about this.

"The first we knew of it was when the workers arrived to put it up.

"We all though that they were speed cameras at first.

"It just seems so underhand in how it is done. I would urge anyone who lives nearby to come and sign the petition."

The petition will be in the Oakwood Neighbourhood Centre if anyone wishes to sign.


Their are no 'new planning laws' that I know of - and no such thing as a 'deemed application'. It might well be that the council failed to respond to an application for prior approval within the statutory 56 days and thus it was approved by default - in other words 'deemed'.

David B


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Juni 2005

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